Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1)

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Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1) Page 29

by Quinn, Vera

  Then Callie reaches up and kisses Whiskey’s cheek. “She is a little angel isn’t she? Trying to wrap me around her little finger.” He kisses the top of her head and hands her back to Cam. “Can’t say it didn’t work. Damn kid. Your mom do this to her Tommy?”

  “Karen did it. She always does it.” I shake my head. I can’t believe everything Karen has done to her.

  “You’re both under the club’s protection now. Damn cute kid. I put the word on the street. Any one fucks with you, let us know.” Straight and to the point. That’s Whiskey.

  “Language son.” I see Grandma Sue has come back in. “I just forgot my bag. Small ears hear everything and repeat it.” She gets her bag and kisses Callie again then she is gone.

  “Thank you Whiskey. I appreciate all your help.” I know words cannot repay his kindness, but right now it is all I have. One day I will repay my debt. Just like that, Whiskey is done and him and Rye leave. Rye never says a word.

  It seems like only minutes later Callie’s doctor comes in and says she can go home as soon as her release papers are done. One more time I have Callie safe. Now I just have to take care of the bill. I know I will be making payments on it forever, but I will get it paid eventually. It’s why I am so happy my new job has insurance. The doctor is gone and I know someone will be coming in soon to set up payment arrangements. I’m used to this. I’ve been paying on medical bills for Callie since she was born, so I know it is coming.

  An hour later the nurse comes in to discharge Callie. Cam and Blake have left and no one has come in for me to sign financials yet, so I ask the nurse. “Do I need to go set up payments in the office. No one has come in.”

  “I’ll call and have someone come down while you dress her. That way she doesn’t have to sit and wait in the office.” The cute little nurse is very helpful. I notice she is not wearing a ring and she’s definitely flirty. She has a nice size rack and her ass has a nice curve to it, but I do not have time for relationships. If it’s not a onetime hook-up, I’m not interested.

  I sign all the release papers and we go over all the doctor’s release orders. By the time we are done, I have this cute nurse’s number in my pocket, and a financial counselor is here. She looks a little perplexed as she is looking at my papers.

  “I’m sorry Mr. Monroe, I don’t understand where the problem is. All your medical bills have been paid in full. Even your outstanding balances have been taken care of.” There has to be a mistake. I owed thousands of dollars in hospital bills.

  “There has to be a mistake. I haven’t made any payments.” She is looking over the papers.

  “No sir. Paid in full and any bills that may come in for tests done are to be forwarded to a Mr. Whiskey Black. He just made payment about four hours ago. So you are good to go.” She is cheerful and doesn’t even know the relief I feel. I will have to make payment arrangements with Whiskey. I can’t let another person pay for my responsibilities.

  “Thank you. Could I have the paper with the total, please?” This is too much. I won’t be beholden to anyone.

  Callie and I walk out of the hospital and for a little while I can actually breathe. No worries about Karen, paying the big hospital payment this month and we have a good place to live. Things are looking up for once. Now to get my sister home. Maybe I can get her some school clothes bought in a couple of weeks and get her in some kind of activity.

  Chapter 3


  We get home, and once I feed Callie we are laying down for a short nap. It seems like I never get enough sleep these days. We are laying in the middle of the queen size bed Grandma Sue gave me. Callie is still and I think she may have fallen asleep. The next thing I know she turns over and is half way laying across me as she takes her little hand and cups my face. She has tears in her eyes. She’s breaking my heart here. She looks so sad.

  “Bubba I never ever want to go with Karen. Please Bubba never ever.” I hug her to me. I hold her so tight I’m afraid I will hurt her.

  “Never ever, Baby Girl. I promise never ever. I love you so much. I’ll protect you.” What do you say to that? A three-year-old calls her mom by her name.

  “Karen hurt me, Bubba. Never ever, please. I be good girl.” It’s hard to fight back the s because now my little sister is in tears begging to not have to go with her mom. I hear movement and I see the tears in Cam’s eyes and I know he’s been there long enough to hear it all. He backs out before Callie can see him.

