Eternal Envy (The Seven Sin Sisters 2)

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Eternal Envy (The Seven Sin Sisters 2) Page 5

by Paloma Beck

  “Oh, baby, what’s wrong?” Caedon asked in a soft voice as he moved quickly to Eloise and drew her into his arms.

  “You came back so upset. I thought I’d done something wrong,” Eloise admitted in a quiet voice.

  “No, baby, I’m not upset about anything with you. Or you and I. This, us,” Caedon gestured between them, “This mating is the only perfect thing in my life,” Caedon assured her. He put his hand behind Eloise’s neck and tilted her head back to kiss her lips.

  His lips were soft, a gentle touch against her mouth with no insistence, none of the exploration she’d become used to with Caedon. It was an incredibly tender and reassuring kiss that told Eloise just how much he cared for her. The relief washed through her in waves as she melted against him and soaked in everything Caedon had to give.

  When he pulled away, the furrow between his eyes deepened. “Why would you question us?”

  “I’ve never, never had everything I wanted. It all suddenly seemed too good to be true.” Eloise kept her head turned down, embarrassed to confess her insecurities. She preferred the confident armor she wore in public. She watched him through her lowered lashes for a reaction. She was shocked to see him grin from ear to ear. She hadn’t seen him smile like this yet. Caedon was beautiful. The smile transformed his face into such soft gentleness.

  “I can tell by the look on your face you have no idea what a compliment you just paid me, baby.” Caedon stroked his fingers through her hair, massaging her head before using his grip to tilt her face up to him again. He growled out a warning onto her lips and she opened to him. Slowly, he explored her lips, her mouth, and their teeth scraped as Caedon’s grip on her hair grew firmer. He nipped her lips and then used his tongue to soothe the sting. There was no holding back her moans of pleasure. Eloise gave herself over to this man.

  He lifted her off her feet and scooped her into his arms. He was magnificent. His muscles bulged as he used his strength to carry her to the bedroom. Caedon lowered her to the bed and then removed his clothes with nothing but a thought. His intuitive powers and physical strength combined felt unstoppable. He looked down on her with those coffee-tinted, lust-filled eyes and her body quivered wondering what was to come. Despite having him just a few hours before, she needed this man already. She needed to feel connected to her mate.

  Perusing his body as he stood drinking her in, Eloise locked her sight on his thick cock. It was already leaking pre-cum and she couldn’t fight the urge to lick that single glistening drop. Eloise moved down the bed towards the end where Caedon stood. She slipped easily onto her knees before him and balanced her hands on his firm thighs.

  “Eloise,” Caedon sighed and stroked her hair. “You don’t need to do this, baby. I didn’t mean for you to…”

  Eloise cut off his words as she used her tongue to lick the drop from the tip of his straining cock. Then with the slightest movement, she took just the head into her mouth and gently sucked, licked and tasted. Caedon was a delicious blend of male musk and the salt of a margarita. She ran her tongue along his shaft from root to tip. Eloise could feel his muscles coil and his balls tightened close to his body. She knew he would soon explode if she didn’t pace herself better. This power she had in holding his cock in her mouth was simply too good not to savor. Her tongue slowed and the suction she used gentled.

  “Mmmm,” she hummed as she brought him deeper into her mouth, nearly touching her throat.

  “Damn, baby, I won’t make it long if you do that,” Caedon’s deep voice rasped out.

  Sweat formed along his body. As she stroked along his legs, she felt the glistening layer of sweat and wanted to roar in victory. Eloise smiled up at him. She knew through their bond the effect she had on him in this moment. They were both ready to explode.

  Eloise winked at Caedon and then set back to work, focused on finding his completion. She opened her mouth wide and took his cock completely, sucked it in all the way to her throat and held it there, swallowing around the head. Her eyes remained locked on him. She hummed and he moaned. Clearly, he had felt the vibration. Could he feel her soul deep like she could feel him? This man—this one person in all the world—had the ability to save her, and she absolutely loved him for that.

