Finding Love's Wings

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Finding Love's Wings Page 25

by Derrick, Zoey

  She just nods, and I proceed with the introductions.

  "Cami, this is Mike." I point to the shorter and stouter of the two men.

  She reaches out to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you," she says.

  Then I point to Leroy. Don't let the name fool you, the man is a beast. Standing at six feet, seven inches, he looks a lot like a body builder. He reminds me of Shaq or Michael Clark Duncan.

  "This is Leroy."

  Cami's eyes widen slightly at the sight of him, but she says, "Pleasure to meet you," and reaches out to shake his hand.

  I have to stifle a laugh at her pale skin against Leroy's dark skin and the fact that his hand is about as big as her head. When Leroy lets the handshake linger a little longer than necessary, I grow a little uncomfortable. She doesn't seem to notice that he's hanging on a little too long, and that warms my heart. I hope I don't ever have a reason to show my jealous side to Cami.

  She turns next to Sasha. Sasha has a gymnast’s body: broad shoulders and hips, toned to perfection, and silent muscles that you really can’t see, but no doubt if she flexed you would be immediately intimidated. She has a very butch style haircut that has me wondering about her sexual orientation. All in all she is not unattractive.

  ”And this is Sasha.” I say.

  "Yes, Sir.” I frown. She extends her hand and Cami takes it. “It's a pleasure to meet you." She has one of those ultra-raspy, I've-smoked-too-many-cigarettes-in-my-life voices. It's strangely a bit sexy.

  "Likewise." Cami's accent comes out on the word and I feel sensations deep down, tugging at the already present erection. Walking around with a hard-on is something I'm getting used to. Cami just has this effect on me.

  "Since Mike, Sasha, and Leroy have arrived, why don't you fill me in on what you've found out about the new guests?" I say.

  Tyson glances briefly at Cami, and I give him a tiny warning glance. We had discussed this earlier while Cami was sleeping. Anything Tyson has to say regarding Cami’s or my safety is to be discussed in front of her without hesitation.

  Tyson nods almost imperceptibly and says, "Six women, all in their early to mid-twenties. There's no indication that they know Tristan is here."

  Sasha adds, "We spoke with the manager on the way in. He informed me that the reservations were made early Tuesday morning, but we confirmed that their flight into Tahiti was purchased several months ago. Their reservations are good through Saturday morning, and they have requested transportation back to Tahiti at eleven that morning."

  "Sounds like they just decided they wanted a weekend getaway in a place a little more remote than Tahiti." Cami is ever thinking and countering. This is why I want her to know all of what is going on. She adds some pretty good insight to a situation.

  Mike is next to speak. "I ran through the names on the guest list. None of them stand out as photographers or reporters."

  "They're out on the beach now," Tyson adds. "You can see them from the balcony if want a look for yourself."

  "No, thanks." I have no desire and no need.

  "Speaking of balcony." She turns to the three bodyguards. "It was a pleasure meeting you. I'm sure I'll see you guys later." Then she turns to me. Reaches up on her tiptoes. I lean in to shorten the distance, fighting a smile. "Thank you," she whispers and kisses me. A chaste, appreciative kiss.

  She turns on her heel and heads to the open doors. I watch her walk away until she turns to climb onto the massage table.

  Turning to Tyson, I say, "Are our guests on schedule?"

  "Yeah. Logistics are all taken care of. ETA is around ten thirty tonight. We've set them up downstairs in Cami's other suite. With the two bedrooms and pullout couch, I think they'll be comfortable."

  I look to the trio and they all nod. I look back at Tyson. "Thank you, Ty." I smile, feeling true appreciation for all he has done. "Anything else?"

  Tyson clears his throat. "Trinity was looking for Cami earlier. She said it was important, but not an emergency. I told her I'd have Cami get in touch when she got up."

  "It is probably time that I checked my email, huh?"

  Tyson nods. "That might not be a bad idea. You have been MIA for a week now. Well, not completely MIA, but you know what I mean."

  I laugh. Yeah, I guess I do.

