Meant to Be (Christian Romance) (Stanton Falls Book 4)

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Meant to Be (Christian Romance) (Stanton Falls Book 4) Page 2

by Kaci Hart

  I see you girl.

  Sarah walked over to the gate and stroked the mare’s mane from the other side.

  “How you doin’ girl?”

  She liked to pretend that the animal understood what she was saying. Sometimes she’d have long one-sided conversations with the mare. She would often come away with the answer to her question. She got ready to head into another one of those conversations when she was startled by someone talking to her from behind.

  “So you still prefer talking to animals over people?”

  Sarah froze in place. She knew that voice.

  Connor’s here?

  She turned around and confirmed her suspicions with a glance at him.

  “Connor Emerson. What d’ya know?” She walked over to him and gave him a hug.

  “Wow. It’s good to see you.”

  “You too Sarah. You look good.”

  “You too. Honestly, you look exactly the same as the last time I saw you. I mean literally the goofy grin, and that troublemaking look in your eyes is classic.”

  She stood in front of him and looked right into his eyes.

  “You look a little taller than the last time.”

  “Maybe. I was only seventeen when I graduated high school and I grew two more inches by my eighteenth birthday. I’m six two now.”

  “I knew I wasn’t getting shorter.”

  She looked down at the walking boot on his left leg.

  “Well, you still look like you’re taking care of yourself. Well except the obvious boot on your foot. I heard that you got hurt playing. Is that why you’re back in town?”

  “Yeah. Turf toe.”

  “Sounds like a good name for a tow truck company.”

  He had a look on his face as if he was trying to hold back a laugh.

  “You know; it’s been so long that I forgot just how corny your jokes are.”

  She playfully tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Hey! You better watch it. You’re injured already. It wouldn’t take much to take you down besides a quick heel to the toe.”

  He put his hands up in mock surrender.

  “Okay, okay. You win. You are as ruthless as my mother, you know that?”

  “Of course. Mrs. Emerson is a smart lady.”


  Sarah turned around and leaned with her back up against the sturdy wood fence post.

  “Can you really believe it’s been almost nine years since we’ve seen each other? I mean, you would have thought that somewhere in there we would have bumped into each other somehow. Summers or holidays or something.”

  “Well we were on opposite ends of the country.”

  “True but we were all so close. I would have never guessed we would have lost touch so quickly. Especially you and me.”

  “Well you were the one that had to up and go all the way across country to New York, of all places.”

  Sarah scoffed at him.

  “So. You moved to California.”

  “Really Sarah? It’s completely different and you know it. I played at Texas A and M for two years and then got drafted. I didn’t have much of a choice where to go. You could have come to A and M if you wanted but you chose Cornell.”

  “Oh yeah. I guess I forgot that part. But come on Caleb. You of all people know that my dream was to go to one of the top veterinary schools in the country. Texas A and M is great and they have a really good program there but at the time I was applying, Cornell had one of the top two vet schools. How could I turn them down when they accepted me? I figured that going through their undergrad program would get me a higher chance of acceptance--and it did. Did you know it’s harder to get into veterinary school than regular med school?”

  “I never would have guessed that.”

  “Well it’s true, so I had to go with my heart.”

  “I always wondered why you made that decision. I thought there was more to it than that.”

  “Meaning my dad right?”

  “Sort of.”

  “That was a big part of it. I knew he loved me but I had to get out from under his thumb. Two birds with one stone, right?”

  “Ever the multitasker.”

  “Hey I’m just m-”

  “Making the best of our time. Your favorite saying.”

  She smiled at how well he knew her.

  “How did you remember that?”

  “Come on Sarah. Even though you left me here in Texas…”

  Now it was her turn to cut him off.

  “How about we agree that we both moved and fell out of touch with one another.”

  “If you say so but I know the truth. Anyway, I never forgot you Sarah. You were easily one of my best friends.”

  “What do you mean were? You replace me that quickly?”


  “Good. So then you’re here to recuperate, right?”

  “Basically. This is my second injury this season and my third since last season. I know it’s not true but sometimes it feels like I spent more time in rehab the last two years than I did on the field. The team doctor thinks that I subconsciously adjusted the way I run since my ankle sprain last year. Says I been putting more pressure on my left than I used to in order to protect myself and it’s true; I know it. Turns out that the best thing I could have done was to just play football like normal.”

  “Makes sense. It’s human nature to automatically compensate to protect yourself. Plus, foot injuries can be really tricky and serious. There are so many little bones, ligaments, and tendons that you need to make sure to let it heal right. It’s more than football. You need to be able to walk in the future without pain.”

  From the look on his face, she realized that she wasn’t helping his mood about the situation at all.

  “What am I telling you all that for. I’m sure the team has a medical staff that they pay in the millions to make sure you get back out there. You don’t need me berating you too.”

  “No biggie. I know you’re doing it because you care.”

  “Don’t go putting words in my mouth now. So what’s the plan until you go back?”

