Betting On Love

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Betting On Love Page 15

by Hodges, Cheris

  As she drove, she called Kandace to see if she was still awake.

  “Are you in Fulton County yet?” Kandace asked.

  “What happened to hello?”

  “I’ll take that as a no. You and James made up. I’m really happy about that.”

  “So am I. Kandace, I really like him, and it’s kind of scary.”

  “Why? You deserve a good man. Lord knows you’ve been with some losers lately. James seems different. I just wish he lived in Atlanta and had a single brother.”

  “Please, as much as you work, when do you have time for a man?” Jade asked.

  “People make time for what they want to do. Right now, I’d love to be getting done,” Kandace said, with a laugh.

  “What kind of project are you working on?” Jade asked.

  “Trying to find Devon Harris. Serena really needs to learn how to keep her damned mouth shut sometimes. She acts as if this thing with Stephen is her fight and not yours. Do you know how awkward it’s going to be for me to contact Devon?”

  “That thought crossed my mind when Serena said he’d be running our restaurant. Are you okay with this?”

  “This is business. All that other stuff is the distant past. Black history, if you will.”

  “Kandace, I know you, and I know that if you had your way, you’d still be with him.”

  “How about we talk about your existing love life and leave my skeletons buried?”

  “Whatever you say,” Jade replied.

  “What’s the real deal with you and James? Is this going to work from such a distance? And what happens when you get busy with the restaurant and your CPA firm?”

  “How about we cross that bridge when we get to it?”

  “All right, Jade. I don’t want to see you get hurt again, and I would hate to have to call some of the boys in the hood that I know in North Carolina.”

  “Please,” Jade said, with a laugh. “You are about as hood as George Bush.”

  “Don’t doubt my gangster,” Kandace said. “Anyway, do you think you two are going to make this thing work?”

  “I know we are. James is making it really easy for me to fall in love with him.”

  “Jade, you know I say this with love, but you’re forever falling in love. I think you just like the idea of being in love.”

  “Well, if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black,” Jade said.

  “Whatever. There has been only one true love of my life, and we all know how that turned out.”

  “That was your own fault, and I thought we were leaving your skeletons buried,” Jade replied.

  “I did say that, didn’t I?” Kandace said. “Back to you, though. How do you know that you and James are on the same page?”

  “I guess I’ll find out. We’re taking this thing one day, one moment at a time. Can’t I just love the moment?”

  “Told you. You, my friend, are addicted to love. It’s just about that feeling to you. Just remember the pain that can come from this.”

  “It doesn’t always have to be that way,” Jade said wistfully.

  “Whatever, Cinderella. That fairy tale you’re weaving, I hope it doesn’t come undone.”

  “Who knows, this restaurant may be the start of your own fairy tale.”

  “On that note, I’m going to say good-bye,” Kandace said. “How far away are you now?”

  “I just crossed into Gwinnett County,” Jade said. “I’ll be home shortly.”

  “Drive safe,” Kandace told her, then hung up.

  Jade shook her head as she placed her cell phone on the passenger seat. Kandace was just as addicted to love as she claimed Jade was. That was why they got along so well, she surmised. And that was why they needed the friendship of the cynical twins Alicia and Serena. Yin and yang, she thought as she took the exit for I-285.

  After she got home, took off her clothes, and crawled into bed, Jade dialed James’s number.

  “Hello,” he said groggily.

  “Did I wake you?” she asked.

  “Nah, I was waiting for your call.”

  “You’re such a bad liar.”

  “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” James said, recalling the first conversation they had in Vegas.

  “Funny,” she said. “Well, I made it home safely.”

  “That’s good to hear,” he said. “I was starting to get worried about you.”

  “I’ve been home long enough to crawl into bed,” she said as she bounced against the mattress.

  “Umm, what are you wearing?” James asked.

  “Did you seriously ask me that?” Jade said through laughter.

  “Seems like a proper question to me with you being in bed and all. So, tell me, Ms. Lady. What are you wearing?”

  Jade looked down at her black T-shirt and oversize boxers, then said, “Nothing at all.”

  “Really? Because I’m wearing the exact same thing.”

  “Yeah?” she said, her voice taking on a low purring quality.

  “And if you were here, then we’d be making slow, passionate love. I’ll bet that you’re wet right now.”

  “Hot and wet, babe,” she cooed. Before she even thought about it, her hand was between her thighs, stroking the wet folds of skin, longing for James’s hardness. She moaned as her finger found her throbbing bud.

  “How does it feel?” James asked. “How wet is it?”

  “So wet. Feels so good,” she said through staccato breathing.

  “Just imagine me inside of you, you on top of me. Damn, I’m hard right now. Need you, want you so badly.”

  Jade could only moan in response as she sped up the movement of her hand. James’s labored breathing told her that he was giving himself ecstasy as well. Her legs began to quake as she imagined that he was deep inside of her, touching every spot, giving her the pleasure and passion that she’d craved since their meeting in Vegas.

  “Come for me,” James moaned. “Let me hear it.”

  “James, James,” she called out.

  He groaned, hinting to Jade that he’d also reached his climax. She clutched her sheets with a smile on her face, and part of her expected James to be beside her.

