The Waking of Orthlund

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The Waking of Orthlund Page 1

by Roger Taylor

  The Waking of Orthlund

  Book Three of The Chronicles of Hawklan

  Roger Taylor

  Mushroom eBooks

  Copyright © 1989, Roger Taylor

  Roger Taylor has asserted their right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, to be identified as the Author of this work.

  First published in United Kingdom in 1989 by Headline Book Publishing.

  This Edition published in 2002 by Mushroom eBooks, an imprint of Mushroom Publishing, Bath, BA1 4EB, United Kingdom

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  ISBN 1843191385


  Map of Hawklan’s Land


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Fantasy Books by Roger Taylor

  Map of Hawklan’s Land

  “The time of Hawklan is so far in the past that it could be the distant future”


  When the Guardians, Sphaeera, Enartion, and Theowart, had formed the world as a celebration of their being, they found such joy in it that they bade the First Comer Ethriss to create others so that they in their turn might celebrate the miracle of being.

  And with his three soul-friends, Ethriss created many others and taught them the Guardians’ ways and gave them of their power so that they too could create and take joy in being.

  And amongst these was man.

  But Sumeral, the Great Corrupter, saw the flaw that must be in all things, and hated it and all the creations of the Guardians, especially those of Ethriss. And He saw that man was possessed of greater power of creation than any other. So as the Guardians slept, He came to him and with soft words said, ‘Blessed are the gifts of Ethriss that bring such joy unto yourself and your neighbour.’ And He passed on.

  But in the word ‘neighbour’ He laid a subtle snare, and discontent was born, and men began to seek him out, saying, ‘You are wise. Tell us, are we as blessed as our neighbours?’

  And Sumeral did not answer, but showed them the gift of the power of creation that Ethriss had given them, and said, ‘In the use of this power will your joy be increased.’ Which was both true and false, for though joy may lie in creating, it is in the totality of the creating and that which is created that the true joy of being lies.

  And men found indeed that joy was to be found in the power of creating, but under His guidance their creations were without harmony, and knowing there was no true joy in them, men’s discontent grew, and they sought Him out further.

  But He dismissed them, saying again, ‘I have told you. In the use of this power will your joy be increased. Trouble me not. Create yet more.’ Though privily He would say to some, dropping His soft, sweet words into the gaping maw of their desire, ‘If your neighbour’s creations are more joyous, perhaps it is a flaw in the way of things that should be mended.’

  And when they asked how this might be done, He said yet again, ‘In the use of this power will your joy be increased.’

  And looking on the perfection of His beauty, many men believed Him, and began to gather power to themselves not only to create yet more of His flawed designs but to mar the creations of their neighbours. And their discontent grew beyond measure, until the time came when many were utterly lost in bewilderment and followed His words blindly.

  Thus His stain spread across the world, and the air and the sea and the earth became fouled with the poisons of His works, and many humbler creatures were slaughtered utterly. And He led His followers to create war, and wage it upon those who remembered the Guardians and the ways of true joy, for His own discontent grew also.

  Chapter 1

  Sylvriss struggled desperately to control the frenzied horse beneath her. Riddin born and Muster bred, dealing with difficult mounts would not normally present her with any serious problem, but this was different. The horse was almost demented with terror, and its screaming seemed to fill her very soul. It was as though the animal were trying to obliterate the terrible rumbling clamour that had reached out from the City towards them, shaking and buffeting the countryside as if it were not solid Fyorlund earth, but the surface of a wind-whipped lake.

  Almost unseated when the horse had stumbled on the heaving ground, Sylvriss too had felt a terror the like of which she had never known before, and for a moment it was only the deep knowledge that her body possessed that kept the reins in her hand and any semblance of control over the terrified mount.

  Slowly her mind entered the whirling turmoil of emotions, and wilful skills began to replace the reflexes that had saved her so far. She knew that the horse could be quieted by being made more afraid of her than the terror that had just thundered over the countryside and, deep inside, part of her relished that. It rose temptingly before her: primitive anger formed from primitive fear. But that was a demon the Riddinvolk had tamed generations ago, and she spurned it. Rider and horse should be one, and Sylvriss knew that the horse’s terror was in part a response to her own; the horse could not be properly stilled until she herself was still.

  And stilled it must be. Despite the questions that pounded for her attention, this was no time for debating causes. Suffice it that if she lost her mount, she could not do her husband’s bidding.

  ‘Go to the Lord Eldric’s stronghold as you planned, my love,’ he had said. ‘As fast as only you can. Raise his High Guard and ride back to meet us. I’ll follow as soon as I’ve had him released – and his son.’

  Then he had embraced her, almost painfully, and with a simple command had effectively dismissed her. ‘As you love me, Sylvriss. And our child. Go. Go quickly. Prepare the way, First Hearer.’

