Hell to Pay (The Harry Russo Diaries Book 4)

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Hell to Pay (The Harry Russo Diaries Book 4) Page 10

by Lisa Emme

  I may be still coming to grips with the whole Salvador-is-my-dad revelation, but there is one thing in which I am definitely my father’s daughter. I’m a psychic vampire—well, half vampire, but when it comes to inheriting powers, it’s an all-or-nothing thing; you don’t inherit half a power. I don’t need blood like most vampires, although it provides its own unique high. Instead, I can use the psychic energy released by emotions. When my powers first came online, so to speak, I often found myself overwhelmed in situations like nightclubs and crowds because I couldn’t shield myself from the barrage of energy coming from the people around me. I’d end up feeling punch-drunk. While I prided myself to think that my shields had gotten much stronger and I was better at controlling my powers, I should have felt at least some vibes coming from this wild crowd, but I got nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

  How was that possible? In a crowd this size, the emotional vibes should have been off the charts. Instead, I was getting less than a trickle. I could get a bigger high at an insurance seminar. Before I could get lost in my thoughts completely, I turned my attention back to my search for Tess. She had to be my priority. I’d have to try and figure out the rest later.

  I was on my second pass around the club when I finally spotted her, and what I saw had me doing a double take to make sure it was really her. She was in the middle of the dance floor doing the bump ’n’ grind with two gorgeous men dressed in white. The men were hanging off her—one in front, one behind—their bodies rubbing up against hers, and judging from the expression on her face, Tess was enjoying being the meat in that particular man sandwich. I watched as the man in front leaned down to nuzzle against her neck. Tess threw her head back in pleasure, and the man behind her tipped a bottle of champagne towards her waiting mouth.

  “Tess!” I shoved my way through the crowded dance floor. “What the hell, Tess?” I smacked the bottle away from her face and glared back at the man who was giving me a dirty look. “Are you out of your mind? I’ve been searching everywhere for you.”

  “Haaarry! Whazzup girl?” Tess’s words were slurred, her movements slow. “Look guys, it’s my friend Haarrry.” She giggled.

  The guys didn’t appear at all pleased at my arrival. The one who had been in the process of leaving a hickey on Tess’s neck scowled at me. “Listen, luv,” he said, his accent definitely originating from the other side of the Atlantic, “we’re busy here. Why don’t you have a drink and wait your turn.” He pulled Tess towards him.

  “Oh yeah, mate?” I replied, grabbing Tess by the elbow and yanking her away. “You had better just push off and find yourself someone else to get busy with.”

  “Guys, guys,” Tess interjected. “Harry, just chill. There’s plenty to go around. He’s right. Have a drinky-poo. It’s da bomb.” She laughed as if she had just said the funniest thing ever.

  The bottle guy smiled, holding out the champagne. “Come on, doll face, plenty to go around.”

  I pushed the bottle away and stepped in front of Tess. “Listen, guys. We’re done here. Shove off.”

  Bottle guy scowled and looked at his friend. For a brief second both their forms seemed to twitch like they were holding a glamour that was slipping. What the hell?

  Bottle guy took a menacing step towards me while his buddy moved to flank me. He reached out to grab my arm. When his fingers made contact with my bare skin, I felt a tingle, and he yanked his hand back with a jolt.

  “Bloody hell!” he cried, holding up his hand. His fingertips were smoking and slightly singed.

  “Holy smokes, Harry,” Tess said, “you’re so hot you set him on fire.” She found this to be hysterical and bent over laughing.

  I grabbed Tess by the shoulders and dragged her along with me as I backed away from the two men. “We’re leaving. Don’t try and stop us.” I took a couple more backward steps, pulling Tess with me, my eyes never leaving the two men. They scowled at me, but didn’t move to follow.

  After a couple more steps, the crowd flowed into the space between us, and I turned, taking Tess’s arm, dragging her after me. The club’s mysteries would have to wait. The only thing I needed to do right now was get both of us out of there.

  I hoofed it towards where I thought the entrance should be, half dragging, half carrying Tess. She was completely out of it. I couldn’t remember the last time I had ever seen her so drunk—she was a werewolf and could hold her liquor, after all. In fact, I don’t think I had ever seen her this drunk. What the hell was in that champagne?

