Pieces (Riverdale #1)

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Pieces (Riverdale #1) Page 13

by Janine Infante Bosco

  “Man you need to relax.” Nick said through gritted teeth, shaking his leg out.

  Cara stared up at Jake, her eyes questioning him. Shit, was he really going to play the jealous boyfriend? He wanted to kick himself just as he kicked Nick.

  “Who’s the suit and tie?” Jake asked, motioning to the man at the end of the bar. He watched Cara glance over her shoulder and then look back into his eyes. She smiled at him before she pressed her lips against his mouth. He felt like an asshole, especially now that she was amused by the jealously that flooded his veins.

  “That’s just Bill.” She pulled back and stared at him. “He asked me to dinner, and I graciously told him I am very much in love with my boyfriend.”

  Jake couldn’t help but throw “Bill” a dirty look. Cara cupped his face, and forced him to look at her. “Hey, I can handle this.”

  “I know you can.” He sighed aggravated with himself. “I just don’t know if I can.” He admitted as he took her hands off his face and kissed one and then the other. “I’m an ass.”

  “You’re my ass.” She said as she grinned at him.

  “This is going to take some getting used to.” Nick said to Sam as he watched Jake and Cara.

  “Yes, and it’s going to be so fun to watch Jake squirm.” Sam said as she blew a kiss to her brother.

  Jake supposed he deserved her teasing him, but he would never admit it. He chose to ignore her for now, once he gathered his bearings he was going to embark on a relentless Nick and Sam attack. He focused on Cara. “What time do you get off?”

  “One o’ clock.” She said as she licked her bottom lip. He wanted to lean in and take her lip between his teeth, but he had a damn appointment. He cursed to himself.

  “I have to go. I have a back piece I’m scheduled to do in a half hour. I’ll pick you up.”

  “I have my car.”

  “So leave it here, we’ll go for a ride. We’ll go to our place.” He wiggled his eyebrows knowing very well, she wouldn’t say no.

  “Okay.” She smiled at him and then he leaned in and took her lower lip between his just as he wanted to. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto the kiss. He restrained himself from kissing her like he wanted to. He may have been acting out, but he knew that there were limits. Slowly, he withdrew himself from her.

  “We’ll continue this later.” He promised, loving how turned on she looked and knowing his simple kiss caused it. He stood from his stool and looked over at Sam and Nick. “I’m leaving. Keep an eye on her.” He told Nick.

  “Well, if you’re leaving there is no way I’m staying here with him.” Sam said as she pointed a finger at Nick.

  Nick sarcastically waved goodbye at Sam, before nodding towards Jake. “I’ve got you.”

  “Thanks.” Jake said and watched Sam lean over and kissed Cara’s cheek.

  “Happy Birthday, again.” She said and eyed the balloons she turned and looked at Nick.

  “What?” He said expectantly. “Going to kiss me goodbye?”

  Sam rolled her eyes and stalked off. Jake blew out a breath and shook his head at his sister. She was playing with fire; that much he knew. Nick’s patience with her seemed to be running thin, and he couldn’t really blame the guy. He was trying to no prevail. He patted Nick’s back, consolingly and then gave Cara one more glance. God, she was pretty and she was all his.

  Rudy walked out of the back office, it was a half hour after closing time, he usually never was around this late but Cara knew he probably only hung around because she was working the bar by herself that evening. She glanced up at him from drying some of the clean glasses and smiled. Rudy was in his early fifties, and the years had not been kind to him. He had lost most of his hair and what had been left was completely gray. Owning a bar had run its course and landed along his midsection, blessing him with a hefty beer belly. Still, he was the gentlest of giants, as far as Cara was concerned.

  “Almost done for the night Rudy, you can go.” She said, hoping she reassured him.

  “And leave you by yourself? My conscience would be the death of me. Usually your boyfriend is here to see you home.” He grumbled.

  Cara smiled. Apparently Jake’s affections even had hit the back office. “He’ll be here any minute”

  Rudy mumbled something inaudible before sighing. “That Jake, fellow, he’s a good guy. I always liked him.” He cocked his head as if he was questioning his thoughts. “Granted he was the cause of some of the greatest fights this bar has seen. He always looked out for you.”