  “Like you said, enough time off to make sure everything is healed properly. I have to wear this stylish boot for two more days and then I can take it off. After that, physical therapy twice a week in Dallas. That sums up to at least almost a month and a half that you get to hang out with me.”

  “Lucky me but I do have this little thing called my-own-life that occupies most of my time.”

  “I’m sure you can squeeze in a little time for an old friend.”

  He looked at her and she knew it was over. She could never say no to that smile.

  “We’ll see. For now, I have to get back to the clinic. I’ll see you around Caleb.”

  “That you will.”

  As Sarah walked back to her car, she was sure she’d see Caleb again. He was easily her closest guy friend when she was younger and they had always had a special connection. It was that connection that had her worried. Not that it mattered. The simple truth was that for the first time in nine years, she was really looking forward to seeing a guy again.


  Caleb walked down the Main street and looked around at the city. It was the first time he’d actually gone out and about in the city since he’d been back. He spent most of his first few days in town moping around the house. He knew he was depressed about the situation that he was in and up until a few days ago, he had no plans to do much in the city at all.

  That was before he saw Sarah on the ranch. Those few minutes changed how he looked at being home. It had been too long since they had been around each other. Until then, he had forgotten just how much he always enjoyed her company--but the moment they started talking, it came back to him so quickly. It was easy with her. He didn’t have to pretend or be politically correct with her. Even if he tried, she would know. She always knew him well.

  He had to spend some time with her again. That was why he got the address for her clinic
from his mom and headed out. He looked at the signage on the building that he had stopped in front of.

  Sarah’s Pet Palace: All Animals Welcome

  Sarah Buchanan, DVM

  The large, squiggly letters made him laugh.

  Just like her to do that.

  Caleb pulled his hand from his jeans pocket and pulled open the door. He saw Penny at the front desk. She slowly raised her head from what she was doing as she spoke.

  “Can I help y…Caleb? Is that you?”

  “Hi Penny.”

  He braced himself as she came around the counter to greet him. Her hug was light but he was so used to his mother grabbing him over the past couple of days. Tensing was automatic at this point.

  “Look at you! I didn’t even know you were back in town.”

  “Oh. I guess Sarah never told you.”

  He saw the stunned look on her face.

  “No she didn’t. That’s a surprise. So how long are you here for?”

  “Not really sure. A few weeks maybe.”

  She gave him some type of response but he was barely listening. He remembered that Penny had a tendency to ramble. He didn’t want to cut his excited friend off but he really wasn’t there for her. Luckily for him, Penny must have been able to tell.

  “I’ll get her for you.”


  “I knew you weren’t listening. I said that I don’t see a pet in need of care so you must’ve come for Sarah.”

  “Yes, and why are you smiling like that?”

  “Oh, no reason. Just that I didn’t even know that you’re back in town and it seems like the first thing you do when getting back here is to find Sarah. Interesting.”

  “Okay detective, you win. Now are you going to…”

  His words were cut short when Sarah came around the corner in her white vet’s coat. A smile grew on his face.

  “Caleb, what are you doing here?”

  “Believe it or not, I finally felt like getting out of the house today and I figured I would come and see how you were doing. “

  “Okay, well not much has changed in the day or two since I last saw you.”

  “True, but I did tell you that I would see you again and that I wanted you to squeeze in a little time to hang out.”

  “I don’t remember saying yes.”

  “You didn’t say no either, so I’m ready.”

  “You’re not seriously thinking I’m going to just put down work and run off with you? We’re not kids anymore Caleb.”

  “I know. I wasn’t suggesting you leave right now. Later. You eat lunch, right?”

  “Yes but today just isn’t good. I’m probably going to work through lunch. We have a surgery soon and I may end up working through lunch.”

  He’d forgotten Penny was in the room until now. She’d moved far away enough to not be noticed but to still remain within earshot. She was staring at Sarah with a curious look on her face.

  “We have a surgery later?”

  “Yes! Mrs. Fenley’s cat. In fact, maybe you should go and prep the room for her.”

  “Yeah. I probably should leave the room right now and do that. Yep, leaving the room now.”

  Caleb chuckled as she made her way out of the room at a snail’s pace.

  “She’s still a riot. Good to see you two working together.”

  “Well, Penny was always my best friend and when I came back, it only made sense for me to ask her to be my partner.”

  “I see. So lunch?”

  “Sorry Caleb but today is just not a good day. Maybe some other time?”

  “Alright then, but I’m going to hold you to it. I guess I’ll leave you to the big procedure then. I have spent too much time in medical facilities over the past few weeks.”

  “I bet.”

  Caleb got to the door and grabbed the handle before turning around and looking at her.

  “Gimme a call at my parents’ house when you have time.”

  Caleb wasn’t silly. The conversation between Sarah and Penny was enough to let him know that he was getting brushed off. What he didn’t get was why she wouldn’t’ just have one meal with him. That would have been no problem for them years ago. Maybe things had changed between them more than he had realized.

