A Brother's Generous . . . Offer

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A Brother's Generous . . . Offer Page 1

by Catharina Shields


  Corporate attorney Eyleen Pendleton thinks she's been sent out to lobby a new, extremely wealthy client for her corporate law firm in tropical Florida. Desperate to make partner, she knows that if she can sign this account, partnership is definitely in the cards.

  In fact, it was held over her head like Damocles’ sword.

  When she arrives at the home of this potential client, she’s not in the best of moods, but she soon enough discovers things could go from bad to worse in a blink of an eye. She gets the shock of her life when she discovers that this important client is none other than her estranged younger brother, Ryan, with whom she shares a past that she’s been struggling to forget.

  She tries to be as professional and business-like as she can, all the while haunted by the memories of their past and passion the moment she looks at him and his generous . . . member. She struggles to maintain a cool and professional front, knowing full well how important this account is to her bosses and her career, but little brother Ryan is all grown up and he’s become a wily businessman who's on a quest.

  He, too, is haunted by the extreme pleasures he’s experienced with his older sister, and he’s worked hard to get to this moment in time. Even his beautiful sister’s aloofness won’t deter him from fulfilling his dream, and as she attempts to lobby him for his account, he turns the tables on her and presents a generous offer of his own, one he knows she won’t be able refuse.

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  A Brother’s Generous . . . Offer

  Published by

  C. Shields at Smashwords.com

  Copyright 2011 by C. Shields

  Cover Design by Catharina Shields

  Editor: Jayce Elle

  All Rights Reserved

  Special Acknowledgement:

  Warm and very special thanks to Jayce Elle for helping me with proofing and editing my work. Your generous help and razor-sharp insight has truly been invaluable to me.

  Author’s Note:

  This is an original work of fiction.

  All characters depicted are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  All characters are 18 years of age or older.

  This is an Adult Romance with bro/sis sibling incest theme.

  It contains anal sex.

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  Table of Contents


  About the Author

  Connect with C. Shields

  A Brother’s Generous . . . Offer

  Biscayne Point, Miami Beach, Fl…

  “My name is Armand,” the tall butler said kindly. He was clearly of Cuban descent, boasting a friendly and generous smile. “You are early, Miss Pendleton.”

  “Good-afternoon, Armand,” Eyleen greeted politely. “Yes I am, but I hope that I’m not too early? Mr. Ryan is in I hope?”

  “Oh yes, he is in. This way please, Miss Pendleton.”

  “Thank you,” she said with a smile.

  As he led the way, Eyleen Pendleton’s heels clicked softly over the shining marble floors behind him. He escorted her into an airy room that opened to a private, ultra luxury pool any hotel would envy.

  Twenty or more vacant chaise lounges were set out around the sparkling pool in the Florida sun, and you could hear the ocean rushing to the shore beyond the swaying palm trees. The sea breeze floated in along with soft Cuban music through billowing lace curtains in front of open French doors.

  “Would you like something to drink, Miss Pendleton?” Armand asked kindly.

  “Ice tea if you have it, thank you, Armand,” she answered politely.

  “Please, make yourself at home, Miss. Señor Ryan will be with you momentarily,” he said, and she produced a cool, professional smile as she nodded.

  She calmly headed for the white, overstuffed leather sitting-group by an unlit fireplace. She frowned as she looked down at it. A fireplace? Who needs a fireplace in tropical Biscayne Point, Florida? It was so pointless, she thought with her usual cynicism.

  Eyleen looked professional as the attorney she was. She had arrived at the home of this very important potential client, wanting to present her most capable face. He was, after all, CEO and President of a large corporation even though it was a pornography conglomerate.

  The corporation made tens of millions of dollars in revenue a year. If she succeeded in getting that account, it would be the largest account the firm had ever won since its inception twenty years ago.

  Although it was breezy, sunny, and beautiful in that part of Florida, thirty-four-year-old Eyleen Pendleton would rather have remained in her air-conditioned office. She was an attorney with Waterman, Vasquez, Oosterhout & Associates LLP for nine years now, and four of those had been spent playing foot soldier.

  Over the years, she’d recruited more than her fair share of finicky clients for the firm, and she thought she was done with that. She was apparently wrong. That’s why she was a little more than just a little miffed at being sent out to recruit this one.

  For some reason Edgar Waterman, senior partner of the firm, wanted her to court this one personally. As a favor, he said. It had been four years since she finally got to hang up her saleswoman cap for the firm, and it irked her that she had to dust it off one last time.

  “It better be the last time,” she scoffed.

  Ambitious Eyleen, however, wanted to make partner. It was hinted at that, and if she could win this client over, partnership would definitely be in the cards for her.

  She had to meet Mr. Ryan at his home in the exclusive waterfront community. She would’ve preferred a nice, neutral place for this meeting. Like a four star restaurant or someplace like that, but Edgar Waterman had told her Mr. Ryan wanted the meet at his home. She hoped it wouldn’t get ugly. Clients usually felt empowered when doing business on their own turf. It always made for a harder sell. Not impossible. Just more difficult.

