Dual Desire (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Dual Desire (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 3

by JC Szot

  Ivy fingered the cap to her nurse’s costume one more time. She pulled in a rush of cold air. Her nerves were coming alive now. It always started this way. It was a slow building that sprouted from her toes, wrapping around her gut before reaching her heart and making it race.

  Being relatively new on the job, she hoped she was able to blend in at this annual Halloween party at Hidden Hills. She’d had her share of appraising stares.

  The B-52’s “Love Shack” pounded through the double doors of the ballroom. Ivy cupped her eyes, peering through the side window. Through the misty haze of a fog machine, Ivy’s eyes landed on Reed’s bare torso, his Zorro costume to die for. Her eyes widened at his lined chest glistening with sweat. A thin trail of hair ran over his tight abdominals. He had on a wide-brimmed black hat and a black cape that fell down his back like a river of ink. The pants took her over the edge. Rich, supple leather, glued to his sloping thighs, hugged every curve. She watched him walk to the door to meet her. Blood raced through her veins.

  “Hey, Ivy.” Reed pulled her inside, the music filling her ears, his voice raised to converse. “You look great.” His mouth eased into a wide grin. He leaned over, kissing her cheek, his face warm and smooth. Ivy’s palms went damp at the feel of his skin against hers. He casually draped an arm around her waist, turning her to face a sufficient crowd of curious eyes.

  Chapter Six

  “Everybody, this is Ivy. She’s our private nurse. If anyone needs their pulse or blood pressure checked”—Reed tugged at the stethoscope around her neck—“please just let me know. I’ll be her assistant this evening,” Reed announced. He turned to her, his smile soft, before pulling her through the crowd.

  A pungent cloud of cigarette smoke, sweat, and cologne burned her nose. Reed led her past groups of turning heads. A striped jailbird, Cleopatra, and a white-faced mime bowed before her in greeting as Reed guided her up to the bar. It was nice of June to give her the night off. She hadn’t expected it and was still trying to figure it out.

  Ivy recognized Reed’s brother, Joel, leaning on the bar, his Dracula fangs strung around his neck. His eyes latched onto her. Joel reached for his fangs, arranging them in his mouth, moving out from behind the bar.

  “Ah, Ivy. How I’ve thirsted for you.” Joel’s words drawled out of his mouth like stretching gum, playing the part. Ivy laughed.

  “Good evening.” Ivy played along. “I’m afraid I’m unable to quench your thirst.” She gnawed on her lip anxiously.

  “Can I get you a drink, milady? Before I sink my teeth into you.” Joel towered over her, his lips a bloodred. “We have our special spiced punch, which all of our guests rave about.” Ivy consented to a sample.

  Joel handed her a small glass with a black-and-orange cocktail napkin. The decorations were amazing, the entire resort draped in Halloween. The ceilings held orange and black streamers, glowing jack-o’-lanterns placed on every surface. Ivy sipped her punch, feeling the burn of some kind of whisky as it ignited a path of fire down her throat.

  Austin Powers sauntered up to the bar, joining the group, advertising his mojo. Ivy felt her brows lift when the man in the costume openly cupped his own crotch, giving it a gentle squeeze. Roars of laughter drifted through the air, colliding with the smooth, musical pulses of Patrice Rushen’s “Forget Me Nots.” Ivy turned, seeing a group of partygoers letting loose on the dance floor. She snuck a sideward glance at Reed. His face was flushed. Ivy doubted it was caused by the same reasons she lived with. Reed’s arm returned to her waist, his fingers sliding down her hip, his attention a bit more open tonight.

  The awareness of his touch made her skin burn. It’d been way too long since a man had touched her. Alarms sounded in her head. There seemed to be more men than women and way too much liquor. She turned her head, meeting Reed’s eyes. Shards of light danced in them.

  “I’m Ivy’s escort, so if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to make the introductory rounds,” Reed said, steering her elbow through the crowd. Joel grabbed the side of his cape, pulling it across his chest, bowing to her.

  “I shall gorge on you later this evening, milady.” His crimson lips curled, his fangs pushing through. Ivy laughed. Joel really knew how to play the part. It was evident that he’d had years of practice.