  I hold my precious sister until she falls asleep and I hope she doesn’t dream of what she’s been through. When I know she’s sound asleep I sneak out from under her and go to speak to Cam.

  “That bitch needs to die for what she’s done to that baby.” I know how Cam feels. I feel the same way.

  “Cam, if I ever get permanent custody of Callie, I want to have the papers drawn up that you get her if something ever happens to me. Will you do that for us? She loves you, Blake, and Trent as much as me, but you are her someone special besides me. I know you can do it. You’re great with Ty. You’re settled and it would mean the world to me if you’d agree.” I need to have this settled so I know Callie has someone if something ever happens to me. Maybe I can get it done now.

  “Tommy, you don’t have to ask man. You know she means the world to me. I would be honored. Ask Mr. Hankins to fix up the papers and I will sign them. I love that little girl.” I knew Cam would but I need to get things taken care of. No one is promised tomorrow.

  “I’ll get on it. I’ll see if it can start now, even if I only have temporary custody.” I feel so old today. Things have begun to take their toll on me.

  “You planning on going somewhere? No rush.” Cam knows it is important but he is trying to lighten things up a little. He knows Callie’s words earlier really got to me.

  “Just want to get it done. I owe your dad a lot of money and I need to work out payment arrangements with him. He can’t pay my debts.” Cam doesn’t look surprised, he knows what I’m talking about, so Whiskey did tell him.

  “You can’t pay him back. Club did it. You’re under their protection now and it would insult them. You can thank them. Dad likes you and Callie has wrapped him around her fingers like she does everyone. He said the club is going to sponsor her in any activity she wants to be in like the lawyer suggested. So find her some. The ol’ ladies will help with transportation while you work. Word from Whiskey.” I was one lucky person when I became friends with Cam and Trent. Couldn’t find better friends. Grandma Sue makes sure we’re ok and now Whiskey and the BlackPath MC. Maybe I can join.

  Chapter 4


  Today is Callie’s first day of pre-k. I don’t know who dreads it more, Tommy or me. It was bad enough when Ty started, but Baby Girl? Ty is all boy. He’s big for his age just like I was. He’s loud and rambunctious. Makes friends at a drop of a hat. Callie is small and quiet. She has a hard time with other kids.

  She wanted both Tommy and me here today. We are her security blankets. If the other little kids pick on her, I told Tommy to take care of it. We may never leave her today. It is so hard.

  We walk through the hall of the school and up to the classroom she is to be in. The teacher looks a little young. She doesn’t look old enough to be a teacher. We explained to Callie she would have to stay today. She didn’t understand why, but so far so good.

  As soon as Callie sticks her head in the class she jerks back to me and I don’t know what to do. Tommy looks just as lost. A little boy walks up to us with a little girl trailing behind him. He walks straight up to Callie and grabs her hand and smiles at her. At first Callie is standoffish. But the little girl does the same on the other side. Tommy and I are watching close waiting for them to be mean to Callie.

  “Hi. I’m Felix and this is Sarah. We’re friends. Will you be our friend?” Callie breaks out into a big smile.

  “Yes. Can we sit together?” Well that shocked both Tommy and me.

  “Yes, you three can sit together.” Miss Ro
se said.

  “Bubba and Cam did you hear that? I have two friends. You can go now.” Without so much as a look back she goes off with Felix and Sarah. She didn’t say bye, or give us a kiss, or anything. Tommy and I are both dumbfounded. We’ve been replaced and dismissed.

  “Can you believe that? She just left us. I don’t like it.” Tommy is shocked. He thought we would leave a crying little girl today. Actually I did, too.

  “Goodbye gentlemen. Callie will be fine.” Miss Rose says to us. Dismissed twice.

  What could we do but leave? That’s the day Callie came out of her shell and spread her wings. Only thing is, we weren’t ready for it.

  Chapter 5


  It has been almost eighteen months since we have heard anything from Karen and I know she is going to pop up one day and mess up everything we have accomplished.

