Faking the Love

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by Sofia Grey

  He lifted his eyebrows. “We are on a plane. And I don’t know about you, but I’m so horny right now, I would fuck you in that seat, in front of the entire crew, if I could.”

  Like one, we looked up the aisle toward the bathrooms.

  Would I?

  Damn right.

  “Twenty minutes until dinner.” My voice came out as a squeak.

  “Wanna do some hands-on research?”

  I WALKED UP THE AISLE to the bathroom first. Briskly and normally. As though I was just going to relieve myself, not bang a man I met less than an hour ago. That I’d never see again after this flight. A rock star, maybe.

  I took a minute, to stare at my reflection in the tiny mirror. My cheeks were flushed, my eyes bright. God. Was I really going to do this?

  A discreet knock sounded, and in stepped Jez and locked the door behind him. “I was right,” he murmured. “You have an incredible ass.”

  I wasn’t sure which of us moved first. I slipped my arms around his neck, while he palmed my butt cheeks and pulled me tight against his body. His firm, muscled body. And his rock-hard dick. He hadn’t pretended that.

  Our first kiss went nuclear. He didn’t kiss me, so much as claim me, his tongue demanding entrance and his teeth nipping at my lip.

  I glanced around the cramped space. “We don’t have much room.”

  “Plenty.” He tugged up my skirt and settled his hands back on my ass, his fingers exploring the edges of my panties. “Mmm... lace. These feel black.”

  “How did you...” I followed his gaze to the mirror and the hint of black lace visible. “That’s cheating.”

  “Correction—that is fuckin’ hot.”

  With him teasing at my panties and trailing kisses down my throat, I felt hot. Geeky Lucy Briar was about to behave in a whole new way.

  “We only have a few minutes, before they figure out where we are and what we’re doing, baby.” He pressed an open-mouthed kiss on my collarbone, and I whimpered. “Turn around, gorgeous. Hands flat on the mirror.”

  I hated being bossed around.

  I loved when Jez did it.

  “That’s it. Legs wider.” He nudged at my stance, bent me forward with my butt raised, and all the while fooled around with my panties. He fingered under the lace, along the seams, skimmed over my thighs, and then finally cupped my mound.

  I gasped, a croaking sound emerging from my throat, as electric shocks cascaded through my nerve endings. Christ. We were both fully dressed, and already I was in imminent danger of an orgasm.

  “Fuck me. So wet, baby.” He nipped my ear lobe and made my knees wobble. “I’ve got a condom in my wallet. Gimme a second.”

  I pressed my burning face on the cool glass. How would this work? I never fucked standing up before.

  Jez dug into a pocket, and grunted when he found what he searched for. “Got it.” He met my gaze in the mirror. “I want to see you touch yourself.”


  He smiled, and the dimples flashed. “Touch your tits. Push up your shirt, pull down your bra, and pinch your nipples.”

  I gulped. He was serious. I never did that in front of a guy before, either. Without hesitation, I did as he asked. Shoved up my long-sleeved T-shirt. Pulled down my bra cups. My breasts ached for attention, but I stalled.

  “Come on, Mel. I want to make it good for you.”

  Mel? Oh yes. I was playing the part of Mel. Even so, could I do this? I hesitated and met his gaze again.

  “Like this.” He took one of my hands and closed it around my breast, his thumb brushing my sensitive nipple. I jerked, and then moaned. Fuck it—that felt good.

  Leaving my hand alone, Jez yanked down my panties and slowly ran one finger the length of my slit. His touch, precise and firm, lit another fire inside me. My stomach cartwheeled and went into freefall. He pushed his finger inside, and I had to bite my lip, to stop from crying aloud. That was just his finger. How would his cock feel? Would I survive?

  “Keep touching, Mel. Imagine those cabana boys watching you give them a show.”

  My orgasm thundered toward me, as unstoppable and shattering as a freight train. “I need you, Jez. Please hurry.” Was that me, asking him to hurry up?

