Untangle Me

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Untangle Me Page 2

by S. J. Maylee

  Ivy stared at the latest message. He snuck a look at her screen and watched her type, “Yes, sir.”

  His heart quickened its pace and his mouth went dry. He had no idea who she was texting, but he didn’t want her calling anyone sir, but him. He took a deep calming breath. She was probably just texting with another client. He needed to figure out how to become something more than just her client.

  “Sorry about that. I think that will be the last one.”

  His driver pulled over. Seth got out of the car and reached his hand back towards Ivy. She grabbed hold of his hand, stepped from the car and their eyes locked. Essence of vanilla and spice drew him in. His fingers tingled with the need to pull her towards him and claim her luscious lips. He forced himself back a step and tugged her behind him and into the restaurant.

  The hostess greeted them and walked them to his usual table. The normally talkative woman took several glances at Ivy. This was the first time he’d brought anyone into the club. Even on nights he came to play next door, he usually came alone.

  During the working week, you’d have no idea the restaurant catered to anything but the usual business crowd. The velvet curtains that hung from the ceiling were pulled back during the week. They still hid each table from each other, but it was hardly private.

  The curved tables and built in banquettes provided intimacy to the setting. He stayed standing until Ivy was settled and then slid in next to her. He ordered the fondue sampler and a carafe of water. The meal would be brought all at once and they’d be assured no interruptions. He’d heard the meal made for easy conversation, exactly what they needed.

  Her phone buzzed again.

  She took one look at him, silenced her phone, and set it on the table. “Sorry, it’s just Candy. I’ll catch up with her later.”

  “I like Candy. She’s charming.”

  “I like her too. I met her through the boys and girls club, actually.” Ivy’s eyes lit up. “She had quite the mouth on her back then, but it was easy to see the capable woman hiding underneath.”

  “I can imagine. You mentor?”

  The waitress arrived with the water and a Lazy Susan tray that held their meal. The cheese course currently faced them. Sharp tangy scents from the cheese and the yeasty bread pulled at his attention, but the woman next to him held all his interest.

  “I just started a couple of years ago, after I opened my business.” Ivy sat up a little taller and reached for a fondue fork. “I figure it’s the least I can do after all they did to help me get on the right track.” She stabbed a piece of bread and dunked it. After a tap of the fork on the edge of the pot, she plopped the gooey morsel in her mouth.

  “I know what you mean. Who knows where I’d be without their mentor program.” He forgot about his own piece of bread as he watched her enjoy her bite.

  “Really?” She turned her body to face him. Her tongue darted out to lick at a smudge of cheese at the corner of her mouth.

  “Don’t look so incredulous. I didn’t always have money.”

  “Huh. I never would have guessed.” She shook her head and flipped her hair behind her shoulder. “I figured you were born that way.”

  “Nothing was handed to me. In fact, I almost flunked out of high school. After my dad took off, I lost all interest in my future and fell into the wrong crowd. When my mom got wind of my failing grades, she laid out two paths for my life. One had me working a dead-end job and the other had me driving fast cars. I still have the picture of the red speedster she showed me that day in my office.” He chuckled. “I haven’t thought about that picture in a while. Anyways, when I got out of college the connections I made through the boys and girls club helped me to land my first job.”

  “Did you ever buy the red speedster?”

  “I did. The day I signed my CEO contract, I bought two, one for my mom and one for me. She sold hers and took a trip around the world. I still have mine, but I keep it at the Miami house.”

  “Yes, the Miami house. Good decision.” She nodded.

  “The thing is so light. It doesn’t handle the Chicago wind very well.”

  “I’ve heard that can be a problem.”

  “You think you’re so cute.” Their shared laughter lightened his heart. “Tell me how you got where you are.”

  “My life has a lot of befores and afters.” She played with the corner of her napkin. “My dad was a brilliant architect until the day he fell at the construction site. He lost the use of his legs and his company found a way to make it look like it was his fault. They almost sued him for negligence.” She took a calming breath. “When they paid his medical expenses, they made him feel like they were being overly generous.”

  “That’s terrible.”

  “After the second accident, the building was demolished and he was shunned by his friends. I was fourteen when we lost our home. It was such a great house too.” Her face lightened with an easy smile. “I had a great room in that house and my best girlfriends lived on either side of me. We moved across town and after a while I lost touch with them. It was a hard time for all of us, but watching my dad and the way he smiled each and every day was something to see. My parents are amazing.”

  “I’m sorry your family had to go through all of that.”

  “Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault, and besides, I’m not sorry. Not really.” Her eyes refocused. “Of course, I’d prefer my dad have the use of his legs, but I don’t take what I have for granted.” Ivy turned towards him. “My parents had wealth before the accident and they had each other after. I can see now that as long as they have each other, they can get through anything. I only wish I’ll be as lucky as they are.”

  Her phone buzzed again. Not wanting anything interrupting their moment, he grasped her hand as it landed on the phone. Their eyes locked until the phone lit and the message appeared.

  “Name one rule of submissive pose?”

  “Are you—?”

  “Oh, my.” She pulled her hand and phone from his grip. She turned off her phone, and threw it in her bag.

