Weak For You: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 15)

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Weak For You: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 15) Page 11

by Shanade White

  She watched fascinated as the storm grew, then the rain began to come down in sheets, so thick she could no longer see the ocean. The wind began to blow, rocking the house with its force, the lightning and thunder making her jump. Lauren had never been afraid of storms, but this was like nothing she’d ever seen. She shivered and crossed the room to go back to bed. Storm or no storm she needed to get some sleep if she was going to leave in the morning.

  But just as she was going to get back under the covers, lightning lit up the sky and the ground shook, the thunder that followed made her scream and cover her head. Only a minute later, Seth came charging through the door, as disoriented as she’d been a few minutes ago.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, pulling her into his arms without even thinking.

  “I’m sorry, it’s the storm,” she said, trying to pull away from him. “I’m okay, it just surprised me.”

  Seth loved the feel of Lauren in his arms, had in fact been dreaming about just that, so it was impossible to let go of her. “The storms can get pretty bad out here,” he said, rubbing her back.

  Lauren couldn’t help but sigh when she felt Seth’s arms around her, but she knew that they were in dangerous territory, the memory of the night they’d shared still so fresh in her mind, she’d be powerless to resist him if he pushed her. “Storms don’t usually bother me this much, but I’m okay now,” she repeated, hoping he’d go back to his room.

  “I can stay with you for a while if you want,” he offered, hoping she’d say yes.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she said, pulling away from him and walking over to the window to look out at the storm which although just as fierce had become unimportant.

  He let her go, his heart sinking, then he did the most impulsive thing he’d ever done in his life and pulled her back to him. Lauren didn’t resist, but she was stiff in his arms, clearly unwilling to let things go any farther. Seth had known from the minute they’d gotten on the trail that he’d hurt her; after the wonderful night they’d spent together, he’d just walked away and stayed away for days.

  It had been a decision he’d been regretting for days, especially now that she was in his arms, and all the feelings he felt when he was with her came flooding back. An apology was called for, he knew that, but apologizing to anyone had never been his strong suit, something he’d inherited from his father. Lauren deserved one though, so he tried to find the right words.

  “Lauren, I’m sorry about the way I’ve been acting. I just wasn’t sure how to handle the fact that we were married. It’s nothing personal, in fact, if I had to be married to someone, I’m glad it’s you,” Seth said, shocked by the words that had just come out of his mouth.

  But Lauren didn’t hear them the same way he was feeling them. “Well, that’s good to hear, I mean we wouldn’t want you to be completely unhappy,” she said sarcastically, her fear of the storm draining away with her anger.

  Seth knew that he’d screwed up but couldn’t quite figure out why, he’d been being honest with her. “Maybe that didn’t come out right. The truth is that I really like you, Lauren, I feel good when we’re together,” he said, quietly.

  Lauren looked up at him, surprised by his words which didn’t match the way he was acting. “You have a funny way of showing it,” she said, still hurt.

  “I really am sorry, but I got scared. I have no idea what to do in this situation, but a close friend gave me some advice. He said that we should give this marriage a try, see if it might work,” Seth said, thinking back on Thomas’ words and realizing that he really did want to try.

  Lauren studied his face. It felt so nice to be in his arms, but if she gave herself to him, she knew that it would all be over for her. Before she’d been able to rationalize what had passed between them that wonderful night, but if she embraced their marriage, treated it as if it was real, there would be no turning back. She was already half in love with him, could already see a future with him, a future that promised so many possibilities.

  Seth could see that Lauren was wavering, so he pulled her tighter against him and found her mouth with his. The kiss he gave her blocked everything else out of her mind, her fears of being hurt, the fact that she might lose her job, even the storm faded as his tongue teased and tasted her. Briefly it occurred to Lauren that she was truly powerless when it came to Seth, and for the first time understood why her mother had let her father treat her the he had.

