The One Awakened

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The One Awakened Page 24

by Yvette M Calleiro


  Sofia sat upright in her bed and inhaled the fresh infusion of oils that Sarah and Liana had put in her room. She hoped that they proved themselves to be successful because she needed all the help she could get to sleep well this night. Tomorrow would determine the fates of everyone that she loved, and they were all counting on her to help them win the war.

  She leaned back against her headboard and sighed. She looked at her walls, which were decorated with the Elemental Fields and her golden willow tree. The golden willow tree with its limbs swaying in the imaginary breeze covered the wall behind her headboard. The field of sunflowers grew under her window, and the mountain range stood majestically on the wall connected to her closet and bathroom door. Her other wall showed the peaceful lake with the purple wall of Chinese wisteria and lavender behind it. She tried to remind herself of how peaceful those areas were when she had visited them with Ar’ch, but she kept imagining how that peace might be destroyed tomorrow with the war.

  She grabbed her journal from her nightstand and turned to a new page. She wanted to make sure that she put her thoughts on paper just in case her mother took control over her during the war.

  In case the war doesn’t end well, I want whoever finds this to know that I love our Goddess, and I love the Diasodz who have raised me and loved me. Liana has been the best mother that a daughter could have asked for. I know that she made every decision with love and self-sacrifice, and I feel blessed that she chose to love me, even when she had no reason to.

  I am grateful that Valerie and Nolan still consider me part of their family. It would be easy for me to think that they only do so because I am the savior, but I know that is not the case. I know that they truly care about me, just as I truly care for them. If I could have it my way, Nolan would be my father. He is what I’ve always pictured when I’ve fantasized about how my father would be.

  Rafe and Mel are my best friends, and now I can add Angel to that list. I cannot imagine my life without them, and I hope I will never have to. I hope Kai can get Mel to settle down. I think he’s the only one who ever will. And I hope Rafe and Angel will finally realize that they are perfect together.

  And Ar’ch…from the moment he entered my dream, I knew that I was his. He is my life. He is my love. He is my everything. There is nothing I wouldn’t say or do just to see him smile. I thank the Goddess every day for choosing him for me.

  I will admit that I am scared, but I am also filled with so much love. And that is my biggest fear…that I will lose someone that I love tomorrow. I will do everything in my power to make sure that that does not happen. After all, it’s my destiny, right? Here is to hoping that I fulfill it well.

  Sofia closed the journal and placed it back on her nightstand. She caressed her teardrop necklace and sighed. She had begun wearing it again after Ar’ch had rescued her. She stared at the four chambers made of aquamarine, coral, quartz, and topaz. She now understood that the stones represented the elements. Together, they kept her safe, just like Ar’ch, Rafe, and Angel helped her feel whole. She lay down and wrapped herself in her blanket. Then, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She just had one more day to get through, and then she could finally be at peace.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Sofia sat on the floor of the meditation room staring at the permanent moon on the horizon. The sun began to rise, painting the sky with hues of blue, purple, and splotches of orange. The sun’s first rays glinted off the golden willow tree, illuminating the field that would be desecrated by the war.

  The door opened behind her, but she kept her eyes focused on the outside view. Mel sat down beside her and looked outside. “You couldn’t sleep, either?”

  She shook her head. “I slept well until about an hour ago. I just kept thinking that if this is my last day alive, I want to enjoy the beauty of this world.”

  Mel sighed. “It is beautiful, but I gotta tell you. I miss the simplicity of working at TGIF and going to yoga classes.”

  She laughed and then sighed. “I can barely remember that life. And truth be told, except for possibly dying today, I love it here.”

  Mel laughed. “Girl, I know you do.” Mel nudged her shoulder. “Who wouldn’t love having your hottie by her side?”

  She rolled her eyes but smiled. “Look who’s talking. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you and Kai. I might be able to create fire, but the two of you are sizzling.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so. You two were meant for each other.”

  “We better be because I ain’t letting no one else anywhere near him.”

  Sofia laughed and shook her head. Her heart became heavy, stealing away her laughter. “If I die today, I want you to know that I love you and that I feel blessed to have had you as my best friend.”

  Mel hugged her. “You are not dying today. There is no way that any of us will let harm reach you, so stop worrying. I got your back, girl.”

  She blinked away her tears when she heard the door open again. She and Mel both turned around and saw Rafe standing at the door.

  “Is this a private party?” he asked. They laughed and stood. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but it’s time to get ready.”

  Sofia nodded. She took one last look at the rising sun and then turned back to him and said, “Lead the way.”

  When they reached the training center, everyone was already dressed in the same attire. They had been given the Diasodz war uniform the night before. The silver and blue shirt and pants were made of a material that was flexible enough to allow the wearer to move effortlessly but strong enough to withstand minor hits and scrapes. A direct hit from a sword would penetrate but only if there was great force behind it.

  Sofia liked the sleekness of the design. The pants were mostly silver; the blue began at the waist and traveled down the sides of the legs. The top was also silver, but the blue was more intricately woven into a design that begun in the chest and traveled through the arms and down the sides.