  “Are you in training?”


  “Don’t lie to me,” he warned. “If you belong to the club next door, I can walk over and find out easily enough, or I could just give the owner a call.” He pulled out his own phone.

  “No,” she yelped, landing across his lap to get at his phone.

  “Well, this is an interesting turn of events.”

  She pulled away and he reluctantly let her go.

  “You didn’t miss a training to have lunch with me, did you?”

  Her mouth fell open and she looked at him strangely. Slowly she closed her mouth and looked down at her hands. “I was going to schedule an extra session with Master Marcus. I’d sent a text just before you caught me coming outside.”

  “Did I get you in trouble?”

  “No, he was great about my quick change of plans. He’s just putting me through a pop quiz instead.”

  He moved his thumbs across the touch screen on his phone.

  “Oh no, please don’t call Keller.” Keller owned the BDSM club next door and she was probably concerned about how it would affect her status as a trainee.

  “I’m not calling Keller.”

  He could hardly believe the conversation he’d been having. Not only was he sitting at a secluded table with the woman who’d been heating his dreams, but she was a submissive in training too. He silently cursed his travel schedule. He’d clearly never seen her at the club or he would be training her instead of leaving the job to Marcus.

  He’d had plenty of good fortune in his life, but this little tidbit excited him most of all. After hitting send on his text, he set the phone down and watched her.

  She took a calming breath and jumped when her phone buzzed. She pulled her phone out of her bag, set it on the table, and swiped the screen.

  “You’re in good hands. I’ll talk with you later.”

  Ivy looked up at Seth and her mouth fell open. The
only movement now was her chest pushing out and back with her breathing. He hoped she was starting to trust him. Her sneaky tongue dragged across her bottom lip.

  “Do you still want training this afternoon?” He needed to know more about this wicked creature. Needed to know how she’d feel under his commanding hand and what it would take to make her scream with pleasure. His cock twitched at the thought of commanding her body, until a shadow fell across the table.

  “Seth, I thought that was you,” said a deep male voice next to him.

  Ivy kept looking at Seth as though she was concentrating on his question. Warmth radiated through him.

  “Brad, it’s good to see you.” Seth stood and the two men shook hands. He turned to Ivy. “I’d like to introduce you to Ivy Reed. It was her company that organized the event last night.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Ivy.” He flashed his charming smile. “Last night was a lot of fun.”

  “Likewise and thank you.” She offered her hand. “How do you two know each other?”

  “Brad is the son of one of my best friends. His dad was my first mentor, actually.” Seth paused for a second and his sights passed between her and Brad. He didn’t like thinking Brad would be a better match for Ivy than himself, but it was obvious. Their age difference wasn’t supposed to be a problem. Why am I making it one? He wanted to shout in frustration, but swallowed it down. “I’ve known Brad since he was born. Now, he’s a rising star in Chicago finance.”

  “More like, I’m a CPA who’s wasting away and waiting for his chance. Speaking of which, if we’re late to our meeting, my career will certainly suffer. I promised to have you there on time.”

  “What time is it?” Seth looked at his watch. “I’m sorry, Ivy, but Brad’s right. I have to go.”

  “Ivy, it was a pleasure meeting you. Hopefully next time we’ll get more time together.” Brad lifted her hand and brought it to his lips, the whole time his eyes trained on hers. Seth bumped him slightly and Brad stumbled. “Yes, right. I’ll meet you outside, Seth.”

  “I’m sorry I have to go, but the meal is on my tab. Please, stay as long as you can. My driver will stay and take you wherever you want to go.” He leaned down over her and looked her in the eyes. “You didn’t answer my question.” When she gave him a questioning look, he added, “Do you still want training today?”

  “I’m not sure.” She pinched her brows together and dragged her teeth across her bottom lip as she looked up at him.

  He stared at her wet, kissable mouth and reminded himself that he needed to continue earning her trust. “Alright then. Tonight, Club Voyage is a dance club. They’ll have live music and we can dance the night away. I’ll bet we’ll have a great time.”

  She reached into her purse and slid a dollar bill across the table. “I’ll take that bet.”

  Chapter Three

  She walked into the club and was surprised how different it felt from Saturday nights. The lack of nudity wasn’t what made the difference. The room had a flow she’d never seen there before. Everyone mingled and voices swirled around her head making her a little dizzy. The spanking benches and Saint Andrew’s crosses had been removed, making room for more dance floor, and the bar was packed two and three deep, unlike Saturday nights when the club served hardly any alcohol.

  She’d only had two months of training. Seth mentioned they could just dance, but she wanted so much more from him. Could she possibly be ready for a night of submitting to Seth’s demands? A shiver covered her body and heat followed.

  She posed the question to Master Marcus this afternoon and after their discussion she was convinced she was. The intense desires building inside her and the endorsement from Master Marcus were enough to shove away her personal demons.

  She desperately wanted to know how Seth’s body felt as she pressed up against him. How much harm could be created from one night of hot fun, anyways?

  She could no longer think of a reason not to give in. Her fingers itched to rub over his chest and around his shoulders. What would he feel like? How would he command her body? Warmth gathered between her legs.