  Foil ripped. Jez grunted again, and finally, the blunt head of his cock pushed into me. It’s as well I leaned on the mirror, otherwise my knees would have given way.

  “Holy. Fuck.” He dropped his head to my shoulder and kissed my throat. “I can’t tell you how good you feel.”


  He flexed his hips, withdrew, and slowly entered me again. It was excruciating, how slow he moved.

  I teetered on a knife edge, desperate for climax but wanting to prolong this moment of insanity. “Jez,” I whispered. “Fuck me, please.”

  Insanity was right. He hammered into me, pounding so hard I thumped against the flimsy wall and feared I’d crash through it. His hands were everywhere—pinching my nipples, stroking my clit, caressing my butt—while his lips worked their magic higher up.

  I existed purely in the moment. I couldn’t speak.

  Couldn’t think.

  Just felt.

  And when my climax hit, Jez had to cover my mouth with his hand, to muffle my shout. The shockwave crashed through me, reducing me to a mute beast. I could barely breathe. My vision was patchy, and I had no idea if I was standing on my own feet or hugging the basin to stay upright.

  “Fuck,” growled Jez, thrusting deep. “Fuuuuck.”

  He was done. I couldn’t tell if he was shaking, or if that was me. Blood surged through my veins, and my heart thundered like a racehorse on the final stretch. Gradually, other noises crept in. The sound of the plane engines humming along. The rasp of Jez’s breathing.

  The steady knocking on the bathroom door.

  Chapter Three

  The flight attendant was not pleased. With our clothes rearranged and the condom flushed away, we stood meekly as he explained it was airline policy to only have one person in the bathroom at any time.

  I swallowed my giggles and followed Jez back to our seats. “That was awkward.” I laughed. “And fun.”

  “No, sweetheart. That was fuckin’ hot.” With his twinkling eyes and flashing dimples, he was adorable. Everything I could ever want in a lover.

  We bonded more over dinner and an action movie, but stayed away from anything physical. If I met him somewhere else, would I have the courage to come on to him?

  No. Not in a million years. Face it, Lucy, I told myself. This was your one moment of excitement. Once I settled in Wellington, I’d be back in the dating pool and resigning myself to the nerds I always attracted.

  I snuck a sideways glance at Jez, who was absorbed in the movie. He was the gorgeous one, and I was most likely one of many. For all I knew, he hooked up with a new girl every week. He made me feel special, though. I’d never forget him.

  The rest of the flight passed in a blur of movies and sleep.

  The plane was descending toward Sydney Airport, when he reached across and took my hand. Oh no. He was about to give me the thank-you speech. I couldn’t bear that.

  He opened his mouth to speak, but I placed a finger on his lips. “Don’t say anything. This was amazing. You were amazing.” Tears pressed at the back of my eyes, but I managed to smile. “Okay?”

  Jez frowned. His eyes darkened, and it looked as though he’d object, so I shook my head. “Don’t,” I said.

  He didn’t. Our remaining minutes together were taken up with gathering our belongings, landing, and then disembarking. By the time we emerged into the artificial brightness of late-night Sydney, I had my head in gear and my smile locked into place. Tugging my bag behind me, I gave him a friendly wave and trotted off without a backward glance.

  TWO DAYS AFTER I WALKED away from Jez, after having the grand tour of Wellington, I set off for my new position at the research division of Tech4. I didn’t sleep much last night, my dreams filled with a dark-eyed lover stealing control of my
sleeping hours, but I was excited about the change in job. I’d be part of a brand new team, working on the latest security protocols, and getting involved with the latest tech. It was a geek’s dream, and I couldn’t believe my good luck at being selected.

  Anton, my gay cubicle buddy, had the potential to become a good friend, and I followed him to the conference room for the kick-off meeting, to meet the rest of the team. Everyone else was here, he announced, apart from the lead consultant, J.D. Fowler, a virus specialist who was on his way, flying in from New York.

  “I can’t wait to meet him,” said Anton. “He made a fortune doing ethical hacking, you know, before he joined Tech4.”

