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9781631054099GracefulAcceptanceBeck Page 9

by Paloma Beck

  Trevor was facing his conservative parents, sharing the news that he’d mated with two women. While Davina’s parents that are more progressive had embraced it, they had also known of the prophecy and understood their triad was part of how it was to be fulfilled. Trevor’s parents didn’t have the advantage of time. They would be bombarded by the entire story at once.

  Davina linked her arm through Trevor’s and leaned into him as they walked towards the waiting crowds. People had spilled over into the street to greet them, and it appeared that many knew Trevor. Men patted him on the shoulder. Older women kissed him on the cheeks. Younger women scowled when they saw Davina at his side. Children called out to him.

  “It’s like you’re a celebrity.” Davina tugged on his arm, teasing.

  “Not many leave, especially to serve in the TEU.” Trevor shrugged off her teasing, but graced her with one of his sexy grins. Then he noticed Grace wasn’t nearby. “Where’s Grace?”

  “She was talking with her mother and said she’d catch up to us.”

  “I want her with us when we meet my parents.” He looked over the heads of those surrounding them to search for Grace.

  A wind swept across the plaza and most of the people backed towards the buildings to ward off the sand blowing from its force. Davina and Trevor stood firmly in place. The swirling ribbons of pink burst from a quick puff of smoke. It was unmistakable. Davina knew it was the teleportation of one of the women of the Magdalena Circle. As the purple and pink swirls coagulated into a form—no, two forms, she saw Grace and Chiara. At first, they were translucent, ghostly in their ethereal state, but then their bodies melded into a solid form.

  Grace squealed in delight, hugging her mother before moving to hug Davina and then Trevor. “I did it. Mother has been teaching me and I wanted to show you both.”

  “I knew you could harness your powers.” Davina’s voice was filled with pride.

  “I’m just glad you’re here. I didn’t like being without you.” Trevor’s gruff voice reminded Davina how tense he was.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You didn’t upset him. He’s nervous about introducing us to his parents. Your surprise was fantastic. Next, we’ll try it together. Oh, and then we’ll see if we can transport Trevor with us.” Davina grew more excited as she considered the possibilities.

  Trevor was shaking his head. “One step at a time. Has any other Valendite Breed ever teleported?”

  “No, I don’t suppose they have, but they’ve never mated two women before either,” Davina reminded him, winking at him as she took his arm back and squeezed close again. “Lucky, lucky man.”

  They walked directly to the Veneti home, followed by their parents. Both the Santuccis and the Sinsters wanted to meet Trevor’s family. With only a day before the Pronouncement, there was little time for any formal gathering. Davina was certain, despite Trevor’s reservations, that his parents would be proud of the role he played in the prophecy that would free his race.

  Mr. and Mrs. Veneti stood outside their home when their families arrived. Trevor’s mother pulled him into a tight hug and both Davina and Grace took a step back. Davina saw his father’s sharp eyes on them. She wasn’t sure how, but she was positive that he knew of their unique mating.

  Bending to one knee before them, Mr. Veneti took both Grace and Davina’s hands into his. His eyes bespoke a reverence that unnerved Davina because she felt unworthy. At the same time, the reminder that she was instrumental in healing their race humbled her.

  He kissed the back of each of the hands and spoke in a whispered voice, “Vi do il benvenuto nella nostra famiglia. Portate a noi grande orgoglio. La nostra casa è la tua casa. Che tu possa sempre trovare una casa accogliente nella nostra famiglia.”

  Standing behind them, Trevor translated, “My father welcomes you both to our family. He says that you bring to them great pride. He wants you to know their home is your home. And then he shared the traditional village welcome of friends ‘May you forever find a welcoming home in our family’.”

  Davina and Grace knew the basic Italian language and while they understood most of the words Mr. Veneti spoke, the meaning may have been lost without Trevor to translate. Getting to know them would be difficult with the language barrier.

  “Do your parents speak any English?” Grace asked hopefully.

  Trevor shook his head. “No. I wanted to teach them when I learned from the local school but they were not interested. They saw no need.”