  First things first, she had to find Seth. She wound her way through the crowd, not recognizing a single soul. Of course, she’d never come here on a Friday night. She picked up her pace and wound farther into the club. She wanted to find Seth, wanted his arms around her.

  A couple across the floor caught her eye. They weren’t paying any attention to the crowd around them or the band rocking on stage a few feet away. Clearly they’d come to the club to enjoy each other. Their mingling, their closeness, eased her frayed nerves. Scenes like the one in front of her were one of the reasons she loved this place.

  The couple didn’t need anyone else. They just needed each other. His hands roamed her body and she molded her frame to his. Not a smidgen of light could be seen between them. Ivy licked her lips and started moving again.

  Where was Seth?

  Once in the center of the dance floor she turned in a circle, looking every direction.


  From the center seat at the bar, Seth’s direct stare held her captive. A new song excited the crowd and cheers surrounded them, but neither of them paid it any attention.

  His jacket and tie were gone, giving her a closer look at his all-male body. The top button on his white shirt was undone. She wanted to undo the rest and get a glimpse at what lay underneath. Round shoulders tapered to his waist. She bit her lip as she imagined his length.

  He made no move to come to her, his elbow still rested on the bar. He was a man waiting for the world to come to him.

  Not the world. Her.

  The comfortable confidence and the heat shining in his eyes turned her on. She swayed her hips to the hypnotic beat. Her hands felt their way up her thighs, around her hips, and when they got an inch past her waist, he got up and walked towards her.

  In no time, his feet stepped in between hers and together they rocked to the music. The drums and base from the band pushed a rhythm into her body, driving her desire. Their fingers interlaced. She snuggled closer and breathed in his clean, musky scent.

  She wanted to touch him, but he kept a hold on her hands. He pushed them both behind her, causing her back to arch and her breasts to press deliciously into his hard body. Heat rolled through her. She let her head fall back, exposing her neck.

  His lips brushed across her collarbone. They continued to rock back and forth, their hips swaying and rubbing together. He took her wrists in one hand and his other stroked down her neck, over her shoulder, caressed the side of her breast, and around her waist to land on her butt. He squeezed her ass and pressed her into the hard ridge of his cock. She lowered her chin and moaned as she took in his expression filled with raw desire. A slow devilish smile lit his features and sent a tremble through her.

  The song ended and another began while they continued their dance. He let go of her hands and she wrapped them around his neck. Both of his hands molded her ass. She nuzzled his neck, taking a nibble and a few kisses as she breathed him in. She wanted more.

  Lots more.

  She made her way closer to his mouth. Before she stole a kiss, she looked into his eyes. His brown eyes had darkened to the color of night, matching his hair. She sucked on her lower lip.

  “You know what you’re doing, right?” he asked.

  “I know I want you.”

  “The Masters work the back rooms on club nights. But we can stay on the dance floor all night, if you want.”

  “You’re talking about the one on one rooms?” She sucked in a breath.

  “I don’t think this crowd is prepared to see what I want to do to you.”

  “Can we go back there? I want to go back there.” She looked directly into his eyes.

  He didn’t respond, just took her hand and led her through the crowd. The bouncer at the back of the room saw them coming. He turned, unlocked the door, and held it open for them.

  A few steps down the hall and they found one
of the Masters, a Domme she’d met through the training program. “There are two rooms left. You have your pick of audio and visual surveillance or just audio. Both rooms are empty except for a bed.”

  Seth turned to Ivy. “Your pick.”

  The thought of anyone watching them turned her on, but for this one night she wanted him all to herself.

  “Audio only.”

  “Second door on the right. We’re listening for red and yellow tonight. On yellow, we’ll open the door and observe the rest of your scene. For red, we’ll help you out of the club and make sure you get home safely.” She turned to Seth. “You brought protection?” When he nodded, she looked at Ivy. “Any questions?”

  “No questions. Thank you, Mistress Charlie.”

  “Good. Have fun, you two.”

  Ivy walked forward and into the room. The description was right: the room only had a bed. Nothing hung on the walls, and only a fitted sheet covered the bed. The room didn’t have much light either. The sconces cast a shadowy glow across the room.

  She heard the door close and turned around. Seth walked towards her, unbuttoning his shirt along the way. His chest was all curves and contours of muscles. Her pulse quickened. He reached around her and tugged on the zipper of her skirt. The garment drifted to the floor. She stepped out of it. Next, his fingers dragged up her sides. Ivy lifted her arms, and he brought her top over her head. The room was warm, but a shiver danced up her spine.

  “You’re beautiful.” He reached behind her again and unhooked her bra. The straps dragged down her arms. Slowly, he pulled the garment away, revealing her breasts. “I’ve been thinking about this moment since our first night on the phone,” he said as he reached out and grazed her nipple, the tip bunching under his touch. “They’re more beautiful than I imagined.”

  She reached out and slipped a hand under the collar of his shirt and dragged it over his shoulder, letting the garment fall to the floor.

  Seth undid his belt and in no time removed the remainder of his clothes. His cock was long and thick, a bead of pre-cum sat at the tip. She stared at the liquid, licking her lips.


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