From Heel to Heart

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From Heel to Heart Page 8

by Amy DeMeritt

  “It does sound a bit redundant. I’m guessing you don’t know why they want the preliminary figures?”

  “No, not at all, which only makes me want to do it even less. If I knew there was a good reason for it, maybe I wouldn’t mind so much.”

  Elli pours the espresso into two mugs, then slowly pours the lightly sweetened foamed milk into the mugs.

  “I like watching you make cappuccinos. It’s very relaxing.”

  Elli smiles at Lana as she hands her a mug. Before Elli can fully turn to lead her to the living room, Lana places a hand on Elli’s cheek and nervously bites her bottom lip while she looks at Elli’s. Sensing her desire and feeling the same need, Elli leans in and they meet halfway to share a slow, soft kiss.

  After a few moments, they separate and Elli leads her to the living room. Lana smiles as she glides her fingers over the sunflowers that she gave Elli Saturday night.

  “These still look great.” She sits down on the couch next to Elli, and asks, “Can you tell me about the book on your workbench?”

  “Aye. It’s actually a personal journal. A man, probably about your age, maybe a little younger, brought it in last week and asked for it to be rebound. It is his grandfather’s journal from World War II. The original leather was falling apart and mold was starting to form on the pages. He only asked for it be rebound, but if the mold was left unchecked, it would destroy the book, no matter how well I rebound the pages. The easiest way to deactivate mold is to freeze it. After it’s frozen, the dry mold can be removed. I had to go page by page to lightly scrape and vacuum each page. I tried not to read it, but when you’re staring at written text, it’s hard not to take in the words. From the little bit I read, I can see why the man wants to preserve the journal. There is so much sadness, fear, worry, and tearful reminiscing in that journal. Out of respect for my customer, I haven’t allowed myself to read it in its entirety, but the pages I’ve skimmed are priceless.”

  “That’s a wonderful story. I’m sure the man will be very appreciative and happy with the extra love you’re putting into restoring the journal. Your work sounds very rewarding. It sounds like everything you fix or reconstruct has some fascinating story attached to it – you make a real difference in so many people’s lives. That has to be a wonderful feeling.”

  Elli nods as she savors a sip of coffee before swallowing. “Aye, I can’t see myself doing anything else. I’ve had my fair share of difficult and cruel customers, but the others more than make up for it.”

  “When can I watch you make shoes?”

  Warmth spreads across Elli’s chest from the eagerness in Lana’s question and glittering in her eyes. “Are you free one night this week? We can make shoes and then have dinner.”

  “That sounds like a fun night. I’m free all week.”

  “Tomorrow night then?”

  “Perfect. Can I bring anything to help with dinner?”

  “Just your hands. I’ll have all of the ingredients.”

  “It’s a date.”

  Chapter Nine

  “By the look of that smile, I take it your shoemaker was free for break?”

  Lana’s smile widens as she takes her seat at her desk and Asia perches on the edge of the desk, leaning over on one hand to make herself more comfortable.

  “She was and she made us cappuccinos. It was really nice. She’s so fascinating and talented.”

  While Lana signs into her computer and clocks back in from lunch, she tells Asia about walking in when the wedding party was leaving and seeing the pictures of the enhancements to the bride’s gown. Then she tells her about the handcrafted boots and the journal.

  “She’s going to show me how to make shoes tomorrow night, then we’re going to cook dinner together.”

  “You – the financial analyst – are going to make shoes?”

  Lana laughs as a burst of giddiness makes her feel almost like a child. “I will probably just be watching, but I’m pretty excited about it.”

  “I really am surprised by how much you’re into this lady. She definitely sounds like a catch, but she’s nothing like the kind of woman that you normally go after.”

  “Yes, well, you’re right, but how well has having a type actually worked out? I need someone who can enjoy a five-star meal and expensive wine as well as the simpler things in life.”

  “Can the shoemaker enjoy the finer things in life – the luxuries you like to spoil yourself with sometimes?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “Well, you need to turn that think into know. Your date in the park and this shoemaking date sound adorable and like great bonding experiences. But you also need to see if she can be a classy lady. At dinner tomorrow night, invite her to Sky Lounge this weekend.”

  “Let me guess. You’re going to go the same night and time so you can spy on us and make a friendly walk-by to check her tableside manners?”

  “You know me so well.” Asia winks at her with a mischievous grin. “Don’t worry, honey, I’m rooting for her to be the one. I won’t be cruel.”

  “Oh, like you were with Niki?”

  “Niki is a bitch and you were being uncharacteristically blind to it. I still don’t understand what you saw in her.”

  “I’m a sucker for a good voice. Her voice was like naughty silk.”

  Asia laughs loudly, then quickly covers her mouth and whispers, “Sorry,” to the team members who startled from their chairs. “I love the way you said that. Well, I have to give you that one – her voice was hot, but the manipulative lies that she used the voice for made her sound more like a shrieking train on a trajectory of total destruction. Are you love-sick for the shoemaker’s British accent?”

  Lana blushes as she leans back in her chair with a wistful smile, making Asia laugh again, quieter this time.

