Baby Blue_A Father's Day Secret Baby Romance

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Baby Blue_A Father's Day Secret Baby Romance Page 15

by Juliana Conners

  The pressure inside me is staggeringly immense, pressing hard against my shut cervix. This sensation grows stronger with each drilling thrust Zach delivers. He smashes his spongy head into my deepest depths, making me cry out and scream his name.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry, was that too hard,” he worriedly asks me.

  “No, don’t stop,” I beg as I gasp for air.

  I bite my lip, and endure more of Zach’s forceful but satisfying thrusts into me. It’s an addiction. I manage to keep myself from screaming, even though each time Zach plunges his cock into me, it hits my cervix. I don’t want him to stop though, and I fear that another pained yell will cause him to worry. The last thing I want is to do anything that’ll keep him from filling me up with the semen I’ve been craving for the better half of a year.

  It felt like destiny when he began undressing me and now I’m about to reach an orgasm of epic proportions. The second I feel my body start to tense, I know just how life changing this climax is going to be. I beg Zach to fuck me like he hates me, and when he does, my eyes are forced to the back of my head by the euphoria ripping through every inch of my mortal vessel. My legs began to spasm and I couldn’t help but think that I looked like a person who has having a seizure from the waist down. The rest of my body has to look more like it’s going through a type of spirit possession.

  My seizing ends with a drawn out sigh that I have to assume is my soul escaping my body.

  “That was amazing,” Zach whispers. “You clenched your pussy so tight, you nearly ripped my dick in half. It felt incredible. But now it’s my turn to cum.”

  I grab the pillow I’m resting my head and push it close enough to my face that I could bite down on it to suppress my screaming from what was sure to be a merciless fucking. Finally. He grabs my hips with both hands and uses his cock like a jackhammer, quickly and powerfully stretching out my hole.

  Needless to say, Zach seems to be enjoying pounding me until I lose all sensation in my body. To both of our satisfaction, he uses me like a sex doll. After putting so much work into making me climax, he’s able to free himself and fuck me like the unrestrained, feral animal he is underneath his cool demeanor.

  His ferociousness almost has me thinking that he’s moments away from a gruesome transformation into a werewolf. He starts to growl, and move his body more recklessly as he nears the explosive finish.

  I have an out of body experience as Zach finishes. I ’m somehow able to step out of my body and watch Zach drain his balls into my pussy. Once. Twice. And a third, final time.

  Even though I feel as though I can watch the culmination of our sex session, I can also feel the cum being pumped into my pussy, delightfully filling me to capacity. Just how I like it.

  With one jerk of his body, Zach pulls his throbbing cock out of my pussy and rests on his back. This swift, forceful act sends me back into my body, though it’s a body I can’t control. Zach nearly fucked all of the life out of me, leaving me trapped in a vessel that has been fucked to the point of exhaustion.

  Zach sits up looking as red as a lobster and offers to get me a drink of water from the kitchen.

  “...Ye... Yes… Please,” I mumble with whatever strength is lying dormant in my body. He smiles and walks away.

  I’m able to lie down flat on my back and look up at the popcorn ceiling of Zach’s apartment. I see stars. Green and purple stars appearing and disappearing from my sight, somehow blending in with the colorless ceiling.

  Alone on the bed, I feel my body transcending into another existence. Traveling through the multicolored stars appearing due to my fatigued, post-coital state. In a way, I am transcending my current existence. I am becoming someone new.

  I accept this.

  Chapter Thirty


  As a trained officer, I have studied the art of keeping my cool during situations of stress. And it is an art. The difference between a good police officer and a failure is how they react under difficult circumstances.

  That said, I am sweating bullets and am frozen in place. Stress. Anxiety. Fear. Excitement. I feel too much, and my heart only beats faster each time I think about how noticeable it may seem to the ocean of eyes looking at my direction. The sensation of having an audience for my anxiety takes me back to a comparable time in my life.

  My rookie year.

  I had my gun trained on the entrance of a Bank of America. I was on one knee, constantly looking through my patrol car at our Sergeant. She looked like an unfeeling machine, how a cop should look during a standoff at a bank robbery where hostages are being held. I was doing my best to mimic the Sergeant’s body language of courage, and commitment to making sure the hostages get out safely. Nothing is distracting her. Or scaring her. Not the thought of the many possible casualties. Not the swarm of reporters gathered around us. Not the ten other squad cars or SWAT team. She’s keeping her cool, like a good police. I take after her, and think about how she can stay so calm and collected. She’s breathing normally. She’s got a straight back. She’s wiping off whatever sweat forms on her forehead. Once I start doing the same, I feel my heartbeat slowing. Everything around me turns to black. I look straight into the entrance and wait for someone to walk out. Because of this, our Sergeant, myself and the other brave men and women of the police department were able to keep three armed men from killing any of the twenty four hostages.

  Thinking back on this helps often. Especially now.

