A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas Page 55

by Tiffany Carby

  I was surprised when I saw the amount of people who were in attendance. I had assumed most would have had their own holiday plans. Sebastian and I had talked about expecting the employees and their families to stop by, and possibly a few locals, but what we saw when arrived shocked us both. It appeared as if half the town was there having a wonderful time. Kids were running, playing, and laughing. Adults were standing around chatting with one another while they watched. It was turning out exactly how Kylie and I had hoped it would.

  “Hey, you two,” a familiar voice called out.

  Both Sebastian and I turned, seeing Kylie making her way toward us. She was wearing a cute yellow sundress and white sandals. The smile on her face set her apart from everyone there. She knew this partly was her doing, and she was quite proud of it.

  I opened my arms, catching her in a hug before she turned and gave Sebastian one.

  “Everyone is showing up. There’s even a few people that lived in the neighborhood I used to live in,” she told us, pointing out a small group of people watching as a few children played on the swings.

  “That’s great. I can tell you’re having a good time,” I told her. She nodded her head in agreement.

  “I’m getting hungry though. I’m ready for some of that food,” Kylie said.

  I laughed. “Go dig in, girlie.”

  Without another word, she took off, calling out to a few of the other kids as she did so.

  “It looks like everything will be a hit,” I said, finally looking up at Sebastian. The look in his eyes quickly told me that this day wouldn’t be what I had hoped. Something was wrong, and he was on alert.

  I had just opened my mouth to ask him what was going on when I heard a lady calling out for everyone’s attention. I had never met her myself, but I knew she was one of the orphanage’s founders. I had seen her picture on the wall when I visited.

  “I have you,” he whispered as he took my hand and led us toward the crowd gathering in front of the woman who’d just announced that her name was Maggie.

  I had no idea what was going on or why he was on edge, but his words immediately set me at ease. The moment Kylie appeared next to me and clasped my hand, everything felt right with the world. I hoped and prayed it would stay that way.

  I ran around trying to hide eggs while the kids were still finishing their dessert and listening to stories. The other volunteers were laughing as they ran with their baskets, hoping that we would succeed before the herd of hunters came rushing our way.

  I stopped and watched the others. Seeing everyone together like this made my heart swell. The smiles on the faces of the children and the laughter coming from the adults all seemed to blend perfectly with the bright sunshine and warm breeze that was surrounding us. For the first time in a long time, things seemed perfect. I had Sebastian. I would soon have Kylie. Things were truly working out.

  As I turned away from the crowd with my basket, I froze in place. Standing before me were the same men from the first night I had met Sebastian, including the one I had shot. The basket seemed to fall from my hand in slow motion. The familiar hisses screeching from their bodies echoed in my head like a scream that had been trapped inside and continued to bounce around maniacally.

  I couldn’t move as they came toward me. Those black eyes were settled on me, no one else. It was just like I’d been told. They wanted revenge. That was fine though. I would gladly let them have me to keep them away from Kylie. Sebastian had told me already that her life was meant to be special. If I was meant to sacrifice myself for her, that was fine. Maybe then I could be with Sebastian and he wouldn’t lose his immortality.


  Hearing my name, I turned. What I saw rushing toward me was breathtaking. It was Sebastian—but not as I had ever seen him. During our time together, I had never seen wings. Honestly, I hadn’t remembered to ask. I had assumed they would be there if he needed them. Sure enough, they were. As he ran toward me, his shirt was shredding as two large, white wings burst from his back. They were enormous, perfect, as was the golden glow that suddenly wrapped around him as he moved. In the back of my mind, I had always known he was telling me the truth. Still, seeing him in all his glory, I was mesmerized.

  I felt searing pain on my arm and dropped to my knees. Looking up, I saw that one of the men with black eyes had hold of my arm. His touch was like being burned by a torch. I screamed out just as he leaned down and grasped my chin. The moment he looked into my eyes, everything else fell away. I was immersed in darkness…alone.


  I fought the tears that threatened to fall. I wasn’t usually a crier. This was different though. Somehow, I knew this was the end. The demons had won. I’d been willing to sacrifice myself for Kylie—that hadn’t changed—but the idea of losing my soul and being alone in this thick darkness was scarier than I’d expected.

  Pulling myself up to my feet, I wrapped my arms around myself and started to walk. I had no idea where I was or where I was going, but it seemed like the thing to do at the time. In a void of nothingness, I had no better options.

  “It isn’t a void of nothingness.”

  Hearing the voice, I stopped to look around. I still saw no one.

  “I’m always with you, Harley.”

  I felt myself smile through the tears.


  “Yes, sweetheart, it’s me. I’m sorry you can’t see me. Only Kylie can right now. I’m her angel, but you are mine. You’ve always been my angel. That’s why I’ll always be a part of you.”

  “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too, but I am so proud of everything you’ve done. You kept my dream alive, even though it wasn’t your own. You have no idea what that means to me or how much I love you.”

  “It’s become my dream now. Or at least it was. I guess that’s over now.”