  Her fingers moved to stroke the length of his cock that didn’t fit into her mouth. Desire seemed to overpower everything else. Eloise no longer wanted to go slowly. She no longer cared about control. Eloise wanted to show Caedon she could please him. The building wisps of air around them grew thicker and hotter as her desire raged out of control. She pumped him, sucked him, and licked up and down with her tongue as she moved him in and out in rapid movements.

  Without missing a beat or slowing her rhythm, Eloise cupped his balls, fondled them as she felt them lift and tighten. Her tongue lashed and stroked Caedon firmly along the underside where it was more sensitive. His cooler skin was warmed by her touch until they felt nearly hot. His cock grew even harder, slightly larger and then spasmed against her tongue. Caedon cursed as he arched his back, pressed his cock as deep as she could take him and filled her with his release. She was overwhelmed by the gift of her labors. Eloise smiled around her full mouth. Yes, this man belonged to her. Her body convulsed as she had an orgasm on her knees before her mate without a single touch. She had found her pleasure in his.

  Caedon sunk to his knees and held her against his chest. After a few minutes of silence when the only thing that could be heard was their breathing, Caedon chuckled, “Eloise, I do think you loved this. I’d say you may like control as much as I do. Aren’t we the perfect pair?” She laughed, but mostly she just tried to get her breathing under control while he stroked along her back, her shoulders, and her arms.

  “Let’s get on the bed,” Caedon encouraged as he stood and held onto her arms.

  “Why does that seem so difficult for us?” Eloise smiled.

  “Maybe I could make it worthwhile,” Caedon’s voice grew deep again and his eyes darkened. He lifted her and tossed her gently into the middle of the bed. Then before she could realize what he was doing, Caedon was on top of her. He looked right into her eyes, seeing more than she might’ve wanted. In one quick movement, he thrust deep into her.

  “Uh,” the moan escaped Eloise’s throat, “Shit, Caedon, a little warning next time.”

  Caedon looked at her and studied her. “You liked it.” He insisted and smiled.

  Eloise returned his smile. “I did,” she admitted. There wasn’t anything uncertain or shy about her now. She felt the rightness of this moment and saw the sparks of her power dancing around her like fire flies on a summer evening.

  That was the only encouragement he needed. In the next moment, Caedon moved in and out of her with such ferocity, Eloise could only clutch his arms and absorb his thrusts. So slick already, his cock nearly slipped from her with every pull. His thrusts were so strong and focused. Caedon was a man with a mission and maybe even a demon or two. Eloise rode the unsteady edge of pleasure and pain as he rocked his hips with quick motion and led her hurdling into an overwhelming orgasm. Eloise couldn’t catch her breath. She screamed out his name, “Caedon, yes, yes,” pausing only a moment to take in air, “Goddess, please yes. Don’t stop.”

  “Just one minute, baby, I need to move you,” Caedon flipped her so quickly by the time the words were out, she was on her stomach and he was driving back into her. Eloise barely had time to process what he’d done until she felt his teeth scrape down her neck. In this position, he filled her completely and she could do no more than submit to his taking. He was going to drink from her, not like the first time but much more deeply. Shivers ran down her spine with just the thought of it.

  Her powers mixed with the emotions rolling off Caedon, rippled through her body, and heated her blood. The burning sensation licked over her nipples and her clit as if he were actually touching them instead of continuing his thrusts into her. Goddess, she was on the verge of an orgasm she wasn’t sure she could recover from. With no way to move but
to push back into his thrusts, Eloise let go and gave herself completely to her mate.

  Caedon desperately needed to take her this way. He wanted to drink from her fully. Though he had waited and had not taken her like this the first time to allow her time to adjust to the blood exchange, he needed the claiming to be done his way now. He was no soft man and he couldn’t pretend. He wasn’t even sure she would want him to pretend. Eloise certainly seemed to like him a bit rough.

  She belonged to him now. Goddess, her scent was an aphrodisiac. Caedon leaned into her neck to breathe in her fragrance and grinned when she shivered. He scraped his teeth up and down her neck and across her shoulder before finding that perfect spot over her life-sustaining vein.

  “You are mine, Eloise,” Caedon’s lips brushed against her skin, “Mine, baby.”

