A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas Page 35

by Tiffany Carby

  Goodbye, Kyler. I love you.

  A voice whispered in her ear as a strange taste filled her mouth. “Goddess, forgive me.”

  If the Goddess answered, Selene never heard. The last thing she saw was the light wrapping itself around her, and then there was nothing.


  Selene dropped onto the counter stool. “Latte. Double shot.” She crossed her arms on the counter and let her head fall. It rose a second later, “please,” then fell once more.

  “Damn, girl. Again?”

  A thumbs up was all she managed in response. Her latte landing on the counter, however, was another matter. She grasped the cup with her left hand, using her right to prop up her head. “Thanks.” Rather than move away, Ana continued to watch her. “What?”

  Ana shook her head. “I see your lips move, but I can’t believe it’s you talking. It’s kinda creepy.”

  Selene’s laugh cut in and out. Meh, it was a work in progress.

  “So, same dream? Or something different this time?”

  A groan escaped Selene’s lips. “It’s the same every night. Wolves and vampires chase me. I trip, what a surprise and the vampire bites me. Then I am floating in the air watching myself die, white light is coming to get me, and then BAM, I’m hurtling to the ground and when I hit, I wake up, drenched in sweat, and breathing way too hard. It’s the third time this week I’ve had to change the sheets.”

  This time Ana laughed. “And the red-headed bitch? Did she get hauled off by the gargoyle?”

  “Arabella?” Selene frowned. “Yeah, Gabriel flew off with the wicked witch of the north who is never seen or heard from again.”

  Ana pressed a hand to her heart. “You know, I think that’s my favourite part.”

  “Mine too.” Selene grinned as she sipped her latte. “Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you. Is everything good with you? When you called me at the shack, I got the impression something was bothering you.”

  The tiniest hint of colour was visible on Ana’s cheeks. “Nothing worth mentioning. Past tense.”

  If not for her fatigued state, Selene might have argued the point, but for now, she let it go.

  Behind the counter, Ana continued to work, while Selene took up space and sipped her latte. “I get that the whole dream freaks you out, but you should write it down. Make an awesome story. Add in some of your fabulous drawings, you’d make a fortune.”

  She screwed up her nose. “Yeah, nah.”

  Ana shrugged. “Your loss.” Behind her, something crashed in the kitchen and she rolled her eyes. “Be right back.”

  When the door closed, Selene reached into her bag and drew out her sketchpad. So she might not have been completely honest with her bestie. While she wasn’t interested in committing her nightmare to print, she hadn’t been able to resist bringing the creatures to life. Part of her hoped it might help bring an end to her sleepless nights. Arabella, Silas, Gabriel, the wolves, even Julius, the vampire who’d bitten her, ended her life, she’d drawn them all.

  In the middle of flipping a page, she paused. The urge to turn around taunting her like a siren call, but she didn’t need to. Her eyes drifted closed, and she saw him. Hands shoved in his pockets, head down, shoulders tight with tension, as he ambled past, never once looking her way. With every cell in her body, she felt the love he had for her, weighed down with feelings sadness and guilt she didn’t understand. But they stood between them, keeping them apart.

  Kyler had tracked her down at the beach and they’d talked. He’d explained, apologised, and she’d forgiven him, then they’d talked again. She was sure they’d gotten back on track until he’d pulled away, deeming his world too dangerous for Selene to be part of without giving her any say in the matter. The gesture might have been a noble one, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. Though maybe that’s where her nightmare stemmed from. Kyler’s stories.

  “If those two can’t make it, what hope is there any of us?”

  Startled, Selene blinked back her tears. “What did you say?”

  “Me? Nothing?” Ana turned to the next customer. “Hi. What can I get you?”

  She swore—Selene buried her face in her hands. Great. A week without sleep and she was losing her mind. “Argh, I have to go. I need a nap.”

  “You okay to drive?” Ana followed her to the door.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s not—” An angry car horn cut her off and Selene’s stomach churned. “What’s Victoria doing back here?”

  Ana scowled. “Back in town for the weekend, according to Bryan. We’ll have the misfortune of her company for the egg hunt on Sunday. I was kinda hoping she’d be too embarrassed to show her face, but I guess I should have known better. This is Victoria, we’re talking about.”

