The Numbers Game

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The Numbers Game Page 9

by Frances Vidakovic

  “So are you going to make a move?”

  Rick stuck his head into Markie’s office. Lola was obviously away from her desk, in the bathroom probably touching up those glossy crimson lips and spraying on some alluring perfume. Speaking of perfume, Lola reminded Markie of the women he bumped into in France. Always dolled up to perfection, makeup full on, perfume subtly applied, smelling as if she just stepped out from behind a Christian Dior fragrance counter. But maybe that’s because Lola was French, born and bred in Cannes.

  “What do you think man?” Markie replied, trying to keep his voice low. Rick looked like he wanted to slap him on the back.

  “Whoa, way to go, mate! Mission determined, now time for takeoff.”

  “Rick, I didn’t mean it in the cocky way, I asked that question seriously. What do you think?”

  “Hell, the girl’s wearing a g-string for the hundredth day in a row. I say any girl who wears a g-string day in and day out is worth going for.”

  Great, just great, Rick uses underwear as a deciding factor in beginning an office affair. Markie was just about to ask for a more valid reason when a soft clearing of the throat floated in from behind.

  “Am I interrupting?” the voice asked.

  Damn, Lola! How long had she been standing there?

  “No, you’re fine,” Markie stammered, trying to get himself back together. Rick at this point was of no use to him, busy holding back the sniggers.

  Lola entered (or should he say sashayed in?) and dropped her latest top-notch research into the paper tray on Markie’s desk.

  “It’s all there for the taking,” she smiled and then winked. “The research that is.” Then two seconds later, Lola left the room.

  Oh damn, Markie was dead meat.

  What Tabitha did not realize when Serena picked up the phone was that this was not her first time she had called Jasper’s mom Natalie.

  That’s right, contrary to all relationship protocol Serena and Natalie were actually ex-friends. It sufficed that Natalie was not like other fifty year old women, what with her Lauren Hutton beauty and Cher antics. For instance, Jasper’s mom still enjoyed good pot and sexy flip skirts. She knew how to dance, chat, and dress without embarrassing herself. Put Natalie in the same room as Serena’s (or anyone else’s mom for that matter) and one would see the difference between night and day, black and white, cool and daggy...

  Needless to say Natalie was the picture-perfect single mom with an ever-devoted son. And with a mom who liked Top 40 tunes, it made sense that Jasper confided in her about things such as life, school and his eventual bed romp with Serena.

  “What did I do wrong?” Serena had wailed down the phone line two nights after the ignoring from Jasper had started. It was late, very late and wine, along with some false bravado, was to blame for the call.

  “Look,” Natalie had said, obviously frustrated. She had come to protect her son’s domain, to pose as a barrier to her lone offspring. Maybe this wasn’t the first time a hysterical girl had harassed Jasper at three a.m. “He’s a boy, you’re a girl and you screwed. Now it’s time to move on.”

  “But I can’t!” was Serena’s response. “I can’t live without him in my life.” It was sad how low one could stoop before they lost all dignity, how many cringing moments were required to gain some self-respect.

  Natalie had obviously seen it all before. She invited Serena to a local coffeehouse to shed some light on the finer points in life, being the darling that she was.

  “Honey,” she had said,” you may not know it now but in a few year’s time this pain will be but a flicker in your past. You will get over it; you will find the one. Look at this as an experience that will make you later appreciate your soul mate all the more.”

  This of course implied Jasper wasn’t her soul mate but Serena’s took Natalie’s advice to heart. She had no choice really, despite the fact it felt like salt being rubbed into an open wound. Jasper had disappeared; he wasn’t interested.

  “Call me some time and let me know how you are,” Natalie had said, handing over a business card to Serena. Adult World, it read, The Best In Sex You Can Get.

  “I will,” Serena had assured her. At that moment, she hadn’t even known how or if she could get through the day, let alone a hundred more. “At least I hope I will.”

  It was about time she fulfilled that promise...


