A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas Page 25

by Tiffany Carby

  “Ok My Lady. We know how and when the guards move around. I think we can get in on this side doorway where merchants are coming and going.”

  “I agree Daria. But how? Neither of us could pass for Ogres.”

  “I brought disguises. We can go in as dancers for the celebration he’s throwing.”

  “It gets my goat that the bastard is celebrating. I’m going to kick his ass.”

  Daria laughed softly. She loved the fact that her future queen was such a tough woman. It was exactly what King Keldan needed.

  “Ok, let’s dress and get down there.”


  Both women sailed through the gate easily. Dressed as part of the dance troupe, they avoided being inspected for weapons, which was fortunate because they hid as many weapons as they could beneath their purple silk skirts and short tops. Frankie questioned Daria’s choice of costumes and how little there was of them, until she saw the other women going in.

  They entered the palace just as easily but were immediately hustled off to the great hall, which was filled to capacity with men and women celebrating their victory over the Trolls. It pissed Frankie off to no end watching them eat and drink while her man sat in the dungeon.

  Frankie leaned over and suggested they try working their way around the room, over to the main doors, in order to slip out and look for their men.

  While they were dancing their way towards the doors, Frankie realized how futile it was going to be. There were just too many guards and other armed men around. She didn’t notice Daria falling behind as she switched directions, heading right for King Zierok. She had another idea in mind.

  She swayed and moved with the rhythm of the music, gaining his attention instantly. He waved to one of the servants standing near and whispered in the man’s ear. The servant nodded, then stood and walked towards her.

  Frankie turned her back to the King and continued to dance as if she hadn’t noticed his interest. She had just managed to find Daria in the crowded room and offered her a reassuring look as the servant tapped her on the shoulder. He indicated she was to follow him.

  Frankie smiled and followed the broad back of the man in front of her. He took her out a side door into a small hallway. It would seem she was on her way to a private meeting.

  The servant opened a door and ushered her inside before closing it softly behind her. She stood face to face with King Zierok. She instantly remembered who she was supposed to be and bowed.

  He walked up to her, slipping a finger under her chin and raising her up so he could look her in the eye.

  “You are beautiful. No wonder Keldan wants you.”

  Frankie felt her stomach drop. He had found her out. She just hoped he hadn’t discovered Daria too.

  “My lord? I know not of what you speak.”

  “Come now, do you not? The men I sent to spy on Keldan came back proclaiming your beauty to all.”

  “Then there is no reason for pretense any longer. You know why I’m here.” Frankie felt her knees shaking, but she was determined not to show it.

  “I can guess, yes. But you can’t have him yet.”

  Zierok turned and walked back to the fireplace, retrieving his drink from the mantle.

  Frankie stood by the door, not moving. What was he going to do with her now that he knew who she was. “Why not? When can I have him and his men? Are they all ok? Have their wounds been tended to?”

  He looked back at her smiling warmly. “Where are my manners? Would you like a drink?”

  Not wanting to offend him when he could have her thrown in the dungeon with Keldan or killed, she said yes.

  While Zierok fixed her drink, she noticed he was handsome in his own right. Tall, dark haired and gorgeous like every other man in this strange land. He turned back to her and indicated she should take a seat while he took the one opposite.

  “Your King and his men are fine. They are sitting in my dungeon, and yes all of their wounds have been seen to. Now, what has Keldan told you about our war?”

  Frankie found herself believing Zierok, so she relaxed marginally. She needed to find out what was going on.

  “Only that you wanted the gate between worlds but had no idea why and couldn’t figure out what you wanted it for unless it was to invade.”

  “Is that what he told you? Interesting. I don’t want your world, Frankie. I just want to use the gate from time to time and your King has denied me each occasion I asked. Finally, I had no choice but to declare war in order to gain control of it.”

  “Why do you need it if not to invade?”

  “Just as Keldan found you in the outside world, I too need to find my Mate.” Zierok set his drink on the little table between their chairs.

  “That’s the reason you want to use it? Why didn’t you ever tell him that? I’m sure he would have understood.”

  “I tried to tell him in the beginning, but he wouldn’t listen to me. He has too much of his father in him I think. Hard headed.”

  Frankie informed him she had no idea about his father since she’d never met the man then tried her best for the next hour to convince Zierok that if he gave Keldan and his men back, she would personally guarantee that he would sit and listen to everything Zierok had to say.

  He looked at her long and hard before he stood up, walked over to door, opened it, and said something to the servant waiting there.

  “I’m going to trust you, Frankie. I’m tired of fighting and want an end to this senseless war with your King. If he agrees to my request of using the gate when I need to, then I will release you all and call off the war.”

  “You won’t regret your decision. I promise.”

  A handsome young guard, who looked strikingly like Zierok himself, led Keldan into the room. His hands were tied with cordage in front of him, and he looked stunned to see his Bride sitting in such a skimpy outfit with the Ogre king.