  To the three new bodyguards I say, "I do my best not to be demanding. You all know what your job entails. Sasha, I have you here more for this weekend. I have no doubt that Cami will want to go shopping or even hang out at the beach. I would just like you to be here in case anything comes up."

  I don't feel her presence is truly necessary, but I have a feeling that once we get to our destination on Friday morning, the press is going to be quick to find me.

  "Yes, sir!" she acknowledges.

  I roll my eyes. "Please do not call me ‘sir.’ I am not old enough to carry that label with any dignity. Tristan, Trey, or T will suffice."

  "I'm sorry s— Tristan."

  I smile. "Thank you. If any of you need anything, please see Tyson. He knows what my guidelines are and what I expect from you all. If it's not within his jurisdiction he'll discuss it with me. Fair enough?"

  They all nod. Then Leroy pipes up. I can't be sure, but I think he might be blushing. "I am just wondering if...if I...could ask..."

  I know the routine well enough to know what he's after. I smile, maybe even laugh a bit. "Is it for you, Leroy?"

  Yup, he's definitely blushing.

  He shakes his head. "No, my niece. She gave me a list of all the people whose autographs she wants provided I get to meet any of them. You're the first on her list."

  "I'll take care of it for you. I think I have a few publicity stills around here somewhere."

  "Thank you, Tristan." I notice he's careful not to address me as ‘sir.’

  I look over at Tyson, who's trying hard not to fall over with laughter. I understand why. I'm having a hard time fighting it myself.

  "What?" Leroy asks, a little embarrassed still.

  I laugh, unable to hold it in any longer. "You should have seen your face."

  "Yeah, yeah. All right, you two, very funny. It's embarrassing, but I love my niece so I had to ask."



  As Alana works her fingers deep into the muscles of my back, my mind keeps wandering back to Tristan's steamy sexiness. The way his body moves, the way he embraces me, kisses me...

  Dammit Cami, stop that. Think about something else. Something not hot. Like Bold. That's about as not hot as it comes.

  It's a short leap from thinking about Tristan to wondering whether my sudden interest in taking a more active role in the company is due to my relationship with him.

  The question lingers in my brain. No, it's not entirely due to my relationship with Tristan. It has more to do with the fact that I'm about to turn twenty-five and I need to find something to do with my time. Do I have to work? Absolutely not. But do I want to work? Yeah, I think I kind of do.

  These last few days have been highly enjoyable on a professional front. They've shown me not only that I could be really good at this, but that I might even find it fun. I'm excited about New York, and I think I'm more excited about helping Tristan do what he does best than I am about walking a red carpet on the arm of America's hottest, sexiest man in Hollywood.

  I also know now that I can do what I need to do with the business without being tied to L.A. At least that's something. I detest L.A. and refuse to live there. Bold owns its own plane that would be at my disposal whenever I needed it, which would make traveling much easier.

  Even so, I'm not ready to make a final decision just yet. At least not about stepping into the CEO role. But I do want to be more involved in the business. I have no doubt that Tristan will support whatever decision I make.

  It's that thought that leads me to finally take a minute to break down the feelings that are blossoming. Feelings that I would have never believed possible until last Friday are growing deep
quickly. Every time I see him, my heart skips a beat and excitement pools down in my belly.

  And the sex is utterly amazing. I have never felt more worshipped than I do when Tristan and I are tangled up in the sheets. Or the pool. Or the shower.

  I squirm slightly at the memories and then remember that it's Alana's hands all over my back. Must settle down.

  Am I falling in love with Tristan? Absolutely. Of this I have no doubt. The way he looks at me tells me that he too is beginning to feel the same way.

  At least, this is what I think some of the looks he's giving me mean. I'm terrified to ask him. What if I'm misinterpreting his looks, his actions? Is it possible we could part ways next week and he'd never give me a second thought?

  The idea causes me to tense up again. Alana notices and the pressure of her fingers increases. This massage is getting to the point of painful.

  My body's reaction to the idea of losing Tristan tells me that I'm falling head over heels in love with him. With this revelation my heart swells and warm sensations fill my body. I've never really allowed myself to feel what it's like to love someone. I'll need to keep my emotions in check until I know, truly know, that he's on the same page.