  “Her voice and accent are wonderful. However, I can honestly say those factors are not as appealing as her other attributes.”

  “How’s the…” Asia leans in more and quiets her voice, asking at just a whisper, “the sexual appeal?”

  Lana blushes and clears her throat. She looks around to see if anyone is listening, and she quietly says, “She’s beautiful and an excellent kisser.”

  “You’re not selling me, here. I need more details.”

  Lana playfully slaps Asia’s bare knee and shakes her head. “Behave. We’ve only had one date and…”

  “One date should be enough to know if you want to hop into bed with her.”

  Lana’s cheeks flare lobster red and she coughs on a gasp from the directness of the question while they’re sitting here in the middle of their department with ears only a few feet away from them. “I’m not narrating a trashy erotica with you. All you need to know is I can see this relationship actually going somewhere wonderful – in all aspects.”

  Asia giggles and lovingly caresses her friend’s red cheek with the backside of two fingers. “Good answer. I guess I better get back to work. Don’t forget to make a date for this weekend so I can spy on your lovely shoemaker.”

  “I won’t.”

  Asia winks at her with a naughty grin, then saunters over to her desk. Lana can still feel the heat in her cheeks as she turns her attention to her computer to continue working.

  She can’t deny that she has thought about what it would be like when their relationship progresses to a sexual nature, but she’s also not in a rush to get there. Lana is serious about wanting this relationship to be the relationship – the one to last till death do them part. She wants to allow the relationship to grow strong and unbreakable.

  The first kiss she shared with Elli was powerful. It was slow and deliberate and made her feel safe, which is not usually a feeling she experiences with a first kiss. A first kiss usually causes her a great deal of nervousness and insecurities from wondering if she’s doing it well enough or sensing the terrifying amount of lust in the other woman. She didn’t feel any lust from Elli – just genuine care and passion, passion of the heart, not from hormones. />
  She can tell that Elli has been in at least one very serious relationship before and that Elli knows how to make a woman feel loved and cared for. This feeling gives her hope, but it also causes a twinge of insecurity. It makes her wonder if there’s an ex-lover out there who broke her heart and could swoop in and steal Elli from her, just as they’re falling madly in love and making plans for their future together.

  Lana literally shakes her head to clear her thoughts after realizing she has just been staring at her computer screen lost in thought and not moving.

  Elli has cast a spell over her, that she is sure of. Since their date Saturday night, Lana hasn’t been able to think of much else. She was so anxious to hear Elli’s voice again that she called Elli yesterday afternoon and they talked for two hours before Elli had to get off to go for a planned visit with her parents. Lana really didn’t have time to leave for lunch today, but knowing Elli’s shop was only two blocks away was all the incentive she needed to abandon her desk for a break. If she gave into her irresponsible impulses, she would have stayed the rest of the day just to watch Elli work.

  “How are you doing on those preliminary monthly figures?”

  Lana startles from the gruff question and looks up into the impatient face of her manager. “Beverly… Oh, they’re coming along. I should be able to have them done by Wednesday afternoon.”

  “I need them Tuesday before you leave. I need to review them before I send them up the chain.”

  Lana’s jaw drops and she pushes her chair back enough to be able to properly face Beverly. “Tuesday? Do you realize this reporting normally takes five days to prepare? That deadline is not even feasible or reasonable at all.”

  “Are you refusing to do the task?”

  “No, I am simply pointing out that your request is impossible.”

  “You’ve been doing this reporting for how many years? Surely you’ve been able to master and streamline the process by now.”

  Lana’s face flares hot with anger as she sits up straighter in her chair, gripping her armrests to force herself to remain seated instead of jumping up to square off with Beverly like she feels compelled to do.

  “Yes, this reporting used to take close to two weeks to complete. I have shaved days off of this process, but that didn’t happen overnight and it sure as hell won’t happen now. Unless you streamline the amount of data and information you want to see, you will have the reporting by Wednesday afternoon, not tomorrow.”

  “My office, now.”

  Beverly doesn’t wait for a response or to see if Lana is following her. Lana growls in frustration as she slams her hands down on her keyboard to lock her computer. She stands up with her body shaking with anger and sees her entire team looking at her with wide, fear filled eyes.

  Everyone knows Lana and Beverly have been butting heads lately and Beverly’s demands on her keep getting more unrealistic and crueler. Lana has heard them whispering about the sudden change between them because Beverly used to love Lana and boast about her skills often. She’s heard them wonder if the women had an affair that didn’t end well, even though they know Beverly is straight and married with children. The whispered rumors of a possible affair actually nauseated Lana and caused her to feel like her back was crawling. Beverly is not an unattractive woman, but she is a domineering and uncompassionate person and Lana has never cared for her, even before their working relationship turned sour because of Lana’s reoccurring tardiness.

  Lana closes the door and sits down across from Beverly with her legs crossed at the knees and her arms crossed over her chest. Her brows are pinched in defiance and she’s gritting her teeth with the effort to keep her jaw shut so she can’t say the many things she wants to say.

  “First of all, I want to remind you of the deal we had. Do not forget you are on warning – one more reprimand and you’re out. Do you remember that?”