  The voice on the other end was husky and expectant. Welcome to the world of an Adult shop owner.


  “Yes?” Who in hell is this, was surely going to be her next question.

  “I’m not sure whether you remember me. It’s Serena, Jasper’s old college buddy.”

  For a second, Serena thought she should elaborate. Mention something along the lines of ex-sad and desperate soul, the one who had enlarged and then kneeled below a poster size photo of her son. But Natalie’s brain waves had already gone into overdrive; so much so they were almost palpable.

  “Serena, Serena… Yes of course I remember you!” Natalie chuckled softly. “I thought you’d be lying dead and buried by the bottom of the ocean by now.”

  Serena winced from shame and not the fact the phone cable was coiled so tightly around her fingers they were going blue.

  “I think I soon figured my energy was better spent brushing my hair than in empty threats,” Serena divulged. Yep, that was the secret of her ‘getting over him’ success. Just keeping bathing and slapping on the pink lip-gloss and all would be fine.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?” Natalie asked. Let’s get straight to the point was always her approach.

  “I was hoping to get in touch with Jasper if at all possible, to see how he’s going.”

  “Oh,” the voice paused. “How did you find out?”

  Excuse me? Find out what? Now Natalie was not the only one confused.

  “Find out what?” Serena repeated out loud.

  “His accident in Ibiza - that is why you’re calling right? He’s been back in San Francisco for two weeks now.”

  “Of course, that’s why I’m calling.” Serena heaved a sigh of relief; an accident was the perfect cover. Now was not the time to ask the other million questions on her mind, when only one mattered.

  “Where can I find him?”

  “He’s living on top of C-Lounge, that new nightclub. Do you know where it is?”

  “Yeah I do,” Serena said, thinking of the trendy new celebrity spot and baulking at the thought of showing up announced. Hi, remember me; we slept together and then you tossed me aside like a used dishrag.

  “Would you happen to have his number just in case, I might prefer to arrange a time with him to meet.”

  Natalie hesitated here; probably remembering Serena’s ex-psychotic stalking via the phone line.

  “Shall I tell Jasper to expect a call soon?” Natalie said, after hashing out the elusive digits. From the way she was acting one would think they were this week’s winning Lotto numbers.

  “How about not?” Serena smiled (or was it more like a plea), “I think I’d rather it be a surprise.”

  It was going to be either that, a surprise, or the biggest ugliest shock of his life.

  Chapter 9

  Though he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, Markie was absolutely petrified about going into work.

  Truly, about two minutes after stepping out of the shower his body was soaked in sweat again. And it took even less for his heart to reach a dangerously rapid beating speed.

  It was Lola. The woman must be a devil in disguise. Ever since she eavesdropped on his conversation with Rick (and Lord knows she did), her claws had been revealed. Before she was a subtle flirter, now Lola was as full on as can be. With her come-hither eyes, every move now screamed for sex, every look said ‘take me to bed’.

  He had to sleep with Lola. For Markie there was no longer any choice about the matter. In the past, he had the luxury of hiding behind the “I’ve got a girlfriend”
hedge. Me? You want to sleep with me? Oh I’m sorry, but I’m already taken. It was the perfect cover. No one would’ve guessed but now that it was gone, behind the tough façade, Markie was a baby for the taking.

  Lola knew though; and now she was going to eat him alive.

  “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Rick asked on the way to work that morning.

  Markie had volunteered…and then insisted when Rick refused… to pick his partner up because the wise said safety came in numbers. There was no way Lola would attack him if he kept himself in the company of others twenty four seven. Markie’s only problem was today was a slow day. For some reason Lola had seen it fit to give him a break and clear his schedule.

  “Oh I know what she’s got in mind for you,” Rick winked. Nudge, nudge, he might as well have added. “And it sure ain’t bookkeeping.”

  Bastard. You would think a man could rely on his friends in times of need but as was now the case they just became flakier.

  “Bets are saying two to one you and Miss Lola will consummate your relationship within the next twenty four hours.”