  Plus, I can't be the first one to say it.

  I see Tyson come out on the balcony and light up a cigarette. I've never seen him smoke before. He's either really good a hiding it, or it's a stress-related habit. I know mine comes from boredom and stress.

  "Hi, Ty!"

  "Cami, you all right?" He actually looks a little concerned.

  "Perfect, you?"

  He shrugs. "I think so. I'm a little worried about our guests tonight. Worried someone will recognize Travis and follow him to the island. Or that someone will uncover Tristan's location." He pauses as if not sure whether to say more. "Actually, I'm pretty nervous about meeting Jolene, too." He blushes and I smile. It's pretty cute to see a man as big and brawny as Tyson blush. He takes a drag and continues, "Tristan told me he's seen her picture. He's pretty sure that I'll like her, so I guess that gives me some hope." He's still blushing.

  "Well, as far as Travis being followed, the only thing we'll need to worry about is whether the hotel name is on the helicopter from Tahiti to Tarah, and from my understanding it's not. And I don't know how anyone would discover Tristan's location after all the trouble you've gone to." He smiles at that. "As for Jolene, she's a beautiful blond woman with big, beautiful green eyes. She's tall, too. Could pass for a Rockette. So on that note, thou shall not worry." I giggle as his smile grows wider.

  "I do love the blonds," he says, teasing.

  "Good thing I am not a blond then, huh?" I tease him back.

  Alana finishes her massage. "Do you need anything else, Ms. Cami?"

  "No. Thank you, Alana. I feel wonderful." Despite her added pressure to get me to relax, I actually feel like jelly pooled on the table.

  "It was my pleasure. Please call again." She bows and leaves the balcony without a backwards glance.

  "Ty, can you turn around, please?" I ask. He obliges quickly and I pull my robe back on.

  "Can I have one of those?" I point to the pack of cigarettes in Tyson's hand.

  He turns around and looks where I’m pointing. “Sure” He hands me one, and holds the lit lighter out for me.

  I take a deep drag. "Thanks. Can I ask you something, Tyson?"

  "Anything, Cami."

  I take another drag off of the cigarette and slowly exhale. "Why haven't you talked to Tristan about where Entertainment Now got those photos?" This is the conversation I'd been trying to have with him on Monday morning in my suite, before Tristan interrupted.

  After taking a drag from his cigarette, he looks at me. Raw fear in his eyes. "I'm scared."

  "Of?" I ask.

  "His reaction. I'm afraid he'll fire me. I'm afraid that he will see red at what I've done and it'll be over. I care for Tristan a great deal, Cami. He's my best friend and I would do anything for him. Including take a bullet for him." His eyes are so sincere, and I finally begin to realize why Tyson does what he does.

  I hop down off of the massage table and take a couple steps toward Tyson. I gently place my hand on his shoulder. "I think your worry is unnecessary. He trusts you and your judgment. I believe he'll understand."


  I see Alana leave, so I head toward the patio to check on Cami. But as I come around the sitting room, I see Tyson and Cami standing close together, talking. Cami is smiling and has her hand on Tyson's shoulder.

  Rage starts to build.

  They're talking. They are only talking, nothing more. She's not flirting with him, nor he with her. I try to calm myself.

  Their voices are low and I can't hear anything they're saying. Tyson leans toward her a little. She smiles at him again, laughs a little, then blushes.

  I'm torn between running out the door away from them and running full-tilt toward them.

  No! Dammit. This isn't happening. I'm reading too far into this. They're just talking.

  I take a few deep breaths to steady myself. My knees are weak. Only a few minutes ago I felt desire, love, and tenderness for Cami. Now this.

  Suddenly it becomes clear. Clearer than anything else I've ever felt in my life.


  "Talk to him, Tyson. He'll understand. And who knows, he might even be grateful for what you've done."

  He pauses to think it over, and I'm relieved when he asks, "When?"

  I smile to reassure him. "Now is as good a time as any. I'll go grab him, okay? Hang tight."

  He nods. I pull away from him and head into the suite.