  Reed steered Ivy back out toward the dance floor, setting their drinks on a nearby table. Bodies were swaying, hips gyrating. Ivy’s eyes landed on Reed’s chest, his flesh like golden toast, decorated with a light dusting of hair. Reed took both ends of her stethoscope and used it to lead her out into the center of the dance floor.

  Ivy tried not to stare. This was her first function with the twins. She wasn’t sure if this was the usual behavior. A Hell’s Angel and a policeman were standing off to the side, downing shots. The air was thick and sultry. Her body absorbed the musical vibrations. Reed put the earpieces of the stethoscope in her ears, then rested the disk on the center of his chest, between the crevices of his defined pectorals. Reed pulled her close. Ivy’s body tensed, unsure of what was going to happen next.

  “Am I alive?” He pulled back, smiling, his forehead dotted with sweat. His heart rate thundered in her ears, his breaths sounding like the ocean.

  “Oh, yes,” Ivy informed him, nodding. “You most certainly are.” Her mouth dried, taking all of him in. This was the first time she’d ever been this close to him with the exception of their ATV rides. Reed’s hair gleamed in the muted light, the sleek strands falling over his brow like golden fringe. He removed the earpieces, laying the stethoscope around her neck.

  Reed moved closer, gripping her hips, wanting her to groove to his rhythm. Ivy hesitated, unsure of what to do until he placed her hands on him. A wall of heat circled around them. Reed’s scent swirled around her like smoke. He seeped into her pores, her limbs loosening, flexing like a Silly Straw. Something was happening. She was being unwound. She couldn’t figure out how Reed was doing it, but he was.

  They danced among the crowd, one song pounding into the next. Fellow patrons and staff approached them, chatting briefly. Ivy drank in her surroundings, watching over Reed’s shoulders. Other couples were entwined, groping and kissing. Artful tongues darted in and out of hungry mouths. Her mind was bombarded with questions. There was a different tone tonight. Things were much more lax. Where was June? Did she make herself scarce so the younger crowd could let loose?

  Moist warmth pooled between her legs at the erotic sight of hot, sensual couples starving for each other. Though this type of atmosphere was new to her, Ivy’s body responded to the view, finding it tantalizing. So far it was a safe place to be, close to Reed, and not drunk. With every turn on the dance floor, Joel’s eyes always seemed to find her. He’d waggle his brows at her, chomping his fangs jokingly.

  Ivy danced with Reed until she needed to excuse herself to use the bathroom. The downstairs ladies room was full of women adjusting their costumes and touching up their makeup. Recalling a smaller restroom up on the second floor, Ivy circled around the bar and made her way up the narrow staircase, the wood creaking beneath her feet. It was dark with the exception of small, orange lights that were strung through the banister.

  Ivy felt her way along the hallway. There were several empty rooms, a restroom, and two storage closets. It was quiet with the exception of the music downstairs that pounded through the ceiling, vibrating the floor beneath her feet.

  When Ivy came out of the restroom, the hallway was awash in darkness. The lights that’d illuminated the banister had been unplugged. Her throat closed. Ivy gasped for more air as she slowly tried to find her way back toward the stairs, her hand on the wall as a guide. Her entire body flinched when a set of hands grabbed her shoulders from behind, spinning her around. Before she could speak, one hand covered her mouth. She froze, gripped with fear, her body now tense. The hallway was painted with darkness, her vision severely hindered. All she could see were the slight lines of a face.

  Chapter Seven

  “Shhh. It’s okay.” A
hushed voice soothed her while steering her back down the hall. “Relax, gorgeous. I would never hurt you.” She tried to exhale through the fingers that covered her mouth, trying to read the voice. Was it Reed? It didn’t sound like Reed. Ivy wasn’t sure. Was it Joel? She wasn’t as familiar with his voice as she was with Reed’s. The hand smelled like lemons. Was it the bartender? Ivy didn’t even know who was tending the bar tonight. He’d been mixing drinks with Joel, dressed as Superman, having made hers. Her heart rose into her throat. What was he going to do?

  Ivy was gently steered into one of the rooms, the door closing behind her. The lock engaged with a metallic click. A strong arm pressed her body up against the door, the hand loosening on her mouth. The tip of a finger glided across her lower lip. A strong scent filled her nose. It was rich and heavy, smelling like designer cologne.

