The One Awakened

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The One Awakened Page 19

by Yvette M Calleiro

  Drake looked away. He could see that he agreed with him but couldn’t bring himself to admit it. Admitting it would mean that he had knowingly left his son in danger, and he couldn’t face that fact. Rafe understood that, and he did not hold it against his father.

  “Father, I came here with the intention of finding help to save Sofia. She didn’t deserve to be locked in a cell, and then when I found her in that crystal cage, I knew that I had made the right choice.”

  “I cannot argue with you, son. What Damiana did was horrible and unacceptable, but to go to our enemies for help…Why couldn’t you have come to me? We would have found a way to trick Damiana long enough to save Sofia.”

  He shook his head. “These people are not my enemies, Father. My mother is here, and she loves me and accepts me, which is more than I can say for Damiana. In fact, everyone here accepts me, even Ar’ch,” he said and half-laughed. “I am nothing to them. I am not their savior, but I feel more love here than I ever did around Damiana.”

  “Did you not feel my love, son?”

  Rafe regretted his words. “Of course, I did, Father. From the moment I met you, I felt your love, and I knew that it had nothing to do with being the savior. I also know that you love Sofia, even though she never wanted to believe it.”

  “Then, why have you betrayed me and helped our enemies?”

  He slumped a little in his chair. “I haven’t, Father. Truly, I haven’t. The Elders called upon Sofia and me. They asked me where my loyalties lie, and I told them the truth.”

  “What did you say, son?”

  “I told them that I love you and that I will not fight against you. I told them that the demons and deminions are good people and that you all are not evil.”

  Drake laughed. “I’m sure they told you otherwise.”

  “Actually, they didn’t. They said that the Goddess still loves all of you, even those who have strayed away from her.”

  His father scoffed. “And you believed them?”

  Rafe nodded. “I do, Father. I felt Her presence, and it was incredible.” He watched his father shake his head. “I have not been brainwashed or coerced, Father. I was given free will to choose my own path.”

  “And what did you choose, son? Did you choose to fight against me?”

  He smiled sadly. “No, Father. I would never fight against you or the demons and deminions. I love you all. But I cannot fight with you, either, because I love my family here, too.”

  “So, what then?” His father asked in frustration.

  “I chose Sofia, Father. I chose to protect my sister and our savior. I will fight against no one unless they try to bring her harm.”

  Drake sighed and sat back in his chair. After a moment, he smiled. “I truly wish you were by my side, son, but of all your decisions, that is the one of which I am most proud. I do not want any harm to come to either of my children, and to know that you are protecting your sister brings me great peace.”

  Rafe smiled and released the breath he had been holding. “Thank you, Father,” he said and paused, gathering his strength for his next comment. “Father, I do not want this war. Neither does Sofia or any of the Diasodz. I worry that she will be hurt. The Diasodz want peace. The Elders said that they do not want harm to come to the Raizyns. Can’t you just call the war off?”

  His father shook his head. “I cannot stop the war, son. The wheels are already in motion.”

  “You are the king,” he said.

  Drake laughed, but Rafe sensed the sadness layered within his laugh. His father looked at him and said, “I love you, son, and I love Sofia. I will make sure that no harm comes to either one of you, but the war will happen. It is Lucifer’s will, and Damiana will never agree to peace.”

  “I am afraid you will lose,” he admitted.

  His father pressed his lips together. “Perhaps so, my son, but should we win, you and your sister will always have a place in my kingdom.”

  He blinked his eyes rapidly to fight against the tears that threatened to form. “I love you, Father.”

  “Son, you will never know how much those words mean to me. And I do love you. Do not ever doubt that,” he said and looked beyond the screen. “I must go now. Take care of your sister for me.”

  “Yes, Father,” he said.

  “Goodbye, son,” his father said before the transmission ended.

  Rafe became filled with an overwhelming panic that he would never see his father again. He left the conference room and went straight to the training center to pound against the punching bag. Each punch carried with it a mixture of fear and hurt and anger. He had just found his father; he didn’t want to lose him. And if he lost him, he had no one to blame but himself for choosing his mother’s side over his father’s.

  He felt a hand on his shoulder and abruptly turned around to see Angel standing there. He pushed Angel away and said, “What do you want?”

  “I felt your hurt and anger and thought -”

  “What? That you could make it all better? Well, you can’t!” he yelled.

  “Rafe, I just wanted to -”

  “You wanted to take away my pain? Make it all go away? You wanted to be my hero? Well, news flash. Unless you can stop this war, you can’t help me. Just leave me alone!” he yelled and turned back around to punch the bag again.

  “Sure, whatever you want,” Angel said and left.

  He continued punching the bag with more fury and frustration than before. Again, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around again, ready to lay into Angel some more. Instead of Angel, he saw Ar’ch a second before his fist met his jaw. He fell to the floor and lay still, completely stunned.

  “You are such an ass!” Ar’ch said. “Angel just wanted to be your friend. He felt you hurting and wanted you to know that you were not alone. Keep pushing him away. Please. He deserves so much better than you.”