  And she had left, all questions momentarily silenced by the driving urgency of his manner. When they gradually returned they could not then overwhelm the momentum of her own galloping spirit. But they lingered. What was he going to do? How could he get the Lord Eldric and Jaldaric released? How was he going to face Dan-Tor? And now, what was that terrible noise – no, more than a noise – that force, that had shaken the countryside?

  But Rgoric’s plea impelled her more than any command could have, and she must regain control of her horse if she was to answer it. To falter here might be to jeopardize all. There would be time enough later to find out what had happened in the City, and time enough when they met again to learn of his plans and schemes.

  The thought of Rgoric, renewed and whole again, burst into her mind like the sun through thunder-clouds, and briefly she had a vision of riding by his side at the head of the Lords’ High Guards, sweeping Dan-Tor and his Mathidrin out of Vakloss and into perdition, to restore again the Fyorlund that had been and the life they should have had.

  Despite her struggle with the horse, sh
e smiled ruefully at the thought, so childlike in its simplicity. However, its effect was oddly cathartic, and sensing the renewed control of its rider, the horse gradually slowed in its frenzied thrashing until at last Sylvriss was able to lean forward and embrace its neck, saying softly, ‘We’re whole again. Whatever that was, we’re here together, and unhurt.’

  The horse was still fretful and its eyes rolled white, but gently Sylvriss released the reins and let it have its head until its circling and pawing gradually stopped.

  Sitting back in her saddle she instinctively reached up to pull back her black hair that had flown free and wild in her struggle with the horse. As she did so she felt the wind cold on her forehead and wiping her hand across it she found it was wet with perspiration.

  Looking up from her glistening fingers she stared for a moment at the ragged clouds flying overhead, carried on the gusting wind that had shaken the City all day, like an uncertain harbinger carrying messages of change. Now it seemed that even the clouds were fleeing.

  Turning, she gazed back to look at the City, but it was out of sight, hidden by the brow of the tree-covered hill she had been descending when the noise and shaking had so nearly ended her journey. What could it have been? came the thought again. Now in control of her mount she felt she could allow some concession to this question, and gently she urged the horse back up the hill until the City came partly into sight.

  All seemed normal. The palace towers rose up majestically, dominating but not overwhelming their surroundings, and through the trees she could see the tops of many familiar buildings. Yet on the wind there were strange noises. A crowd? She thought she had heard a crowd nearby as she had left the palace to clatter through the quiet by-ways of the City, but she had dismissed the notion; the Mathidrin held the streets too well for that. Now, as the distant sounds vied for her attention with the rustling trees she thought she heard again many voices raised in . . . anger . . . fear?

  She leaned forward, face intent, but nothing would take shape for her. Even the wind felt disturbed, unnatural, now quiet, now tearing at her hysterically, and steadfastly refusing to deliver any clear answer to her query. For a moment she thought of moving further forward, to leave behind the shaking trees and come nearer to the City, but the urgency of her mission reasserted itself. Whatever had happened, it was unlikely she could do anything except be taken by the Mathidrin and held as who knew what kind of a hostage against Rgoric’s plans.

  Turning round, she rode back down the hill, trotting the horse carefully but surely through the widely-spaced trees that covered the slope. Soon she would be well clear of the City and able to ride, ride, ride, over the Fyorlund countryside, each stride taking her further from that accursed brown streak Dan-Tor and nearer to her true friends and a new future with her husband.

  It would be a long hard journey, but she had done worse in her Muster training, albeit many years ago, and just to be free from the cloying deception of the past months would sustain her far more than any physical prowess could. Ruthlessly she trampled down the ever-present fears for her husband, lest they infect her mount and, in slowing her progress, bring about their own tremulous prophecy.

  At last she broke out of the trees to find herself at a high vantage-point. Reining to a halt, she paused to examine the countryside for signs of movement, but apart from the ruffling of the blustering wind, all was quiet. And there below was the old road which she should be able to follow for many miles, avoiding villages, and thus Mathidrin patrols.

  She clicked to her horse, but it hesitated and whinnied softly. Frowning slightly, Sylvriss cast around again for some sign of danger that had escaped her first inspection.

  Then a distant, rapid movement caught her eye. Before she could identify it, her horse began trembling as if remembering again its recent fear. She whispered to it soothingly and slowly backed it into the shade of the trees where she could watch without being seen.

  The movement became clearer. It was a rider, travelling away from the City. Suddenly Sylvriss caught her breath, and her horse shifted uneasily beneath her. Even at this distance she could feel waves of terror moving before the approaching figure. What had happened in the City? came the question yet again, but it was lost almost immediately as she saw that the rider was not simply travelling quickly, he was plunging along the road at a speed that must surely bring both him and his horse to destruction very soon.