  As I cross the threshold, I notice Tristan sitting with his back to me in one of the overstuffed chairs in the sitting room. His forehead in his hands, fingers gripping his hair. His shoulders are tense.

  I'm barefoot so my touch makes him jump, but he doesn't look up. My heart starts to pound, and my palms sweat. I have a horrible feeling about this.


  "What?" His voice is harsh, angry.

  "What's wrong?" I scowl. I'm perplexed by his sudden change in mood. What's happened?

  "I..." he stutters. "I saw you flirting with Tyson."

  What the bloody hell? "What?" I come around to face him. Still he doesn't look up.

  "On the patio, just a couple minutes ago."

  Oh dear. My building anger fades away into understanding and recognition. "Tristan, Tyson and I were just talking about a couple of things. About you, mainly. He told me he's never seen you as happy and as alive as you've been this past week. He said that he has me to thank for the change in your attitude, for how happy and carefree you seem."

  I watch as his shoulders slump. The fight is gone.

  "Jesus, Cami." He looks up and his hand touches mine. "Jesus, I'm an idiot."

  I feel the breath whoosh from my lungs. He tugs on my hand, maneuvering me between his legs. He wraps his hands around my thighs and brings his head to rest against my stomach.

  "I'm such an idiot," he says again.

  "You're not an idiot, Tristan." I lower myself to my knees so that I can look him in the eye. Once I'm there, he rests his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I was flirting. I wasn't."

  This is it, this is my answer. If he didn't care about me, he wouldn't be jealous, right? He must be falling in love with me.

  We stay like this for a few more minutes. Finally I speak. "Tyson would like to talk with you. Do you mind joining him on the patio?"

  He doesn't speak, just shakes his head. I kiss his nose and get up. Taking his hand in mine, I pull him to his feet. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in tight.

  "I have a feeling I'm not going to like this, am I."

  "I think everything will be fine. Come on," I say, pulling him toward the patio.



  "Cami said you wanted to talk?
" I ask Tyson as we step onto the patio. His eyes slide to Cami, and in an instant my earlier jealousy surfaces. Then he looks back at me and nods. "What's up, Ty?"

  Cami's arm snakes around my waist, and she pulls me tight against her side.

  "There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now," Ty says. "Um, Cami said that she told you she knows who leaked the pictures. But that you weren't ready to know." Cami's grip gets a little tighter as Tyson continues. "I..." he stutters a bit. This is unusual for him. "I...I'm not sure that this is the best time to discuss it..."

  I shake my head at him. "Ty, if you know what's going on, please, for the love of all that is holy, tell me. Was it you? Did you leak the pictures to EN?"

  His silence is my answer. His body is rigid. His eyes are cast downward, looking away from me as best he can. His usual mask when discussing something important with me is gone, and his eyes are leery, afraid.

  My breathing falters. I feel lightheaded and my anxiety level is creeping up on me. All I can manage is, "Why?"

  "Remember when you asked me to keep an eye on her?" I nod and he continues. "I talked you out of it because I didn't feel it was necessary. I was hoping that you would find your own distance from her and move on. She was making you utterly miserable. But I asked Layla's bodyguard to report anything significant to me. Chanty and I are closer than we let on. She was witness to and told me about a lot, if not all, of Layla's infidelities. This was my final straw." He takes a ragged breath. His shoulders slump. For once he's dropped his guard. He looks like a normal, terrified person. "But I wasn't responsible for the pictures. Chanty was fed up with Layla's bullshit and wanted her own out. She's the one that took the pictures, and then she forwarded them to me."

  "Why then didn't you come to me? Or even Vincent or Trinity, for that matter?" I ask.

  "I should have come to you first. I reacted on impulse in an attempt to protect you and to give you the freedom you needed from her. I received the pictures last week Tuesday. EN pounced the moment I offered the story. In exchange for the story, EN agreed to paint you in a positive light. As soon as the contract was signed, they went after Layla to force her confession." He begins to pace. "I had intended to tell you. But within two hours of me submitting the images, Layla was telling you about it at the premiere. I had expected her to sit on it, wait until the last minute, or at least go running to her team of people."


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