  “You’ve put bloody tabs on this? What happened to you promising to keep it to yourself?”

  “Sorry mate, I’m a businessman first then companion.”

  One would think Rick was joking about this but it came out with a straight face.

  “Is there anyone in the office you haven’t blabbed this to?” Markie had to ask. Knowing Rick he had probably also included it in the company newsletter.

  “Hang on,” Rick interrupted. He sounded offended. “I didn’t blab to anyone. The staff just decided to fill me in on their game; I wasn’t supposed to even tell you.”

  “Let me guess; I’m supposed to thank you for betraying their confidence.”

  Rick smiled. “Look, how about you just delay your rendezvous until Sunday night and we’ll call it flush. I’ll even split with you the profits.”

  Oh wow! As one could imagine, Markie was not exactly floored by the offer. The staff wanted him to sleep with Lola, his partner wanted him to sleep with Lola and Lola wanted exactly the same, so what then was his problem? He should just do it. Sleep with his assistant and get on with notching the numbers on his belt. Markie could tell if he didn’t get back to the playing field soon, his frustration and pent-up tension would eventually affect his entire game. Week three and he was already stuck like a broken record on a song he couldn’t forget.

  “I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch your body.”

  Samantha Fox, the ex-Penthouse Pet. Yep Lola was reminding Markie more and more of the long-gone glam eighties star by the minute. Not that the fluffy haired Miss Fox wasn’t past her due date now but back in her heyday there wasn’t a man alive who wouldn’t have taken her to bed. Markie included.

  Of all the places he could’ve chosen to live, Serena still couldn’t believe Jasper had chosen the C-Lounge. C-Lounge, the trendy bar cum nightclub and celebrity haunt, went against everything her ex-lover stood for.

  It was loud as opposed to serene, of slip shoddy design rather than feng-shuied. As she parked her car outside the premises, Serena wondered how Jasper could ever concentrate on his work here. Even in the middle of the day, traffic rampaged up and down the road; noise limits were constantly being challenged. This was no place to make art. Love maybe but not art.

  Rap, rap, rap, Serena’s knuckles felt like they are grating against the wooden door. Or maybe it was because they were still trembling. To reach the door she had had to climb a wobbly set of metal steps, which wouldn’t have been so bad if Serena didn’t suffer from severe vertigo.

  “I should make a complaint to the council,” Serena muttered, “Steps should have more than just air underneath.”

  That’s right, Tabitha would probably say, blame it all on the steps. It’s the steps fault your nerves are in a mess. Bull tiddly winks! Look at it as a challenge. You’re just visiting an old friend for old time’s sake. No need to mention anything about the game immediately. Don’t scare him off by begging him to take you to bed... again. Instead gauge his response, consider things like eye contact and the questions he asks you before you make your move. Timing here is paramount.

  By the time Serena ran through this pep talk twice she was feeling more confident but the door still hadn’t been answered. So she knocked on it again. He had to be in there, it was Saturday. From the Juliet balcony, Serena could hear the gentle murmur of a washing machine and high-pitched Jerry Springer guests, albeit at a low volume. This was a change, the TV. What had happened to Jasper never giving in to convention, to him separating himself from societal and media pressure? She wondered in what others ways her ex-lover had changed.

  “Hello?” The voice behind the door was soft-spoken but undeniably feminine. And not in the gay way either.

  “Um,” Serena stuttered. She was not expecting this. She was not expecting a woman. If only she could run away but peering back at the steep steps, Serena realized it would take at least fifteen minutes at a steady, balanced pace to make it back down again.

  “It’s Serena; I’m a friend of Jaspers.” There she went, explaining herself again.

  “Oh.” Next came the sound of a chain sliding then falling against the panel and a door creaking open.


  You would think the bombshell would’ve at least had the decency to put on some clothes. But no, there she was wrapped in a plush black towel with her bed-head hair. Real bed-head hair. Serena had also never seen a black towel before.