  Kai handed Mel her sword and its sheath while Rafe went to grab his. Ar’ch came over to Sofia, carrying just the hilt of her sword. She took it from him and pressed the button that allowed the blade to burst forth. She felt the electricity humming within it, almost as if it begged for action. She pressed the button again to hide the blade and tucked it into her belt.

  Angel, Nolan, and Valerie were also there, waiting for everyone else to get ready. Valerie wore her beautiful, long, brown, straight hair in a tight French braid that hung down her back. Liana and Sarah came to wish everyone well. There were no tears today; today was about bravery and the belief in being the victors. Once Liana and Sarah left, Nolan handed everyone a transponder.

  “The rest of the Diasodz will be meeting us there through the traditional portals that have been set up by the Raizyns and the Diasodz. The sun is almost completely risen, which is when we can depart. Everyone knows his or her duty, correct?” Everyone nodded. “Let the other Diasodz fight the Raizyns. Our job is to protect Sofia. Now, let us pray.”

  He led the group in a prayer to the Goddess. She felt the tears coming and took a deep breath. She stayed strong. She could do this. She had to. She felt Ar’ch take her hand and looked up to see him smiling at her. She wanted to tell them all how much she loved them, but the words wouldn’t form.

  When Nolan finished his prayer, Ar’ch asked her, “Ready?” She nodded. He smiled, took her hand in his, and looked at everyone else. “See you on the battlefield.”

  She blinked, and her scenery had changed. No longer were they in the training center; they were standing in the bright sunlight of the field. The small hills of white freesia flowers were behind them as they faced the fields of tall, brown grass. The sycamore trees stood in the distance with the mountains looming behind them. She guessed that the Raizyns would come from there. The moon glistened on the horizon, and she reminded herself that the Goddess was with her.

  Ar’ch wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. She tasted his
fear as well as his resolve to keep her safe. He placed his forehead against hers and said, “I’m with you, and I will protect you. Just stay close to me, please. Remember that you are still human.”

  She forced herself to smile. “I love you,” she said and kissed him again. She wanted to say so much more, but the words wouldn’t come.

  “And I love you,” he replied.

  Her family appeared next to her and took their agreed upon formation around her. Other Diasodz began to show up and take their places along their side. The High Council walked over from the portal and shook her hand.

  “I know that your family will protect you, but I wanted you to know that no harm will come to you today. We are grateful that you have chosen to stand beside us,” Lucas said.

  She whispered, “Thank you.” She recognized the irony in the situation since she was supposed to be saving and protecting them.

  The Raizyns began to appear and take their place in front of the trees. She couldn’t stop herself from taking a step back and cringing. They were a beastly sight. Dressed in red and black uniforms, the demons and deminions looked even more grotesque than usual. She recalled how one of the demons had wrapped itself around her on her date with Ar’ch and how she had burned him to death. She remembered having to walk beside them at Damiana’s house. Everything about them still scared her.

  Her necklace became warm against her skin. She clutched it and took a deep breath. It warned her that danger was near, though she was very aware of the threat in front of her. She wondered if the Diasodz’s tattoos were also alerting them. She looked down the line of warriors. The veterans stood tall and ready, but she saw a few of the younger Diasodz rubbing parts of their uniform. She figured that their weapons-to-call tattoos were probably located in those areas. She looked over to Rafe and saw that his tattoo had begun to glow with a deep purple hue.

  More Raizyns kept spilling out of the portal. She looked at their own army and wondered if they had as many Diasodz as there were Raizyns. Where had all those Raizyns come from? She couldn’t believe so many people had turned away from the Goddess. She looked again to her right and left and felt relieved to find Diasodz still coming through their portals. She took a deep breath and reminded herself to release her fear and focus on her faith.

  Sofia didn’t know how long she had been standing there, but it felt as if it had been for hours. Commotion began on the Raizyns side; Damiana and Drake had arrived with Khameel, Jade, Martin, and Harmony at their sides. Damiana wore a dramatic red pantsuit that exuded confidence and power, whereas Drake was dressed mostly in black with a few lines of red running down his arms and sides.

  Sofia’s heart began racing. The moment of truth was finally upon her. Ar’ch and Angel had come to find her on Earth to bring her to Caelagios for this very moment. She was the last hope for every Diasodz who lined up beside her against the Raizyns. And yet she had no idea how she would save them, let alone save herself.

  It is prophesied. Trust in our Goddess, Ar’ch thought to her.

  She turned toward him. He stood about two steps to her right. She took a deep breath and nodded. She could do this. She would do this. She had to.

  Drake took five steps forward and began speaking. She could easily hear him despite the distance between them. “For far too long, the Diasodz have tried to rule over our kind. The time has come for the Raizyns to rule. We fight for our independence. We fight for our rightful place in our world. We fight to rule us all.”

  Every Raizyn began to bang his sword against his shield and yell in agreement. She looked over to Rafe, wanting to see his reaction. He stood tall and strong, but his face gave away nothing. She wished she could read his emotions or hear his thoughts at that moment. She knew that, of all of them, he was having the most difficulty standing against his father.

