Lab Safety Supply, 34
La Follette, Robert M., 152
Lake Camelot, WI, 14
Lear, William, 58
Lear Corp., xi, 10–11, 30, 33–35, 58–61, 74, 76, 83, 272, 273, 274
Lee, Tim, 66
Lincoln, Abraham, 44
Logistics Services, Inc., 60
Lovejoy, A. P., 205
Lucian, Brandon, 133–34
M&I Bank, xiii, 40, 53, 56, 86–87, 236
Madison, WI, 13, 157, 173
Budget Repair Bill, 151–57
inaugural ball for Walker, 144, 145
progressives in, 145
Rock the Pantry party in, 145
State Capitol, 144, 153–54, 155, 276
Wahlert’s trip to, 151–52, 153, 156
Marcks, Mike, 176, 212–13, 216, 217
Mercy Hospital, Janesville, 59, 63, 205, 214, 232, 243, 245, 247
Messinger, Ryan, 244, 246–47, 248
Michigan, 66–67
Economic Development Corp., 67
GM incentive package, 66–67
GM plant closures in, 66
unemployment rate, 66
Mielke, Jay, 216, 242
Milam, Stan, xiii, 11–12, 280
Miller, Mark, 154, 155, 156
Milton, WI, 25, 62, 285–86
Milwaukee, WI, 217, 128–29
Molnar, Larry, 45
Monterey Stadium, Janesville, 286
Montgomery, Ed, 122–26
National Labor Relations Board, 68–69
Newell Rubbermaid, 98, 101, 102
Newhaven, England, 98, 100–101
NorthStar, 194, 198
Obama, Barack
American Jobs Act, 125
appearance at Milwaukee Labor Fest, 128–29
campaign speech at Janesville Assembly Plant, 25–27, 66, 221
economic stimulus law and, 75–76
election (2012), 238–39, 240–41, 292
federal auto bailout and, 176
job creation plan, 129
retraining workers and, 75, 117
Ryan as vice presidential candidate and, 223
White House Council on Auto Communities and Workers, 121–26
Occupy Wall Street, 145, 173
Olmsted, Sue, xii, 243–47
Otterstein, James, 53, 195
Parker, George S., 3, 96–97, 200
Parker, George S., II, 98
Parker High School, Janesville, 112, 159, 227, 264
Bags of Hope and, 138, 139
graduation (2013), 286–89
Parker Closet, xii, 47–48, 181–83, 187, 232, 250, 288, 295
school lunch program, 252
school social worker, 252–53
students impacted by financial effects of plant closing, 178–83, 250–54
Wahlert at, xii, 13–14, 46–50, 182, 250–54, 295
Parker Pen Co., 3, 95–102, 206, 293, 294
Parr, Dave, 159, 263
Patch Products, 140, 180
Piefer, Greg, 194–97, 199–200, 201
Progressive movement, 152
Project 16:49, 131–34, 203–4, 207, 235, 236, 275–76, 295
Purcell, Kevin, 35, 119
Rashkin, Yuri, 200–201
Republican Party. See also Rock County Republican Party; Romney, Mitt
presidential election (2016), 292
Romney-Ryan campaign (2012), 220–25, 239, 241–42, 277, 280
Ryan and, 9, 281 (see also Ryan, Paul)
Walker’s Budget Repair Bill (also known as Act 10), 154–55
in Wisconsin, 224
Ringside Seat (Cullen), 294
“Roadmap for America’s Future, A” (Ryan), 9
Rock County, WI, 2, 6. See also Rock County 5.0; specific agencies
ancillary industries affected by GM plant closing, 10–11, 49–50, 58–61
Courthouse, 62
economic improvement in, 262 (see also Rock County 5.0)
families getting FoodShare in, 263
former union members in, 158
housing depreciation in, 306
impact of job loss on individuals, 309
income reduction in, 279, 292–93, 304, 305, 306
job creation and, 278
job losses, 278, 279, 293, 304, 305
outlook on economic recovery, 279, 304, 307
presidential election (2012), 241
presidential election (2016), 292
protest against Gov. Walker, 158
suicides, increase in, 231–32
survey of, explanation and results (Appendix 1), 303–9
unemployment rate, 61, 87, 146, 174–75, 292
