The Neighbor #2 (The Neighbor Romance Series - Book #2)

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The Neighbor #2 (The Neighbor Romance Series - Book #2) Page 6

by Adams, Claire

  The water on the lake was flat and gin clear. In the distance, I saw gathering clouds but they had no effect on the lake. The trees were swaying slightly. There were rain trees and magnolia that were past their bloom but were still wearing brilliant green foliage and provided shade. Rows of palmetto trees circled the edge of the lake. A landscape crew had arranged them perfectly although they were native to South Carolina and probably would have grown there anyways.

  A few great blue herons stood in repose. They waited patiently for the right fish to grab. Brown pelicans showed a different approach as they dove headlong into the water. I thought what type of fish were lurking beneath the water. Perhaps we were going to fish.

  Finally, I heard Ryder’s vehicle driving back up the gravel road. He got out of the car. Gone were the tie and khakis. He wore a pair of distressed designer jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt. His blue shirt was not tight but it pulled on his muscular body perfectly. I was pleased because I thought he looked as he acted, which was closer to twenty-five than thirty-three.

  “Did you miss me?” Ryder asked.

  I grinned widely. “You bet. However, you did leave me in a beautiful spot. I would rather have taken in the view with you by my side though. Where have you been?”

  “They have a kayak rental place up the road. Surprise number two, we are going kayaking! I rented a double. The woman at the rental shack is going to paddle it down. She will have all of the gear we need.” Ryder waited hesitantly for my reaction.

  “Okay. I’m game. You should know that I have never been on a kayak before.”

  “I have quite a bit of experience so I will save you if you need saving. I don’t think we will encounter any wild rapids on this man-made lake.” He smiled.

  “Good,” I said.

  The woman brought the kayak up to shore and threw the gear on the sand. I pulled the shorts that were a little tight out of my ass.

  I heard Ryder laughing and then he asked, “Can I help you out there?”

  “I got it. Just pay attention to her.” I smiled and then he snickered.

  “You are all set Ryder. You know the drill. Tie up the rig when you return and we will be down to pick it up. If you run into trouble, call the number provided. It goes without saying that flotation devices are required. There is a storm coming in. I can’t say for sure if it will hit us. Good luck and stay safe.”

  “Thanks for your help.”

  Ryder picked up my life vest and put it over my shoulders. Our faces were inches apart and it felt so…right. We both resisted the pull as he secured my vest.

  “I brought something for you to wear.” He pulled a crushed golf cap from his back pocket. It was his Ryder Cup hat. He pulled it down over my gossamer locks. “Perfect fit.”

  I was flattered and the cap fit as well as we did in the kayak. We paddled away from shore with Ryder in the front and me closely behind him.

  “This is more beautiful than I could have imagined”

  “I thought you would like it. There is something about this place. I come here a lot by myself. It is nice to have someone to share it with.”

  I was in a trance. The sound of the paddle cutting into the water was mesmerizing. Ryder’s shoulders flexed each time he pulled back the paddle. It was the ideal combination of grace and power.

  “I was going to say you seem comfortable on a kayak but then you seem comfortable in everything you do. The golf course seems like home to you but then I see you teaching and that is where you are meant to be. You are a jack of all trades, a renaissance man.”

  “You are a smart woman. There is a common denominator in all of the things you have seen me do. Figure it out.”


  “Listen, I seem at home when you are around. Regardless of what I am doing, I am in my comfort-zone when you’re present.”

  “Ditto on that. Have you taken many women to this place? I don’t mean to pry, just curious. ”

  “Yes,” Ryder said and my heart dropped into my stomach.

  “That’s nice.”

  “My sister Grace and her daughter Jane love coming out with me. That is why I have Jane’s shit in my car. Any other questions?” Ryder laughed. I realized he was tiring of my inquisitive nature.

  “Have you noticed the storm clouds? They are definitely coming this way. I think we should turn back before it begins to rain,” I said.

  “Okay Al Roker. Time to turn about the ship.”

  I had no idea how to turn a kayak. Ryder did not tell me which way we were turning. We were fighting against each other and the kayak tipped over. At the same time, it started to rain. It was coming down in buckets. I flopped around in the water. To a passerby it would have looked dangerous but we were close to shore and I could almost touch the bottom of the lake. I was laughing hysterically and Ryder was frantic as he tried to help me. Through it all, Ryder’s cap remained in place. Even in the water, he had control of the damn hat. After flailing around for a few minutes, we righted the kayak and we managed to climb in.

  “That was unexpected. Sorry about that. I should have told you which way we were turning. I am so used to being alone out here that I didn’t think of it. I had visions of being like the castaways on Gilligan’s island. I would obviously be the professor. You would have to be Ginger or Maryanne.”

  “Um, I have never really seen Gilligan’s Island. How about I be Jenna Walsh.”

  “Jenna Walsh sounds just right.”

  When we made it back to shore it was still raining, but it was warm and I didn’t mind. I unstrapped my life vest to reveal my soaking wet white tank top. My tits were standing at attention.