  As always, she arrived a half hour earlier than expected. It was always good to show punctuality with possible new clients, but it was better when you went that extra mile. In this case, unfortunately, it was necessary. There was another law firm lobbying for this account. It just so happened they were their chief competitor, too.

  She took a seat in one of the four armchairs. She sat prim and stiff with her briefcase set by her brown, sling-back pumps. Her shoulder-length, dark brown hair was naturally highlighted with gold, twisted up into a prim bun at the back of her head. She wore a fitted long sleeve, maize-color satin blouse, and copper-brown skirt . . . and a well-trained, serene look on her face.

  Although she appeared very professional, unbeknownst to her, she also breathed a certain sensuality that was hard to deny. The figure-fitting cut of her outfit showed her curves nicely, and the satin blouse and tiny waist emphasized her large, plump breasts.

  Some moments later, Armand returned with a tall glass of ice tea with a slice of lemon plunked on its edge. She thanked him and he quietly left. She consulted her plain wrist watch a couple of times while she had a sip of her refreshing ice tea, trying to squelch her impatience. To divert it, she quietly gazed around the room with big, azure-blue eyes; eyes that always seemed to be in awe of something.

  They were also eyes that successfully hid her tenacious, unrelenting will.

  As she gazed at the portraits of tropical, Floridian landscapes and sparkling blue seascapes, her mind wandered to her two children. Her two boys never did resemble their father. In fact, they looked more like—

  She cleared her throat and shook those painful memories from her mind. Instead, she thought about the twins and hoped to finalize this deal in a few hours. She’d otherwise have to call their nanny, Laura, to stay on a while longer.

  Something in one large framed portrait made her squint with interest. It was a portrait of a beautiful white yacht. There were at least ten completely nude young women waving at the photographer, but that wasn’t what caught her full attention.

  She rose from her seat and calmly walked over to that portrait, eyeing the name on the yacht. It was christened “Eyleen”. She blinked big, surprised eyes, reading her name on a luxury boat. Then her attention was drawn to the only man on it, and her plump, glossy lips tightened.

  He was very tall, well built, and dressed in a Cuban shirt and white slacks. His black hair glimmered blue in the bright sunlight, and he wore black Ray-Bans over his eyes, but even they couldn’t hide his identity from her. Never from her.

  Her lips tightened as her eyes shot fire. She felt betrayed. She immediately turned around to leave, but then she suddenly froze in her tracks when she spotted the tall, bronze figure of the man from the photo. He was calmly leaning in the doorway staring at her for god knows how long. When he caught her attention, he smiled.

  “Hello big sis.”

  She felt rattled and unsure of herself now. That always happened when she was around him, and she hated it. He smiled at her with twinkling sterling blue eyes before he pushed from the jamb and entered. His hair was, as always, haphazard and wild, but what rattled her so was his lack of dress. He was only wearing a tiny black Speedos, and a white with black towel draped around his muscular neck.

  “Ryan,” she returned with a polite, cool smile. She gave him a brief nod of her head. “What a . . . surprise.”

  “Really?” He quirked black brows. “How sweet.” He smiled. “Nice one I hope.”

  “Yes. Surprise,” she merely said. “Tell me, did you plan this?”

  He arched a brow as he looked over at her cool, serene face. “I apologize for the charade, but somehow I was convinced if you knew who you were coming out to see, you would’ve changed your mind.”

  She smiled a little cool. “Well,” she began, “now I’m here, and understanding I’m a half hour early, perhaps you’d like to dress first?”

  “Why?” He smiled with a curious frown. “I’m in my own house.” He shrugged. “Want something stronger than that?”

  “No thank you. I don’t drink when I’m working, and you know why I’m here—”

  “—I know why you think you’re here,” he said as he headed toward the large, elegant bar. The thing took up half the wall. Once behind it, with his broad back to her, he poured himself a glass of strong drink.

  She popped brows. “I’m here for business, right?”

  “Oh yes,” he said with a strange tone as he grinned over his shoulder, and she arched a brow. “But don’t worry, Eyleen. It’ll be more than just mutually satisfying for us both. I guarantee you that by the time you leave here you’ll leave with a smile.”

  “Good,” she said, although she looked a little wary.

  He sent her another mysterious smile before he turned from her again, and she briefly heard ice cubes tinkling in a glass. “Sorry to hear about your divorce,” he said before he turned to look at her. “I hear he skipped off to Australia or something?”

  He came from behind the bar with blue eyes twinkling as he bent his head to sip his drink, walking toward one of the opened French doors with billowing curtains.

  “Argentina, actually,” she corrected him. “And even with that grin, I’m sure you mean it too,” she drawled, but she couldn’t help but admire her brother’s tall, very tan physique—and the large bulge in his trunks.

  She flustered a moment when she discovered where she’d been peeking, but then it dawned on her that he was heading outside as he slipped his black sunglasses down over his eyes.

  “Where are you going?” She looked a little annoyed after him.