  Biting her lip in thought, Davina turned to his parents and spoke in awkward, broken Italian, “Vi ringrazio per il cortese benvenuto.”

  The murmurs of approval from Davina’s parents behind them told her she’d conveyed the appropriate sentiments of thanks.

  When Mr. Veneti rose to stand by his wife, Trevor began introductions, “Mamma e papà, io introducono i miei compagni, my mates, Grace and Davina.” His chest was puffed out and he stood tall, proud to have his mates meet his parents.

  “Girls, these are my parents, Abel and Dorotea Veneti.” Trevor motioned to his parents.

  Dorotea fought to hold back her tears as she moved forward and lightly touched Grace’s hand. Once Grace smiled, Dorotea swept her into a hug as mighty as the one she’d given her son only moments before. Next, she took Davina into her arms and cried. For long moments, they stood close with his parents, and Davina felt truly welcomed.

  Smoothing her hands along the sides of both girls’ faces, Dorotea shared, “Noi sapevamo. E ' il motivo per cui lo lasciamo fare. La Dea, è venuta a noi, promise che sarebbe tornato con le due donne del cerchio Magdalena di cambiare il nostro mondo.”

  Though Davina was unsure what she’d said, the audible gasps from both Chiara and Adelina had her curious. “What did she say?”

  Trevor cleared his throat, obviously fighting back emotion. “My mother said that they knew and it’s why they let me go. The Goddess came to them and made the promise that I’d return with the two women of the Magdalena Circle capable of healing our world.”

  Davina couldn’t believe her ears. It shocked her each time they received affirmation that this truly was their destiny. These steps drawing them closer to the fulfillment of the prophecy were layered with so many people, so many sacrifices, and yet, she had been blessed with her mates. Truly, she’d lost nothing and gained everything by following the Goddess’s commands.

  Looking to both of her mates, Davina knew there was no better future than the one she was now looking at.

  Chapter Eight

  The morning of the Pronouncement rose early, or likely it was because neither Grace nor Davina had slept much. As dawn came across the horizon, they were in a circle more important than any other before this. The men, each of the mates to the women of the Prophecy of the Seven, stood surrounding them, on guard for anyone who might try to interfere with their magic.

  Standing at the entrance to the tomb where the Goddess’s love had been lain and from where he had risen to join her in the heavens, Davina recognized how small she was. Her contribution today was solely because of the blessings the Goddess had bestowed upon her. Now here she stood, looking around at these women who had become very much her sisters. Layla and Eloise, Gemma, Paige, Amelia, Sadie, and Grace believed in her. Their belief was humbling as she felt her usual kick-ass persona fading with the reality of just how important this moment was to her race.

  Davina reached for Grace’s hand despite the darkness still enveloping them. Each woman followed her example, and in moments, they were linked in their circle. Davina began chanting quietly and listened for it to grow in volume as the words caught around their circle. They were words she was now familiar with that resonated out from them. “We are called. We are chosen. Come to us, Mother of all Mothers. Goddess, we are yours.”

  That same wave of concentrated power Davina had experienced at the last circle pushed the breath out of her. As women of the Magdalena Circle, they each had strengths of their own. When combined, they w
ere a mighty force, likely unstoppable. She looked around at the other women. Each were transfixed on her. Shooting bursts like lightning claimed the air around her, the feeling familiar but no less intense. They radiated outward to fill the full circle, stretching towards the tomb just beyond where they stood.

  The first colors of the morning sky were beginning to show as their chanting grew louder. Their voices melted together in a beautiful harmony. Davina swayed to the lyrical tones and found her sisters doing the same. The day grew brighter, the light fog of morning clearing as ribbons wove through their circle. These moved swiftly in and around the women.

  Davina’s voice rose above the others’ chanting as she proclaimed to Mary Magdalena. “It is as you wish. We have come. We are yours. Bless us, Mother of all Mothers, and bless our families.”