  As we neared the entrance, I felt the weight of someone’s gaze. I scanned the area until my eyes fell on a man wearing a bright, cobalt-blue, three-piece suit complete with a gold watch chain hanging from a pocket in his vest. He was tall and thin, his hair kept long to about his shoulders. Since he wasn’t dressed in white nor was he excessively rowdy or drunk, he stood out from the crowd. His face was predatory as his eyes met mine, and it took all my willpower not to squirm under his scrutiny. Without breaking his stare, he tipped back his head and gestured with his finger for someone to approach. Mr. Zed, the man we had met upon our arrival, scurried forward, and the man in the blue suit said something to him.

  Mr. Zed nodded and snapped his fingers. As if from nowhere, three large, burly men dressed in white leather appeared and strode across the floor towards us.

  I was preparing to drop Tess and take a defensive stance when there was an enormous crash, and the double doors at the entrance burst open.

  “Nash!” I shouted in relief as he came striding into the club, bristling with anger. Max, looking equally determined, followed close on his heels. Nash stopped about twenty feet in front of me and said something to Max and then called over his shoulder to shout a few commands. Members of the SRU, dressed in black jumpsuits and bulletproof vests, came jogging in, fanning out across the warehouse. The entire time this was happening, I watched as if from in a bubble. I could see everything, but the sounds were muted, my view slightly distorted. “Nash?” I called his name again, but he just paced back and forth, his face serious as he scanned the room, apparently unable to see or hear me. The SRU team streamed past, also oblivious to my presence.

  A sound behind me had me turning back in surprise. I let go of Tess, allowing her to drop to the floor as I reached for my katana, the metal ringing as it cleared its sheath, and moved to stand protectively over her. The man in the blue suit, flanked by Mr. Zed and his goon squad, stood directly behind us.

  “Well, well, well, what do we have here? The mystery woman who turned our little scan red.” The man in blue, who I had started to think of as Mr. Blue, arched an eyebrow at me, slowly perusing me up and down, his Southern drawl placing him from somewhere in the bayou. “That’s a fine-lookin’ gator-pokin’ stick you’ve got there, sugar. Are you gonna poke me with it?” His face widened in a toothy grin.

  “Maybe,” I replied. “That depends on you.”

  Mr. Blue guffawed loudly, startling me. “Hoo-wee, you got some gumption there, darlin’. I like me a girl with gumption.”

  “Listen, I don’t know who you are, and right now I don’t really care. I just want to take my friend and leave.” I sidled around Tess, trying to keep my eyes on Mr. Blue and his buddies.

  “Now why would you want to go and do that, honey-pie?” Mr. Blue frowned. “We’re just startin’ to get to know one another. In fact, just to show you what a gentleman I am, I’ll even share my name. You may call me Seth. And you are?”

  I ignored his question and glanced around nervously. Nash and Max were there behind us and still totally oblivious that we were standing right in front of them. I could see the SRU team leading some of the club patrons out. The people were dazed and confused; many were staring at their surroundings in shock. Others had to be helped or carried out the door.

  “You see all those men? They’re here for me, for us. Let my friend and me go, and I’ll call them off. Otherwise, they’ll tear this place apart until they find us.”

  There was a furtive movement to my r
ight, and one of the burly white-clad bouncers took a step towards me.

  “Step back,” I warned. “Any closer and I take you off at the knees.” I lowered my katana menacingly. Completely ignoring me, another of the bouncers took a step forward. Fuck! I was in deep shit. If they decided to rush me, there was no way I would be able to fight them all off and protect Tess.

  For some reason, my thoughts flew to Father Mike and the blessing he had given me earlier. Even with the extra help, I began to seriously doubt I was going to get myself out of this particular mess. As if thinking of Father Mike was a trigger, the mark he had made on my forehead warmed. I winced, squinting at the bright light that burst into being. I blinked in surprise. My katana was glowing! No, scratch that. It was fucking on fire! The fire licked up the sides of the blade from the hilt, flaring to blue wherever the flames touched steel and then flickering to orange and yellow at their tips. I stared at the sword in amazement. Although my hand should have been burning, I felt no heat as I brandished the blade in front of me.