  “Well, at least the cafe’s off limits. That’s something, right?” Selene’s arms wrapped around her for a quick hug. “You still good for tonight?”

  “Yeah, I can’t believe it’s Good Friday already. This year is just flying by. Meet you at the hall say, six?”

  “Perfect. I’ll see you then. Bye.” Distracted, Selene collided with an oncoming pedestrian. She turned to find a familiar face. “Kyan, I’m so sorry.”

  “No harm, no foul, pretty lady. How are you?” A second pair of arms wrapped her up in as many minutes.

  How could Arabella have thought them interchangeable?

  Kyan tightened his hold as she jerked. “Hey, are you okay?” Concern radiated over his face he scanned her.

  Selene shook her head. Where the hell did that come from? She extracted herself from Kyan’s arms. “Yeah, sorry I’m fine. Actually, no I’m not. I’m not sleeping great. I’ve been having these weird dreams all week. You wouldn’t have a magick potion to help with that?” He cocked an eyebrow at her. “What? What is it with everyone giving me strange looks today?”

  He laughed. “You might have trouble sleeping, but that tongue of yours is on fire. Congratulations.”

  Heat blazed on her cheeks. “Thanks. I can’t explain it. I struggled for a month unable to string more than two words together, and then a week ago it clicked. Scared the crap out of me. Ana called, and I just started talking to her. Not sure who was more freaked out, her or me. But thank you, for everything.”

  Kyan smiled. “That was all you, pretty lady, but if I helped in some small part, then you’re welcome.” He reached for her hand and tucked it in his arm. “Now, these dreams you’re having, tell me about them.”

  Across the road, Kyler scowled as he watched his brother walk off arm in arm with Selene. Sure he’d asked his brother to check on her, make sure she was okay, but touching her had not been part of those instructions.

  “Does it hurt arsehole?”

  Kyler’s fists clenched at his side. Of all the days—”Fuck off, Troy.”

  The other man laughed. “Touch a nerve did I? Good. It’s nothing less than you deserve after what you did.”

  Fists on his hips, he faced Troy. “What are you accusing me of exactly?”

  Troy didn’t back away. “You mean besides costing me my job and any future job with that trumped-up assault charge you and your little girlfriend... oh, my bad... ex-girlfriend are trying to pin on me? How about Victoria ditching me after you ran her father out of town?”

  The idiot was getting on his nerves. Kyler turned away in time to see Selene and his brother enter the clinic. His heart ratcheted several notches. Was something wrong? A hand on his arm prevented him leaving.

  “Hey. Don’t you walk away from me.”

  Kyler flung off Troy’s hand and bent close to his face. “Don’t you ever touch me.” This time Troy stepped back, but Kyler followed. “You lost your job all on your own Troy, and the police chief thought we were generous not pushing for a stronger charge. And as for Victoria, not my fault if she came to her senses and grabbed the first ride out of town to get away from you.” He eyed Troy from head to toe. “I would have.” He turned on his heel.

  “Yeah, ‘cos that’s what you Everwood
s do, isn’t it? Run.”

  The blood in his veins turned to ice, freezing him in place. “What did you say?”

  “Yeah, I know about the mighty Everwoods. You ran when this town found out what you really are. You think you can just come back? Even after all this time? I suggest you run again before I tell everybody the truth.”

  There was a satisfying crack as Troy’s back hit the wall. Almost as rewarding as the terror filling his eyes. Hands fisted in Troy’s shirt front, Kyler held him several inches above the ground. “Listen here, you pathetic little worm, you want to go poking in family trees? Then let’s poke. I wonder how folks in town will feel to learn their most prominent and successful members, descend from liars, murderers and thieves, and others from cowards who stood by and let some terrible things happen? Whose truth do you think they’re going to believe? Yours? Or mine?” The blood drained from Troy’s face and he had his answer. “Oh, and your precious Victoria, ever wonder why you both have the exact same nose? There are laws about screwing family members these days. Might wanna look that up.”

  Kyler released his hold, and Troy crumpled on the ground. If he didn’t leave now, he’d do something he’d regret.