  I nodded. This was the guy that hand-picked the project team. He was a legend in virus coding. I wanted to pick his brains, and I hoped for the chance to talk to him about his experiences.

  There were ten of us gathered around the table, coffees in hand, identity tags hanging around our necks, and data tablets at the ready. We buzzed as a group, with anticipation for the work ahead, and excitement about meeting the legendary J.D. Fowler.

  I was listening to Anton when the project manager arrived, so I missed his entrance. I didn’t miss who walked in with him.


  What the hell? Was I still fast asleep and dreaming? I pinched the back of my hand, and winced at the sting. I was awake.

  J.D. Fowler.

  He looked familiar on the plane.

  He thought he recognised me.

  Jesus Christ on a piece of toast. It all made sense now. Or at least some of it. I sank my head into my hands. Was there any chance at all that I could bluff my way out this?

  I knew the answer.

  I’d lied to him. Great, huge lies, with bells and flashing lights all over them. It wasn’t the kind of behaviour he’d be looking for on his project. My fabulous career opportunity was about to evaporate. Would I be able to stay in New Zealand? Get a transfer to another position? Or would I have to go back home with my tail between my legs?

  I felt sick.

  One by one, my colleagues stood and introduced themselves.

  I couldn’t do this.

  Anton rose, gave his brief resume, and then cracked a joke. Everyone chuckled, except me. I was too busy freaking out. It was my turn next.

  Up to now, Jez—J.D.—might not have seen me, but that was about to change.

  I really felt sick.

  My knees shook, and my hands were clammy, but I pushed to my feet and forced a smile at the managers. I couldn’t help staring at Jez. He was hot before, but now, in a tailored suit, crisp white shirt, and silk tie, he looked edible. He gazed back, his face impassive.

  I swallowed. Why couldn’t the ground open up and let me fall away?

  “My name is Lucy Briar. I transferred here from the London office, and I’m an N-Code programmer.” If I had my wits about me, I’d mention my special areas of expertise, the apps I developed, and what I looked forward to as part of this project. There was no point. He probably thought I had to lie to get laid. How soon could I get out of here?

  I sat down and stared at the table, and tried to breathe normally.

  Finally, Jez stood and greeted the team. “Hey. I’m J.D., although some of you might know me as Jez.”

  My cheeks, previously hot, burned even more.

  He went on. “I’ve just moved here too, from New York, via Sydney for a family wedding. I’m racking up the frequent-flier miles at the moment.” A ripple of amusement ran down the table, and he smiled.

  He waited for us to quiet, his voice turning serious. “As you know, CyGes has awarded the contract to Tech4, to develop the security for their wetware protocols. Collectively, we know more than anyone about reducing the risk of hacking. I don’t need to tell you this is a massive opportunity, not only for the company, but also for us to shape a piece of the future.”

  His attention dropped on each of us in turn. “You all bring specialist areas to this group. You’re all techies, which is a start, but you have softer skills too, and they’ll come into play. Some of you are leaders or planners. Some bring marketing expertise or customer-service experience. All of you need to think outside the box on this one. Your creativity is highly sought. Don’t be constrained. The sky is the limit on this project.”

  I lifted my gaze and found him staring at me. He flashed me a tiny smile, and then started a detailed presentation on the scope of work and the timescales for the phases.

  He valued creativity. Was that a subliminal message for me? My pulse quickened. He didn’t look upset. And he’d smiled.

  Maybe—just maybe—I would get away with this?

  Could I be so lucky?

  An hour later, the meeting was over and people milled around, chatting. Bracing myself for the worst, I waited to speak to Jez. He spoke with one of my new teammates, and then turned his attention to me. “Mel?”

  “Melanie is my middle name.” He smelled as delicious as he did on the plane. I tried to smile. “Well... Uh... This is awkward.”

  “Fun, though?” He leaned forward, dropping his voice, for my ears alone. “Actually, I think this has the potential to be fuckin’ hot. How about dinner tonight?”


  FAKING THE LOVE is a short story to introduce the Love in Wellington series. This series of standalone romances each have their own happy ending and can be read in any order.