  Ar’ch turned and walked away, leaving him still lying on the floor. He hadn’t even had time to react. Ar’ch’s punch had not only knocked him to the floor; it had also knocked some sense into him. Ar’ch was right. He had been a jerk to Angel, and he didn’t deserve that. All his anger disappeared, and he was left with nothing but regret. Regret for hurting his father. Regret for hurting Angel. They both deserved better, and somehow, he would find a way to make it up to them. At least, he hoped that he could.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Sofia walked into the High Council meeting and could not believe that there was a full house. She had never seen so many people at a council meeting before. When she walked in with her “family,” the crowd stopped talking abruptly before starting up again in hushed voices.

  Valerie and Liana walked in front of her. Ar’ch and Rafe were at her sides, and Angel, Mel, Kai, and Z were behind her. She sensed tension between Rafe, Ar’ch, and Angel, but she hadn’t had time to ask them about it before they entered the courtroom. She followed the others as they took their places at the front and then sat down to wait for the proceedings to begin.

  “This place is packed,” she whispered to Ar’ch. “Where did all these people come from?”

  “Most of them are the leaders of their smaller councils throughout our world. They have come to meet you and to learn about the upcoming war so that they can prepare their citizens.”

  Just then, the High Council members entered, causing everyone to rise. Nolan, Felyse, Katarina, Alexandra, and Lucas took their seats, allowing everyone else to sit. Sofia felt self-conscious with so many people staring at her. She looked over to Rafe and saw that he felt the same.

  “Ar’ch, Angel, Sofia, and Rafael, please stand,” Lucas said. After the four of them stood, he continued, “The Elders have delivered their findings on your visit. The Goddess has chosen the four of you to lead us in this war against the Raizyns. Rafael has been given the title of Protector of our Savior, as have Ar’ch and Angel, and therefore, will be allowed to fight by her side. Sofia has been confirmed as our savior, although they do have some concerns about her
youngling status,” he said.

  A collective gasp filled the room with the reading of Rafe’s title and again with the announcement of her status. When Lucas stopped speaking, someone to her left said, “Your Highness, maybe we should try to induce the savior’s transition.”

  Ar’ch spoke out immediately, “Absolutely not! She could die.”

  “Maybe it is best if she isn’t there,” Alexandra recommended.

  “The Elders have confirmed that she is our savior,” Nolan said. “Do you not want our kind to be saved?”

  “Of course I do,” Alexandra replied, “but she cannot be trusted.”

  “I trust her,” Ar’ch said.

  “So do I,” Angel said.

  “And I,” Rafe added.

  “And I,” Valerie, Liana, Kai, Mel, and Z said.

  Alexandra laughed. “And that should make us feel better? You are fools. A youngling cannot disobey her seed mother, and their bond is even stronger since Damiana, the Raizyn queen, is also her birth mother.”

  The crowd began murmuring with one another. Sofia could feel her heart racing. She hated to admit it, but Alexandra was right. Her biggest fear was that Damiana would have complete control over her.

  Nolan called the crowd to order. “The Goddess chose her. Do you doubt the Goddess’ ability to protect her?”

  Alexandra stayed quiet. Lucas looked at the other High Council members and then out to the crowd. “Are there any other objections?” Lucas asked. The room was deafeningly quiet. “Very well, then inform your citizens that we must continue to keep our skills strong. We must be ready to engage when the Raizyns send their summons. Our business for today is done, so I bid you all farewell and peaceful times until we meet again. Blessed be.”

  Lucas stood, causing the other High Council members and the crowd to stand. After the High Council members exited, the crowd began leaving while talking in hushed voices. Ar’ch wrapped Sofia into a hug. She closed her eyes and relaxed in his embrace while she waited for the crowd to completely disperse.

  Once everyone left, she said, “I’m so glad that’s over.”

  “Me, too,” Rafe said.

  Valerie smiled. “The Elders have found you all worthy, just like I knew they would. Now, let’s go home and try to relax a bit before we all get back to preparing for the upcoming war.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement, but Sofia didn’t know how much relaxing she’d be able to do, knowing that the entire race depended on her ability, or lack thereof, to save them.


  Alexandra paced back and forth while Drake sat calmly on the fallen trunk. It irritated her that he could be so calm when everything seemed to be falling apart. She hated seeing her sister looking all smug and superior at the High Council meeting. She had hoped that the Elders would confine both Sofia and Rafe, but even with their doubts, the Elders were allowing them to participate in the war.

  “They are preparing for war, Drake. You missed your opportunity for the element of surprise.”

  “We never needed it, Alex. We have the savior,” he said.

  “Sofia is on their side. She will not help you win,” she replied. She hated that both of his children had chosen her pathetic sister over their own father. She could understand why neither one of them wanted anything to do with Damiana, but she couldn’t see why either of them would choose her sister over their father.

  He sighed. “Is she still a youngling?”

  “Yes, but there was talk of inducing her transition.”

  She saw the anger rise in Drake and embraced it. She loved when he showed his strength and power. “They wouldn’t dare! She could die.”

  “Apparently, her life is of no concern to them,” she said and rolled her eyes. “But don’t worry. They decided against it.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief. “Then, her mother will still be able to control her.”