  Instead of an officer’s uniform, I’m sweating through an expensive, black, wool blend suit. The many people looking at me aren’t news reporters or curious onlookers, but guests. And I have no squad car door to hide behind.

  Kayla and I had agreed that we would have a small wedding, but even with the short guest list, I still feel as though I have too many people watching me trying to avoid a breakdown. I’ve been in shootouts, watched people die, and yet now is when I can truthfully say that I’ve been the most scared in my entire life. My life is going to change forever. It’s exciting. And terrifying.

  I love this feeling but I hate how it must make me look. My damnable pride.

  To add to the pressure, the organ starts. Damn you, Felix Mendelssohn for writing the most sweat inducing song in existence.

  But my training, so well encapsulated by the Sergeant’s silent advice once again saves the day. I breathe normally. I keep my back straight. I quickly wipe of the sweat collecting around my hairline. Everything around me fades to black. Until I see her.

  Kayla turns into the aisle, crossing arms with Chief Douglas. Or Greg, as he’s insisted we call him. That’s gonna take me a while. Chief Greg is the best I can do right now.

  He has become a father figure to both myself and Kayla. With all he’s done for us both, and what he meant to our Dad, it’s only fitting that the Chief walks her down to give her away.

  As she walks towards the altar, the blackness around me fades into a glow. A stunning incandescence acting as a frame from Kayla’s unrivaled beauty. She was so nervous about her appearance with her now very visible pregnant belly, but this has to be the most gorgeous woman to have ever lived.

  Kayla’s face is slightly hidden by the veil, and even so, her beauty shines through. The guests rise from the pews to get a full view of her dress and gasp in delight as she walks further down the aisle.

  Thanks to her, I find myself irreversibly cool.

  I can hardly remember why I was so nervous in the first place. The only outcome to marrying this wonderful lady is spending the rest of my life with her, and I can’t even imagine a negative consequence to that.

  She quietly mouths a timid, “Hi,” as she walks up the steps of the altar. She kisses Chief Greg on the cheek and stands in front of me.

  It’s the moment I’ve waited for since we first met.

  The only downside to this moment is that my best friend and partner couldn’t live to see it. Still, I feel Arria’s presence and she’s helped me get this far, even through death. I know she’s here, as proud
of me as Ford must be of Kayla. In a way, she is here. My eyes scan the pews and land on the face of Arria’s wife and their adopted daughter. She gives me the thumbs up.

  In another sly move, Kayla motions me to wipe something from my face. A tear. And it’s down to my chin. All of the emotions I’ve been bottling up while standing up here must have bottled up and exploded from my tear ducts. Kayla’s beauty, the memory of Arria, the anxiety of marriage, and the excitement that a married life entails. It all resulted in a single tear sliding down the side of my face.

  Kayla urges once more that I wipe it away, but I instead embrace it and hold her hands in mine.

  I’m unable to hear any of what the officiator has been saying. I was lost deep in Kayla’s eyes while he was going through his opening remarks. He recounts the odd but lovely story of how Kayla and I ended up here, for those who weren’t completely in the know and of course, for tradition’s sake.

  What shakes me back into reality is him calling out my name.

  “Zach. Would you like to proceed with your vows?”

  I nod my head and revert my gaze into Kayla’s eyes.

  “Kayla, from this moment, I take you as my best friend for life. My partner. I pledge to honor, encourage, and support you as we walk through life together. When our way becomes difficult, I swear I will stand by you and uplift you, so that through our union we can accomplish more than we could alone. I promise to work at our love and always make you a priority in my life. Our story may have started off in an unorthodox manner, but it is without regret that I stand before you today. With this ring, I give you my heart.”

  Ma, acting as our ring bearer, holds a pillow with both rings. I slide her sterling ring on and look up at her brown eyes shedding tears of joy. Now it’s her turn.

  Through her laughing and sobbing she goes on to read from a folded paper, she had stored in her bosom.

  “I knew I’d cry, I just wish I could have waited just a bit longer. Ha-ha. Now… Zach, since we met, I knew we’d be together. You are the love of my life, the missing part of me that makes me whole. I’m excited to be with you from this point on and I promise that our lives will be filled with laughter and love. I will be forever loyal, and I will strive to bring out the best in the both of us. With this ring, I give you all of me.”

  She takes my rings from the pillow and places it on my ring finger.

  The officiator clears his throat and continues with his script. Unintentionally, I space out again. Until he reaches the “do you’s.”

  “Do you Kayla Thomas take this man as your lawfully wedded husband?”

  She nods enthusiastically and answers, “I do.”

  He turns to me. “Do you Zachary Clark take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife?”

  “I do,” I answer.

  With his arms open, he announces, “Then it is with pleasure that I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

  And it is with pleasure that I hold Kayla’s face in my hands and pull her towards my pursed lips. A roar of applause erupts, but fails to interrupt our kiss that may be admittedly going on for a bit too long.