  Cam and Trent are still prospecting but are going to be patched in soon. My job is great. I love working on cars. Some Saturdays I even get to take Callie with me and she loves helping me. She said she is going to grow up to be a mechanic like me. My boss even bought her her own coveralls with her name on them. She’s a little grease monkey. We finally finished the renovations on the house, but now we may lose it. Cheryl ran off with an ex of hers, but she’s back in town and wanting the house in the divorce. Women, go figure. Grandma Sue moved in with us to watch over Ty and Callie. Yeah, Cheryl left Ty when she left. Really broke the little guy’s heart.

  Ty and Callie have been playing ball. A Saturday on the ball field brings back memories of when I played ball. They are both in martial arts. Now Callie is starting dance. Her friends Sarah and Hanna are both in the class, so she wants to be, too. Felix feels left out but he is in ball and martial arts. I need a calendar for her social events.

  Today I get to take her to her first dance class. A bunch of little girls in pink tutus. How did I get wrangled into this? Oh, now I remember, she’s my responsibility. I just hope we get out of here on time. I have my first date in months and I can’t be late. If I don’t get laid soon I’m going to combust from frustration. Now I know why you need to wait until you’re older to have kids. They definitely take a lot of time.

  The instructor comes in and its time for me to leave until this is over.

  “Mr. Monroe, it is customary for the parental figure to stay for the first session. Could you please take a seat? I’ll show you things for her to practice at home after the class unless you pick it up during the class.” I know she did not just say that. I have to stay and she thinks I can remember ballet stuff. Wrong man here.

  “I’m sorry, I will stay and watch but I doubt I will remember any steps. Can’t she just do them here?” Surely she can understand I’m a man, not a ballet genius.

  “Mr. Monroe, do you want Callie to succeed in ballet? It takes practice. Practice she has to do at home and properly.” Well shit. Now I feel like an idiot. I will do the best I can for her.

  “Ok, I will stay and pay attention.” I feel like I’d just gotten in trouble from my teacher.

  “Very good Mr. Monroe.” She is very prim and proper to be teaching such young children.

  An hour and forty-five minutes later we are done and on our way home. My mind is jumbled with everything they did today. We stayed an extra fifteen minutes for me to get pointers on how to help Callie.

  As soon as we walk in the house my cell goes off and I flip it open. Tamera is calling. Maybe she got off early. I listen to her but it only pisses me off. She’s cancelling on me again. Double shift. Well I guess this means another night alone. Well not alone. Just at home.

  Grandma Sue has had a long day, so I call in pizza to be delivered. Cam is in the backyard playing catch with Ty, and Callie automatically wants to do the same thing, so out we go.

  At least this is something I understand.

  We practice for about an hour and the pizza arrives so we break to eat. We have the kids washed up and sitting at the table and are discussing our day when Callie all of sudden speaks up.

  “Uncle Cam, Tommy learned to ballet today.” Oh crap. I am not going to live this down anytime soon.

  “What do you mean he learned to ballet?” Cam just has to know. I want to wipe that smirk off his face.

  “My teacher showed him how to help me to turn. He looks cute doing it. Don’t you Tommy? You learned didn’t you?” Callie looks happy about it so I can’t make her sad.

  “Yes Baby Girl, I learned how to do your turns so I can help you at home when you practice.” There, it is done. Let Cam laugh at me. At least my sister is happy.

  “Tommy will you show uncle Cam? You do it better than I do.” I am not doing it. No way.

  “Come on Tommy, show me. Callie will be sad if you don’t. Come on.” Cam is loving this. He’s such an ass.

  “Tommy there is nothing wrong with helping your sister. Be proud you are not too proud.” Grandma Sue always seeing the good. Maybe she’ll help me get Cam back as soon as I do this.

  “Ok, Callie but you’re doing it, too. Let’s show Uncle Cam.” So I get her up with me and we do the turns and then I hear the laughter and turn around. There stands Trent, Blake and Whiskey. Well shit. Cam is fighting his laughter.