  The realization cleared Sylvriss’s vision abruptly and the totality of the scene below swept over her. The horse was not carrying one person, but two. Its rider was a large, solid-looking man, but across its neck dangled a second, black clad figure, seemingly unconscious. And it was no ordinary horse. It was a great black stallion – a Muster horse! And a magnificent one at that. There were few Muster horses in Fyorlund, and none the like of that she was sure. Further, it was not being ridden, it was carrying its charges!

  Questions overwhelmed her, but she dashed them aside. It was a rare man that such a horse would carry in that fashion.

  And no such horse could be allowed to break its heart thus.

  Birds flew up in screaming alarm from the jostling trees as Rgoric’s queen burst out of her leafy shelter and with a great cry, urged her horse at full gallop down the steep hill.

  And none too soon, she realized as she looked again at the charging black horse below. She must be on the road ahead of it, and travelling fast if she was to intercept it. Fine though her own horse was, she knew it could not hope to catch such a powerful, fear-driven animal if once it got ahead of her. Not catch it that is, until it fell suddenly dead, in all probability injuring or even killing both its riders.

  Bending low over her horse’s neck she willed it forward. A fierce gust of wind caught them sideways and, briefly, her horse staggered, but the two of them together caught their balance and the wind only hastened their descent.

  As they neared the road, the field dipped below it a little and Sylvriss became aware of the black horse at the edge of her vision, though she did not dare to look lest the hesitation cause her horse to pause even slightly. Then she was surging up a small embankment and on to the road, scarcely a length ahead of the careering stallion.

  The black horse faltered slightly as Sylvriss rose up abruptly in front of it, and its rider swayed uncertainly. What a creature, thought Sylvriss fleetingly, as she saw the horse shift its weight to prevent the man from slipping from the saddle. The action, however, barely slowed the animal and then it was at her side, and moving past.

  Gripping her horse with her legs she leaned out and took the bridle of the black horse. Pulling on it powerfully she cried out to it to stop. But even as she did so she knew that the horse was past hearing any normal commands. She tightened her grip and leaned further over. At least now it would feel the weight of both her and her horse in addition to its own double burden, and that must surely take its toll soon. For an interminable moment she clung on silently in a world filled only with the thunder of hooves, the creaking and clattering of tackle, and the agonized breathing of bursting lungs. Pain began to fill her whole body as she struggled to keep her grip on the powerful animal’s bridle.

  Even in this extremity however, she marvelled at the great horse’s fortitude. Its eyes were white with terror, but somewhere, deep inside, was a will that refused to abandon all control to whatever had so frightened it. A will that made it carry and care for its charges even though it should die in the attempt. A will that enabled it to carry its now increased burden without slowing.

  Without slowing! She knew what would be her fate if her own horse stumbled at this terrifying pace.

  And it was beginning to falter. She was going to die here! Die, in this whirling maelstrom of flying hooves and Fyordyn dust which seemed now to be the very heart of all the confusion and upheaval that had rent her life apart in just a few hours. Die, betraying her husband, herself, the people, everything.

  Then, through all the turmoil she felt the tiny flutterings of her unborn child, help
less and needing, its life not yet begun, the very antithesis of this powerful battle-horse charging purposefully towards the end of its own life and sweeping all before it.

  ‘No,’ she cried out involuntarily in horror and reproach. That above all must not be. A fearful light came to her as she saw the deep wisdom of her child’s lesson. This horse’s will could not be dominated, it would turn from its course only for the greater need of another. Then, almost without realizing what she was doing, she released her horse and slipping from it, swung her whole weight on to the creaking bridle.

  Briefly her feet struck the ground with a juddering impact and she curled up her knees desperately. A whitened eye looked into hers as the horse bent its head under this sudden and unexpected weight. ‘Rider down, horse, help me,’ she cried out, her own eyes wide with terror. ‘Rider down.’

  And then she was gone, floating free for an instant, old reflexes curling her into a tight ball, before she crashed on to the dusty road. Over and over she rolled, unaware of anything except her terrible momentum until at last it was spent and, unfolding limply, she lay still, face upward on the hard Fyordyn ground.

  Gradually, the high scudding clouds came into focus, and with them her awareness, though for some time she could not remember how she came to be here. Then a gust of wind blew her hair across her face and her hand came up to move it. She winced with pain, and her memory cleared.

  ‘You’re hurt?’ said a voice, deep but unsteady, and a large square head came briefly into her vision, concern and confusion in its brown eyes. It disappeared, and she felt strong hands gently testing her limbs.

  ‘I’m no healer, lady,’ came the voice again after a while, ‘but I don’t think you’ve broken anything. Sit up, slowly. Let me help you.’ And again she found herself looking into anxious brown eyes as a powerful arm scooped round her shoulders and eased her up into a sitting position.


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