  “Come on. You’ll see, Sis,” he said with a sexy grin before he was swallowed up by billowing, silk curtains.

  Having no choice but to follow, she swept up her briefcase. Her heels clicked hard as she nearly stomped after her younger brother out into the sunshine, and into the elegant and luxurious pool yard.

  “Is this a joke?” she demanded to know, her eyes narrowing on him.

  He seated himself on a chaise lounge. With long, muscular legs straddling each side, he seemed unfazed that she had a full view of his heavy scrotum; one that was barely concealed in that ridiculously tiny piece of Lycra.

  “No. No joke,” he said. “Come sit down with me.” His dark hand patted the tropical colored cushion of the chaise beside his.

  “Can’t we go sit in the shade or something? It’s very hot out,” she said as she walked over to the designated chaise, but stopped short.

  On the cushion lay an ice-blue bikini—and one that looked all too familiar to her. She looked thunderously from the bikini to her brother’s handsome, smiling face.

  “You remember,” he noted. “It’s a start. Always thought that bikini looked perfect on you. You’re a C-cup now, right?”

  “Excuse me?” She was angrily indignant. Despite the breeze it was hot, and heat always made her irritable.

  “Your breasts must’ve grown another cup size. You used to be a B-cup. Let’s see if I guessed it right.” He feigned a thoughtful look. “32-C now, right? You don’t look like you’ve gained any weight, so you still have to be a 32.”

  “What the hell is this all about, Ryan?” she demanded; indignant. Fingers were gripping tight around her glass of tea and her briefcase handle.

  “Concluding business,” he said as he looked up at her through his shades. “How are the twins by the way?”

  “They’re fine.” Then she shook her head, clearing some cobwebs. “Wait a minute! How did you know about the twins?”

  “Oh, Eyleen,” he chuckled, “I know more than you think.” He smiled. “Now why don’t you change out of that stuffy office ensemble and put on the bikini. I’m sure it fits. Like you said, it’s too hot out here especially wearing silk and cashmere.”

  “Then maybe we should go inside to conduct business,” she said, almost gritting her teeth. She was infuriated because it looked as if her brother was playing games.

  “But I want to conduct business out here,” he said as he lazily ran his cold glass slowly up then down his ripped abdomen as he leaned back in the chaise. He didn’t bother to raise his long legs onto the chaise, but he did raise an arm to put behind his head giving her a good view of his muscular biceps and chest. “Isn’t the motto of your firm “Clients are Kings”?”

  Think partnership, Eyleen! Think partnership!

  “Fine.” She nodded stiffly.

  He watched as she lowered herself to sit on the edge of the chaise, making sure she didn’t come anywhere near the sparkling, ice-blue bikini. She set her briefcase down on the foot end of the chaise as he quietly sipped, watching his uptight older sister open her briefcase to take out a file. She couldn’t know just how sexy she looked, even in that business ensemble.

  The Florida sun was merciless, and she was already feeling droplets trailing down her back. She fidgeted a little, but ignored it and took out her slender pen. She scooted to sit with knees properly tight together facing him as she twisted open her pen, and opened the file of contracts on her lap.

  “Well,” she said with expelled breath, “since you know why I’m here, I don’t want to waste your time, so I’ll get right down to it,” she began. “Waterman, Vasquez, Oosterhout & Associates LLP is one of America’s finest corporate law firms specializing in the protection of our clients—”

  “—Are you mad at me?�
� he asked, cutting off her well-prepared sales pitch.

  “No,” she said then bent her head to look at her papers. “Now, about Waterman—”

  “—Do you ever think about that summer in Hawaii?” he cut her off.

  She raised her golden-brown head to look cool at him. “There’ve been many summers in Hawaii.”

  “With me,” he noted. He watched as her lashes flickered a moment before she looked at him with that cool sheen in her ocean-blue eyes. It was a cool, standoffish gleam he didn’t like.

  “Yes, of course,” she answered serenely. “Anyway, as for the services our law firm can provide, you’ll find we’re more competitive than Wasserman, Bingham, Rosenblatt & Associates—”

  “—I really want you to put on that bikini,” he cut her off again, and she glared annoyed now. “I really feel at a disadvantage, and I don’t like conducting business when I feel at a disadvantage. Besides, big sis,” he smiled, “why so shy? It’s just us here.”

  She really wanted to forget it was so incredibly hot out, but her sweaty back and her brother’s remarks were making that impossible. Still, she hesitated.

  “I don’t see why I should—”

  “—Please?” he asked quietly, and her stoic face softened just a little. It had always been hard to refuse Ryan anything ever since they were children.

  “Okay, but no more games, Ryan,” she warned with an exasperated sigh. He smiled and she accepted his silence as his agreement. She nodded as she took up the bikini and rose to her feet before she moved to go back inside.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “To change.” She arched a brow down at him.

  “What’s wrong with right here? It’s only us, Eyleen.”

  “There’s still Armand.”

  “Gave him the day off,” he countered. “So no more excuses. Like I said, it’s just us.”


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