Dual Desire (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Dual Desire (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 9

by JC Szot

  As Ivy Tanner knelt before him, administering her pleasure, Joel could see his heart in her hands, beating wildly, swelled with sentiments. The intensity of it all seemed to change shape before his sedated eyes. He was drowning in fear and pleasure, watching them weave together. The wet tiles beneath his feet gave way. The ground of his emotions pulled him under like quicksand. He was falling into a place he’d never been.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Reed undulated behind her. The panes of his muscular chest skated over her back. Their skin glided across the soaked flesh of the other. Joel’s toned and sloped thighs brushed against her face. His cock was wet, warm, and smooth, feeling like it belonged inside her body. Ivy’s legs still quivered with the aftershocks of the twins’ exceptional skills. She wanted to give to Joel tonight. He’d been her coach. Joel had really taught her how to relax and express herself with her body. Reed had picked up where Joel had left off. Joel’s hands tenderly held her head, guiding her, his fingers curling into her scalp.

  “You’re gonna make me come, Ivy.” His voice rose through the tranquil rain of the shower. His thighs went tight. Rivers of thick heat filled her mouth. Low groans filled her ears, the sound of a pleased man. Ivy drank in Joel’s thick syrup, his pleasured tang tinged with salt. Ivy rested against Reed. She gazed up at Joel’s sated eyes. Joel slid down the wet wall, collapsing in front of her. He snaked his arms around her neck, pulling her mouth to his. His kiss was hard, slicing through the weighted air and her anesthetized body. Fingers dug into her cheeks, his actions desperate. Joel pulled away, panting for air.

  “My God, Ivy,” Joel cried. His face went still, stunned.

  The three of them sat on the floor, the spray raining around them. Ivy looked at her hands, her skin pruned.

  “Guess we better get out,” Reed said, chuckling. “Was this not the most memorable shower you’ve ever had?” he asked, his eyes glinting.

  Ivy’s gaze branched between the two. Lines of water dripped down Joel’s serene face. Reed’s hair was slicked back away from his brows. She was surrounded by hard flesh. Joel’s voice broke through the sedated silence.

  “I think we left the woman speechless.” A wicked grin pulled at Joel’s lips.

  The bathroom was quiet as the three of them toweled off. The blaring ring of a telephone jarred them from their tranquilized state. Reed wrapped a towel around his waist and ran into the bedroom, lunging for the phone.

  “Yeah, she’s here,” Reed said, his gaze landing on her. Ivy felt her eyes go wide, her body immobile. Water dripped off the ends of her hair, slithering down her back. Ivy walked out of the bathroom, knowing it was June who was on the line. Joel followed close behind. His sinewy body rubbed up against her. Thick silence glued them together. Reed’s voice broke through. “We’ll deal with it tomorrow, Aunt June.” Reed combed wet strands of hair away from his knitted brows.

  Ivy shivered, her recent aura of bliss now iced over with fear. This is not good. June knows I’m here. What will she think? Reed disconnected the call and faced them.

  “Aunt June was concerned because apparently they’ve lost power down in the kitchen as well. The electric company will be out early in the morning.”

  “This is bad,” Ivy whispered. She faced the window, staring out into the darkness. Soft palms rested on her shoulders, an abrasive cheek against hers.

  “Tell me how in the world this could be bad?” Joel lightly kissed her neck. She knew them by voice now, Joel’s tone always a bit deeper, rumbling through her. Ivy searched for his eyes, turning in his arms.

  “I don’t want to screw up this job.”

  “Who says you will?” Joel caressed her cheek, tracing a finger down her nose.

  Reed interrupted. “Our aunt gives us our privacy. We live our lives the way we please. All she cares about is if we show up to work on time,” Reed chuckled. “Now, get in this bed, it’s time for us to get some sleep.”

  Reed turned down the larger of the two beds and waved Ivy under the covers. Joel flipped the switch on the wall, the room washed out in dark shadows. Bodies whispered over sheets. Reed pulled Ivy in after him. The cool linen adhered to her still-moist skin, only to be warmed by their heated bodies as they snuggled in on either side of her. I’m going to spend the night here, between them. Reed sensed her apprehension.

  “Don’t worry about June.”

  “I don’t want her to misinterpret me. I don’t want her having any regrets,” Ivy told them both. “I love this job. I’m very happy here.”

  “Good, because you’re not going anywhere,” Joel said, slinging his leg over her hip.