  But then Seth’s hands found her breasts under the thin cotton t-shirt she’d put on before bed that night and nothing existed but the two of them and the pleasure his hands were giving her. When his thumb and finger found a stiff nipple, she sucked in a deep breath, gripping his shoulders until she left nail marks, the pleasure so intense it left her weak kneed and trembling.

  Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled just outside the window, the sea frothy with giant waves that crashed against the rocky shore in huge arcs of water. The air was full of electricity not just from the storm but from the passion building between Seth and Lauren, a passion that was quickly getting out of their control. Seth’s sudden urge to possess Lauren was all consuming, coming on him so quickly he had little hope of controlling it, as if something beyond him had taken over and all he could do was ride it out until it was satisfied.

  Lauren felt it too and reached for his boxer shorts, her goal to hold him in her hands, to stroke him until he was as wild for her as she was for him. But he was already there, his need for her obvious as her hands wrapped around his throbbing penis, making the moan that Lauren wanted escape his lips. She sucked in a deep breath as waves of pleasure washed over her, the act of giving Seth pleasure making her tingle between her legs, the throbbing inside her growing until all she wanted was him inside her.

  He ripped off her shirt and threw it to the floor, then through gritted teeth said, “I need you, Lauren.”

  Lauren’s heart skipped a beat when she saw the raw passion in his eyes, her need increasing with each passing moment. “I need you too, Seth,” she said, sliding her hands up his chest and pulling his mouth down to hers.

  This time she thrust her tongue into his mouth, tasting and teasing as he’d done, her hands returning to his engorged cock to stroke him. Seth could only take a few minutes of Lauren’s ministrations. Unable to stop himself, he turned her around, braced her hands on the glass of the window and buried himself inside her from behind, in one hard thrust.

  Lauren, shocked to suddenly have Seth buried so deeply inside her, could do nothing more than brace herself against the glass, her body not only taking every inch of Seth’s length but wanting more. His hands gripping her hips, he drove himself into her over and over, the power of taking her so completely nearly driving him to orgasm. But then he became aware of Lauren’s whimpering sounds of pleasure, and the need to possess her faded. A part of him aware that she’d given herself to him willingly, that there was no need to possess her, she was already his.

  That thought brought out a tenderness in him he hadn’t know he possessed, and he had an overwhelming need to bring her pleasure, to taste her, to devour her. When Seth pulled out of Lauren, she suddenly felt very empty. Unable to understand what he was doing, she stood up and looked at him. “Seth?” she managed to say before he pulled her to him and kissed her.

  Between kisses, he said, “Lauren, you’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever been with, I don’t want this to end too quickly.” Then he pushed her over to the bed.

  Lauren sat down on the bed, looking up at Seth who had come to stand before her, the lightning from the storm giving her delicious flashes of his naked body. He knelt before her and pushed her legs apart, then kissed the inside of her thigh, sending wonderful waves of pleasure through her and making goose bumps erupt on her skin.

  She didn’t resist when he pushed her back on the bed and spread her legs wider. The anticipation building inside her making the moment his tongue lapped at her tender flesh that much more amazing. Seth used his tongue to b
ring Lauren just to the brink of oblivion, then thrust his finger into her, pushing her over the edge, her muscles gripping him as wave after wave of pleasure left her panting, but still needing something more.

  Desperate to be inside her again, he flipped her over, pulled her to her hands and knees, grabbed her hips, and entered her from behind. Almost immediately her body responded to his, her muscles gripping him as her body demanded satisfaction once again. Seth had no plans to slow things down this time and gave himself over to the wonderful feeling of being inside Lauren. Thrusting himself deeper and deeper each time, until he was buried deeper than he’d ever been before.

  Lauren thrust her hips back, and wiggled them, the delicious feeling of orgasm building once again inside her. That was all it took for Seth to tumble over into oblivion, his orgasm making his body spasm and tremble as he too experienced the power of their passion. Lauren went with him again, crying out his name as her body shook and shuttered, a deep feeling of completeness washing over her when he spilled himself inside her.