  “I didn’t know there was going to be a wet t-shirt contest today. Nice rack.” Ryder whistled.

  I grinned. I didn’t mind the comment since he was the only one around to see me. Plus, Ryder’s blue shirt was plastered to his body too. His hours in the gym had paid off. His muscular torso and wasp waist were magnificent. Staring at him was impossible to avoid. We were both out of breath from laughing and our adventure on the lake. Ryder had both life vests in his hands. I might as well have been standing before him naked. My drenched clothing left nothing to the imagination. He dropped the gear to the ground and grabbed me tight with both hands. He flipped off my hat and kissed me firmly on the mouth.

  “You are beautiful Jenna,” he breathed against my mouth.

  “You are not bad yourself Ryder.”

  He kissed me again as the rain continued to fall.

  It was the perfect end to an enchanted day. Ryder drove me back to campus. We said little as there was not much to add. He dropped me off at Leach Hall and I floated back to my room.

  Chapter Eight

  I was exhausted, I opened the door to my room and the first thing I saw was my pink golf bag. Regardless of where I looked reminders of Ryder were present. After golfing with Ryder at Westlake and spending time with him on the kayak, I felt confident in what we had. I could think about Ryder and look forward to knowing him more as opposed to fantasizing like a schoolgirl.

  There was no sign of Kelly. She was a great roommate because she wasn’t around too much but she was a good sounding board when she was. She was a lot like Max in that way. I had my plans for Max and Kelly put aside in my mind. It was good to have a diversion but I did not need or want to be diverted from thinking about Ryder.


  A week later I lay on my bed, hoping to take a short nap after class. My phone was alerting me that there was an incoming text.

  Ryder: Never got to watch a movie when you were here. Dinner at 6 PM. Pizza. Okay?

  Me: Be there

  Ryder: Careful driving

  Me: J

  I didn’t have any time to shower since it was already afternoon. I decided I would shower at my Mother’s house. The fact that Ryder lived on Lewis Ave was convenient. I would find something in my old closet to throw on and wear.

  I hopped in my green car and pulled onto the highway. I had the drive ahead of m
e to breathe.

  When I made it on Lewis Avenue I parked in my Mother’s driveway. The home I had grown up in looked smaller than it had before. I walked up the steps and passed by the porch swing. I laughed because I knew so little about Ryder back then. There was still a great deal I did not know about him though. Maybe I would soon discover his deepest darkest secrets…I hoped.

  I walked inside and shouted, “Hey Mom! The place looks great. Wow, it looks cleaner than I left it.”

  “I haven’t had you around to do everything for me. I decided to get off my ass and do it myself. I even started to put my resume together. I wasn’t buried with your father. It is about time I stopped acting like I am six feet under.” My mom looked great and for the first time in a long time, she did not smell like booze.

  “Fantastic Mom. I wish I had time to chat but I came back this way to see Sayler. I will be late so don’t wait up for me. Who knows, I may crash at her place,” I said.

  I retreated to my old room and rummaged through my closet. Ryder was used to seeing me in jeans so I was going to change it up. I pulled out a casual black dress. I had forgotten that I had it. It was simple, classy and as comfortable as a t-shirt.

  I took a long warm shower and layered on some lily-of-the-valley body balm and scented oil. I blew my hair dry and threw on some silver jewelry. I was satisfied with my reflection in the mirror

  After bidding my mom good-bye, I hopped in my car and parked it next door in Ryder’s driveway, which was behind a hedge. I didn’t know why I continued to lie to my mother. I thought the story was long and I didn’t have the time.


  I knocked on Ryder’s door. The butterflies in my stomach were throwing a party. He opened the door.

  “You made it.” Ryder smiled and kissed my lips. “You look stunning.”

  Ryder was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. I was way overdressed compared to him.

  “You look great too. Have you been working out?”

  “Yoga and meditation. It really helps with…all sorts of stuff. If you ever have the time, I will show you what works for me. It is an individual pursuit but it helps to have someone lead you down the path.”

  I kicked off my sandals and headed for the kitchen.

  “Make yourself at home,” Ryder said jokingly.

  I laughed. “I will.”

  “I got pizza with green peppers, chicken and pineapple. Did I choose okay?” Ryder cornered me in the kitchen and squeezed my arm muscles. He wanted to check on my work-out progress I’m sure. That’s what I told myself anyways.

  “Actually, no.”

  “No I can’t touch you or no you don’t like the pizza?” he asked.

  “I hate green peppers. I went to Philly once and had a cheese steak with green peppers. I drank too much and puked my guts out. Sayler was with me and she almost took me to the ER. Since then I can’t eat green peppers.”

  “That’s an easy fix. I will just pick them off for you. And what about the touching?”

  “That is a yes, only if I can touch you back,” I said and Ryder smiled.

  “I will pick out a movie,” Ryder said.

  “No you won’t. We will choose a movie.”

  “My house, my way.”

  “Ryder, I am the guest. Guests get to choose.”

  “We’ll see,” he responded.