  “Your mouth makes me fucking hot.” Warm breaths blew against her face, the silhouette of a nose in front of hers. “I know what you’re thinking.” A hand lowered, lightly caressing her neck and shoulder, easing down the side of her body. It rested at the swell of her breast. Her lungs congealed, unable to take in more air. “Relax, baby. This is in no way going to be violent.”

  A soft, tuneful laughter vibrated into her neck as his lips nibbled, giving her a light scraping of teeth. “I want to give you pleasure. The idea of it has been thrilling me ever since I first saw you.” The mouth of her sensual assailant began to slowly suck on her flesh. Ivy’s hands clenched at her sides. Was it Joel? She’s seen the hunger in his eyes, but she’d seen it in Reed’s, too, only it was a different shade. Should she just knee the guy in the balls? But what about her job? It would create such a scene. She felt her bones give way, her deprived body succumbing to it all.

  Ivy liquidated at his words, like water running recklessly. Was this the cure for her ache? The darkness came to her aid, blacking out her fears. She felt herself being swept away. His voice was so rich and hypnotizing. His touch was soft and gentle, alluring. She reached for him, wanting to feel his face, trying to decipher his identity.

  “No, no, baby.” He took her wrists. “I’m sorry, but you can’t do that. Remember, this is an evening of masquerade. Just let me provide you with my version of pleasure. I want to catapult you into the realm of sexual wonder. I won’t disappoint.” His deep laughter had her melting like chocolate. “Can I please do that?” His breaths were now heavier and hotter. “I want to make you marvel. You’re one hot woman. You’re just too delicious to pass up, and tonight is the perfect opportunity for both of us. There’s no need for us to be hindered over our identities.” His mouth found hers. His tongue slowly pressed through her lips, wet and sweetened with liquor. He painted the insides of her mouth in gentle, seductive strokes.

  Ivy felt her body arch, reaching for his in reaction. She was taken away by his smooth words, his manner. The sensitivity and patience she’s always looked for seemed to ooze out of this masked man. His fingers threaded through her hair, removing the nurse’s cap. It hit the floor with a clatter.

  His cock pressed into her, his hips slowly rolling over hers. His erection was hard and hot, scorching her through the nurse’s uniform. Her nipples peaked, pushing against her bra, aching to feel his warm mouth and tongue around them. The way her body responded to him, and so quickly, shocked her. It all felt so alien, but delicious. Her clit was pulsating, her folds swollen. His voice continued to wash over her like warm bath water, preparing her.

  “Can I please have you? I’ll make it worth your while.” His hand glided over her breast, her skin flaming under his touch. Ivy went limp with his words. “I want to tongue you all over, feel you and taste you. Please…I want to make you whimper and squirm. You’re so beautiful.” His words trailed off, his breaths rushing. “I want to lick your pussy, right down to the seam of your ass.”

  “Oh. My. God.” Ivy heaved, her body dripping at his words. “Do what you want.” Her knees buckled, carried away by his desire.

  “Mm…thank you, you sweet thing.” His hands went to work, slowly unbuttoning the uniform, her costume being eased over her shoulders, down her arms. His hands cupped both of her breasts, pushing them together, kneading them in his hands.

  “Wow, very nice.” He slowly unhooked her bra, freeing her arms from the straps. He politely hung it somewhere off to the side, she assumed, not hearing the garment hit the floor. Ivy widened her eyes, still trying to figure out who he was. Her eyes might as well have been colored in with ink. She reached for him again. Ivy felt the slight patch of his hair before her hand was brushed away.

  “No, baby. I want to give, fill you with amazing pleasure, but I must maintain my anonymity. Let us not waste this precious time. Time you could be spending in glorious orgasm.” His words sedated her, his speech eloquent. Ivy surrendered. Her body went languid, aching with the need to feel him on her naked flesh, his hands, mouth, and tongue.

  “Say yes to me again, I’m begging. It’s so thrilling.” His breaths huffed against her skin, his lips nibbling on the flesh of her breast. When his warm mouth covered her nipple, pulling it deeply into his mouth, all the air left her body.

  “Yes,” she hissed. Her voice rang through the quiet room. “God, yes.” It was a frenzy of need and desire she couldn’t turn away from now. His teeth clenched around her nipple. A searing burn with an erotic undertone bled across her skin. His other hand pushed her uniform down, over her hip bones, sliding it down her legs. He bent down, removing her hosiery. To her surprise she helped him, stepping out of her institutional shoes, kicking them aside.