  “Nothing is over. The demon is trying to take your soul. It hasn’t yet, but it will if you don’t fight.”

  “How do I do that?” I asked, spinning around in the spot where I stood. I wished more than anything to see her.

  “You wake up. Make yourself wake up. Sebastian needs you. Kylie needs you. It’s not time for you to be here.”


  “No buts. Fight, Harley. FIGHT NOW!!”

  My eyes flew open just as the demon holding me burst into a cloud of black dust. Behind him, Sebastian stood with what appeared to be a sword in his hand. I could see the concern in his eyes as he stared down at me. I nodded my head quickly, letting him know I was all right. He turned, facing the remaining demon. During my time on the other side, he must have taken out the other demon that had been there.

  “Harley, go now.”

  I nodded my head and hurried to my feet. Backing away, I watched Sebastian as he went toe-to-toe with the remaining demon, the one I had shot all those nights ago. He moved like poetry in motion, the sword a part of him, not a weapon. He was the weapon. I could see now exactly what he had meant when he said he had needed to meet me. He’d let them attack him that night without a fight.

  “Harley!” Kylie called out.

  I turned and saw her running toward us. I held out my arms, planning on catching her. Instead, I heard Sebastian yell for her to get out of the way. I broke into a run without looking back. Something inside told me what had happened. The demon had slipped away from Sebastian and was on its way to Kylie.

  Colliding with her, I pulled her tightly into my arms and dropped to the ground. All I could do now was hope Sebastian could stop the monster in time.

  “I’ve got you,” he told me. I felt his arms wrap around me moments before he yelled out in pain.

  I tried to turn toward him. I wanted to help him. He wouldn’t allow it.

  “Close your eyes,” he commanded.

  I obeyed, taking my hand to cover Kylie’s eyes well. I couldn’t see the light, but I could feel the burn from it. It was like being baked in the rays of the sun on the hottest days of summer. As the heat passed,
my skin still was tingling, and I felt myself finally able to move again.

  “Sebastian,” I said as I reached for him.

  His hand touched mine briefly before he fell back onto the ground. In the center of his chest, I saw a wound—a hole in his chest that would have killed a human immediately. He wasn’t a human though. He was an angel. I knew he would heal.

  “Come on, let me get you home so you can heal,” I told him as I crawled over, pulling his head into my lap. “Are you strong enough to get us back?”

  Slowly he shook his head. “This isn’t a wound I can recover from, Harley.”

  I laughed. “Yes, you can. You’re an angel. You’re immortal, remember?”

  “This is different. I was fatally wounded by a demon. This, I won’t survive.”

  My entire body went numb. No, this wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. He was supposed to defeat the demons and then trade his mortality to be with me and Kylie. That was the plan. That was my plan. We would be a happy family. Things would be perfect. That was why he had been sent to me. He had been sent to make my life better.

  “No, please, you can’t leave me, Sebastian.”

  His hand reached up and softly caressed my cheek.

  “Leaving you is the last thing I want to do.”

  “Then don’t. Fight. Fight through this and stay with me.”

  “I will always be with you, Harley. You know this,” he answered as he wiped the tears that streamed down my face.

  I leaned down, kissing his lips one last time. “I love you.”

  “I love you, my Harley,” he said faintly as his head fell to the side. My heart shattered into a million pieces.


  One Year Later…

  Hearing Kylie on her cellphone, I slipped past her while she sat in the den and hurried up the stairs. The two of us had spent most of the morning together, talking about what had happened last Easter. We had talked about Sebastian and cried a lot. It had been a rough morning.

  Each time I remembered back to everything that had happened, I found myself amazed by the way it had all gone down. Sebastian had been my angel, and he had allowed others to see him. When the demons had emerged, that had all changed. Kylie and I were the only two who had seen what had transpired. The others never knew that my life had fallen apart at the seams. Once Sebastian was gone, they hadn’t remembered him. None of them recalled him being at the gathering. It was as if he only existed to Kylie and me.

  In a way, I preferred that. I didn’t have to hear people asking how I was again, like when Mom died. I didn’t have to plan a funeral. I didn’t have to ask people to give me a minute so I could sneak away and cry. No one except Kylie knew I was empty inside, so they didn’t try to stick their noses into it.

  It took a couple of months, but by the end of June, she was finally living with me. I had full custody, which meant I was now fully responsible for her. It had ended up being easier than I expected. She was a great kid. The two of us had fun together and most days got along great. Of course, she was a kid, so she had her moments.

  In my room, I slipped on my jeans and my boots. It was a bit chilly today, and I had a bit of a walk ahead of me. Pulling on a sweater, I hurried back down the stairs and signaled to Kylie that I would be back. Then I made my way out the front door.

  Tennessee was beautiful any time of the year. Today, it was magical. The sun was bright, the breeze was cool, and the air was crisp. I hoped it would help clear my head. I needed it. Although a year had passed, there wasn’t a minute of the day I didn’t pray to have my angel back.

