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9781631054099GracefulAcceptanceBeck Page 4

by Paloma Beck

  Despite everything Grace tried, Davina clearly had no intention of letting go of Grace’s hand. Their fingers were entwined and Goddess, it felt so right, but she didn’t know what her sisters would say. Grace had gone from crazy happy to frightening worried during the drive over from Davina’s shop. What if everyone knew what had happened? How could she stand in front of her sisters?

  “Davina, perhaps we should talk about this again before we go in there.” Grace tugged on Davina to stop her. They were feet from the door to the library where they had been meeting.

  “It’s just more time for you to worry.” Davina shook her head and brought her free hand to Grace’s cheek, cupping it and lightly brushing her thumb along Grace’s cheekbone.

  “I can’t help it. I can’t stop wondering what they’ll think about this, about us.”

  “My Grace, look at me.” Davina waited for Grace to look up into her eyes before continuing. “What anyone thinks does not matter, but I believe. No, I feel it here, inside me.” Davina brought their joined hands to her chest. “Everything is as it should be. In our hearts as women of the Magdalena Circle, that is what matters.”

  “She’s right,” a familiar voice came from behind Grace.

  Her mother smiled at her when she turned around, and smiled wider when she noticed Grace’s hand locked inside Davina’s warm hand. Surprising her, Chiara embraced them both in her arms, pulling them to her and allowing her excitement to fill the air around them.

  “Mother, I…” Grace began, but was immediately cut off.

  “Gracie, I’ve known. Well, not known so much as wondered. I’ve been praying that the Goddess had a plan for you that meant you being completed by your Mating.” Chiara paused to look at them again and grinning so widely, she added, “And I believe this is the answer to my prayers. Thank the Goddess.”

  “Thank the Goddess,” Davina repeated while Grace just watched, awed by the graceful acceptance of her mother.

  “Now, let’s head in. I’m sure everyone will have congratulations to give and we really have to spend time preparing for what is now soon to happen.” Chiara took Grace’s free hand and led them into the library.

  As the door opened and her mother walked ahead of them, Grace and Davina stood behind and waited. Her mother raised her hands and every voice in the room silenced. Grace imagined all eyes were now focused on their mother.

  “Women of the Magdalena Circle, our time is growing nearer still. Grace and Davina are preparing for their Mating.” Chiara stepped aside to show the two women standing hand in hand just inside of the doorway.

  Her sisters regarded her with uncertainty, not sure what they were supposed to see. After all, they’d seen Grace and Davina together for a while now. Grace fidgeted, attempting to decide what to say, when Davina pulled their linked hands up to her lips and kissed Grace’s hand. When Grace turned her eyes on Davina, they shared a smile. Davina never failed to put Grace at ease.

  The collective sigh floated across the room and warmed Grace. Turning to look back at her sisters, Grace saw each of them with tears in their eyes and true smiles on their faces. Her sisters were happy for her. She felt their excitement build and surround them, colorful lights danced across the room, and Grace felt bolstered, reassured by their acceptance.

  Eloise was the first to bound across to them and engulf them both in hugs, followed closely by Adelina, Davina’s mother. The others followed, each of her sisters except for Amelia. Amelia was standing with her mother, and as the others followed Grace’s gaze, the room again fell to a hush.

  “How can this be? The prophecy clearly states we are each to be mated to a Valendite Breed. It has to happen for the genetic combinations to have the effect we’ve waited for.” Amelia was shaking her head at their mother.

  “Amelia.” Chiara put her hand on her shoulder and gestured to the room.

  It was obvious Amelia hadn’t noticed that everyone’s attention was now drawn to her. “I’m sorry, Grace, Davina. I don’t mean to rain down on your happiness but I can’t make sense of it. This doesn’t work in the prophecy as it’s been told.”

  “Let me try to explain.” Gemma stepped forward, clearly in her element as a historical researcher. “There is another prophecy, if I may explain it. Davina?”

  Davina nodded.