  Cara smiled, she couldn’t argue that. She wondered where Rudy was going with his little speech. “He definitely is a good guy, one of the best.” She asserted.

  Another grunt sounded from Rudy. Maybe that was just how he breathed. “Anyway, I’m glad he took his head out of his ass. You’re hardworking gal. You deserve some happiness.”

  Cara’s eyes widened, but she composed herself and tucked the compliment away. “Thank you Rudy. It means a lot.”

  Rudy nodded and grabbed his cigar. It dangled from his lips as he shoved his newsboy hat on top of his bald head. “You sure he’s coming?” He mumbled with the cigar in his mouth.

  “Positive. Go home, I’ll make sure everything is locked up.”

  “You always do.” He muttered as he saw himself towards the front door. Cara watched the door close behind him. She finished placing the clean glasses in their rightful spot before she checked the shelves behind her. The liquor bottles were lined perfectly. She gave the room a quick glance, straightening some chairs as she walked towards the light switches.

  The door opened again and she didn’t have to turn around to know who had walked through it. She smiled instantly, as she dimmed the lights. She turned and bumped into Jake’s hard chest. A laugh escaped her lips as her eyes peered up at him. He grabbed her face with his hands and pressed his mouth firmly onto hers. Quickly, she adjusted, and wrapped her arms around his neck as he hoisted her up. Her legs swung around his waist, as his hands cupped her ass. He carried her to the pool table and set her down gently on top of the felt. He pulled his mouth away from hers.

  “That’s one way to say hello.” She panted as he shrugged his jacket off his shoulders and threw it on the table behind her. A devilish grin spread across his face as he pushed her legs apart and he stepped between them.

  “The best way if you ask me.” He said as he wiggled his eyebrows, his trademark gesture, that undid her every single time. “Are we alone?” He said as his fingers worked the tiny buttons on the front of her shirt.

  “Yes.” She said excitement evident in her voice. She looped her fingers through the belt loops of his jeans and tugged him closer to her.

  “Good, I’ve been dreaming of doing this to you, since I left here. I almost tattooed your name to the guys back piece I was doing because I couldn’t get you out of my head.” He said before his lips crashed onto hers.

  Between kisses, Jake managed to slide her shirt off. He cupped her breasts in his palms as his tongue lavished her mouth. His fingertips toyed with the strap of her bra as hers undid the top button of his jeans. Her hand cupped his erection through the denim and she heard him suck in a breath before his mouth found one of her nipples through the lace that shielded her breasts. His hands traveled down to her thighs and he began to hike her shirt higher, inch by inch until it pooled around her waist. He tore his mouth from her breast and grinned at her.

  “Thanks for wearing a skirt.” He smirked and she cocked her head as she slid the zipper of his jeans down.

  “You’re welcome. Now shut up and fuck me.” She tried to hide the grin on her face by chewing on her lip. Her eyes gave up her laughter and he grinned at her. “Please?” She offered and they both laughed, before their lips met.

  As their tongues danced and their lips fused together, both sets of hands worked on pushing down Jake’s pants and boxers, satisfied when they finally were hanging past his knees. He reached between her legs and slipped his fingers under the
scrap of fabric that covered her aching mound. He pushed one finger between her folds and she instantly arched against his hand.

  “Damn it Jake, stop teasing me.” She said as his finger pushed in and out of her. She wanted that hard length she eyed inside of her not his fingers. He pressed his lips to her neck and spoke against her skin.

  “Tell me what you want.” He said and let his tongue travel the base of her neck.

  “I want you inside me, fast and hard.” She all but pleaded before she grabbed his head with her hands. She looked into his eyes, demanding he take her just as she said.

  His eyes never left hers and she watched him withdraw his finger from inside her and dip his fingertip into his mouth, treating himself to a taste. He closed his eyes as if to tell her was savoring her flavor. When his eyes opened, she moaned slightly, watching him was doing crazy things to her insides. He winked at her as he shuffled her thong down her legs.