  “You’re a fucking monster, Kyler Everwood. You know that?”

  Without turning around, he raised his hand in acknowledgement. “Takes one to know one, Troy.”

  A string of colourful curses followed him down the street. Kyler slammed the door of his SUV and gunned the engine. Troy Peterson was turning out to be a serious pain in his arse. One they’d need to deal with. Soon.


  “Everything all right, Michelle?” Ana stood atop a ladder, stringing fake flowers and greenery through the hall rafters while Selene held the ladder steady.

  The other woman glanced at her watch before answering. “Yes. No. The damn alarm is going off at the shop again, and there’s still another half hour till parents will be here to collect their kids.”

  Ana backed down the ladder. “Selene and I can watch the kids. Right, Sel?”

  Selene had zero experience with kids but she nodded. “Sure.”

  Michelle glanced between them and the kids and then back down at her phone. “Well, if you’re sure, I’ll only be a few minutes. I’m sure someone just left the air-conditioning on again, but I better check.” Michelle held out her hand. “Jenna honey, come on. I have to check the alarm.”

  A girl of about five, with dark pigtails, skidded to a stop. “But Mum, I wanna stay. We’re playing.”

  “Jenna.” Michelle’s phone pinged again. “Oh, all right, fine.” Michelle clapped her hands and everyone stopped. “Okay, listen up. I have to run out for a few minutes, but I’m putting Miss Ana and Miss Selene in charge while I am gone. You listen to them and do as you’re told. Is that clear?” A few kids mumbled. “I said, is that clear?”

  A dozen voices rang in unison. “Yes, Miss Michelle.”

  “That’s better. All right, you may go back to your game.”

  The responding squeals made Selene want to cover her ears.

  Michelle offered them both a sympathetic glance. “Sorry. Early Easter eggs seem like a bad idea now. I had no idea they’d get so hyper. I’m hoping they burn it off before their parents get here. Are you sure it’s all right?”

  Hands on her shoulders, Ana steered Michelle towards the door. “It’s fine. We’ll lock the doors and keep them in this room. Now, go. I promise there’ll be the same number of little hellions when you return.”

  “Jenna, honey,” Michelle called over Ana’s shoulder. “Mummy will be back soon. Love you.”

  Over the group ruckus, it was difficult to determine if Jenna did, or did not, reply.

  Michelle slipped out and Ana engaged the lock, leaning back against the door. Judging it to be the safest place in the room, Selene joined her.

  “So Sel, what do we do now?”

  Panic spiked in her chest. “Me? This was your idea.”

  “Yeah, well I was just trying to help out a friend. I didn’t think she’d actually bail.” Ana gave the room a once-over. “Though, I guess I don’t blame her.”

  “Ana, I don’t have a clue about taking care of kids. Call Michelle, tell her to come back.”

  “Come on, Sel, they’re just kids. We guard the doors and make sure none of them escapes. It’s five minutes. How hard can it be?”

  Twenty minutes later they had their answer. Ridiculously.

  Ana slammed her phone on the table. “Michelle is still not answering her phone. She said five minutes. Five minutes my ass. Where the hell is she?”

  Something wasn’t right.

  For the past twenty minutes, it had been one thing after another. Trips to the bathroom, mediating squabbles, and endless glasses of water. The whole experience had exhausted her, mentally and physically, but now—now something else was going on. Selene just couldn’t put her finger on it.

  Oblivious to the chaos going on around her, Selene stood up and surveyed the room. A dozen little faces raced back and forth, still riding their chocolate buzz. She counted. Yep, all still there. So what was it? Halfway across the room, she stopped and sniffed. It smelled—it smelled like—

  “Ana, do you smell smoke?”

  “I’m telling you, she’s gonna figure it out. Not only has she regained complete use of her voice, but the bond must have somehow negated the forget-me-not potion. Selene remembers everything. For now, she thinks it’s just some kind of bizarre dream, but eventually, she’ll figure out the truth. Right or wrong, you did what you did to save her life, so fess up. Yes, she might get pissed, at least in the beginning, but she’ll get over it. Leave her to work things out on her own—I don’t like your chances.”

  “Kyan’s right.”