  Sighing, she said, “I’ve never done this before. Never.”

  “Well, I’m glad that I could talk you out of your cherry.”


  “Jade,” he said.


  “You’re a helluva woman.”

  “And you’re a damned good man,” she replied. “What time is it?”

  “Time for a satisfied woman to go to bed. Don’t forget about Maurice’s party this weekend,” James said.

  “Are you sure it’s all right for me to be there? Your brother still has an issue with me.”

  “Don’t worry. After this party, Mo isn’t going to have an issue with anyone.”

  “Sounds exciting,” Jade said.

  “It will be,” he said. “Good night.”

  “Good night,” she said. Jade knew her dreams were going to be filled with images of James. Sleep couldn’t come fast enough.

  When morning came, James nearly expected to find Jade wrapped in his sheets. All night he’d dreamed that they were doing all the things they’d talked about over the phone. Looking over at the alarm clock, he realized that if he didn’t get out of bed soon, he was going to be late getting into the office. He and Amber had a new project to start working on with the city of Charlotte and one of their clients who had valuable land in the Fourth Ward. The real estate market in Charlotte was booming, and James couldn’t be happier, but his real thrill came from Jade.

  After showering and getting dressed, James headed to Starbucks to get a cup of coffee and a muffin. Then he dashed to the office. Amber met him at the door, with a worried look on her face.

  “What’s wrong, sunshine?” he asked his trusted assistant.

  “There’s a man here demanding to see you,” she said in a hushed tone.

  “Who is he?”

�Says his name is Stephen Carter, and he wants to talk about that restaurant we just sold.”

  James sipped his coffee. Stephen Carter was the last person he wanted to see, and he damned sure didn’t want to give him an audience about the restaurant that Jade and her friends had outbid him on.

  “Get rid of him,” James said.

  “It’s not going to be that easy, Goings,” Stephen said, appearing behind Amber. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Amber, excuse me for a moment,” said James.

  Amber quickly ducked out of the way, as if she could feel the sparks shooting between the men.

  James brushed past Stephen, set his coffee and muffin on the edge of Amber’s desk, and then he focused his gaze on Stephen. “Hell of a nerve coming here,” James said.

  “You’re one to talk about someone having nerve. Chasing my sloppy seconds these days?”

  “Five minutes, dude, and I’m not going to be able to control what happens to your punk ass.”

  Stephen stepped back. “Why don’t you let go of the past? You sold my future to that bi—”

  Before he knew it, James had reared back and clocked Stephen in the jaw with a right hook.

  Stumbling backward, Stephen held his jaw. “You son of a bitch,” he spat. Then he lunged at James, grabbing him around his neck.

  James countered the move with a knee to Stephen’s midsection. Stephen fell backward, clutching his stomach in pain. James stopped himself from stomping him while he was on the floor. He yanked Stephen up by his lapels.

  “Get the hell out of my office, and don’t show your face around here again,” James hissed.

  Stephen shook free of James’s grasp. “You will be hearing from my attorney.” He straightened his jacket and headed out the door. James looked down at his hand and saw that his knuckles were starting to swell. Amber returned to her desk and balked at the mess she saw.

  “Are you all right?” she asked, her eyes wide in disbelief that James had gotten into a fight. “Who was that guy?”

  “Someone who doesn’t need to come in this office ever again. If you see him in the parking lot, call the police,” James said in a growl.

  Amber stepped back from him, surprised at the anger that he was showing. James had always been the calm diplomat.

  He turned to his assistant and offered her a lopsided smile. “I’m sorry,” he said. “That guy and I have a rocky past. He tried to cheat my mother in Atlanta after she’d done nothing but help his punk ass.”

  “Knew it had to be something, because this isn’t like you.”

  “Why don’t you go have some coffee or something while I clean this up?” James said. “I’ll even pay.” He pulled out his wallet and handed her a twenty-dollar bill.

  Amber took the money and headed out the door to Starbucks. James looked at his overturned coffee cup and mashed-up muffin. He hated that he had let Stephen get the best of him. That was something that Maurice would’ve done. Guess we’re more alike than I want to admit, he thought as he tossed the remnants of his breakfast in the trash.

  As he was mopping up the coffee with a rag, Maurice walked in.

  “What happened in here?” Maurice asked.

  “Stephen Carter happened.”

  “What was that son of a bitch doing here?” Maurice asked hotly.

  James focused his stare on Maurice and sighed as he picked up an overturned chair, then said, “He was here because of Jade.”

  “What does she have to do with ... I forgot, they used to date. You have to wonder about a woman that would date—”

  “Shut up, really,” James said. “Because my fist isn’t too swollen to punch you in the face, too.”

  Maurice folded his arms across his chest and shook his head. “I hate that I wasn’t here to see thieving Stephen get what he deserved. Seriously, though, what did she see in him? Stephen’s a liar and a fake. You claim she’s a smart woman. How did she get—”

  “I got two words for you,” James interrupted. “Lauryn Michaels.”

  Maurice rolled his eyes. “When are you going to let that go?”