  Chapter Three

  Once Caleb walked out of the clinic door, Sarah knew it was coming. As soon as the door shut, Penny quickly made her way from the back.

  “So, is there a reason that you didn’t tell me he was back in town?”

  “I just found out a couple days ago myself.”

  “Hello. Do you know how much can happen in a couple days? You’re a vet. That’s like a week or two in puppy dog years. You never thought to tell me during that whole time?”

  “First of all, you don’t experience life in puppy years but no, I really didn’t think to tell you. You’re acting like it was someone important. It was just Caleb.”

  “If it was nothing as you say, then why did you make up the story about Mrs. Fenley’s cat. And don’t tell me that a shot is technically a surgery because I’m not silly.”

  Sarah thought about the question for a bit before admitting that she didn’t have an answer.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Then tell me what was the big deal with going to lunch with him?”

  “No big deal actually. He just caught me off guard, is all.”

  “That’s your problem Sarah. There’s nothing at all wrong with being caught off guard with a guy. You know, I think it’s kind of fun when a guy shows up at your job out of the blue.”

  “Of course you would. You’re you and this is about me. Let some guy just show up at work looking for you and he’s a stalker. He does that to me and he’s cute.”

  “First of all, if a guy does that and he’s not my husband then yes, there is a major problem. Secondly, I never said that Caleb is cute.”

  “Didn’t you?”

  “Not at all. Still, I don’t think him being in town is a coincidence.”

  “Oh boy. I’ve got to hear this one.”

  “Don’t make fun of me. I’m just saying that I distinctly remember you talking to me just last week about how terribly lonely you are and how you needed God to deliver you a boyfriend before you married one of your dogs.

  Sarah shook her head and laughed.

  “I don’t think I remember our conversation sounding quite like that Penny.”

  “Hey, I’m the one reminiscing right now, not you. Now you just be quiet and listen.”

  “Okay. Please do tell your story then, oh great and wise storyteller.”

  She curtsied to her friend with a flourish.

  “Much better, and I shall. Now regardless of any minor embellishments that I may have added to my recollection, the gist is the same. I was talking to you, queen of the single ladies, about you getting a guy. A few days later and bam! Caleb shows up.”

  “So? Like I said, it’s Caleb. Why are you making a big deal out of it?”

  “Because I knew you were gonna say that and you might have gotten away with it except that you forgot who you’re talking to. I know you Sarah. He’s not just Caleb. He’s the guy that you had the absolute biggest crush on in the world when we were kids. He’s the guy that your daddy wouldn’t let you date because you were too young. He’s also the guy that I think you’ve been comparing every other guy to. And you know I don’t believe in coincidence.”

  “Well sometimes I do, and this is one of them. Besides that, even if I was begging God for a guy like you said, I don’t really think He is up there sitting around waiting on my requests for a boyfriend.”

  “Hey, don’t sell Him short. Sure He’s got other things to do but He candle handle your small stuff too.”

  “Right. Can we move on now? That crush was years ago. I’m a grown woman now and he’s a grown man so I don’t see him that way anymore.”

  Penny tilted her head to the side and gave Sarah a look that was a whole new level of sarcasm.

ally now?”

  “Yes really.”

  “Then why do you still smile like that every time I mention his name?”

  She couldn’t believe it was so obvious. Sarah nervously looked away in a poorly executed attempt to play it off.

  “I so do not.”

  “Okay, let me prove it to you.” Penny opened her purse and pulled out her makeup bag. “This is all I got but look in this mirror right here.”

  Sarah protested in vain.

  “Will you stop being so silly Penny?”

  “Not until you do it. Prove me wrong and I won’t mention it again.”

  Sarah looked at her.

  “Okay. I play your game, and prove you wrong and you’ll just leave me alone about Caleb?”


  “Then you leave me no choice. Now give me that mirror.”

  Penny looked so sure and Sarah wanted nothing more right then but to show her. She snatched the mirror from her with a smile.

  “I’m looking. Now what?”


  That was all she said before she turned and left Sarah standing there dumbfounded as she looked in the tiny mirror. Try as she might, she couldn’t hold back the smile that she saw demanding its rightful place on her face. She couldn’t believe how happy she looked at such a simple reference to him. As she stared at the mirror, Penny spoke to her again.

  “For what it’s worth, all the girls really did think you and he would make the perfect couple. If it wasn’t for your dad being the most overprotective, ‘my daughter cannot date until I’m-too-old-to care anymore’ kind of guy, who knows what could have been.”

  “Fine. I’ll admit that it’s nice to see him again. I just didn’t know I’d enjoy it that much.”

  “Well what’s the problem. You are single and so is he. I think. He’s obviously still interested and your dad isn’t stopping you now.”

  “Yeah but . . . you really think he’s interested?”

  “No doubt in my mind. You better see if there is a chance for you two before he leaves town again.”

  “But that’s the thing. He’s going back to California in a few weeks and he won’t remember this. He’s just here because I’m convenient.”


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