  The burly boys jumped back in fear as I waved my fiery sword at them. If I wasn’t trapped in some sort of invisible bubble, it would have been totally cool. It was like having my own lightsaber, except without the awesome sound effects.

  “Well now, sugar. Aren’t you just full of surprises?” Seth eyed me cautiously. I noticed that even he had taken a step back when my sword went all Star Wars.

  “Harry? Harry, why are you glowing?” Tess roused slightly and managed to sit up.

  “It’s okay, Tess. Do you think you can stand?”

  “So sleepy, Harry.” Her words were still slurred, but she moved as if to try and stand.

  “Harry? Now what kind of name is that for a pretty girl like you?” Seth grinned, obviously getting over his initial shock at my flaming katana. “Surely it must be a nickname perhaps?”

  I was having a serious déjà vu moment. I’d had almost the exact same conversation with Salvador when I first met him. I wasn’t in the mood for a repeat.

  “Just Harry will do. It’s all you need to know.” I pulled on Tess’s elbow and she struggled to her feet, wrapping her arm around my waist for support. “Now, how about you pop this little bubble you’ve got going on here and let us out so we can see our friends?”

  Seth narrowed his eyes and stared at me, a calculating look on his face. I glared back at him, unwilling to let him see my unease. Suddenly, he broke out in a toothy smile and clapped his hands, rubbing them together. “Alrighty then,” he said, sounding pleased. “How about we make ourselves a trade?”

  “What sort of trade?” I eyed him suspiciously.

  “Now don’t get like that, darlin’. It’s nothing. A mere trifle.”

  “Go on,” I said impatiently.

  “Give me your name, your full name, mind you, and I’ll let you—”

  “And all my friends,” I added, interrupting him.

  For a moment, something dark passed across Seth’s eyes, but then he smiled and tipped his chin in acknowledgement. “I’ll let you and all your friends leave this place.”

  “Unharmed. In exchange for my full name, you will let me and all my friends return home unharmed.” I bit my lip. Had I covered everything? I figured it was like making a deal with a vampire or a Fae; you had to be careful to make sure you didn’t leave any loopholes.

  “Deal,” Seth drawled. He held out his hand as if to seal the deal, but then pulled it back, grinning slyly. “Normally I would say shake on it.” He eyed my flaming sword. “But I do believe we can forego that part of the bargain.”

  I arched a brow at him and let out a little snort. “Good choice. We have a deal.”

  The white-clad bouncers stood down, melting into the background. Mr. Zed gave me a less-than-friendly look and then turned and disappeared as well.

  “Well now, sugar. It’s just us. Alone at last.” Seth grinned. “Now give me your name.” His eyes turned hard, his friendly demeanor slipping.

  I took a deep breath. I suddenly had a very bad feeling about the deal I’d just struck. Why was my name so important to him?

  “Come on, darlin’. We had a deal.” Seth’s smile began to fade. “Don’t keep me waiting now.”

  “Angharad,” I said. “My name is Angharad Grainne Russo.”

  As the last syllable left my lips, there was a loud pop, and cold air wafted up against me. Tess stumbled, going limp, and I wrapped an arm around her, struggling to keep her on her feet. I stared down at my katana. The flames had disappeared, just like Seth.

  “Harry!” Nash’s voice rang out. I glanced over, and Nash was running towards me, a look of sheer relief on his face. For a moment our eyes met, and it felt like my heart would burst, I was so happy to see him, but then he growled, “For fuck’s sake, Harry! Where the hell have you been?”

  “Nash,” I replied, the warm and squishy moment gone. “Help me. Tess needs help!”

  I was so intent on Nash, I didn’t even notice Max as he slipped up beside me.

  “Good to see you, Harry,” he said with a grin. “Need a hand?” Without waiting for an answer, he gathered Tess in his arms, lifting her off her feet. Tess’s head lolled back against his shoulder. Good thing she was completely out of it, or she probably would have freaked about being in such close proximity to Max.