  Cara thought she should be worried if someone came in and found them like this, especially Rudy. He had only left a little while ago, what if he forgot something? She would bet her weeks’ pay that he’d take back all the nice things he had said before he left, if he saw the town’s favorite bad ass and his number one bartender making use of his pool table. For some reason, though, the thought of anyone walking in on them didn’t bother her as much as not having Jake at that exact moment. To hell with thinking, she spread her legs and he stepped between them. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him her ‘fuck me’ eyes, knowing very well when she looked at him like that, he’d lose control.

  Biting back a curse, Jake drove his hard dick into her quivering pussy. Her ass was spread against the felt of the pool table as she willingly widened her legs further to accommodate him. She tilted her body back and his hands took her hips hostage, working them to the rhythm of his thrusts. Cara’s head flew back, her hair cascading across the pool table, she felt sexy and completely in the moment. She gripped Jake’s shoulders for leverage, her nails biting at his skin, urging him to pick up his pace, to charge into her harder.

  Her release hit her just as hard as he took her, and her body began to move rapidly against him, and together they drove her orgasm home. Her legs tightened around him as if to hold him still, as she came. In her state of euphoria she could feel him unleash his restraint and let himself join her. He slammed his cock deep inside her and she heard him let out a strangled moan as he buried his face between her breasts.

  Cara took the sight of them in, rubbing her hands down his back as she chuckled. “I swear I will never look at this pool table the same.”

  Panting he pulled back and drew out a deep breath. He smiled as he dislodged himself from her and bent to pick up his pants. He pulled them up his legs and tucked his semi swollen cock into his boxers. He drew the zipper up on his jeans but left the button undone. He reached over her and grabbed her shirt.

  “You’ve ruined any shot of me winning a game of pool in this place.” He smiled as he helped her with her shirt.

  She hopped off the table and straightened her skirt before frowning. No way in hell was he going to let her on his bike with her bare legs. Then she remembered she had a pair of jeans in the locker in Rudy’s office. “I have a change of clothes in the back. Still want to go for that ride?” She said as she worked on closing the buttons of her shirt.

  Jake stepped towards her and took her hand in his, lacing their fingers together before he dipped his head and kissed her gently. “Go change, I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.” It was more of a promise than a simple statement. She smiled widely at him.

  “I’ll go anywhere with you.” She gave his lips another quick peck. “I’ll be right back.” He nodded and she scurried off to change her clothes. She laughed at herself, for being worried things would change between them.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was one thing to see the nerves set in before you brought the needle to their skin, after all, they don’t usually know how good you are until you’re finished tattooing them. You can draw anything on a piece of paper but it’s different when it’s brought to life on your skin. Jake knew Pete was a great tattoo artist, knew he was capable of pretty much anything, but he couldn’t shake his nerves as he watched him assess the latest piece of art, Jake wanted to adorn, he knew now how his clients felt when they first laid eyes on him. He’d do it himself if he could, there was no room for error. He wanted every line and every curve to be perfect, the details are what made it art. Pete glanced up at him from the paper he was holding and smiled.

  “When do you want to do it?” He asked.

  “You sure you can do it?” Jake asked, and hated that he did. He didn’t want Pete to think he didn’t appreciate his talent. He rolled his eyes at himself. “I know you can do it, it’s just. It’s important to me, I need to hear it.”

  Pete laughed and patted his boss on the back. “No worries, man. But to mock you before I humor you, they’re all important.” He repeated Jake’s often used words back to him. “I can do it.”

  Jake’s face broke into a grin. Relief settled in knowing that he first, didn’t insult Pete, and second that he could capture the art in all its glory to his skin. “Thanks man. I’ll owe you.” He paused, shoving the paper they had been staring at back into a portfolio. “Just one more thing, I don’t want anyone knowing about it.”

  Pete stared at him for a moment, before his tongue snaked out and toyed with the piercing he had on his lip. “How the hell do you plan on hiding that?”

  Jake grinned. “Not for long, just until it’s complete.”