  “Why are you laughing? Tommy is doing it right. Are you laughing at me? I know I’m not good.” Then Callie bursts into tears. All the men stop laughing and I scoop her up and try to sooth her.

  Cam comes over and takes her from me and gives her kisses. Blake comes over and pats her back.

  Trent finally tells Callie “We were laughing at Tommy, sweetie. He doesn’t look cute like you.” She finally perks up

  “Uncle Trent, will you take me next week? Please?” Trent looks shocked. Callie usually always picks Cam after me. You can see the smile spread across his face once he realizes she chose him.

  “Of course I will, Baby Girl.” Trent thinks he just won a prize.

  Then she makes her way over to Blake, “Uncle Blake will you take me next then?” Then he starts smiling.

  “You know I will. Anything for you.” Blake looks quite full of himself.

  “Aren’t you going to ask me Baby Girl?” Cam looks almost offended. He’s not used to Callie picking someone else besides me.

  “No Uncle Cam. You didn’t laugh at Bubba, they did.” We all look puzzled. “Well anyone that goes with me has to learn what I do so they can help me practice. Uncle Trent and Uncle Blake both laughed at Bubba and that is not nice. Now they will have to learn, and I wouldn’t want anyone laughing at you Uncle Cam.” Callie sounds so sincere.

  Whiskey almost falls out of his chair laughing. He has tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. “She got you both. Oh shit! I can’t wait to tell everyone. A little girl not quite five years old took you both. Callie girl, you are going to be something else.”

  With that Callie runs and jumps in his lap and kisses his cheek. “I love you Uncle Whiskey.”

  “I love you too, sweetheart, but I am not taking you to dance class. If you need to go I will send someone, but I love you girlie.” Whiskey gave her a big hug. Yes, Baby Girl had my back, too. Love that kid.

  Chapter 6


  Things are going great. I have some money in the bank. I just redid the motor in my old truck, and I just bought my first motorcycle. Nothing big and fancy. Just something used to fix up. It is a Harley. As if there is anything else.

  Trent and Cam have been patched in and I am going to prospect for the club. Blake decided it wasn’t for him right now.

  Cam kept custody of Ty and kept the house in his divorce. Cheryl left town after Whiskey had a heart to heart with her.

  Baby Girl is doing great. She has her little friends and her activities. She is really smart in school. We haven’t heard from Karen and I’m waiting for her to just show up one day.

  Today I go to court for full custody of Callie. Mr. Hankins said it’s just a formality, but I have my fingers crossed. With Karen you never know. Mr. Hankins has the p
aperwork ready for me to sign to let Cam take over custody if something happens to me. We had the temporary thing but this will be more concrete. If everything goes off today like it’s supposed to, then I can concentrate more on my personal life. More companionship definitely needed. I didn’t want to give Karen anything to use against me. I’ll think about this later. First things first. Time for court.

  One hour after walking into court I am walking out and the weight of the world has been lifted off of me. I now have full custody of my baby sister and I signed the papers for Cam, so I am set. Next week I start prospecting and everything is going forward for us, for once. At nearly six years old, my sister can finally breathe easy. We have this.

  If I had only known what would be happening to us the next week. I would have held on tight to my baby sister.

  Chapter 7


  Tommy had to go out of town to help transport some trucks his boss is going to rebuild and sell. I am going to go and pick Ty and Baby Girl up from school. It’s the end of the school year, so today they get out early. I was available so I wanted to pick them up and take both of them to get an ice cream and then they can go spend the rest of the afternoon with the other club children. We mostly keep them away from the clubhouse, but Whiskey is there and wants to see his grandchildren. Yes, he thinks of Callie as his little granddaughter now.

  We haven’t had a female child in our family for three generations. So she is theirs now, too. Bourbon and Rye have done the same. She has a way of wrapping all of us around her little fingers. She’ll be six in a little over a week and it’s hard to believe Ty and her are growing so fast. Next year Ty will go into third grade and Callie into first. Time is passing so fast.


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