  We ate pizza. Ryder nibbled off my green peppers.

  “I feel like we are an old married couple. We’re barefoot in my kitchen. It feels right.”

  The word couple surprised me and the word married shocked me.

  “Ryder, you just said a word that confuses me. Only one of us is old here.”

  “Ouch, you know how to hit a guy where it hurts.”

  We went to the media room and we both went for the clicker.

  “Ah, my pick, remember.” I grabbed the channel changer from his grasp.

  “Only for you J.”

  “J?” I asked while raising an eyebrow.

  “Just trying it out. Now pick a movie.”

  I clicked through the movies and arrived at a romantic comedy we could both enjoy. It had a holiday theme but it also had a bit of everything. I pressed play and we started to watch Love Actually.

  We reclined on the large cushiony couch only occupying a small portion. I curled my body into his. We moved as if we had been in the same position before. I never would have imagined that we would have come so far. The same hand that I pricked with my toothpick at the country club was touching me. He ran his finger along the curve of my body. He paused when his hand reached my breast and with a feather touch he traced my nipples. Eventually, warmed by his body and lulled by the cadence of his breathing I closed my eyes.

  I woke up, forgetting where I was for a moment. I was relieved to find out that I wasn’t dreaming. I was in Ryder’s arms. I slowly released my body from his. I lifted his arm to look at his watch, which glowed in the dark. It was only 11pm. I was parched so I stretched a bit and crept into the bathroom for a drink of water.

  I was putting down the glass when I noticed Ryder’s collection of amber pill bottles. I remembered them from when he was only the mysterious hot neighbor. I tried to fight my curiosity but I lost. I expected supplements but I found something very different. I read the label on eight of the bottles. They were familiar medicines because they had been in my father’s medicine cabinet when he was dying…of cancer. Some were anti-nausea medications and others were pills, which accompanied chemo. Ryder had cancer. I dropped one of the bottles on the floor.

  “Shit,” I said.

  “Jenna, where are you?” Ryder called out.

  I quickly picked up the bottle, returned it to the shelf and turned out the light. I walked out to the hallway where Ryder was walking towards me. I wanted to cry but I didn’t. I hugged him tightly.

  I stood on my tippy toes, kissed him and asked softly, “Are you ready for bed?”

  “Oh, so you have decided to stay the night?” Ryder laughed.

  “Of course.” I led him to the bedroom where I reached up with my back arched and kissed him again.

  I removed his shirt slowly, only losing sight of his eyes when I pulled the cloth over his head. The intensity of the moment took over.

  Chapter Nine

  I had never felt so confident in what I was doing. Every movement was innate. I finished removing his shirt and explored his angular muscles with my mouth. I moved slowly as I went down to his navel and back up to his lips. Ryder was gazing into my eyes as he fought to take control and ravage my body.

  I chose to prolong the inevitable. We moved next to the bed. I slowly removed my dress to reveal my red bra and panties. I was wearing a lace thong and red sheer bra with black lace details. He moved his hands to touch me and I pushed them back. I ran my hand up my inner thighs, stopping briefly at my crotch as I curled my mouth into a smile. I continued to feel my body up, paying special attention to my hard nipples.

  “Oh my God,” Ryder said as he grabbed my face and kissed me. It was hard as he thrust his tongue in my mouth.

  Ryder threw me down on the bed and ripped off my bra.

  “My turn Jenna. I believe I have a favor to repay.”

  He shoved his hands inside my thong and pulled them off, revealing my wet pussy. Ryder kissed up my inner thighs until he arrived at the lips of my vagina. He found my clit immediately and licked it rapidly. I did not realize the human mouth could move so quickly. I was in a place I had never been before. He forced my legs open wide and spread open my pussy with one hand while penetrating me deeply with the other.

  When his hands were busy, he looked up at me.

  “I want to make you scream Jenna. You’re so fucking wet. Come on.”

  I started to pump and moan uncontrollably. He took his fingers out and revisited my body with his glorious tongue.

  “Suck me like I sucked your dick,” I moaned.

  I was going to a place from which I could not return. He twirled his tong
ue around and around my clit while sucking all the other skin into his mouth. After a while I found myself calling out in ecstasy as wetness dripped from my pussy.

  I lay on the bed shaking. We were quiet at last. It was 12 am and I knew I would be unable to move until the morning. “That is the best I have ever had…by far. You must have a lot of experience. You have a magical tongue and your fingers…unbelievable.”

  “I have a book on the female orgasm,” he said and kissed my lips.

  “I should have known.” I laughed and pulled up the sheets. I snuggled it tight as I enjoyed the warmth of his body. I wanted him to fuck me but for the moment, I was satisfied. I fell asleep to the beat of his heart.

  Follow the passionate story of Jenna and Ryder in The Neighbor—Book 3 on November 5th

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  Once complete The Neighbor series will consist of 4 books in total.

  The Neighbor - Release schedule:

  Book 1: October 8th

  Book 2: October 22nd

  Book 3: November 5th

  Book 4: November 19th

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2014 Claire Adams


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