  “Come sit, girls. This explanation may be lengthy.” Adelina motioned to the large sofas.

  Gemma, clearing her throat, seemed to consider where to begin, and then spoke.

  “The Prophecy of the Seven in its most common wording stated simply that the first sister shall bear another seven and the seventh shall release the deadly sins so long as all are mated. But we all know there was much more recorded on the prophecy. There were still pieces that were being interpreted as recently as last year. You all know that’s why I went to Italy to research before the Winter Solstice last year.

  “There’s another prophecy that we know little about. It’s been hidden for the safety of the female it refers to, our Davina. She’s the only female born into a family that already had male offspring. That wasn’t a mistake, not a fluke of nature. It was very intentional.

  “The prophecy is called the Trifecti Prophecy of a vampire born female, one who is equal part Valendite Breed and of the Magdalena Circle. It is written that this female will begin a new line of vampires with a wife by her side. Together, they shall inherit the throne and bring great change to our world.”

  Gemma paused to give everyone time to absorb the information. She smiled over at Grace and Davina. “We’ve suspected this might be the case for a few months now.”

  “I did as well,” Davina admitted as she looked around at the room of shocked faces. “Let me explain. When the prophecy was brought to my family, we accepted it was likely my fate. I was happy because it explained my existence, gave me purpose. Then when I met Grace and began spending time with her, I had this sense. My powers continued to grow but only in the time since I met her.”

  “Biologically, that makes sense. Your chemicals started mixing,” Amelia agreed.

  “Right, with all the magic we’ve performed together in our circle, there was this pull I had to resist so my power didn’t concentrate to Grace. I knew I had to wait for her to be ready, so I waited and I watched until it was time.” Davina explained it all so well that Grace was happy to sit back and allow the conversation to happen around her.

  “But what of the children? The seven shall have seven part of the prophecy?” Sadie asked.

  “Or even in the Trifecta Prophecy where it mentions starting a new race? You certainly need a man for this to happen. I mean, I might’ve lived naively for most of my life but even I know this,” Layla added.

  Rolling her eyes and then looking to Davina before she began, Gemma explained, “I believe, given the prophecy’s title—Trifecti Prophecy—that there will be a tri-bond. Gracie and Davina are just two parts of the triad that still needs to form.”

  Nodding, Amelia agreed. “It explains how they don’t appear to be in the Acclimation stage yet. Genetically, they’d need the third’s blood to make the bond.”

  Grace looked from one sister to the other, both nodding at each other like this was a science experiment they were agreeing on. Did no one understand the magnitude of what they’d suggested? Dear Goddess, even Davina seemed too calm.

  Grace looked to her mate and whispered, “Can you believe this? Do you think it’s true?”

  Davina simply nodded. She wouldn’t meet Grace in the eye and Grace could feel her heart rate accelerate. Davina was nervous. Davina was never nervous. Then Grace realized why.

  “You knew.” Grace let go of Davina’s hand and stood. Raising her voice, she repeated herself. “You knew. How could you not tell me?”

  Grace knew she must look crazy. She felt her hair flying around her face. She was sweating and pacing around the center of the room. There would be a third person in their mating. Everyone around her seemed to accept it, but she couldn’t understand how thi
s would be all right. It was unheard of.

  “Sweet Gracie,” Chiara rested her arm on Grace and a calming sensation rushed through Grace. “It’s all going to be fine.”

  “No, Mother, it’s not. It’s not fine when your mate lies to you.” Grace turned from her mother and shot a look of anger towards Davina. Her eyes were large and round, and when she let out a deep breath, tiny puffs of smoke burst around her head. Never had she been so angry. “You lied to me.” Those words spoken with such venom, made Davina recoil into her mother’s arms.

  Grace marched from the silent room.

  * * * *

  Grace searched for peace where she always did. She was already dressed for the outdoors so she took the quickest route to the edge of the surrounding forest. She knew the path up to the stream, and with the warm morning thaw, the remaining snow wouldn’t deter her from her walk. She needed some peace and quiet to work through everything that had happened in the last few days.