  “What if she can’t?” she had argued the same point, but the council members had so much faith that the Goddess would protect Sofia that she had begun to doubt Damiana’s hold on her.

  “Damiana is her seed and birth mother. Sofia won’t have a choice.”

  “The Elders seem to think -”

  “I don’t care what they think,” he interrupted.

  “Drake, please. I have a bad feeling about this,” she said. Ever since Sofia had been taken back from him, Alexandra couldn’t shake the feeling that things were going to turn out badly.

  He sighed. “I cannot stop this war, Alex. And I will not be a coward and not fight. I was chosen by Lucifer, and I will not abandon him. He saved my life when I was a child, and I owe it to him to see this through.”

  She wiped away a tear that disobediently fell down her cheek. “Very well. You can’t blame me for trying.”

  Drake stood and took her into his embrace. “We will see each other again on the other side of this war, Alex.”

  She leaned against his chest. “I pray you are right, Drake,” she said. If she lost him after so many years of waiting for his release, she would completely fall apart. He had become her everything. She had arranged to have him taken care of during his stay at the Dimension of Redemption. She had kept him informed of what the Diasodz were doing. She had done everything within her means to protect him, but she was at a loss with how else to help him. And if she didn’t find a way to keep him safe, then she might lose him forever.


  Drake exited the portal with renewed determination. What he said to Alexandra had woken him up. He could no longer be complacent about this war. Lucifer had chosen him as his king so many life years ago, and he owed it to Him to make sure that the Raizyns won.

  He had been so concerned about his children’s welfare that he had lost sight of the ultimate goal. Thousands of Raizyns, demons, and deminions were counting on him to lead them to victory. They had given their very souls to Lucifer for this cause. They were determined to stand up to the Diasodz and prove that they were the true examples of freedom. Lucifer had saved his life when he was just a child, and now he would repay Him by showing the Diasodz that they did not have to do their Goddess’ bidding.

  He found Damiana sunbathing again. “Do you ever plan to train?”

  She looked up at him through her dark sunglasses. “I have trained with Martin and Khameel, not that I need to. I have absorbed enough power from our daughter to defeat anyone, especially a few, measly Diasodz. Plus, we have Sofia. She will destroy them all with one simple command from me.”

  He felt his anger toward her resurfacing. He could no longer continue the façade of even liking her. If she hadn’t locked their daughter in a cell, Sofia might have never left them. She had hurt their daughter more than anyone else ever could, and he would never forgive her for that.

  “The High Council has met. They are preparing for war,” he said.

  She laughed. “It’s about time. I will send Khameel with the declaration then.”

  “Are you sure you do not want our allies to attack from their locations? It will give us the element of surprise.”

  “We do not need it. We will follow our old laws. I want the world to witness this takeover.”

  “If we attack them from various angles, their forces will be spread too thin, which will give us the upper hand.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Some of our allies are weak. I will not allow the Diasodz to have even one minute of hope.”

  “Suit yourself. I will let our allies know,” he said with a shrug. Damiana took off her shades and looked at him. “What?” he asked.

  “I was expecting more of a fight from you.”

  He laughed. “You forget that this is my war, woman. You can pretend that you are in charge, but our allies follow me.”

  She smiled. “You’re so sexy when you take charge.”

  He stiffened and glared at her. “You tortured our daughter, Damiana. There will never be anything between us again.”

  “Oh, give me a break!” she said. “She’s fine.”

��She is our daughter!” he yelled. “I will never forgive you for hurting her and turning her against us.”

  She shrugged. “We will see if you feel the same way after we win the war.”

  “If you dare hurt either of my children again, I will kill you myself,” he said and turned to walk away. Just before he was out of earshot range, she had the last word.

  “You can try,” she said and laughed when he kept walking as far away from her as he could get.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Liana and Sarah knelt in the garden, laughing. Liana felt so relaxed with the sun on her back and the soil between her toes. She had missed the garden that she had planted at her home on Earth, and it felt refreshed to finally be reconnected with the earth.

  “It is so good to have you home again, cousin,” Sarah said. “I have worried about you, and Sofia missed you terribly.”

  She smiled while she pulled a few herbs from the ground. “Letting her go was the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” she said.

  “I believe you. I don’t know that I could have done it, but you have always been so strong.”

  Liana didn’t feel strong, but she knew better than to argue that point since Sarah would never believe that. The door to the house opened and shut. She turned around to see Valerie walking toward them.

  “Sarah, may I have a few moments alone with Liana?” she said when she reached them.

  “Of course, Miss Valerie. I’ll just take these vegetables and herbs to the kitchen.”

  Liana stood, handed Sarah the herbs, and watched her walk away. She looked down and wiped her hands against her apron for something to do. She and Valerie stood in an uncomfortable silence, neither one knowing what to say.

  Valerie pointed to a bench near the garden and said, “Can we sit over there for a bit?”

  “Of course,” she replied.

  When they were both seated, Valerie said, “You left the portal room quickly the other day. I was hoping we could talk.”

  “I did not think you would welcome me here, so I wanted to keep my distance.”


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