  Next in the series is Seeing the Love. Read on for a brief excerpt.

  Excerpt from Seeing the Love

  Chapter One

  < Lucas requests chat >

  The Messenger icon flashed at the bottom of Natalie’s screen. She shifted the telephone handset, to rest it on her shoulder—the posture strictly frowned upon by the health and safety gurus—and clicked her mouse to open the chat window.

  Natalie: Hi Lucas

  Lucas: Hey Natalie. You on the phone?

  Natalie: Yeah. What’s up?

  Lucas: Can you call when you’re done? I want to run through the order details for Bryce Electronics.

  Natalie cursed silently. She just knew there was going to be a problem with this one. Bryce were her most demanding customer, and this particular order had been their most complex so far. Corporate-IT sales was a cut-throat business, and Bryce seemed to delight in being difficult. Her heart sank. She blew out a frustrated breath and tapped a quick reply.

  Natalie: Will do

  Lucas: Catch you later

  Natalie shifted the phone into a more comfortable position. She’d be fretting about that damn order all afternoon. As soon as this conference call was over, she was due in a sales-review meeting, and that would take the rest of the day. She worried her bottom lip with her teeth. The chat session with Lucas was still open. With the call continuing in her ear, she balanced the phone again and typed some more, her fingers flying over the keyboard.

  Natalie: I have a meeting after this call, and that will take the rest of the afternoon. Can you tell me what’s wrong?

  She waited, darting her attention between the chat window and the invoice currently discussed on the call. They didn’t need her input for the moment.

  Lucas: We’re low on that model of laptop. We can either ship what we’ve got and the rest later, or change to another model.

  “Bugger.” She only realized she’d spoken out loud when there was a surprised exclamation on the phone. “Sorry,” she said. “I just spilled my drink. I need to leave the call for a few minutes.”

  The instant the line cleared, she speed-dialed Lucas.

  “Hey.” He sounded surprised. “Thought you had a meeting?” His deep, lilting voice washed over her, as smooth as melted chocolate. One of these days, she’d have to find out if he was as sexy as he sounded.

  “Yes, but I don’t want to wait. How bad is it? The delay?”

  She heard the faint clatter of keys, hundreds of miles away, in their national distribution center. “Two—maybe three weeks. Is that too long to wait?”

  She visualiz
ed her sales bonus folding up like an origami bird and flying out of the window. “They said they’d cancel the order if they didn’t get it this week.”

  He chuckled. “They always say that, and you always sweet-talk them.” Despite her anxiety, she smiled. It was nice of him to say that. Lucas tapped some more, and then continued. “I’m sure I can do some juggling at this end. I’ll e-mail you this afternoon, so you have all the options when you get back from your meeting.”

  LUCAS WAS GOOD AT JUGGLING. He spoke to the stock controllers, the buyers, two other salespeople, and finally the dispatch team. When Natalie’s order was filled, every item scrounged from the shelves and from other customers orders, he finally sat back and smiled at his screen.

  It had taken most of the afternoon, and he now had a backlog of e-mails to respond to, but it was worth it. He had a soft spot for Natalie. Maybe it was because she treated him as a normal person? A regular guy. Her voice was beautiful, and that was reason enough. He harbored more than one fantasy about the girl behind the voice. Was she blonde? Brunette? She sounded dark and exotic rather than blonde and ditzy. The complete opposite of his ex-wife. It was a shame he’d never meet her, but really that was for the best.

  He stared intently at his screen, and reset the zoom to double-check the totals. Yep, it was all there. He pressed Send, and then pushed back from his computer. He needed some fresh air. He’d only gone a few steps, when his Messenger chimed.

  It was Natalie.

  Natalie: Lucas Wade, you are an angel in disguise. Thank you, thank you!!!!!!!

  His eyes were beginning to water from the length of time he’d been staring at the screen, but he couldn't resist her.

  Lucas: No problem. Happy to help.

  Natalie: Was it a big hassle?

  Lucas: Nah. Just a couple of calls. Did your meeting finish early?


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