  “Oops, looks like I caught you at a bad time. Maybe I should come by later.” At a more civilized hour. Two in the afternoon perhaps, do you think you might be dressed by then?

  “Who is it?” another voice echoed down the dark corridor.

  Oh damn Serena would have recognized that lean shadow anywhere. It was Jasper.

  “Oh my gosh, Serena?”

  He emerged into the light and for some reason seeing him hurt Serena terribly. It wasn’t that Jasper looked bad, he didn’t. He looked great. His hair was different - shorn to the scalp and the arms were more muscular but his face had retained all of its youthful cheekiness. As much as he looked like a man, Jasper seemed still a boy, like he had a twinkle in his eye.

  Serena nodded. “I was just leaving. Now is a bad time.”

  Her voice betrayed her totally. It sounded more like a distressed wife walking in on an unfaithful husband than a friend visiting a friend. I’m jealous; I can’t believe I’m jealous. I don’t even care for this guy and yet it kills me to know he is sleeping with this voluptuous stranger. Have I lost my mind?

  “Serena, don’t leave.”

  But it was too late. Serena had already started clomping down the razor thin steps. Now would be as good a time as any for them to collapse.

  “Listen,” Jasper grabbed her arm from behind. Wow, she got down there in record time! Did they give out medals for that?

  “What?” Serena bit, turning to face her assailant. Her tone was uncalled for, she decided too late.

  “I don’t get it. Where are you going? You turn up on my doorstep after five years and then you attempt to escape without saying goodbye.”

  “You and your girlfriend are busy. I don’t want to disturb you.”

  “Girlfriend?” Jasper looked back up at the stairwell. “You think Harriet is my girlfriend?”

  “What is she then?” Sex partner perhaps, Serena added silently.

  “From that tone I gather you won’t believe me when I tell you Harriet’s a temporary roommate. She waitresses downstairs at the C-Lounge and I’m helping her out of a jam. Oh and she’s also a lesbian.”

  Serena laughed. “You’re right, I don’t believe it. Am I supposed to?”

  “Yes,” Jasper smiled back. “Because I kid you not, it’s true. If however you would prefer I make a new tale I’m sure I could come up with one.”

  “No that’s okay; the truth will do just fine.”

  That’s if you’re telling me the truth.
For a second there, Serena was confused. She didn’t remember Jasper as having a sense of humor, so she was inclined to believe him. She wanted to trust him with her entire soul like in the good ole days when Serena and Jasper were the greatest of friends. But then there was the other part in her – the part that dredged up the not-so-good memories and made her cold and wary. Sure Jasper’s face might be the same but what if everything else had changed?

  To trust or not to trust, that was the question…

  “How about we go in and have a hot chocolate,” Jasper asked, nodding to the C-Lounge. They were standing almost directly outside the back door. Good thing he was wearing clothes. “We could do some catching up as well.”

  Was this really the Jasper Serena knew and loved so well? The Jasper she knew didn’t touch chocolate, didn’t enter smoke-altered premises, and was cute but not in a totally confident way. It was like he had forgotten it all: the past: who he was, who Serena was and instead decided to grow up in that time.

  But one fact still remained - the last time Jasper and Serena had convened it was the day they had spent together in bed. Fingers crossed, Serena hoped to pick up where she left.

  “Firstly tell me about your accident. And where you have been all these years,” asked Serena.

  So Jasper obliged. He started right at the beginning and recounted his increasing disillusionment with art as a career. Yes, it was creative, yes, it was fulfilling but when your job doesn’t put food on your table…you start to resent it. For the first time Jasper understood why suicide was so high among retrenched folk and retirees. What one does for work and how much money we earn from it has a huge impact on our self-esteem. We might all complain about suckful a job is but the truth is one doesn’t know bad until they don’t have a job at all.

  “Try earning nothing for a while and see how long you would survive.”

  “So you sold out?” Serena said. To be honest, she was a bit pissed off at Jasper’s giving up. He was supposed to be different, someone who never, ever let their dreams die. Isn’t that why she liked him in the first place?


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