Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1)

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Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1) Page 6

by Quinn, Vera

  “Something is off. They do not act like they are celebrating.” I whisper just loud enough for dad to hear.

  “I see that. Give it a few minutes and then text our man and see if he knows what’s up. I don’t want to get caught by Chief tonight.” He looks at me, “That would be bad and we don’t need bad right now.”

  That is for damn sure. I catch the waitress’ attention and motion for her to bring us two more. This could be a long night. I sit back in my chair and try to get comfortable. The waitress approaches their table and checks each of the stamps on their hands and tries to flirt with the other guy with them, he doesn’t look interested, and she takes their order and leaves to retrieve their drinks. The girl that Tito is sitting next to pulls Callie out of the booth and towards the dance floor. They are playing some crap music women these days dance to and they start to move to the music. You can tell they haven’t loosened up yet, but they still are getting some attention from horny men in the room who like the show.

  I reach in my pocket to text Tito and my phone goes off signaling a text. I look at the number to see who it is from and Tito has texted me. I look across the room at him and he is looking at his phone. I open my phone to check out what Tito thinks is so important. Well, things may be going my way after all. I look up at Callie one more time and now I can see the sadness in her eyes. There’s a pain there that I now recognize. For some reason I feel the need to take it away. Where the hell did that come from? I shake my head as if I can knock this idea out. I will make her forget that pain very soon.

  “Tito said Callie and her man split. That’s one less obstacle. Maybe it will be easier now. All we have to do is get through Chief now, no wild card.” A few thoughts keep moving around in my head. How could a man that has waited for four years just change his mind? Then it enters my mind maybe she dumped him. No, she was damn determined to be with him. Something is just not adding up. Then a thought occurs to me. “He must have cheated on her.” That’s the only thing that makes sense for the sudden change. That has to sting.

  “Yep, that’s what I figure too. What else would it be? Damn that’s tough, but if it works to our advantage then it’s good. I just hate to see it for her. It also means she is not going to trust easily.” He says nodding his head. “If it was your sister, I’d gut him.” And I would be right there to help him. Only thing is my sister, Kim, has nothing to do with us anymore. Her nose is so stuck up her boyfriend’s ass, she never comes around. That’s what happens when a biker girl mixes with some suit. She has no loyalty.

  I watch as the waitress delivers a tray full beer and I believe some Jello shots. Damn, are they going to get wasted? I watch closely as Callie picks up two shots and downs one after the other, barely taking time to breathe in between them, that’s before the waitress even leaves. Yeah, I will be watching this situation. Young women and alcohol are not good company.

  “Son, I think we may have problems tonight with that bunch the way they are throwing back drinks. We have to make sure they get home safe even if we have to call Chief.” I nod my head in agreement.

  “I’ll tell Tito to get them on the dance floor.” I flip open my phone and type out a text to Tito. I see when he receives it and he nods his head. Tito pulls Sarah by the hand and she grabs Callie and the other two follow behind and they hit the dance floor. Problem avoided for a little while. I had no idea that little while would last until last call. They put on a show for every horny man in the place and that includes me. The way they were grinding on each other and their hands were running up and down each other’s sweaty bodies has me on edge. I’ve watched Callie and the way she moves is sensual and her body keeps perfect rhythm with the music. Not moving too fast, just a hypnotic sway that lets you know she can follow any pace you set for her. My mind wanders to just how sexy she looks and how she would feel beneath me. My jeans have become uncomfortably tight and I know I need to think about something else or this night is going to seem even longer. I snap my mind out of the trance she has put me under and the group are going back to their booth.

  Chapter 12


  “Well that was fun. Do we want another round before we go?” I lift my hand and signal the waitress to bring us each two more rounds. Might as well be safe since it is last call. I see Cru London walk through the front door out of the side of my eye and I know he is here to check on us.

  “Did you see him come in Callie?” Fe asked me as he leans over and squeezes my hand to let me know he is here for me.

  “I see him Fe, maybe he’ll stay away. I just want my last drinks and then we can get home and maybe this night will end.” I look at Fe and I can see understanding and the unconditional love only a good friend can give. “Sorry, you know what I mean. I had a great time with us all together, but I would just rather forget the skype part.” I try to make a joke but it doesn’t come out as anything but pathetic.

  “I get it, Callie. We’re here for you. Here’s our waitress, so let’s bottoms up.” The waitress smiles and hands our drinks around.

  “Toast!” Hanna says and lifts her shot in the air, “we’re going to set this town on fire. Salute!” she laughs and we clink our glasses together. We shoot it down and reach for the next ones and then shoot them, too. I put my glass back on the table and I see him approach and I know this night is going to turn bad. I pay the waitress and make sure she gets a good tip.