  Knowing that Sebastian had sacrificed himself for me had been hard to swallow. I had survived my short time in the darkness only to come back and lose him. It had made me angry at first. I had cussed, thrown things, and refused to eat—the whole nine yards. Knowing I had to pull myself together for Kylie was the only thing that had gotten me through. I couldn’t abandon her. She still needed me. Today though—today was my day. I was making my way up the mountain to the beautiful spot he had taken me when he wanted to prove to me what he was. I kind of looked at it as our spot. I needed to be close to him.

  After what seemed like forever, I emerged from the woods and stepped out into the clearing. The view was still breathtaking, but it was also heartbreaking. Almost immediately, I fell to my knees and began to sob.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart.”

  Looking up, I wiped my eyes, thinking they were playing tricks on me.


  “Who else?” she asked with a smile that shined brighter than the sun.

  She looked like I remembered from when I was younger. Her hair was long, a perfect chestnut brown. Her eyes shined with no sign of the sickness that had taken her away from me. She wore the dress Kylie had described, as well as my locket I had bought her all those years ago.


  “I asked for a favor. I needed to talk to you.”

  I reached out my hand, but it passed through her.

  “This was the only way I could come to you. I took what I could get,” she told me as she leaned down, taking a seat beside me on the ground. “I wanted to tell you how well you did. You stood strong against the demons. You saved your soul. You even saved Kylie’s. They would’ve taken her if you hadn’t fought back.”

  “But I lost Sebastian.”

  “I know. We all did. I knew he was the right one to send to you. As we watched over you, I could see in his eyes that he cared deeply for you. I knew, no matter the cost, he would protect you.”

  “I want him back. I know it’s crazy, but I do. I didn’t have a chance to really be with him. We were just finding our way to one another. I wanted us all to be a family,” I told her through my tears.

  “That’s what I planned. I had hoped he would win the fight, give up his immortality, and choose to live a perfect, normal life. It’s what he wanted. Things just didn’t turn out that way.”

  “I suppose I should be thankful for what time I did have. The time I had with you and with him.”

  “Like I’ve told you, Harley, I am always with you. You’ll never lose me. That’s why I came to you. I wanted you to know how much I love you and that I’ll always see to your happiness.”

  I looked up at her. “I know that, Mom. I’ve always known that. I love you.”

  “Now, I get one hug. They promised, so give it to me. Then get home. I left you a surprise.”

  I stared at her. “Seriously? I can touch you?” I said, reaching out again and then gasping as I felt her. “Mom!” I cried as I threw myself into her arms.

  “It’s all right, baby,” she whispered against my hair as she held me tightly.

  The two of us sat together for a long time before she finally faded away. Even though I couldn’t see her, I still knew she was with me on the long walk back to the bed-and-breakfast. It was exactly what I had needed.

  Opening the door, I kicked the dirt off my boots and stepped inside.


  Hearing Kylie yell my name, I jumped in shock and then took off running for the kitchen at top speed. What I found was straight out of a dream. Kylie was standing by the fridge, an ice cream sandwich in her hand. On the counter, eating one of his own, sat Sebastian.

  “How?” I managed to mumble.

  His smile lit his face, just as I remembered, as he hopped off the counter. He crossed the room, pulled me against him tightly, and then kissed me until I was breathless. I clung to him, questioning him with my eyes. He laughed.

  “Our guardian angel. Remember? She sent me for you.”

  This time when the tears came, I didn’t fight them. Instead, I let them flow as I wrapped my arms around my angel and held him tight. My dream had finally come true. I had a family of my own, and I knew my mom was watching over all of us.

  About the Author

  Rena Marin is a fantasy/paranormal/horror author as well as reviewer. A writer of fantasy/paranormal/horror, Rena finds herself a lover of the written w
ord with many works on the horizon in 2018. Rena is happily married to her soul mate, Daniel. The two of them reside in the beautiful mountain town of Newport, Tn. with their two children Cody and Amber.

  * * *

  Follow Rena on Social Media:

  Rena Marin author page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorRenaMarin/

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  Goodreads: https://goo.gl/HRvSaZ

  The Bunny & His Flower

  C. Brady


  Adelaide stumbled, her foot catching the root to a tree. Her ankle twisted just before she landed on her face. A groan exited her chest as she pushed herself up off the damp earth. “Clumsy.” Annoyance laced her voice when she rose to her feet and brushed her clothes off. The sun filtered through the trees, illuminating everything around her— including a small rabbit caught in a trap. It was a deep mahogany color, its eyes matching its fur. Resignation and annoyance seemed to radiate from it. It lay there panting, its foot trapped between the steel jaws of the trap.

  A frown slipped onto her face when she saw the carnage before her. Approaching the animal with caution, sorrow filled her heart. “Don’t worry, I’m here to get you out,” she whispered. She knelt next to the seemingly docile animal. “Normally you all struggle even while I am trying to help— you must really be hurt.” Her grey-blue eyes focused on the small animal before her as she gently pried back the steel. If she did not know better, Adelaide would suspect he were trying to convince her to let him die.


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