  “Yours, Caedon,” Eloise replied as she turned her head to try to see him. He held her head still with his hands in her hair. She was sweating with their exertions. Her hair was damp and the soft light on her upper lip showed a fine glistening sheen of sweat he wanted to lick. She whimpered softly at his grip on her hair, but he maintained the pull and held her down, craved the domination he felt roaring through his blood. His bond told him Eloise was aroused by his touch. Once he positioned her as he wanted, he pierced her skin with his sharp teeth and took his first full sip. His tongue lapped along her salty skin as he drank from her. Eloise’s blood was a warm, spicy syrup that coated his throat. As he swallowed her essence, he felt her shake and heard her moan. Stroking her clit while he continued to pump into her core, Caedon allowed her essence to fill him. With every thrust, he burned for her more. They were both nearly to the point of explosion when he released his suction and sliced a small opening in his wrist to place at her mouth. When she latched on and drew her first sip, he returned to her neck. He held on to her tight as her orgasm hit, plastered his body against her back and offered one final thrust before going over the edge with her.

  Feeling this incredible closeness served to remind Caedon that he was still holding part of himself back. He was controlling their interactions and their intimacy so he could remain removed enough to protect himself. But Eloise was making that impossible. She had dug a tunnel right into his soul. Caedon knew it was only fair to give her everything he had in exchange for what she offered to him.

  As he lowered himself and turned to cradle her on their sides, he was amazed that this little, feisty woman was everything he ever needed. In that moment, Caedon couldn’t remember what life had been like before she belonged to him just a few hours earlier. It was an awesome thought that because of her lineage as part of the Magdalena Circle, Eloise’s blood would sustain him forever. She provided him strength and life through her blood. He would honor that for all time.

  “Baby, that was amazing,” Caedon rained kisses onto the back of her neck and her bare shoulder. Her scent now mixed with his, and he could breathe it in all day. But he also remembered he had business to discuss with her. “I need to tell you a story.”

  Eloise tried to turn in his arms so she could look at him but he held her. “No. Stay as you are and let me hold you while I talk,” Caedon insisted and Eloise immediately acquiesced.

  “I have believed for years that my parents were dead. Until just a few hours ago, I had no reason to believe otherwise,” Caedon heard her sharply intake a breath but he continued. He knew this would not be easy to tell. “My father was an artist. He captured the spirit of the Valendite Breeds. Though those who bought his paintings believed them to be paintings of their gods, Breeds enjoyed them for what they truly were. His fame was a concern because he couldn’t risk humans discovering his slowed aging. When I was just reaching maturation, we left the village in Italy where I had grown up and moved to the island of Pianosa. They stayed there when I went to the University to study,” Caedon paused to gather his thoughts. This next part would be difficult. Eloise continued to stroke her fingers over his palm. The motion was soothing.

  “I had spent just two years at the University learning integrated web systems and technology when I was contacted by what was then the newly forming TEU. The Terrorist Elimination Unit is all Breed. It was actually Madden’s father, Valentino, who recruited me. By then, I’d already discovered enough about tracing and hacking and systems design that the CIA—that’s who the TEU reports to—had me on surveillance. The CIA knew I was unusual. It wasn’t until the discovery was made of the Valendite Breeds, and the CIA’s willingness to keep us undercover, that the connection to me was made.”

  Eloise interrupted, “This is a lot, Caedon, and I’m not exactly sure I’m following it all. What was the CIA’s interest in you? And what does any of this have to do with your parents?”

  “The CIA has targets it can’t take out without countries going to war and all their political wavering bogging missions down. But the TEU can simply make potential threats disappear before they become a problem, before they can start a war, or bomb another country.” Caedon felt her nod and continued. “You knew what we did, right? Layla had told you?”


  “So it was around this same time that I received a call from my parents’ housekeeper that they had gone sailing the day before and had not returned. Both of my parents were skilled sailors, so it made no sense. Valentino, Lucas and Madden joined me in Pianosa. We investigated. Goddess, we investigated for months,” Caedon lifted a hand to run his fingers through his unkempt hair. “We’d even set up a base there. It was one hell of an investigation. Finally, we found their boat. It had been sold somehow on the black market in Greece to a family who checked out. They knew nothing. And then nothing else ever turned up. It was as if they’d disappeared. I couldn’t stand to be there anymore. I felt helpless, completely fucking helpless.”