  “Callie can I talk to you?” Cru says as he blocks my way of getting out and away from him. “I talked to Mason and he wants me to talk to you.”

  You know I have kept it together. I was having a good time with my friends. Even though my cheating boyfriend decided to unload his guilt on me on a night I should be enjoying, and I have come to my limit. I slide as close to Cru as I can get and get on my knees on the booth seat next to him and push as hard as I can. I took him by surprise and he stumbled backwards. I jump to my feet and get in his face.

  “Look, I have told you to come to my house in the morning and pick up his stuff and then stay the hell away from me! I don’t want to talk. I don’t want to be friends! I just want to be left the hell alone! He can go talk to the woman he decided was my replacement! Are we clear Cru?” I unload on him at the top of my lungs. I can’t believe this man has the nerve to be here.

  “You can’t just leave it like this. He’s sorry for what he did and he apologized and wants to make it up to you. That man lived like a monk for nearly four years. You don’t know the pressure we are under over there. Nearly four damn years Callie and he only screwed up once. Why can’t you forgive him?” he yells right back in my face.

  Ice runs through my veins at the thought of Mason with another woman. I know I should keep my mouth shut but I can’t. All the pain comes rushing back. I turn cold and a calm comes over me. I look into Cru’s eyes so there is no doubt in his mind that I mean exactly what I am about to say, “Cru, I love Mason, I can’t turn my emotions off the way he can. He chose to go in the military, not me. He knew we would be separated. He also knew my age when we became involved and we would have to wait to protect him. Consent in Texas is seventeen, not eighteen, he chose to wait. I can’t know the pressures he’s under. I am not there. But it does not give him permission to cheat. Are you telling me every soldier cheats on their significant other? I think not! He made me believe in us. I didn’t want to. I never believed in forever. Then he crushes me. For that I cannot forgive and I will never give a man that power over me again. I never want to see him again and you can tell him that.” I’m done. That’s all I have. I feel an empty spot were my heart used to be before he shattered my belief. I should feel tears or something. I am completely hollow.

  “You are one selfish bitch! Mason could have a lot of women and all he got was a spoiled selfish bitch!!” Cru stands over me with his hands fisting and relaxing. I know he is going to lose it but somehow I just don’t give a damn. “How can you do this to him? You are his everything and all you can think about is yourself.” Cru’s voice i
s getting louder and he is crowding me but out of the side of my eye I see someone approaching and then Cru is being pushed back out of my face and Devil is stepping between us. Where the heck did he come from?

  “Who the hell are you?” Cru yells at Devil and then I see the older version of Devil on the other side of Cru “This is none of your business. Get your fucking hands off me.” Cru tells the older man and jerks his shoulder away from the man.

  “Are you ok Callie?” Devil looks at me.

  “I’m fine Mr. Devil. Why are you here?” I say in a smartass tone.

  “I told you about that Callie” he speaks down to me. As if right now I could be intimidated by anyone, because I am beyond pissed. “I am here to make sure no one gets into too much trouble.” He then turns his head to Cru and puts him in a death glare but Cru has never been one to back down.

  “This is none of your damn business, asshole. Get your hands off of Callie and move it on along.” Cru growls out in Devil’s face. They are nose to nose and Devil pushes me further behind him. The older version of Devil steps in between the two and puts his hands on each of their chest and gives a brisk push, before he can move his hand off of Cru, Cru slaps it away and the older guy grabs him by his collar.

  “Listen boy, I’m not here to cause you any shit but you slap my hand again and I will let my son go on you.” The man says with a deadly calm.

  “I’m not your damn boy and this is none of either one of your business.” Cru says with contempt in his voice.

  “Dad, I have this, Callie is my responsibility.” Devil tells his dad but it made all of us whip our heads around to look at him.

  “What the hell are you talking about? Who are you?” Cru has calmed some but now his eyes are on me as if I killed someone. “Callie you been stepping out on Mason? You have another man? I should have known. You’re just like that skank of a mom of yours. Wait until Mason hears this.” He says with a venom I have never heard in his voice before.

  The words are making no sense to me. This man, Devil, has nothing to do with me. I just met him. What the hell is he talking about? Cru’s words hit me straight in the heart. How could he think I would cheat on Mason and me, like my mom?

  “Look, you piece of shit, from what I’ve heard here, her man cheated on her. He is an idiot. Callie and I just met a couple of hours ago, but we owe you no explanation. I came here to claim her and now he just made it easier for me. Thank him for me. Now you are the one that has no business here, so leave, because no one talks to my woman like that and she is mine.” Devil turns to look at my reaction but I am so shocked I have none, or maybe the alcohol has numbed me but damn this is confusing.

  My friends are still sitting at the booth taking this all in and we have gotten the attention of everyone around us. There is a large bouncer coming our way and I know I have to defuse this before we all go to jail.

