Eternal Envy (The Seven Sin Sisters 2)

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Eternal Envy (The Seven Sin Sisters 2) Page 8

by Paloma Beck

  Quicker than any mortal, Caedon drew his gun and took the man out. Other shots were being fired in the distance. To hell with their quiet extraction mission, Lucas shouted as he rounded the corner with Gage on his heels.

  “We’re all clear. Granger is up top in case anyone tries to enter but we’ve taken out six men. Heat sensors never showed more than that in the building at one time,” Lucas looked relaxed now. He believed the end of the mission was near and the most difficult part was complete.

  It took them another thirty minutes to release Caedon’s parents and vacate the building. Once the team had neutralized the men sent in to take them, nothing more prevented them from a successful evacuation. Their trek back to the boat and then the ride back to the island were uneventful.

  “That might’ve been too easy,” Gage sounded concerned. It was no less than what any of the rest of them thought.

  They had sedated Caedon’s parents for the trip. Both his mother and father were too weak to walk on their own and the removal of their collars that seemed to have been soldered on needed to be done without a single movement from the captives. Caedon wouldn’t forget the slight tremble in Donovan’s hands as he released his friend’s parents. None of them knew if there was any type of bomb or trap set to the device. Despite all their power and strength, Valendite Breeds still relied on their faith in these moments.

  Caedon couldn’t wait to hear that they were well. “Donovan, what can we do for them?”

  “I need to determine what’s wrong with them. It’ll help once they can talk. They should be able to give me some clues,” Donovan assured him before climbing out of the boat to get it docked.

  The other men were gathering up their gear when a bright light suddenly shone from behind him. Caedon turned to see Eloise. She was magnificent.

  With her arms held above her head, colorful swirls surrounded her as she simply seemed to form on the dock right in front of where Caedon now stood with the other men behind him. She’d come into her full powers. Caedon blinked. He couldn’t believe his eyes. The small cloud of smoke disappeared and left Eloise standing before him. Unmistakable purple and blue swirls blew away in the breeze when she waved her hands before reaching for Caedon.

  “Your powers are magnificent,” Caedon’s voice was laced with reverence. He knew his mate had powers of the Magdalena Circle but to see them was absolutely another thing entirely. Stunned. Caedon was stunned by this woman he claimed as his.

  “I know,” Eloise almost giggled like a little girl, “Micalena helped me. I was telling her about some changes to my body after the Claiming. She put it all together. My connected responses were magnified from our Mating. Isn’t it wonderful?” Eloise swirled in a circle before Caedon caught her up in his arms.

  “You are wonderful,” Caedon whispered into her ear before taking her lips with a fervor that immediately caused Eloise to stir.

  “Wait,” she stopped him, “Your parents? How are they?”

  “We don’t know yet but they are alive. Once we determine what was done to them, Donovan can work at healing them.”

  “Remember, too, that most women in the Magdalena Circle have healing abilities. Micalena may be able to help. She’s been brewing some kind of soup for them since you left.”

  Seamus appeared down at the dock with a worried look playing across his face. “We’ve got incoming.”

  “Where?” each man responded at once.

  “Eastern shore. Coming at us from the south. Heat sensors show six large bodies so my guess is men. Another boat is moving in from the east looking to come in roughly the same location. Likely another seven on that boat. And for good measure, another four on the western edge.”

  “How the fuck?” Caedon was asking when Donovan lifted a bloodied hand from his father.

  “There’s a tracking device on him. I’ve pulled it but it’s still operational,” Donovan held up the small device.

  “Dammit. This is why it was so easy. They wanted us.”

  Lucas shook his head, “This entire mission has gone to hell. We need to cut our losses and evacuate. There’s nothing here to disclose us, right?” Lucas looked to Caedon for confirmation.

  “Nothing. Nearly everything was cleared years ago.” Caedon’s heart rate had accelerated. The battle was coming to his island, to his home where his mate was vulnerable.

  Lucas seemed to read his mind. “Seamus, get the jet and copter ready. We’re heading out.”