  Lucas stepped forward, drawing her attention back to the scene. “The Diasodz will be ruled by no one other than our God and Goddess. You will lose this war because She is on our side.”

  Damiana’s laughter could be heard clearly across the field. Sofia felts chills down her spine and swallowed. Her mother walked forward and stood in line with Drake. She stood regally and powerfully, and she harbored every bit of power that she had stolen from Sofia within her.

  Damiana looked across the line of Diasodz and laughed loudly again. “You are all fools. The gods have lost their powers. That is why they do not intervene. That is why they cannot restore your skills. They are useless.”

  She paused and then continued, “You harbor my daughter amongst your line. Are you hearing me clearly, Diasodz? The girl that you believe to be your savior is not who you believe her to be. I claim Sofia as my rightful daughter, and since she is still just a youngling, she must obey me.”

  Sofia heard rumbling among the Diasodz and took a deep breath. She felt her family take a step closer to her to not only show their solidarity but also to protect her.

  Damiana continued, “You all have placed your loyalty in a faulty goddess. Denounce your goddess now and join our side or die. This is your last chance.”

  Sofia could not bear to think that anyone would turn against the Goddess. Before anyone could move, she took two steps forward, straightened her shoulders and said, “I love our Goddess and choose Her always.” Out of her peripheral vision, she saw the line of Diasodz stand straight and tall. “You have never been a mother to me, and I want nothing to do with you.”

  She looked down the line of the Raizyns. Among the demons and deminions were Diasodz like Khameel who had yet to sign their souls over to Lucifer. “The Goddess loves you all, even though you have been led to believe otherwise. Choose Her love now, and you can have your lives back. Our Goddess is a forgiving Goddess. Choose Her now, and you will no longer have to serve Damiana.”

  Damiana laughed. “They serve Lucifer, and that will not change. I have ordered them to fight in his name, and they will not defy him. And neither will you.”

  “Yes, I will,” she said, though she felt her confidence waiver.

  “You are my daughter and you will obey me! I order you to pledge your allegiance to me now!” Damiana screamed.

  Sofia fisted her hands and stood tall. She tightly sealed her lips and shook her head as she tried to resist the command of her seed mother, but the pull was too intense, and she felt her resolve slipping away.

  Just then, she felt the softest touch of fingertips on her lower back. She inhaled deeply when an infusion of strength travelled from those fingertips to the very core of her soul. She slowly turned her head to see Valerie behind her. Valerie, who had the power to provide temporary strength to another, smiled at her with glistening tears of love filling her eyes. She may not have been her seed mother or her birth mother, but Valerie loved her more than her seed mother ever could.

  Sofia turned back to Damiana and said, “You are not any mother of mine.” She felt the strength and the power in those words and knew that her next words would hold true because she understood the power of love. “The Goddess is my mother in all things because She is love, and I only answer to Her. I denounce you as any relation of mine and sever any hold you could ever have on me.”

  She felt a short, searing pain run through her center as if a chord had been cut, and then the heaviness that had been holding her hostage dissipated with a sigh.

  And in that very moment, Damiana screamed with rage and fury and a vengeance that pierced her ears.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Damiana felt an unbearable pain sear through her and realized that she could no longer control Sofia. She should not have been able to do that. She was still a youngling, and that meant she had to obey her seed mother. How dare the Goddess interfere in their war!

  She felt her anger gather in her core and felt the electricity coursing through her veins. She looked over at her daughter and saw Valerie standing behind her, touching her back. Damn that woman for once again taking what belonged to her! That would be the last thing either of them ever did.
br />   She raised her hands and aimed them at the two people whom she hated most and expelled all the power she had gained from Sofia. It would be poetic justice for her own energy to be the death of her, and with her death, the Diasodz would fall to her wrath.

  With revenge in her eyes, Damiana lifted her arms and pointed her fingers directly at Sofia. Just as she released her power, Drake screamed, and she watched in horror as he jumped in the path of her electricity.


  Drake listened to his daughter stand up to Damiana and denounce her power over her. He could not have been prouder of her. Sofia had managed to have more courage and strength than he had ever had. He looked at his son and locked eyes with him. Even though they were far apart, he could still see the love and worry on his face.

  He smiled at him to let him know that he loved him. Rafe smiled back, which warmed his heart and gave him a small sense of peace. Even though they were on opposing sides, they still loved each other, and that mattered the most to him. He turned his attention back to his daughter when she severed her connection to Damiana.

  He knew it had worked when he heard Damiana’s excruciating scream. How could Sofia have possibly broken her connection to her seed and birth mother unless…Drake took a deep breath. Damiana had been so certain that the Goddess was powerless, but the only Being that could break that bond would be the Goddess Herself.

  He had mixed feelings about this event. On the one hand, he felt relieved that Damiana no longer had any power over his daughter. On the other hand, it gave the Diasodz the upper hand. Their only way to win the war now was to follow the rules of engagement and hope that they overpowered the Diasodz. Unfortunately, he doubted that Damiana would agree with him.


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