  “Cru, I don’t know what this guy is talking about, and Mason and I are broken up. The way you just talked to me and treated me, we aren’t friends, so go away. We are out of here.” I motion to my friends so they know it is time to get out of there.

  “So you want me to believe you don’t know what this guy is talking about.” Cru says and looks at me as though I’d grown another head.

  “I’m telling you I don’t care what you think, or anyone else, because I answer to no one now. Stay away from me and I’ll do the same. I’ll have someone deliver Mason’s stuff to his dad’s house. As far as I’m concerned, I will never see any of you again.” I try to move away from Devil to join my friends and he pulls my arm.

  “Dad is taking care of the bouncer and we will be making sure that all of you make it home. Are we clear with that?” Devil says. Right now I am just tired of all this and want to go home. “I am here to claim you and you will understand everything tomorrow.” He gives my arm a little squeeze and for some reason it is comforting.

  I see out of the corner of my eye as Cru gives me a go to hell look and he pulls Hanna out of the booth and speaks to her and she walks back over to us.

  “I’m going to give Cru a ride home. I love you Callie. He is pissed right now but he will calm down. He didn’t mean what he said. I know he didn’t. I’ll call tomorrow.” Hanna is hesitating as if I might blame her. Cru is Hanna’s cousin, so I know she has to take care of family or she will catch hell.

  “It’s ok Hanna. I understand.” I reach over and give her a hug.

  This night has definitely messed with my head. I need to get home and to bed before anything else can happen. I think I stepped into the twilight zone. I know I need to ditch Devil so we can get back home. So I turn back to straighten out this man.

  “Look I don’t know what is going on in your head, but we aren’t happening. My friends and I are leaving and I hope I never see you again. I just want this night over with.” I tell this infuriating man.

  Devil has this sexy smirk on his face and he pulls me abruptly into his arms and his lips are on me before I can react. His lips are softer than what I would of thought and that was the last coherent thought I had. All I do is feel and taste. I taste the beer mixed with a mint taste and it taste better than anything I have ever sampled before. Our tongues slide across each other and fight for dominance. I feel his hand slide down to my ass and caress it firmly but soothingly and I can’t seem to get close enough. My body has a mind of its own and Devil seems to be able to touch me in just the right way to get the reaction he wants. I feel his hand moving up my body and on my back where it is bare and when his skin comes in contact with mine it sets my back on fire and I hear a moan escape from me. My heart is beating so fast, and my breathing has become shallow. I reach one of my hands into his hair and my other hand takes a hold of his t-shirt and then flattens out on his stomach and I feel his hard abs. When I know I need to breathe he pulls his mouth from mine and pulls my head to his mouth and kisses the top of my head and then puts his mouth to my ear and huskily says “I said I would own you and I will. You will damn sure like it.” His voice is so damn sexy. I feel my panties are damp and I know I have to pull myself together,r but I just don’t have the will to. I have only been kissed by Mason and this is so much more sexual. My senses are in overdrive.

  “I think that is enough for now Devil.” His dad says. “Let’s get them home.”

  Ok, that brought me back to my senses. “No, you cannot see us home. My dad wouldn’t like it. Sarah, can Tito see us home since Hanna was our ride and she had to take Cru home?” Sarah looks to Tito and he shakes his head yes. “Will that satisfy you?” I look to Devil and his dad. “Devil, I don’t know what your angle is but I’m not taking it. Stay away from me.” I tell him and hope he listens because I don’t know how strong I can be around this dangerous man.

  I see Hanna and Cru leaving out the front door and Hanna is smiling at the show we just put on but Cru looks disgusted and is shaking his head. It won’t be long before Mason hears of this. I have to admit I like that idea. Just a little. Back to the man at hand.

  “That will work, but we are following behind you. You are not in control Callie, but for tonight we will do it your way.” Devil says and steps back over to his dad as I look over to Sarah and she has a ‘we are going to talk’ look on her face. Felix just looks like he wants to get out of here. Tito is standing close to Sarah and I wonder about him. She says he is a good guy, but I really don’t know anything about him and I feel like I need to. He seems nice enough but he is older and I have to look out for my girl. Another thing for my to-do list. We need to move it outside and get going. I have a feeling this night will only get worse if we don’t get home.

  “Let’s get going.” I say to all my friends and we head towards the front door and then out with Devil and his dad following behind us.

  I step out into the night and step over to the side so my eyes can grow accustom to the darkness, even though the parking lot should be well lit, a few of the security lights are out and that seems strange to me. Before I have a chance to react t
o it, I see the van moving towards us and the side door slide open and I hear a pop, pop, pop. I jump towards Sarah and Felix and make sure they are on the ground and I try to cover them with my body. I feel Devil move up next to me as he tries to shield me and the van speeds away.


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