U.S. government grant money and, 76
vote in Walker recall, 217
Rock County 5.0, xiii, 53–57, 70, 85–87, 143, 147, 193–201, 216, 262, 295
Rock County Board of Supervisors, xii, 62–64, 65–66, 285
Rock County Democratic Party, 212, 213–14, 292
Rock County Jail, 184, 234
as employer of laid-off autoworkers, 119–20, 135–37, 149, 180, 184–95, 196, 218–19, 229–30, 233, 234, 251, 265, 274
Rock County Job Center, xiii, 14, 15–17, 18, 43–44, 54, 78–80, 119, 120, 176, 196, 213, 222, 295. See also Borremans, Bob
Career Compatibility Passport, 78–79
grant money and, 45, 46, 75–76, 121
JobFit test, 78
Montgomery visits, 121–26
retraining and, 17, 76, 78–79, 80, 117, 167, 170
Ryan and, 282–83
success stories, 120, 167, 218, 233
Workers4U proposal, 124–25
Rock County Labor Council, 128
Rock County Republican Party, 213, 216, 242, 277
Rock County Sheriff’s Department, 87, 119, 137, 150, 180, 184, 200
Rock River, 2, 17–18, 43, 286
Rock River Iron Works, 2
Romney, Mitt, 220–22, 224, 225, 239, 240, 242
Ryan, Janna, 9, 173–75, 222, 224, 239, 282
Ryan, Paul, xii, 9, 45, 123
“the American Idea,” 281
anti-union position, 158
children of, 173, 174, 175, 222, 225, 239
fiscal policy, 124, 281
House Budget Committee, 117, 221
Janesville and, 9–10, 37, 69–70, 195, 221–22, 280–81
Janesville plant closing and, 9–11, 36–39, 69
Labor Fest and, 129, 173–75
retraining unemployed people and, 75
A Roadmap for America’s Future, 9
Speaker of the House, 294
vice presidential candidate (2012), 220–25, 239–42, 277, 280
Scott Walker and, 145, 158
Ryan, Tobin, 224–25, 282
St. Mary’s Hospital, 247
Scaglione, Matías, 312
Schmedeman, Albert, 21
Second Harvest food pantry, 145
Seneca Foods Corporation, 89, 169, 171, 212, 272–73
Service Employees Union, 175
Shakey’s Pizza, Janesville, 130
Sheridan, Paul, 266–70
Sheridan, Sherry, 49–50
Sheridan, Trent, 49
SHINE Medical Technologies, 193–201, 203, 293
Shullsburg, WI, 96
Sixteen Forty-Nine (film), 132–34, 204, 228, 275, 276
Social Security Act, 152
Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board, xiii
Spoden, Bob, 229
Springsteen, Bruce, 240–41
SSI Technologies, xii, 244, 245
Steeber, Russ, 200
steel industry, 4, 269
Stoner, Todd, 173–75
Stuht, Robin, 134, 207, 275, 276, 295
Texas Roadhouse, Janesville, 112
textile mills, 2, 4
Traxler, Henry, 22
Traxler Park, Janesville, 17
Trump, Donald, 292, 295
Tupperware, 252, 255, 263
Union Labor Temple, Janes
ville, 213
United Alloy, 251, 296
United Auto Workers (UAW), 60, 68–69, 175–76, 291, 73
United Auto Workers (UAW), Local 95, 6, 13, 17, 22, 72, 88–91, 123, 127, 241, 255
economic incentives offered to GM to reopen assembly plant, 65
Labor Fest and, 127–30, 227
Lear employees, 33–34, 35, 58–59
membership reduction, 167, 213, 293
“release time” and, 59, 167
transfer rights and, 105, 114
supplemental unemployment benefits (SUB) pay, 13
Vaughn family and, xi, 35, 58–59, 71–72, 74, 166–67, 176, 177–78, 212, 241, 272, 273
United Way of North Rock County, 44–45, 87, 124, 206, 235
University of Michigan Community Economic Adjustment Program, 45
University of Wisconsin–Madison, 154, 195–96, 303
Center on Wisconsin Strategy, 312
University of Wisconsin–Platteville, 263, 287, 296
University of Wisconsin–Rock County (U-Rock), 30, 59, 132, 133, 238, 251, 285
University of Wisconsin Survey Center, 303