  She jumped up and ran to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He raised his arms to put them around her, his tied hands coming to rest on her rear.

  “How touching. Now, how about holding up your end of the bargain Lady Frankie.”

  “What is he talking about? What bargain and why are you here?”

  “I promised King Zierok that you would sit down and listen to his requests in regards to the Alwan Gate.”

  Keldan realized what Frankie had done, and while he was angry at her for endangering herself, he was also intrigued, so he agreed.

  “What do you want to say, Zierok?” Keldan wasn’t about to trust him any further than he could throw him.

  Frankie looked over at her handsome King with her eyebrows raised. “No need to be rude my love.”

  My god, she is adorable when she does that.

  “My apologies then. Would you please untie me before we start discussing anything?”

  Over the next several hours the men talked. Once Keldan realized why the other king needed the gate, he relented, and they worked things out, effectively ending the war.

  While they may never be friends, they at least finally understood one another.


  Frankie and Keldan returned home with everyone. Daria stayed glued to Jomar the whole way, alternately fussing over him one minute and then fussing at him the next for being so flippant over his injuries.

  Once home, Keldan greeted his people and informed them of the permanent truce with the Ogres and that they would have free use of the Alwan Gate.

  Daria escorted Frankie to her suite while he gave his speech. She was bathed and then dressed in a flowing white gown before being handed a bouquet of daffodils to finish off the Ostara costume.

  She was escorted outside by her new ladies maids, to a ring of stones which had been decorated for this special holiday. Everyone cheered when she made her appearance at the entrance where Daria and Jomar stood waiting to walk her down to her king.

  Keldan stood impatiently at the head of the aisle with the Crone Priestess waiting for his Bride. He had been partially afra
id she might change her mind and try to run.

  His breath caught in his chest when he looked up and saw her walking towards him dressed as the queen she was about to become. The trio stopped in front of the Priestess.

  Frankie couldn’t take her eyes off of him. He looked magnificent in his traditional Troll wedding garb of black knee high boots, black leather pants, white tunic shirt and dark green vest.

  He is the most handsome man I’ve ever seen, and he’s all mine!

  They turned towards the Priestess as she started speaking.

  “Who here is willing to stand with the Bride and be known from this day forward as her family?”

  Daria and Jomar both spoke up, giving their assent. Frankie teared up when she realized why they had chosen to walk with her.

  “Then please place Lady Frankie’s hands into King Keldans so as to complete the circle.”

  Jomar placed one hand in Keldans while Daria did the other, then they both stepped back.

  “Ostara is the time of rebirth and fertility. It is the time of renewal as our Great Mother wakes from her long slumber. It is the time for seed to be planted in our females and the ground, in order to ensure our continuation.

  With this, our beloved King has found his Bride from the outside world just as the Fates decreed. And she has agreed to Bind with him as his mate through all time. To become as one.”

  Now comes the good part. She will be mine for eternity.

  Frankie looked up at her handsome Troll king. She could feel the love shining in her own eyes and hoped he could see it.

  The priestess held a piece of satin cord in her withered grasp, which she wrapped around their combined hands.

  “Enclosed in a spiritual bliss,

  Unity is sealed with a natural kiss,

  Unlocking the door to two souls abyss.

  * * *

  Two auras cling with the song of colorful emotion,

  Melting as one, lost, in a heart and soul potion,

  That Binds two beings in immortal devotion.”

  Keldan could feel a shift inside of him as if something had been pulled out and left an empty space. Then as suddenly as it began, he felt it filled again. Frankie’s eyes went wide as she felt the same thing.

  Part of each one’s soul had gone into the other. Now they truly were a part of each other forever.

  “You may kiss your Bride my King.” The old Priestess smiled tenderly at them both.

  Keldan tightened his hold on Frankie as he dipped his head for their first kiss as husband and wife.

  Damn but he really really is good at that.

  They broke the kiss to deafening cheers from everyone around them.

  The Priestess untied the cord as the celebration began. Food and drink flowed like water while beautiful little animals were set loose to celebrate Ostara, the time of rebirth.

  Frankie looked around the grounds to see everyone she’d come to cherish happily chasing each other and the baby animals. Daria crowed in delight as she caught up to a fast little rabbit, of which there were hundreds hopping all over the place. Bjorn laughed as his wife chased after one of the many lambs let loose to run. There were children running after sweet little chicks, while they hunted colorful eggs which contained surprises inside.

  Everyone was having a good time, but Keldan knew a much better time would be had after the children were taken inside and put to bed. That was when the adults would find their own little hidden spots in and around the palace grounds in order to make love till morning, ensuring the continuation of his race.

  He couldn’t wait to get his own bride alone so he could take advantage of her. Over and over and over again.


  Keldan looked over at Frankie as she sat beside him at the great table. They had

  celebrated for hours with everyone, before he leaned close so only she would hear him and invited her up to his bedchamber. She quickly agreed and they slipped away.