  Great. Just what he needed. It had been hard enough to ignore Kyan without Kyllian adding his two cents worth. Given the single status of both his brothers, taking relationship advice from either of them seemed a moot point.

  Kyllian hand on his shoulder caught him by surprise. His older brother wasn’t the touchy-feely type. “She owes you her life, but you owe her your honesty.”

  Kyler ignored them both and stared out the window. He’d figure out a way to tell Selene after he dealt with Troy.

  Kyler. Help me.

  The hand on his shoulder tightened. “Did you hear that?”

  “Ana?” Selene shook her harder. “Ana, come back. I need you.”

  “I wasn’t there, Sel. They died, and I lived. I lived, cos I wasn’t there.”

  The pain in Ana’s voice sliced through Selene. She could only imagine what Ana was suffering. Or maybe wasn’t that impossible.

  Trapped in the hall surrounded by fire, every door locked from the outside. This wasn’t an accident. Bad enough things were killing her in dreams, did they have to drag it into real life as well?

  Selene stood in the centre of the room. Even with her hands over her ears, she heard it all. Every scream, every cry, even Ana’s mantra of guilt, every sound pounding her. “ENOUGH.”

  The room fell quiet, but it wouldn’t last, she needed to act quickly. “Right, I get you’re scared, but guess what? I am too. We need to work together, okay?” None of the tear-stained faces answered her. Think, Sel. Think like a kid. “Simon says, everyone put your hands on your head.” She threw her hands on her head and hoped for the best. Only a few copied her movements. She raised her voice. “Simon says, put your hands on your head.”

  Twelve pairs of hands landed on their heads.

  “Excellent. Simon says, everybody needs to hide in the space under the stage.” They looked around, but nobody moved. “Simon says, NOW.”

  Tiny bodies leapt into action.

  Momentary relief surged through her. She returned her attention to Ana once more. The same glazed look blanked her eyes. Selene bit her lower her lip. “Forgive me.”

  The sound echoed around the room as her hand connected with Ana’s cheek.

  Several children screamed, and A
na half fell out of the chair. She pulled herself back up, her hand flying to her cheek.

  “What the hell?” Ana’s outraged cry filled the room.

  Tears spilled from Selene’s eyes. “I’m so sorry, but I needed you to snap out of it.” Several of the children were watching her. “Simon says, everybody keep moving.”

  “Shit, Sel. What’s going on? Why’s it so hot in here?”

  Not wanting to incite further panic, she leaned in to whisper. “There’s a fire and we’re trapped because all the doors are locked on the outside for some reason. Protective screens cover every window and those that aren’t, are too high, or too small to access. There are twelve small children looking to me, to us, to take care of them, and so far the guise of ‘Simon says’ is working, but I don’t know how much longer I can keep going. The entire is building is stone except for the roof, so aside from the smoke, that’s our greatest threat. The plan is to herd everyone into the storage area beneath the stage. It’s the only place I can think of that offers any protection should the roof come crashing in before we’re rescued. Between trying to rouse you, and keep twelve little kids under control, I don’t know what else to do. If you have a better idea, then please, I’m listening.”

  As her words sunk in, Selene watched Ana’s eyes glaze over once more. She gripped Ana’s shirt and shook her hard, no longer bothering to be gentle, she didn’t have that luxury. “Simon says, don’t you dare pike out on me Ana Collins. That’s an order, you hear me?”

  Relief shook her entire body as Ana’s eyes cleared once more. “Aye, aye, Simon.”

  Several of the children managed nervous laughs.

  Ana pressed her forehead to Selene’s, her hands on either side of her face. “I’m here, I promise. Your plan makes sense. No matter where we go, we risk being trapped or exposed. Low to the ground and covered on every side, we’ll have protection.”

  As they followed the children into the space beneath the stage, Selene ran the options over and over in her mind. There was nowhere else to go. Her hands shook as she slid the doors closed, sealing them in, trying to ignore how the spaced resembled a tomb. Had she doomed them all? Right or wrong, this was the plan. Now they could only pray for rescue before it was too late. She squeezed her eyes tight, fighting back tears. There’d be time to cry later. Through her shirt, Selene wrapped the pendant in her fist. “Kyler, help me.”


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