  Chapter Seven

  It had been two weeks since they returned from Italy. Caedon and Eloise spent every day with his parents. Mostly, they sat in silence. Micalena helped and the five of them found a rhythm. After what seemed like endless debriefing and then a full day of sleep, Caedon’s parents were recovering. Their color returned. Another amazing benefit of their blood exchange was the ability to heal one another. Eloise’s father had suggested it and after nothing else seemed to work, they’d begun drinking from one another daily.

  Eloise was surprised when she walked into the sitting room and Andreas smiled at her. “Andreas, do you need anything?” She asked tentatively.

  His broken voice was so soft, Eloise leaned in to hear him, “We are blessed.” It was such a simple statement but not one she expected to hear from a man who had been held prisoner for a decade.

  Eloise just smiled and said nothing. Her hand rested on the arm of his chair and he covered it with his own before pushing himself forward and coming to his knees. He knelt onto one knee in and brought her hand to his lips.

  Caedon walked in to the room. “Eloise, do you need...” His words were cut off by the view before him. Eloise knew what he saw. His father was in the traditional posture of accepting a child’s mate.

  “Che bella donna,” Andreas spoke while he searched her eyes. Eloise bit down on her lip so as not to cry. “And you are our blessing.”

  Caedon moved around Eloise to kneel beside his father. From his pocket, he pulled a sparkling ring and held it in his palm. “So I heard this was the American custom and I thought we should follow this particular protocol.”

  “It’s also customary to ask a woman for her hand,” Eloise teased.

  “I’d rather like to think we can do away with some customs. I prefer the direct command approach,” Caedon ribbed right back.

  “So long as we keep the tradition of the Pronouncement,” a slight female voice came from behind the men still kneeling at her feet. Together they looked at Caedon’s mother.

  Angelica moved towards them slowly. Both Caedon’s parents had the appearance of human elderly and moved in the same fashion. When Angelica finally reached them, she placed her hand on Eloise’s shoulder and Eloise felt a twinge of electricity. She felt Angelica’s power. It wasn’t entirely gone.

  “Yes, that we will definitely do,” Eloise agreed.

  With Andreas still kneeling in front of her, Angelica’s hand on her shoulder and she and Caedon holding hands, their family formed what appeared to be an electrical connection. Eloise nearly let go and pulled away from the shock at first until she saw her power beginning to swirl itself around Angelica.

  “Wh-what’s happening?” Eloise’s voice shook with uncertainty.

  “I think you might hold some healing qualities, baby. Look at my mother,” Caedon told Eloise. All eyes turned towards Angelica.

  Sparks burst around them and the vibrant colors of Eloise’s power swirled up to encircle Angelica. Slowly, both of Caedon’s parents transformed with color and health. The black circles under their eyes disappeared, their muscle tone filled in, teeth turned whiter and their eyes once again shone with life.

  “It’s a miracle,” Eloise heard herself say.

  “It’s you, Eloise. This is your power. You have saved our family,” Angelica smiled down at her. And Eloise could see all the beautiful features Caedon had received from his mother. He shared her gentle cocoa brown eyes and infectious grin.

  Andreas rose to his full height—he was quite a formidable man—and pulled
his wife into his arms. They embraced and Eloise felt the tears begin falling down her cheeks. She couldn’t wipe them away fast enough as she watched Caedon’s parents. Andreas touched Angelica as if for the first time. His hand stroked down her cheek and brushed his thumb over her bottom lip before he leaned in to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. It was incredibly romantic.

  “You saved our family,” Caedon spoke into her ear as he pulled her up and into his embrace. Her body was pliable against his touch. All the fear and concern they’d held for his parents had evaporated. Seeing them healthy again was a balm for their worry. With each stroke of Caedon’s hand down her back, Eloise wanted more and more to be alone with him. Besides, she felt very much like a voyeur as she watched his parents. Quietly, she tugged on Caedon’s arm and led him from the room without being noticed.