  “As soon as you stop acting as if you’ve never made a mistake. That’s what Jade did, and she admits it.”

  “Whatever. So, you two got into a fight over Jade, I take it?”

  “Something like that,” James admitted. He sighed and told Maurice the entire story about Jade and her friends purchasing the restaurant that Stephen had wanted to take over in Charlotte.

  “So, those women had a million dollars to spend on a restaurant that isn’t even worth all of that? And they did it so Stephen couldn’t bring his bland food to town? Umm, I think I’m starting to like Jade more and more.” Maurice laughed. “Seems like she’s making up for her lack of judgment.”

  “You would think something like that,” James said as he took a seat on the edge of Amber’s desk. “If she’s over him, why the need for revenge?”

  “Because some women are vindictive and evil. Maybe your dream woman is one of them,” Maurice said.

  “Whatever. He stole from her.”

  “Isn’t that why my wife took her case? Kenya’s actually going to Atlanta this afternoon.”

  “Maybe you should go with her,” James suggested snidely.

  Maurice slapped his hand against the desk and laughed. “You know I am, and I’m going to tell Ma all about your new girlfriend.”

  James pointed his finger in his brother’s face. “You’d better not.”

  “I owe you. Who told Ma that Kenya and I got back together? Not me. It was you. Turnabout is fair play, dude.”

  James shook his head. “Hell no. I can imagine what you’re going to say to Ma about Jade.”

  Maurice smiled. “I guess you’ll find out when she calls you.”

  James tossed a pen at his brother, who caught it as if he were on the football field. “Don’t play with me.”

  “I’m not going to say much. I mean, it’s Ma.”

  “You just better not play the showgirl card again,” James warned. “Why are you here, anyway?”

  “I came to drop off these contracts from the city,” Maurice said. “This morning I actually got up and did some work.”

  James took the folder from his brother’s hands and looked over the paperwork. “I’m impressed. No wonder it’s so damned cold outside.”

  “Shut up. Anyway, what are you going to do about Stephen? Because you know that jerk isn’t going to just go away.”

  “I’m not worried about him,” James said. “Besides, he’s going to have his hands full with Jade and her crew.”


  Jade walked into Kandace’s office, smiling as if she’d won a huge Powerball jackpot.

  “Maybe you need to spend more time in Charlotte with James,” Kandace said when she noticed the look on her friend’s face. “But I won’t say that in front of your evil friend.”

  Jade waved her hand as if to swat away a fly. “I’m not concerned about what Serena thinks about me and James. He’s special.”

  “Um, let’s get out of here. I want something sweet and fattening,” Kandace said, then patted her hip. “Even if I don’t need it.”

  “Girl, please, you could stand to put a little meat on your bones.”

  “Says the chick with the perfect figure,” Kandace joked. “There’s this bakery in Sweet Auburn that makes delicious cinnamon buns that melt in your mouth.”

  “Really?” Jade said. “So, I guess that means you’re driving.”

  “How about I’ll pay your fare on MARTA? I’m not losing my spot in the parking lot,” Kandace said as she rose from her seat.

  “Fine,” Jade said. “But you should really try to drive more often. Then maybe you’d increase your skills.”

  “I know you’re not talking. Didn’t you come to a complete stop on the interstate a few days ago? What driving coach taught you that skill?”

  “Whatever,” Jade said. “I’ve been thinking about our restaurant today.”

/>   “Uh-huh,” Kandace said as they stepped onto the elevator. “We’re going to need a great general manager. Someone who’s good with customers, chefs, and money.”

  “Let me guess. You’re willing to move to Charlotte and run the place.”

  Jade smiled and nodded. “Yes, and before you say I’m following James, I want to point out that I was going to be hands-on when Stephen was opening a restaurant in Charlotte, too.”

  “Sure you were, but I doubt that you were going to move there.”

  “That’s true, but it’s not as if I have a job here. Why not? I can protect our investment and make sure we get the most bang for our buck.”

  “And you can bang James Goings as much as you like on the side,” Kandace said, with a smile. “I think it’s a good idea. But what about your CPA firm?”

  “The only thing that came out of my relationship with Stephen is the fact that I know I love working in the restaurant industry.”

  “That’s good,” Kandace said. “At least we’ll know that the person running our restaurant isn’t going to rob us blind.”

  “That’s right. We’re going to split the profits, and we’re going to make a lot of money,” Jade said.

  “We’d better. Not that I think this isn’t a good investment, but that was all our money, which we’ve been saving for years. I hope that we make it back.”

  “We’re going to make it all back. Charlotte’s a growing city, and you know people don’t cook anymore. If we make our restaurant down-home and upscale, we can appeal to the whole city.”

  Kandace nodded, impressed with Jade. “You have been thinking of something other than James. Good job.”

  “Anyway,” Jade continued, “I’m going to Charlotte this weekend, and I’m going to spend a few days in town and look at some of the most successful restaurants in the city and see what they do best and what some of their weaknesses are.”

  “And while you’re there, you’re going to wrap yourself in James’s arms and let him make mad, passionate love to you,” Kandace said, as if she were reading from a script.

  “Don’t hate me because I have a man.”


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