  Pete looked at him as if he’d flown the coup. He’d been getting that look a lot lately, since he and Cara came back from Manhattan. The digs started rolling in, about how they never saw him smile so fucking much, how he kept staring at his phone, and how the wandering women that would parade through Riverdale Ink, seemed to have all disappeared.

  “Next Thursday, good for you? The track will be closed no racing.” Pete said as he grabbed his leather jacket from the back of his stool.

  “Perfect. You are heading out to the track now?”

  “Yeah. I have some adjustments I need to make to my bike. Aren’t you racing tonight too?”

  Jake grinned. “I’m popping my cherry tonight.”

  Since he had bought his Harley, he’d taken an interest in racing. Pete had turned him onto it and there was this old abandoned track in the next town that one could catch a glimpse of the most beautiful pieces of machinery this side of New York. Thursday’s were usually dedicated to racing down at the track, but lately there had been a few new faces at the track introducing the old ones to stunt riding. Jake’s bike wasn’t really equipped for such stunts, but he was going to start off tonight with some basics. His bike was too heavy to operate like a stunt bike but if he got the knack of it he’d probably buy a motorbike.

  “I’m doing some stunts tonight. You know the basics.” Jake amended, deciding he’d leave the racing to Pete for the night.

  Pete studied his boss for a fleeting minute. “Ride safe.” He said before heading out towards the door.

  Jake watched him exit the door and his brother enter it. Jake smiled and wiggled his eyebrows at Luke.

  “Whoa, last I check it wasn’t my birthday, what brings by my big brother.”

  Luke glanced around the shop then back at him. “Is that how you really feel?”

  Jake rolled his eyes and began to pack up his backpack. He didn’t have any other clients tonight the other artists could handle the walk-in’s. “I’m kidding, calm down Mr. Sensitive.” Then he looked at his brother, skeptically. “Where’s your sidekick?”

  “Despite what most people think, Nick and I aren’t joined at the hip.”

  “I wasn’t referring to Nick, I meant the cute little blonde. She’s about three and a half feet, big blue eyes that would light up the darkest of dungeons.” He smiled as he referred to his daughter.

  “She’s with Sam for the night, girl time.�
� Luke sighed and shoved his hands into his pockets.

  Jake studied him, he looked edgy, which was not the usual. Very little bothered him, and if it did Luke rarely let it show. The mere fact that he came looking for Jake, told him one thing, his brother was bothered by something. Why he decided to use Jake as his sounding board, was a mystery to him, his brother never turned to him for a damn thing

  “What’s bugging you?” Jake asked, trying to exuberate, nonchalance like only he could.

  Luke simply shrugged his shoulders. “It’s nothing. I didn’t realize you were done for the night, I’m sure…“

  “Whoa, what’s going on with you?” Jake peered at him. ‘Luke, you never come looking for me to talk to, so the fact that you did, means one of two things. Either shits real bad and you have no one else to talk to or you need a little dose of Jake and all his antics.” He shrugged. “I’m told I’m good medicine.”

  Luke almost cracked a smile but he raised an eyebrow. “By who?”

  He looked at him as if he it was common knowledge and he lived under a rock. “Who else? Cara.” And as if it was second nature, the mention of her name brought an instant smile on his face.

  Luke smiled, genuinely. “Mom told me you took your head out of your ass and finally made things official between you and Cara.”

  “Go on tell me, I’m her favorite child now, aren’t I?”

  Luke laughed briefly. “You may very well be.” He paused and looked at his brother in wonder. “What made you finally take the plunge?”

  He shrugged, and spoke the truth. “I didn’t want to wake up one day and regret that I had the best thing in my life and let it slip away because I was too chicken shit. I love her and I’m so tired of pretending I don’t.” It was really that simple. He couldn’t contain how much he felt for Cara and masquerading those feelings were driving him crazy.

  “I’m happy for you.” Luke said and then rubbed his hands down his face. “I envy you.”

  Jake looked at his brother, trying to figure what was going on with him. No one had ever envied him before, rightfully so, usually his life was a shit storm. But Luke had a thriving business, a beautiful daughter, and always had his shit together, unlike Jake, who was just now making a conscious effort to be more like his brother.


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