  As she lay in his arms, the storm still raging, she knew she was in trouble. It wasn’t only the passion they shared, or the fact that only Seth had ever been able to make her feel this way. She knew deep down in her heart that she loved him, a love that would last forever, a love based not just on sex, but on the connection between them. Sighing deeply, she pushed thoughts of tomorrow from her mind, content for just now to live in the moment.

  Chapter 11

  The next morning, Lauren woke still wrapped in Seth’s arms and smiled, her head resting on his chest. They hadn’t slept until the sun had begun to rise, but the lack of sleep didn’t matter. Seth had suggested that they treat this marriage as if it was real and it made her gloriously happy. When she’d pledged to never get married, she hadn’t understood what was possible between a man and a woman, how wonderful it felt to love someone.

  That thought brought her up short, she looked up at Seth, still sleeping soundly and knew that she loved him. The feel of his warm skin on hers, giving her a feeling of completeness unlike anything she’d ever experienced. Like a part of her had always been missing and he was that part, she’d felt it before and not understood what it meant. Love was nothing like she thought it was going to be, it was even more wonderful, and she truly understood for the first time what had allowed her mother to live her life under her father’s thumb.

  But Seth wouldn’t be like her father, he’d understand that she still had her own life, that she had responsibilities. She’d have to find a way to explain this to the director, there was no way it would stay quiet, especially if she and Seth were seen around town together. They had a lot to figure out before she went home, and the best way to think was on a full stomach so she carefully climbed out of bed and headed for the kitchen.

  By the time Seth woke up an hour later, she’d managed to make them a decent breakfast which wasn’t all that easy to do without fresh ingredients. He walked into the kitchen dressed only in boxer shorts making her body clench with desire and love wash over her so strongly that she stumbled.

  Seth was at her side immediately, wrapping his strong arms around her. “Are you okay?” he asked, concern clear in his voice.

  “I’m fine,” she said, embarrassed. Then to distract him, she pointed to the table, which she’d set for two, sparkling glasses of orange juice next to each plate. “You’re not the only one who can cook.”

  They ate breakfast in a comfortable silence, neither feeling the need to make idle conversation, then stumbled back to Lauren’s bed, full and sleepy. Lauren was sure that she wouldn’t sleep, but hours later she woke to a sun that was high in the sky. Seth had his arm thrown across her middle, spooning her and for a moment she wanted to just go back to sleep, but she had to get home, should have left hours ago.

  This time when she slipped out of bed and began to dress, Seth woke up. “Hey, beautiful, where are you off to?” he asked when he realized that she was getting dressed.

  “I need to get home, I’ve been away from the office too long,” she said, thinking he should have known that, but then again, he was his own boss, could make his own schedule.

  “Oh, I guess I thought you’d…” Seth really hadn’t thought about what would happen today, he’d wanted her and been honest about it, but hadn’t thought any further than that. “Well, I mean do you have to go back so soon?” he asked, suddenly empty at the thought of her leaving.

  Lauren hadn’t been anticipating the question and was thrilled that Seth didn’t want her to go. “I have a job I need to get back to, Seth, but you could come with me, stay at my house for a while.” It seemed like a simple solution to her. “I just need to get caught up, then we can talk about where we’ll go from there.”

  Seth only thought about her offer for a second, immediately disregarding it as unworkable for him. “That wouldn’t work, I need to be here,” he said stubbornly, feeling like she wasn’t willing to compromise. “You could work from here.”

  Lauren was beginning to get annoyed. “I can’t, Seth. I have to put together a report for the director, he’s going to want to know what’s going on and I haven’t even read half of what you gave me. I need to go into the office,” she explained.

  Seth thought about that, realizing that Lauren’s job was the problem, then he got what he thought was a brilliant idea. “Why don’t you just quit? We can find you something to do. I need an assistant,” he said, thinking he’d solved all their problems.