  A loud crash brought their attention to the tomb. The large boulder that previously stood in front of the dark opening turned to dust. Shocked gasps sounded around the circle before they grew silent. Black hooded figures floated out from the tomb. Only as large as a small child, they were no threat. Davina sensed no malevolence and she raised her hand when the men began to move, halting them. “Do not advance. They’ll leave of their own free will.”

  One by one, seven hooded figures left the tomb and faded into the morning sky as if they never existed. Silence fell heavily on their circle as they waited for Davina. She drew her eyes upward, seeking assurance, and then released the hands she held. As she moved toward the tomb, the others followed her to walk inside. It was empty just as Davina had imagined. “We leave here healed. We leave here as the women who will bring on the new generation that will no longer be burdened with sin.”

  It was a peace she’d never known before that settled over them as they left the tomb and found their mates. The tears escaping her eyes were not alone. Each sister was overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the moment. With no words to describe the sensation of the sudden lightness of her spirit, of her soul, each woman sought the connection to the mate who strengthened them.

  As Grace and Davina stood in Trevor’s arms, Grace’s quiet voice said all that needed to be said. “A miracle has been bestowed upon us this day.”

  * * * *

  Nervous, Trevor shifted from foot to foot as he stood in the middle of a small circle formed by hedges. Their families formed another circle around the hedges, and a large crowd stood just behind them. There was no option for a small Pronouncement since this joining meant freedom for their race. Everyone would celebrate.

  Having the ceremony held here at his parent’s village was important not only to their race, but also to Trevor himself. It was a connection for him and for his triad to his homeland. He knew they’d return to the United States, but he hoped this gave them a reason to return to his village, to keep a connection to his parents. He’d been feeling as if his part in the triad was less important than his mates. That changed with his conversation with Chiara just before he took his place in the circle.

  She’d asked about their babies, and when he could only look at her confused, she smiled widely. “Each woman in their circle had to be preparing for the next generation. Tony tells me that means they must all be with child.”

  When Trevor still looked unconvinced, she added, “My researcher husband is never wrong. He’s been studying the Valendite Breed and its history for hundreds of years.”

  When Chiara walked away from him, Trevor was stunned. He was going to be a father. Both his mates were expecting a child. He didn’t know anything about being a father. Shit, his stomach twisted as his mind mulled over this news. Did his mates know? He had to see them, needed to talk to them. Trevor ran his fingers through his hair, unable to be still and calm himself. He was lost to all the possibilities—not just one child, but two.

  Granger had to hit him on the arm to get his attention when he was needed to begin the ceremony. “You okay?”

  Trevor nodded his head. “Yeah. I’m going to be a dad.” It felt more real having said the words.

  “Welcome to the club. Seamus is starting a new circle—the Circle of Fathers—so we can all commiserate. Nine months of seven pregnant women.” Granger shook his head. “Goddess help us all.”

  Noticing too late that Trevor was still staring wide-eyed over the news, Granger patted his back and promised, “We’re all in this together. Relax. Take a few deep breaths and then get your ass out there. They’re ready for you, brother.”

  He looked around from the middle of the circle where he now stood awaiting his mates. Everyone most important to each of them was here today. While they believed threats to be nonexistent anymore, there was still security. Given the number of their race gathered, it made it that much more important that they be protected during the ceremony. First thing in the morning, everyone would return to his or her lives. Spread out, they would always be safer. So for now, Trevor would savor this time that they were joined together to celebrate his Mating.

  The older women of his mother’s gardening club had scented the grounds with lavender and other herbs traditional to the Pronouncement. Tiny lanterns hung from nearby trees to brighten the surrounding area while the early evening glow of near-twilight, the traditional time for a Valendite Pronouncement, brought a slight chill. That wasn’t why he shivered though when he looked across the circle.

  There stood his mates. They couldn’t be more beautiful, or more opposite. Both swathed in the traditional red dress of a Pronouncement, their styles spoke to each of their natural beauty. These women completed him as if they each filled a different need. He was living every man’s dream, as Seamus had joked earlier, with two magical women as his own. Trevor was a lucky man.