  When she made it up to the stream and perched herself on the rock overlooking her favorite view of the valley below, she had exhausted the anger out of herself. Regretting the yelling, unable to even remember when she’d yelled at someone in the past, Grace dropped her head into her hands and cried. This day that had started out so perfect had turned into a disaster. She’d isolated herself from her mate.

  Well, one of her mates apparently! Grace ground her teeth. She supposed the next step was finding the other piece to their triad, as Gemma had put it so indelicately. And what exactly would that be like? She had no idea what she was facing, but she did know that her safe, quiet life was gone and replaced with this new reality. She felt as if she were in the middle of a building storm.

  Grace heard the crunching of branches and guessed Davina had followed her, but when she turned toward the noise, Trevor came out of the woods instead. He looked sheepish, giving Grace a tight-lipped smile and a small wave. His shoulders were hunched into himself. He didn’t look like he wanted to be here anymore than she wanted the company.

  “I was sent…”

  “To watch me,” Grace cut him off before he could finish. “I get it. I went too far without a guard.”

  Trevor nodded. He watched her as if she was going to turn demonic on him.

  “I’m not crazy, you know. You don’t have to stand over there like I’m going to attack you,” Grace snapped.

  “Well, now, some people might argue that point, Miss Gracie.”

  Trevor’s grin grew wider as he walked slowly towards her. His sexy curls called out like a beacon, begging her to run her hands through it. Shocked she was having these thoughts, Grace attempted to look away, but her eyes averted downward and only managed to take in the rest of Trevor’s very sexy, very masculine body. Trevor may be the youngest TEU agent, but he was no less built. Grace could not resist licking her lips, imagining them everywhere on his body.

  When he actually looked up at her and their eyes locked, Grace gasped. Trevor’s eyes were a startling yellow-green. He was aroused. That’s the only time a Valendite Breed’s eyes turn that color. The sign alerted others to give a wide berth between the mates, warning off predators that would likely be attacked if coming too close to a mate while under the influence of a Claiming.

  As all of these thoughts ran through Grace’s mind as Trevor continued moving slowly towards her, his arms now on either side of her with his hands balancing on the rock. The truth was too obvious to ignore. Grace knew. Trevor knew. She took a deep breath, hoping to center herself, but only managed to drag in his warm male scent. The scent was like none other. It caused a desire to ripple through her. She couldn’t understand how this was all happening now, everything changing so quickly.

  “You are my mate,” Trevor spoke with his mouth to her ear.

  “But Davina…” Grace began.

  “I thought Davina was…” Trevor began.

  Both were silenced by the appearance of Davina herself, appearing in the way Grace had only seen her own mother do—with the quick puff of smoke and the unmistakable purple swirls. Only Davina’s were also tinted red. She soon coalesced into her true form. Grace was amazed by Davina’s ability to transport. She was so young still to have such strong powers. Another indicator that she truly was the powerful woman the Trifecti Prophecy spoke of. Her mate’s powers were extraordinary.

  Her mate. Davina was her mate. Was Trevor also?

  Davina cast her eyes on Grace and Trevor. She seemed to understand right away what she had come into. The scene before her was pleasing to her as her smile grew and her eyes brightened. “It is so?” she asked, looking between them.

  Trevor backed up slightly with his hands up. “I’m not sure what I’m walking into here. I was sent to watch over her when she walked into the woods alone.”

  “I thank you, Trevor. My Grace and I had a bit of a disagreement and I think she needed some time to herself.” Davina raised one eyebrow to the Grace in question. “I take it you are feeling calmer.”

  “Yes.” Grace cleared her throat, now dry and scratchy, and took a moment before continuing. “I’m so sorry for my behavior, my anger. I’ve tried so much of my life to remain away from any drama, to avoid overabundance, that these feelings are overwhelming me. I’m acting out of sorts and that’s making it even worse.”