  Lauren was putting on her shoes, but stopped. “You want me to be your assistant?” she asked, shocked that he’d think so little of her; it was demeaning and selfish of him.

  “Yes, don’t you see, it’s perfect. You won’t have to go back to Naknek. You know you don’t even have to work if you don’t want to, after all there’s plenty to do at the cabin to keep you busy and winter is going to be here soon…” Seth seemed to have figured out their whole lives without even thinking about her side of things, so she stopped him.

  “Wait,” she said, then had to repeat herself to get Seth to stop making plans. It reminded her way too much of how her father had treated her mother and she began to panic knowing that if she agreed she’d be giving up any control of her life. Even worse, she didn’t know if she wanted to move to his cabin, if she was cut out for a winter in Alaska isolated from civilization, Seth her only companion.

  “Stop making plans for me. Do you even realize just how hard I’ve worked to get to where I am today? It may not seem like that big of a deal to you, and I’m very well aware that the director would have gladly thrown me under the bus to save himself, but it is my job and I’d still like to do it.”

  Seth stared at her, not sure what to say, or how he’d suddenly made her so angry. He was simply suggesting what he thought was the best solution to their problems, and she’d gotten angry. “But you’d be able to work on the cleanup. I’m sure we can find you something to do. I can’t just rearrange my life,” he tried to explain.

  “But I’m supposed to quit my job and rearrange mine?” Lauren asked, getting up from the chair she’d been sitting on and putting her things back into her bag. “It’s becoming clear to me that you like things your own way, but I’ve got news for you, I’m not my mother. I’m not going to let you rule my life, I have dreams and aspirations too. Maybe I was wrong about you.”

  Seth, stunned by her words, he let her leave, thinking that he’d done nothing but suggest the smartest plan. If Lauren couldn’t see that, then he’d just wait until she did. But as he watched her little car pull away, he began to wonder if he’d made the biggest mistake of his life. The last words she’d shot at him, replaying over and over in his mind, he realized that there was clearly something more going on than he understood. Maybe he didn’t know Lauren as well as he thought he did; after all, other than a few stories, she’d hardly talked about her life at all. He didn’t know where she came from or what she’d been through.

  He might have been rushing things, he realized,
but when he started making plans it was hard to stop sometimes. Maybe the best thing for him to do was to wait until Lauren had some time to get used to the idea of being married, he wasn’t exactly used to it either. And she wasn’t exactly blameless in this either, she’d made that cryptic statement then just left, expecting him to chase her, and she’d better learn right now that he never chased women.

  But that feeling that he’d made a mistake crept up on him as he turned back to the huge empty house, with Lauren here it hadn’t felt so empty. Pushing that thought to the back of his mind, he decided to get some work done, get his focus back on what it should be on. Lauren would come to her senses eventually and call him. Until then, he had plenty of work to do. Besides the work he had to do for Montgomery Renewable, he had to find a way to prepare for winter in the cabin from here.

  Lauren got back to town late that afternoon. She should have gone right to the office, but she just didn’t have the energy. She was exhausted not just from the trip but from the emotional roller-coaster that Seth seemed to have her on. When he’d started reeling off plans, she’d panicked, remembering her father doing the same thing to her mother, who had just nodded her head lamely and agreed to anything he wanted.

  Even though she understood now why her mother had done so, it didn’t mean that she was going to live her life that way. On that point she was very clear. Seth was so used to getting his own way that he hadn’t even considered that she might want something different than he did, hadn’t even bothered to ask her or been willing to compromise. He’d made plans to accommodate his life, ignoring what she might want or need, just like her father had done to her mother.

  She did feel a little bit guilty about her parting words, he couldn’t have possibly understood what she was talking about, but if he’d followed her he could have found out. But he’d just let her leave, hadn’t even tried to follow her, hadn’t cared enough to find out why she was so upset. No, that wasn’t it, she thought, it was his way of running away, which she was quickly beginning to realize was his way of dealing with difficult situations.


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