  “Are you all right?” Nash was suddenly there, in my face. He grabbed my shoulders and held me out to take a good look, his expression darkening when he saw the katana in my hand at my side.

  “I’m fine,” I replied, stepping back to sheath my sword. “But boy am I ever glad to see you.”

  Satisfied, Nash pulled me into his arms, enveloping me in a fierce hug. He inhaled slowly, his face in my hair, and some of the anger ebbed out of him.

  “Can we get the hell out of here?” I mumbled into Nash’s chest, feeling exhausted.

  Nash released his grip, and I saw Max, still carrying Tess, striding out the door.

  “Fuck yeah. Let’s go,” was Nash’s rough reply.

  Chapter Twelve

  I was in for a surprise when I walked out of the club and into the daylight.

  “What the—?”

  I looked around in shock. The sun was low in the hazy, winter sky, but it had to be at least eight or nine in the morning. The street had been blocked off, and police cars and ambulances were everywhere. A small crowd of onlookers had gathered behind the police tape. Isaac and Tomas were long gone in order to avoid the dawn sun, the street empty where their cars had been parked. I turned back to stare at the warehouse. The massive green doors were hanging askew on their hinges, the metal scored and singed. A man in police coveralls was busy putting away a blowtorch, while another threaded a heavy steel chain between the two doors and padlocked them shut.

  “Harry!” Tank’s voice rang out and I barely had time to brace myself before being caught up in a great big bear hug.

  As I struggled to catch my breath in his rib-cracking embrace, there was a loud growl, and I suddenly found myself back on my feet beside Nash. Nash’s jacket settled on my shoulders and his arm wrapped around me possessively. Tank took a step back and bowed his head, avoiding eye contact. “Sorry, Harry. I was just so relieved to see you.”

  I elbowed Nash and gave him what I think of as my stern look. I could do without the jealous-alpha routine, although secretly I was glad to have his jacket. It was cold in the morning air. “It’s fine, Tank. Are you okay? Where’s Barbie?”

  “We’re good, both good. It tore Barbie up to leave with you and Tess still missing, but she thought she’d be more help back at the shop with it being morning and all.”

  I shook my head. I couldn’t believe it was morning. “What time is it?”

  Nash cleared his throat. “It’s almost nine a.m, Harry. You’ve been gone for almost twelve hours.”

  “Twelve hours!” I gaped at him. I turned to look for Tess, only to discover she wasn’t in sight. “Where did Max go with Tess?” I searched the street and spotted him over by his
car. Tess was sitting in the backseat, a blanket thrown around her shoulders. Max was pressing a bottle of juice into her hand and telling her to drink. “Tess!” I pushed off Nash’s arm and hurried over. “Tess, are you okay?”

  I knelt beside her. She looked like shit, her skin pale and clammy, but she smiled weakly. “I’m fine, Harry. I’m fine. Nothing that a day’s worth of sleep won’t cure.”

  I turned to Max, and he raised an eyebrow, shaking his head. “Her aura’s in rough shape. What the hell happened in there, Harry?”

  I narrowed my eyes and studied Tess with my witchy senses. Max was right. Tess’s aura was dangerously thin in places. Something had almost drained her. If I hadn’t gotten her away when I did, she could have easily ended up dead.

  Just then my stomach growled. I was absolutely ravenous, the last twelve hours suddenly catching up to me and taking their toll.

  Nash came up behind me, pulling me up into his arms. “Let’s take this conversation back to Harry’s. I don’t think it’s a good idea to stay here.”

  I glanced back at the warehouse. It looked positively garish in the daylight. I shivered, and not from the cold. I couldn’t have agreed with Nash more.


  “I don’t know how it happened,” Tess said from her nest of blankets on the couch.

  We were back at the firehall—Nash, Max, Tess and me. Tank had left after seeing us safely home and checking on Barbie. Max had insisted on performing a cleansing ritual on Tess to help her aura heal faster, and so while he did that, I had quickly left messages both on Isaac’s phone and at Dante’s so that the sunrise-challenged would know we were safe once they awoke for the evening. I figured someone at Dante’s would listen to the message and let both Salvador and Tomas know what was up.


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