  Caedon took more deep breaths as he worked to bring down his temper. Eloise continued gentle touches along his arm as he went on. “There was no documentation about what a water death would do to the Valendite Breed, so we decided on the only logical conclusion that they had somehow died at sea.”

  “Oh, Caedon,” Eloise turned in his arms then and touched his face, holding it between her hands. “What you must’ve gone through.” Her voice was soft and gentle to hold in all the emotion threatening to overwhelm her.

  “It’s not over apparently. Just before Madden met Layla, we received intel on some movement against the Breeds. Lucas and another mission team were sent over for recon. We believe now that somehow a Middle-Eastern group has found information on us.”

  “That’s what was behind Layla and Grace’s abduction?”

  “Yes. We took out the group that was in the US, but there are likely more we’ll need to uncover. But in the meantime, we have reason to believe my parents are being held by this group. I won’t go into all the details. But, baby, here’s where I need you to be strong for me,” Caedon took a deep breath and looked determinedly at Eloise. “I have to go to Italy and be on-site but I can’t leave you. I need you to come with me.”

  Eloise smiled and without hesitation replied, “Yes, Caedon. I’ll go anywhere with you.”

  “Oh, baby, you have no idea how good that sounds.” The relief washed over Caedon and his heart felt lighter. The fear in his chest was lost and now he couldn’t remember why he was so worried to tell Eloise about his parents. Why had he ever doubted she would support him? His mate was strong and he needed to remember that.

  His phone vibrated on the bedside table where he had placed it. Eloise sat up and draped the sheet across her chest as Caedon reached for the phone. “Just a text. Seamus and Donovan will be going with us. They want to know if they can pick up your things for you at your house.”

  “Sure. I’ll ask Paige to pack for me.”

  Caedon sent a text back and then reached to hand Eloise his phone. “You need practical clothes. You’ll go everywhere I go, so be prepared for anything.”

  Eloise raised her eyebrow and called her sister.

  Chapter Five
/>   “This is not what I meant by practical,” Caedon sighed as he and Eloise boarded the Santucci jet. The two men already aboard gave them a quick glance before looking away. They were obviously smart enough not to get in the way when Caedon set his mind to something. Eloise recognized Donovan and assumed the other was Seamus but was too bothered by Caedon to give them even a curt smile. Goddess, could this man be bossy!

  “Caedon,” Eloise placed her hand on her hip, “I can walk in this type of shoe just fine. I wear these heels every day.” She spoke slowly and worked at not growing angry.

  “Ostinata. Completely stubborn woman. Can’t walk through a vineyard in them,” Caedon mumbled under his breath as he placed her bag in a storage locker.

  “Okay. I was trying not to get mad at you but sometimes you are a dominant, bossy jerk.” Eloise heard snickers coming from the other men as they tried to appear not to be listening. “Now, I confess that I brought tennis shoes and hiking boots which, you will be relieved to know, have no heels. But I am on a plane going to Italy where I will depart onto a paved tarmac and be driven to a house. There is no reason these shoes do not suit.”

  Caedon looked over at one of the men. Was he looking for them to back him up? The light-haired one-Seamus maybe-shook his head, “Well, she is supposed to be flying over for a little R & R with her new mate. Her outfit looks perfect to me.” He winked at Eloise which made Caedon growl.

  “Fine. But I will be taking a look through your bag when we land,” Caedon conceded. Eloise simply shook her head and took her seat across from the men. The private jet was well appointed. Their seats were plush leather, the floor a soft carpet and beautiful drapery hung on the windows. Eloise had never been aboard a private jet before. She felt quite spoiled.

  “I’m Seamus,” the light-haired man with glassy green eyes smiled at her. He was a flirt and such a cutie. Caedon sat beside Eloise and grumbled when Seamus held her hand a bit too long.


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