  * * * *

  Eloise was amazed by Caedon’s strength as he cradled her in his arms. He had been through so much and yet remained steadfast through it all. While she worried for his parents, he researched. While she sat idly by, he tried everything to heal them. And in the end, it was his belief in her—in their bond as mates—that gave Eloise the power strong enough to heal Andreas and Angelica.

  Caedon’s skin was cool against her own but she adored how it sparked when they touched. She sighed and stroked down his arm watching the dancing lights. Caedon raised his eyebrow in question.

  “I’m learning to control them.” Eloise spoke of her powers, embarrassed by the effects he had on her that she could not hide, “though it seems whenever I touch you, they become a bit out of control.”

  “I think I like making you out of control.” Caedon teased and Eloise lightly hit the side of his arm. He still held her in a tight embrace, his arms solidly wrapped around her.

  They sat on their private balcony off their bedroom. It turned out his apartment was two floors and quite large enough for them and several guests. Eloise’s favorite places were still those that brought her outdoors. They sat on the sofa facing the most beautifully colorful sunset. Without any warning, Caedon used his powers to remove their clothing. Eloise had only a moment to gasp in surprise before Caedon dragged her onto his lap. He held her hips, his cooler touch causing shivers to run up her back and her nipples to pucker.

  “I am awed by you.” Eloise’s voice broke as she spoke the words.

  “I feel the same way about you,” Caedon responded. Their Acclimation period hadn’t been a typical one. The stress of their trip to Italy and the rescue, along with his parents’ recovery left none of the solitary time most mates had during the Acclimation. Eloise could feel through their bond how badly Caedon felt about not giving this to her.

  “You know, I’m pretty stubborn sometimes. And I can be bossy and pushy. Oh yeah, and lots of times I just want my way because I can get it. I like to control things. Frankly, I’m not always very nice,” Eloise confessed, “but with you, none of that matters. All I want when I’m with you is to be yours. So if being yours meant this was how our Acclimation needed to be, it was the best.”

  Caedon was grinning by the time Eloise was done. “You, my beautiful strong mate, are the best. If I hadn’t found you, hell, if you hadn’t fallen in those damn shoes in the vineyard, you might not have been there when I needed you most.”

  “So you’re glad now that I was wearing those shoes?” Eloise tried to lighten the mood.

  “I’ll never be glad you were hurt,” Caedon grumbled but then he stroked down her legs where she noticed he’d once again left her shoes on while he stripped her of everything else. “But these shoes, baby, give me ideas I can’t even begin to describe.”

  “Then maybe you should show me,” Eloise squealed as she completed her sentence and felt Caedon’s teeth run down her chest.

  He shifted her and pulled her closer to take one breast into his mouth while his fingers found the other. He licked at her nipples as they strained toward him, moving from one to the other. His tongue licked and soothed while his teeth bit and nipped. Caedon didn’t let up until she was rubbing her core against him. He’d never last if she continued that so he fastened his hands on her hips and kept Eloise restrained while he took his fill of her sweet nipples.

  Eloise brought her hands on top of his where they rested on her hips. Seeing her little hands entwined in his much larger ones reminded him how precious she was to him. Then he saw her sign of the Magdalena Circle on her hip. He stroked it with his thumb and she shivered against him.

  “I know you suffered with envy during your time before me and this might be wrong. But I can’t help loving the fact that I’m the only person who could ever fully satisfy you.” Caedon nipped at her earlobe and drew it into his mouth where he soothed his bite with his warm mouth. Eloise’s breathing picked up as he continued to stroke and lick every piece of her body he could reach.

  “Could you be any more like a caveman?” Eloise laughed at Caedon’s observation even while she felt the shivers run up her back. Caedon knew she was taunting him, but he liked their banter and he had no plans of letting it deter him from his current mission. At the moment, that mission happened to be Eloise.

  He was proud to hear Eloise panting with desire but holding herself back from taking the lead. She’d learned Caedon needed control and was willing to concede it to him. Still he edged closer to letting go and filling her as her soft tempting sighs surrounded him.