  Once in his room, he locked the door. He was still upset with her for putting herself in danger, even though it was to rescue him and his men.

  Frankie undressed, taking her time in order for her King to get a good long look, and then walked over to the table to pour herself a drink. He smiled with that predatory look on his face, which always made her heart skip a beat.

  “You were a very naughty girl, Frankie. I’m afraid you’ll have to be punished.”

  She looked at him as he started taking his belt off, and felt entranced as he slowly undressed, then reached down to pick the belt back up.

  “Come here Frankie and lay your beautiful self across my lap… face down.” He sat down on the side of the bed and waited for her to obey.

  “Why? I didn’t do anything wrong Keldan, and I will not willingly let you spank me.” She was going to stand her ground on this, even though she knew why he was ‘threatening’ to spank her. She’d completely ignored him when he told her to stay at the palace while he was away fighting.

  “Don’t make me come get you. You won’t like it if I have to.”

  “I said you are NOT spanking me, and I mean it!” She stomped her way back over to him, stopping just out of reach.

  He stood up, grabbing for her arm, but she evaded his hands and ran towards the door, not realizing he’d locked it. He caught up to her in an instant and wrapped his arms around her, locking her hands by her sides.

  Keldan sat back down on the bed and fit a squirming Frankie face down across his lap. He brought one large hand down on her backside with a slapping sound. and she squealed in outrage more than pain.

  The next smack was a bit harder, bringing a gasp from her lips.

  Holy hell, I’m getting hot from being spanked. Oh god please do it again!

  He brought his hand down several more times. Each one brought a sting with it and a pause as he stopped to admire the pretty shade of red it turned.

  He ran his hand lightly over each cheek of her ass, feeling the heat, and then slowly dipped down to slide a finger inside.

  He felt her wetness and knew the spanking had turned her on as much as it did him. He slid his finger deeper inside of her, letting her juices coat it before bringing it to his lips for a taste.

  Frankie was on fire from what he’d just done to her. She wanted him inside of her desperately and, just as before, she didn’t need any more foreplay. She wanted action.

  “Keldan, please make love to me. I need you now.”

  “No. You’re not ready.” He could hear the lie in his voice, but he wanted this to last since they’d never have another first time as husband and wife.

  “Yes I am damn it. I want you inside of me NOW!”

  “No. I want to taste all of you this time. Nothing, including you, is going to stop me.”

  He stood Frankie back on her feet, then turned her to face him. He reached his arms down to scoop her up and toss her onto his enormous bed. He followed her down to make sure she didn’t try getting back up, then spread her legs and pounced.

  By the time he was done licking and tasting her, she was out of her mind. She wanted to feel him sliding in and out, bringing them both to peak.

  He took his time nipping and licking his way back to her lips where he kissed her as if he was drowning and her kisses were oxygen.

  Keldan spread her legs further apart and slowly slid himself inside of her wet heat. They both groaned at the feeling of being complete for the first time in either of their lives. They rocked against each other for what seemed an eternity, staring into each other’s eyes and kissing gently, sweetly.

  Before long, Keldan picked up the pace, wanting to feel her tight inner muscles grasping him rhythmically like a velvet fist to make him come.

  Frankie felt herself being wound tighter and tighter as his thrusts became harder and more fierce. This time when she came, he joined her.

  Both of them became one heart. One body. One soul for eternity.

  Keldan realized, as he held Frankie’s sleeping form tightly, that she had
not been promised to him to ensure his strength and virility but for her wisdom, patience and bravery. This is what his people needed. This is what he needed. She would keep him in check and help lead his people into a new era of peace.

  He closed his eyes and let his own body slip into slumber, knowing that all of his days to come would be filled with new adventures and the love of his life by his side.


  Clotho, the old Crone who had wed Keldan and Frankie, looked up at the window of the palace where the King’s bedchambers was located. She smiled knowing her job was done. There would be a new little prince come the winter.

  The children had been taken inside the palace to camp in the great hall, while the adults continued the celebrations throughout the night. She wandered past all of this heading into the woods surrounding the stone circle. Back to her two sisters who were waiting for details.

  They had missions of their own and wanted to get going with them. They loved playing these games with Faerie Folk and humans alike. And with each turning of the Great Wheel of Life they could play their little games for eternity.

  Troll King and Bride (full poem)

  Enclosed in a spiritual bliss,

  Unity is sealed with a natural kiss,

  Unlocking the door to two soul's abyss.

  * * *

  Two auras cling with the song of colorful emotion,

  Melting as one, lost, in a heart and soul potion,

  That binds two beings in immortal devotion.

  * * *

  She with the power of wisdom, he with kingly pride,

  The love in the veins kept their story alive,

  Immortalized forever, the Troll king and his bride.

  * * *

  She said to him, my heart will always sing for you,

  Sacrifice my blood to prove I am true,


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