University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, 42, 48, 212
Upper Iowa University, 137, 149
U.S. Department of Energy, 194
U.S. government
anti-poverty programs, 91
auto industry bailout, 36, 39, 63, 114
help for unemployed and, 307
National School Lunch Program, 140
retraining Janesville workers and, 34
visit to Janesville by executive director of White House Council on Auto Communities and Workers, 121–26
workforce development boards, 15
U.S. Labor Department, 122
cost of retraining workers, 167
Rapid Response protocol, 16
Trade Readjustment Allowances, 59, 73, 76, 167
Workforce Investment Act, 76
USS Wisconsin, 220, 221, 222
Valentine, Richard, 96
Valentine School of Telegraphy, 96
Vaughn, Barb, xi, 34–35, 58, 72, 119–20, 135–37, 149–50, 168, 180, 184, 273–74, 295–96
Lear layoff of, 60, 73
retraining and, 34–35, 60, 76, 77, 82–84, 115–16, 118, 119
wages, 135, 137, 150, 273
Vaughn, Dave, xi, 59, 71, 72, 73–74, 166–67, 176, 177–78, 212–17
Vaughn, Judy, 73, 136, 214–15
Vaughn, Mike, xi, 35, 136, 233–34, 273
family’s union ties, 59, 71–73, 74
final day at Lear Corp., 58–61
job search, 167–69
retraining and, 59, 73–74, 76, 77, 78, 116, 135–36, 166, 167
Seneca Foods job, 169, 171, 212, 272–73
unemployment benefits and, 168
as union leader, 35, 166, 272, 273
United Alloy job, 296
Vaughn, Tom, 59, 71–72, 241, 293
Venuti, Amy, 179–83, 288
Virtual Academy, 263–65
Wagoner, Rick, 10–11, 23, 36, 63, 122
Wahlert, Deri, xii, 13–14, 47, 145, 153, 159–60, 179, 255, 295
the Big Give, 48–49, 50
Budget Repair Bill protests and, 151–54, 156
Parker Closet, 47–48, 182, 250, 288, 295
Parker High graduation (2013), 288
Kayzia Whiteaker and, 250–54
Walker, Scott, 129–30, 144, 146–47, 240, 287–88, 294
as anti-labor, 152, 157, 172, 239
Budget Repair Bill, 151–56, 158
cuts in state aid to Janesville, 198
Delavan, native of, 130, 144
health spending cut under, 249
inaugural address, 144–45
job creation and, 217
“open for business” signs, 146–48
recall election, 211–17, 241
Ryan as vice presidential candidate and, 224
Walker, Tonette, 145
Waukesha County Expo Center, 217, 224
WCLO AM radio, 11–12, 226
The Stan Milam Show, xiii, 11–12
W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 312
Whiteaker, Alyssa, xi, 31–33, 109, 110, 111, 112, 138, 182, 183, 187, 188
college and, 263, 287–88, 296
eighteenth birthday, 238
first voting by, 238–39
graduation, 286–89
part-time jobs, 112, 187, 189, 252, 255, 263, 264, 288
Tupperware selling by, 252, 255, 263
Virtual Academy and, 263–65
volunteer work by, 255
Whiteaker, Jerad, xi, 12–13, 31–33, 109–14
anniversary date at GM, 32
county jail job, 179–80, 250–51
family-is-everything attitude, 109–14
finances, 111–12, 113, 139, 179, 180, 187, 189, 250, 254
FoodShare and, 262–63, 265
GM buyout, 109–10, 113–14
GM transfer, decision not to take, 111
GOEX job, 111, 114, 140
Grainger Industrial Supply job, 251
health insurance, 109, 114, 140, 180
holiday food drive and, 255–56
job search by, 250–51, 256–57, 265
Patch Products job, 140, 180
retraining and, 80–81, 118
Sub-Zero job, 296
United Alloy job, 251
years at GM plant, 12
Whiteaker, Kayzia, xi, 31–33, 109, 110, 111, 112, 138, 296
college and, 263, 287–88, 296
eighteenth birthday, 238
family hardship, 178–83, 186–89, 250–54
first voting by, 238–39
graduation, 286–89