  * * * *

  Grace took in several deep breaths as she looked around at all of the people gathered. She wished she had the outgoing, exuberant nature of Davina, or the laidback attitude of Trevor. She was sure they weren’t nervous in this spotlight.

  “Gracie, once you enter the circle, all those around you will fade to the background and it will be just you, Davina and Trevor,” her mother reassured her from where she stood behind. Chiara looked her usual stately self, sheathed in a green dress with sparkling jewels Grace could never pull off. Chiara took Grace’s hand and squeezed softly.

  When Davina stepped to her side, Adelina and Valentino behind her, Grace’s powers tingled like electricity as she thought about what was to come. The Pronouncement meant they would transfer their powers and share the essence of who they each were.

  Music began playing, and Grace and Davina turned their gazes to where Trevor stood. Trevor’s handsome features would never fail to make her knees go weak. His sharp cheekbones that always held the neatly trimmed stubble said bad boy, while his sweet eyes and shaggy curls gave him a softer edge. He was a melding between Davina and Grace’s personalities. The perfect fit, the perfect blend.

  They moved towards him slowly, side by side, with their parents behind them. Grace felt the pull towards Trevor and imagined it would always be like this. She didn’t like being separated, and when she saw him, her body propelled her nearer. Grace focused on pacing herself so she wouldn’t run. Goddess help her if she tried because the heels Eloise had brought for them to wear were ridiculously high.

  She focused back on Trevor. He wore the traditional clothing of the Valendite Pronouncement. It was odd to see him out of his usual jeans and leather boots. She knew he wouldn’t like wearing this clothing and wondered if maybe he felt out of place too. His sand-colored linen trousers and the off-white shirt draped from his body. It was too loose to admire his well-toned muscles, but Grace knew the feel of his rugged form underneath. Trevor kept the shirt collar purposefully unbuttoned to expose his neck as a sign of his willingness to give himself to her. Damn, even that made her shiver in anticipation.

  What was wrong with her hormones? The thought crossed her mind moments before she heard Davina’s voice in her mind. “Baby hormones.”

  “What?” Grace forgot to be silent. The
shock of Davina’s words had her heart thundering. She was certain she would collapse.

  “Grace, my Grace, it’s all right. I feel it too but we’ll get through it together.”

  “You too?” This time, Grace spoke through their mind connection.

  Davina simply smiled and nodded.

  Finally, they reached the place where Trevor stood. Both of their parents placed their hands in Trevor’s before they moved to join the others on the circle’s perimeter. Grace took in the moment, the reality that for the rest of her life, Davina and Trevor would be there with her. For the rest of their time, this is how it would be—the three of them surrounded by the people who loved them. She placed her hand on her stomach and remembered the others yet to join them.

  The women of the Magdalena Circle called up their powers and summoned a swirling mist to surround them. Grace listened to the quiet chanting around them as Trevor raised his voice loud enough for all those gathered to hear, “I am honored to make this Pronouncement on behalf of Davina, Grace and myself.”

  Then as was custom, Trevor kneeled before her. He bowed his head in a show of his respect for his mates. After a moment’s pause, Grace carefully followed him down onto her knees, taking special care not to catch her heels in her dress now gathered beneath her. Davina joined them on her knees next. Once both were settled, they held hands, a symbol of the unbreakable link between them.

  The soft chanting from the Magdalena Circle women rose louder now. The colorful smoke grew denser with swirls of pink and purple, red and gold. It became thick around them until they were alone inside the haven created for them. It was just them with no one to bear witness but the Goddess above.

  Trevor used his teeth to score each of their wrists. He drank from Davina first and then from Grace. Then Davina drank from Grace and then from Trevor. And finally, Grace drank from Trevor and then from Davina. She sealed the puncture points closed with her tongue and smiled. As they remained staring at one another, the communion of their souls felt as if butterflies were dancing in her stomach. Then the chanting that had faded grew loud again and the smoke more vibrant with sparks of electric light bursting from the circle.


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