  “I wonder how long you can be so patient, baby. I’m already impressed,” Caedon teased Eloise with his words as he continued his stroking along the curve of her ass. He ran his finger along the valley between her ass cheeks and Eloise shivered but otherwise stayed still.

  Caedon noticed she was biting her lip. He certainly couldn’t have her hurting herself so he leaned in to take her lower lip into his mouth. He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips until she opened to him. Eloise didn’t try to take control of their kiss like she’d done in the past. Instead, she allowed Caedon to lead and she timidly followed. His tongue stroked hers and then he licked at her lips again until she was pressing against him again, rubbing her wet core along his shaft. That simple act reaffirmed that Eloise wanted him as much as he desired her.

  “I need you. I don’t ever want to be without you, Caedon.”

  “I have no plans for you to ever be without me.” Caedon ran his hands up and down Eloise’s back and settled them back on her hips.

  Eloise felt perfect in his arms. Caedon’s mouth continued its exploration while he brought his hands to either side of her head and held her still so she could do nothing more than accept his offering. It was exactly what he needed. Loving the sounds she made and unwilling to give in just yet and allow the moment to be over, Caedon dropped his hands and ran them along her body. His hands moved from her abundant breasts along the curve of her waist to the slope of her ass while he still kissed her.

  When she shifted her hips again, Caedon couldn’t wait a moment more. Caedon grabbed onto her hips and moved her so she was sitting perfectly centered atop him, her legs spread on either side of his hips and her core to his groin. He slipped easily inside and quickly sank deep into her amazing heat. Goddess, he wanted to stay here forever.

  Caedon looked up at Eloise. Her head was thrown back in complete abandon. He knew she shared his same desires because Caedon could feel it through their bond. Her desire coursed through his veins and there were no words necessary to know it would be this way for all eternity. Caedon was once more struck by the emotional pull of their joining. This bond all Valendite Breeds share with their mates was an incredibly overwhelming experience.

  Eloise moved herself up and down along his shaft in a steady rhythm. Slowly, Caedon’s cock grew more rigid and his labored breathing matched hers. He pushed forward every time Eloise came down on him and together they created an enticing friction.

  “Oh Goddess, Caedon, I need to come,” Eloise bit her lip and cried out to him. It was the closest she’d come to actually asking for her release and Caedon wanted
to roar in victory. Instead, he reached his hand down and stroked her clit with a single finger, never taking his eyes off her.

  “Look at me, baby. I want to see you when you come for me.” His words weren’t nearly finished when Eloise creamed around his fingers. She called out his name and came in her beautifully quiet way that told him she was pleased. She continued to move slowly against him for several long minutes as she rode out her pleasure.

  “Will I ever get used to that? Feeling our desires so entangled is a crazy high,” Eloise confided. She still fought to control her breathing. Caedon thought she sounded sexy as hell.

  “I hope we don’t get used to it. I want to always be like this with you.” Caedon was confident he was bound to someone perfect for him and was immensely grateful they had rescued his parents so they could meet Eloise. His mother was right when she said Eloise had blessed them.

  Caedon watched Eloise as she grinned down at him. “You haven’t finished yet, have you?” Eloise teased him with sparkling eyes and looked him over hungrily. Her tight core squeezed his cock. Her body called to him.

  Caedon rose and walked to their bed where he tossed Eloise only to follow her down and kneel between her legs. He placed each of her delicate feet still adorned with sexy fuck me heels onto his wide shoulders so they were spread and at his mercy. Caedon relaxed into her. Their bodies merged at the warm, wet center of her body as he worked his rigid cock along the outside of her folds until she bowed her back.

  “Are you ready for me again?” Caedon grinned to see Eloise’s teasing look he’d begun to find quite amusing. Before she could say a single word, he pressed himself in to the hilt and felt his sack resting against her ass. They couldn’t possibly be any closer than in this moment.

  “This won’t be soft, Eloise,” Caedon warned. His jaw clenched as he fought his urge to burst inside his mate. His cock throbbed and wanted more of her tight, hot passage.


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