  “I feel your urgency.” His light laughter opened every pore, her body spewing with heat like a furnace. His hands glided over her skin, making it smolder. When she was naked, she welcomed the rush of cool air over her body. He settled in front of her, burying his nose into her pussy, breathing her scent.

  “Mm, you’re going to be decadent. You’re so wet and fragrant.” He used his fingers first, gently spreading the folds of her labia. She felt his intake of breath, him sniffing her again like an animal in heat. One hand moved down her legs, dancing down the back of her thigh.

  “Open up for me, baby. Let me in.” He tenderly widened her stance, spreading her pussy open with his thumbs. Ivy felt his tongue touch her. Her entire body turned inside out. Her need, along with his artful building of anticipation, had her crying out to him like a lost child.

  “Oh God,” she gasped, her fingers clenched, knowing that reaching for him again was not permitted.

  “You like that, princess?”

  “Oh God…it feels wonderful.” She laughed, anxiously expelling a rush of air. She felt that familiar heat flame her face, but he couldn’t see. Thank God for the darkness. “I don’t know if I can stand any longer,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. His tongue bathed her pussy, his skills precise, and his tenderness unconditional. His tongue glided through her creases again, paying special attention to her clitoris. “Oh”—Ivy released a long-winded sigh—“that’s lovely.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” He blew warm breaths into her pussy. “You are delicious.” He lapped at her heat, telling her again how sweet she was. His voice wavered in awe.

  Ivy’s body was giving way, succumbing to his pleasure. He stood, suggesting that they move to the bed. She felt her brows lift, her senses sharpening. She wondered whose room they were in. She hoped June didn’t use this room for anything in particular.

  His hands stroked her naked flesh as he guided her to the bed. Her heated skin adhered to the cool coverlet, his hands roaming, consuming her in every tactile way. He lifted her arms, curling her fingers around the wooden headboard behind her.

  “That’s it, baby. Let me work you. I want your body stretched out so I can explore every luscious inch. You’re so hot.” His voice was raspy. Ivy’s eyes sprang open, trying to push through the mysterious darkness. His senses responded on cue. “Take it easy,” his tone now firm. “Our splendid experience is just getting underway. You’ve got me all c
razy. Your skin is so perfect, a darkened flesh, like syrup, so rich and sweet. Spread your legs, honey. Let me lap at your sweet nectar. Your body is like a piece of ripened fruit, sweet and succulent.”

  Ivy couldn’t wait to feel his mouth again. Her vagina was throbbing, raining with arousal. Her body was behaving like never before. Everything was so intense, his touch, his words, his skills. Ivy opened her legs, reaching down to touch herself. She was soaked, her clitoris so sensitive. One stroke and she could make herself come.

  The mattress dipped, his body settling in for his feast. His palms glided down her inner thighs, his breaths drifting over her body like a light wind. He kissed her pussy, his tongue teasing her outer folds.

  “So good, baby.” His words purred into her flesh.

  “You are.” Ivy laughed. He seemed to remove all her reserves. “You’re an impeccable lover.” Her face heated at her own candor. Her body burned, her forehead beaded with sweat, a pleasing affliction. Her orgasm was caged, screaming to get out. His tongue continued to slither over her pussy. When his finger eased into her slick opening, Ivy groaned.

  “Oh no!” Her lungs expanded, gulping for air, air that was thick and heavy, laden with the potent smell of sex.

  “Am I pleasing you?” His mouth left her, her sensitive tissues cooling. His finger slid in and out of her pussy, a light ebb and flow.

  “God, yes!” She spread her legs wider, wanting more, the darkness extinguishing any kind of timidity. He read her thoughts through her responses.

  “This is why I love the dark. It makes people uninhibited, though I’d love to look at your body. But if the lights were on, I’d never have you this way, spread nice and wide for me, inviting me inside.” He showered her pussy with soft kisses. “You’re spectacular. Now.” He rested one hand on her inner thigh, the finger of his other still inside her, slowly rotating inside her silky passage. “Let’s have that beautiful orgasm. I do have other plans, so save your strength.”


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