  “You can fire me right now if you expect me to have those numbers finished by tomorrow afternoon. It’s not happening and I’m not going to even offer an ‘I’ll try’ just to soothe your ego.”

  “And that right there is my second of all – your attitude. Have you forgotten who you’re speaking to? The way you handled yourself on the floor in front of the rest of the team was completely inappropriate and unprofessional.”

  “And you coming to my desk making a demand that you know is completely absurd isn’t inappropriate and unprofessional?”

  Beverly’s eyes narrow as her thin pointed jaw shifts side to side. She stares at Lana for a few moments, trying to choose her words carefully.

  “I am within full right of my position to pop over to your desk whenever I want and change the scope of any project that I have assigned to you at any time. It is your responsibility to be flexible and make every effort to complete the assignment as I have given it to you. It is not within your power to question me or refuse me. When I give you an assignment, you do it and you keep me informed on the progress. If, and I repeat if’, you are unable to complete a project by the deadline, you are required to give me ample notice so we can plan accordingly.”

  “I did give you ample notice at my desk. I am giving you a day’s notice that I am nowhere near able to complete the task by the modified due date. I know how to do my job better than you do – you don’t do my job. I am the expert on this subject and I know what it takes to get the job done, so I don’t see why this is even a discussion or cause for an argument.”

  “We are having this discussion because of the way you handled yourself and the way you responded. You should have told me the progress you made, how much work you still had left, and how long it would take to complete. If you want to stand your ground, you must support your position with facts – not refusal to comply. Do you understand?”

  Lana has so many things she wants to spit back at Beverly and rip apart her backwards logic completely. She wants to call her out for basically coming to her desk with the sole intention of causing a scene on the floor to try to make Lana look bad in front of her peers. But instead, she bites the inside of her cheek and remains silent.

  “I said, do you understand?”

  Lana’s body tenses from the authoritative tone. She still hasn’t decided if she’s going to take time off of work or if she’ll quit completely, but the tone and attitude Beverly has been giving her is enough of a reason to walk out right now.

  Beverly exhales hard as she leans back in her tall backed leather chair. She takes a few sips of coffee while she studies Lana’s face – studies the look of anger and frustration and indecision. Beverly can tell Lana has something she’s struggling with, whether it’s a personal matter or a loss of interest in her job, she doesn’t know, but she knows Lana is torn with what she should be doing about it.

  “I see the guiding iron rod is not going to work to get you refocused and dedicated to your job again. So, how about instead of me attempting to help you, you help yourself. Tell me what is going on with you.”

  Lana just stares at her feeling confused and anxious. It feels like a trap, but her comment that she was attempting to help focus Lana causes her to consider Beverly might actually be sincere in not wanting to lose her.

  “I’m serious, Lana. I stopped listening to your excuses’ weeks ago. I’m listening now, so talk.”

  Before she can stop herself, she blurts out, “I want to take an extended leave of absence from work.”

  “How long?” Lana’s eyes widen in surprise by the response. As soon as she voiced her desire, she expected an onslaught of verbal assaults. “Lana, how long do you need to take?”

  “One, maybe two months.”

  “Are you well? I mean, are you sick?”

  “Yes, I mean, no, I’m not sick.” Lana takes a deep breath and sits up straighter, relaxing her arms from around her chest. If she wants to end things on a good note or have a chance to come back to work, she knows she needs to be honest. “I have reached a point in my life that my priorities between work and my personal life are i
mbalanced and in question. I need to figure some things out. I don’t know if I’ve lost my passion for the job or if I’m just realizing I’ve neglected my personal life too much.”

  “So, you want to take up to two months leave from work to decide if you still want to work here? And, I’m supposed to hold your position without hiring a replacement, knowing there is a chance you may decide not to come back at all? Do you understand how difficult of a position you’re putting me in right now?”

  “Yes, and I don’t expect you to grant my request. If I have to quit, then…”


  Beverly runs a hand through her thick dark brown wavy hair and looks up at her ceiling for a few moments. She takes a sip of coffee, then slides her chair over to her computer. Lana waits in silence while Beverly types, waits, eyes skim, then types again. After a few minutes, Beverly sits upright to face Lana with a pained expression.

  “I need you to finish out this week, then you may start your two months sabbatical. I’ll finish working out the details with HR and bring you the papers to sign by tomorrow. Your first month will be paid, after that you can choose to use your accrued vacation or take it unpaid.”

  “You’re serious? You’re granting my request?”

  “As much of a pain in my side as you’ve been the past few months, you have been an incomparable asset to this company. Take the time you need to deal with your personal issues so you can find your spark again. Have Asia sit with you while you finish the prelim-monthly reports so she’s up to speed to be able to run the numbers again when the month ends.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  Beverly waves a flippant hand and shifts to face her computer again. “I’m not giving you anything you didn’t earn. Go on. You’re on a tight deadline.”

  Lana nods and quickly leaves the office before Beverly can change her mind. She doesn’t get even three feet from the office and her face spreads into a wide smile with excitement filling her with a sudden urge to run or leap or spin with her arms outstretched at her side like a little kid.


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