  I get down on one knee to welcome another person into my life. The child growing inside of Kayla. I plant a soft kiss on Kayla’s belly and get back up to walk her down the aisle and into the limousine we rented to drive us around the block a few times.

  Once the guests have left the church and gathered at a nearby party hall, we pull up and make our first official appearance as husband and wife. Night fell shortly after. By 10pm, the party was reduced to a handful of people. I guess you could say I was focused on the afterwards with my new wife. With that, Kayla and I finished our night elsewhere.

  We rented a cabin outside of town for our honeymoon. Our original plans had Hawaii or somewhere tropical involved, but we thought it best to not board a plane since Kayla was eight months pregnant. Instead, we chose a small town surrounded by pine trees and not much else. The cabin we rented overlooked a small lake. A lake with a lot of privacy.

  The moment we arrive at the cabin, we hurry inside and shed our clothes.

  “Should we wear bathing suits? Or our underwear?” Kayla asks.

  “What for?”

  We walk out into the crisp night air in nothing but our wedding bands. We’re totally alone. Kayla asks to sit down near the water so she can dip her feet in.

  “Are you sure,” I ask, “it’s going to be freezing.”

  “I’m carrying a child, I need some freezing water for my feet. I’d rather feel nothing than this soreness I’m suffering through,” she jokes.

  The two of us sit at the edge of the lake so Kayla can take some weight off her feet and rest them in the cold. I look at her, still framed by a glow. Moonlight bouncing off of her flawless skin. Her enlarged tits point up to the sky as she lies down on the sand.

  We finally did it. We’re together. Completely.

  And now that we’re together, there’s nothing that can keep me away from her. I lean over and kiss her neck.

  “Feeling frisky? Even with my belly looking like this,” she asks pointing at her pregnant stomach.

  I kiss her again and whisper, “Kayla, you can’t still think I could do anything but want you. You’re a gorgeous angel. And I’d like to consummate our marriage, if you would grant me the pleasure.”

  “Now? On this lake?”

  “Our only light is the moon. What moment would be better,” I ask curiously.

  She smiles. “As long as I don’t have to be on my feet,” she answers, laughing. Her laughter makes her chest bounce enticingly. Each time she takes a breath, her nipples fall in a hypnotizing manner that makes me want to leap up and pounce on her.

  So I do.

  I place her shoulders down against the sand and move my body up so her face meets my cock perfectly. Without even asking, she takes my cock in her mouth and fondles my balls, playing them like a guitar. She’s been doing this a lot more lately as of late, after she discovered that it usually gets me to climax quicker and more powerfully.

  The way she was going at my cock had me thinking she would one day be a great cop, because my cock was officially under arrest and the holding area was her mouth. In only a matter of minutes, my shaft was begging to shoot a load, but it was then that Kayla pulled me out of her mouth.

  “I want you to fuck me as your wife. Now,” she demands.

  Happy to oblige, I turn Kayla on her side and use the saliva dripping covering my member to seamlessly slide inside my wife. She asks me to enter slowly, so she can feel all of me. It’s a request I get often from her, and one that helps us both get that much nearer to our climaxes. Inch by inch, my penis travels inside of her, stretching her out with my significant girth.

  This pregnancy has caused Kayla to be much more dominant during sex, though her belly has kept her from fully acting out what she wishes she could do. We’ll remedy that once the baby is out and she’s able to have sex again, but until then, I hold onto her shoulders and ram my dick in her repeatedly. I kiss her while I bury myself as deep in her as I possibly can from behind.

  “Yessss…” she moans, shivering and bobbing her head.

  Knowing she’s enjoying what I’m doing, I do it even faster. I thrust my hip with vigor, sliding the head of my cock deliciously insider her tight, puffy pussy. I push my head into her deepest depths, making her cry out and scream my name.

  Kayla arches her back, forcing her rounded belly up into the air, her hips rolling with mine. She’s on the edge and ready to burst with ecstatic pleasure, with my hard rod mashing into all the right places. Kayla bites her lip, trembling, her eyes rolled up as I drag my hand up the base of her spherical tummy. She shifts her hips and squirms to try to ease the pressure, but it only increases until she finally lets out a gritty but ecstatic roar.

  She continues to orgasm as I fuck her hard enough to conclude our sex with one strong load of cum being shot up her pussy. I slide out of her once my cock sends wave after wave of thi
ck jism out of my bright red head and watch the cum drip from my shaft and out from between her legs.

  The two of us lay on the sand and look at the stars slowly move above us. Out of our reach, but in our hearts.

  For that moment, the two of us had no worries. Sure, there were hardships to come what with the pregnancy and getting adjusted to married life, but for that short, post coital moment, the two of us were free of any stressors.

  It’s pure bliss.



  An hour alone can feel like a lifetime if you’re watching the seconds tick away on a classroom clock, or sitting in a waiting room. But nothing in my life has lasted as long as the eight hours I spent in labor.

  But those eight hours are finally over. And I have a real something to show for it. A seven pound little baby boy.


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