Parker Closet and, 181–83, 187
part-time jobs, 112, 187, 189, 251–52, 255, 288, 296
school lunch program, 140
volunteer work by, 252
Whiteaker, Noah, xi, 109, 110, 111, 140, 180, 182, 183, 254, 256, 257, 288, 296
Whiteaker, Tammy, xi, 32, 33, 81, 109, 111, 186–88, 251, 265, 287
Bags of Hope and, 138, 139–40, 254–55
full-time job for, 252, 296
holiday food drive and, 256
mortgage refinancing, 255
Norwex selling by, 263
Parker High graduation and, 286–87
part-time job for, 111–12
White House Council on Auto Communities and Workers, 121–26
Willmer, Mary, xiii, 40–42, 53, 139, 237, 261–62, 264, 295
“ambassador of optimism” and, 143–46, 278–79
Bags of Hope and, 139
bank promotion, 236, 261
bankruptcies and foreclosures plan, 87
Circle of Women and, 236–37, 277
community positions held by, 42
Forward Janesville speaker, 279, 280
ideas about revitalizing Janesville, 69
Montgomery visit and, 123
Rock County 5.0 and, 53–57, 70, 85–87, 262, 295
SHINE project and, 193–201
Walker and, 144, 145, 146–47, 216
Winters, Cory, 133, 228
AFL-CIO, 128
Aging Advisory Council, 295
Feeding America chapter, 145
food stamps (FoodShare), 91, 249, 262–63, 265
Homeless Youth Symposium, 276
incentive package for GM’s return to Janesville, 63–64, 65–66
Kennedy, Sharon, testimony on retraining dislocated workers, 117–18
labor rules for teenagers, 112, 264
lead industry in, history, 71
Medicaid (BadgerCare), 91, 246, 276
Obama campaigning in, 240–41
polarization in politics of, 223
presidential election (2012), 240–41
presidential election (2016), 292
Progressive movement in, 152
Republican Party spendin
g in, 213
Republican strongholds in, 224
resentment against public workers, 158–59
Romney campaigning in, 224
state motto, 240
technical colleges in, 77
Walker and, 129–30, 144–45, 240
workers’ rights in, 152–53
Wisconsin Assembly, 154–55
Kolste elected, 243, 245, 249, 276
vote on Budget Repair Bill, 154–55, 157
Wisconsin Jobs Now! 175
Wisconsin State Journal, 172–73
Woodman’s Market, Janesville, 89, 159, 186, 188–89, 256
Wopat girls (Bria, Brittany, and Brooke), xii, 30, 80, 103, 104, 107, 108, 209, 210, 268, 284, 285–86
Wopat, Marv, xi, 25, 26, 30–31, 62, 78, 104, 285, 286, 296
assembly plant reopening hopes and, 176
economic incentive package for GM and, 62–64, 65, 76
as Employee Assistance Program representative, 24, 29, 88
Labor Fest 2010 and, 128
Obama’s campaign speech at Labor Fest and, 25–27
plant closure announcement, 27–28
retirement party, 24–25
years at GM plant, 24
Wopat, Matt, xii, 28, 30–31, 70, 80, 105–8, 162–63
anniversary date of, 30, 270
GM job in Fort Wayne and life as Janesville gypsy, 105–8, 161–65, 176, 202, 208, 266–71, 284–86, 297
last day at assembly plant, 29, 31
pride and, 107
retraining and, 78–80, 103–5, 107, 118
unemployment income, 79, 105, 106
World War I, Parker pens and, 97
World War II
Janesville Assembly Plant and artillery shell production, 3–4, 22
Parker pens and, 98
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 97, 144
Youngstown, OH, steel industry, 4
YWCA of Rock County, 203–7
Circle of Women fundraiser, 235–37, 295
sponsorship of Project 16:49, 204, 207, 235, 275
funding cuts at, 206
impact of plant closing on, 206
Zachow’s Tavern, Janesville, 64, 65
Zerban, Rob, 238
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