  Davina was already shaking her head before Grace had finished. “Do not apologize. I should apologize for not telling you sooner. I’m embarrassed to admit that I was afraid to scare you, worried you might run off and reject me out of fear.”

  “I couldn’t possibly,” Grace disagreed. She reached out for Davina’s hand and brought her closer to where she sat.

  When Trevor tried to back away further, Davina used her other hand to pull him towards them. Grace noticed an electric charge once their hands touched, the three of them connected in such a simple way. What would happen when they were connected more deeply? Grace shivered at the thought and Davina moved closer still.

  “You okay?” She asked Grace.

  Grace nodded and followed Davina’s gaze to Trevor. “You belong to us, with us. Can you feel it when we touch?”

  “I felt it when I first entered the clearing. When you arrived, it only grew stronger.” Trevor confirmed what both women already knew.

  “It’s because we are meant to be a triad. I’ve been studying old prophecies from the history books with Grace’s sister. We believe it to be true, and now, experiencing the three of us so close, I have no doubt.” Davina explained just enough to relieve Trevor’s tension.

  “If you’re wrong, I’m a dead man because I don’t think I can walk away from what you’re offering and your brothers will kill me if I hurt you.” Trevor was fighting to hold back. He let go of their connection, his hands fisted at his sides, and the veins of his neck straining. When his nostrils flared and the hue of his eyes flashed yellow, Grace could feel his desire winning the battle he fought. His need swamped the air with heavy want.

  “She’s not wrong,” Grace assured him as she stroked her hand along his jaw until finally making her way into his hair, where she grabbed onto his curls and tugged.

  * * * *

  Davina molded her lips to Grace’s mouth, kissing her, drinking in all that was good and beautiful. She moved her hands so that they cupped her cheeks, framing her face in a delicate embrace. She sensed Trevor come up behind her. She felt the steel hard length of him against her back. To be between her two mates after wondering for so long how this might be was nearly too much. Stretching her neck back, Davina leaned into him. The warm lick of a tongue bathed her collarbone—Grace. Nipping lips on her earlobe—Trevor. Davina was being taken by her two mates.

  Two mouths, four hands assaulted Davina. Each worked magic in the places they touched. Both moved closer to her shoulder until Grace and Trevor positioned themselves just perfectly. They looked across at one another, breath labored and both with half-lidded eyes. Edging closer, Trevor’s lips touched Grace’s softly. Gentle and coaxing, Trevor drew his
tongue along Grace’s lips. With a sigh, Grace opened to him. His tongue slowly stroked hers as Davina watched.

  She adjusted her body so she could touch both of her mates. Her fingers found refuge in Trevor’s beautiful locks and Grace’s silky strands. She yearned to be a part of this moment as she rubbed her nose along first Grace’s smooth jaw and then Trevor’s rougher face. Trevor’s arms tightened around her, encouraged her to join them while Grace tilted her face towards Davina to kiss her again. Closing her eyes, savoring this perfect moment, Davina felt Trevor’s mouth take the place where Grace had just been. It was all consuming to have the attention of two lovers. With their bodies still surrounding her, Davina was melting in their heat, their need.

  A moan escaped her throat as Trevor nibbled at her bottom lip and then licked again. The sharp sensation coupled with the gentler stroke of his tongue pulled the coil knotting inside her stomach tighter. A need deep inside urged her to rub herself against him, to rub herself against Grace. Goddess, she needed more.

  “Should we go back to my studio?” Trevor asked, obviously concerned how far this would go while they were outdoors.

  “No,” Grace and Davina responded at the same time. While Grace blushed, Davina continued, “We can’t wait. I doubt we’d make it far without it being painful.”

  “I don’t want either of you in pain.” Trevor winked. Then he seemed to reconsider. “Seriously though, there’s still snow on the ground. This is not the best place.”

  “I know where we can go. Follow me.” Grace took the lead and Davina and Trevor followed her a little further around a bend in the river. Davina saw the old fishing cabin come into view.


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