  “She’s worried because she’s fucking the boss’s nephews,” Reed said, laughing at his own humor. His eyes flickered over at Joel.

  “I don’t think that’s funny,” Ivy said tightly.

  “I see it as so much more.” Joel’s voice lowered. He reached around her, playfully shoving his brother. It seemed as if she was witnessing a role reversal. Joel and Reed had just switched their cards of sarcasm and sincerity.

  “I most certainly agree. I just don’t want to spook the lady. It’s early yet.” Reed’s hand smoothed down her belly. Two sets of hands petted and coddled her. The distinct feeling of their bodies had Ivy reaching for each of them, wanting to explore the physical differences in the dark, wanting to learn them.

  “However nice it all might be…I’m still worried.” Ivy released a breath. The warmth of their bodies ripened the soapy scent of their skin. She was on dangerous ground. Her explorative temptation was growing by the day. Her old, conservative ways were being defeated with an irrational urgency that had her understanding the power of addiction, but it mustn’t cloud her vision.

  “Relax.” Reed kissed her shoulder, his hands roaming. “Now shush, we need sleep. I’m getting hard again, and you know what that means.”

  Joel pressed up into her from behind, his cock jabbing her in warning. His breaths tickled the skin on the back of her neck.

  “For once Reed has a point. I need sleep so I can deal with that asshole, Ned, tomorrow without pounding his face in. I’m tired of him hovering over me all day while I work,” Joel told them, his voice cold.

  “Yeah,” Ivy yawned. “When is he leaving?”

  “Not soon enough,” Reed answered.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “It’s only one day,” Ned informed the twins. Two sets of irate blue eyes bored into him. His motive was tainted with a hidden agenda, but sending Reed and Joel away for the day was the only way. Aunt June was all for them attending the beverage and cuisine convention. Ned could clearly see that June’s nephews did not see it the same way.

  It was the lull between breakfast and lunch. Joel threw a towel down on the bar and walked out of the dining room. Reed shrugged and grabbed the two admittance tickets out of Ned’s hand and followed his brother out into the lobby. Ned swiveled around on his stool and eyed the three who loitered around the front desk.

  The brunette was exquisite. Ned was fully aware of the energy. He could see the aura of it, feeling its force. The triangular fire that Ned had witnessed raging around Reed, Ivy, and Joel since he’d arrived had his mind flooded with curiosity. It was an inquisitiveness that was keeping him up nights. There was an intense connection between all three. Just how far or extreme that connection was, he wasn’t sure, but Ned was determined to find out. Owner’s nephews or not, there was a gold mine here. Ned wanted at least a few dust shavings off this golden nugget, and this just might pave the way.

  He sipped his coffee. Three heads huddled together out in the lobby. Ned’s sleepy gaze swept over Ivy’s sculptured figure. He licked his chops like a hungry dog. A copper-colored dress hugged her feminine curves. The structure of her face was so alluring. The line of her jaw was delicate, her cheekbones high. What lurked behind those dark eyes was a mystery Ned was ready to solve. The sleek strands of her hair gleamed. How he wanted to run his fingers through them, tugging hard as he fucked her into oblivion. Th
e short style suited her. It also displayed a sensually curved neck that Ned felt compelled to ravage.

  Ned tracked the seams of her black hosiery that ran down the backs of her legs. His dick was punching against the zipper of his slacks. Joel’s sharply lined face was tight with anger. Reed appeared a bit more patient than his brother, not overly bothered by having to attend the convention. Ned continued to watch the three from the bar. They were poised, their behavior rehearsed and in check, though Ned could see right through it all.

  In two days Ned would get his own taste. He’d probably have to possess the power of two, but he was confident. If his plan worked they would both be gone, and Ivy Tanner would soon be in his bed with her legs spread.

  * * * *

  “The transformers are all fixed,” June informed her. “We shouldn’t have any more problems.”

  “Great, thank you.” Ivy had run back to the bungalow early to get dressed. After her two-hour shower with the twins, she only needed to brush her teeth. She tidied the files that were strewn across the top of the filing cabinet, trying to conceal any guilt that might bleed through her face. It’d been hard to focus this morning. The images of the previous evening flashed in her mind. The morning after the party, she’d only had the sensations to recall, but today she had the images to go with them.

  Being with two men was something she’d never done. Did other women have arrangements such as these? Should one disregard the emotions as well as the physical connection just so they could follow the blueprint of society? What would her father say? Ivy chewed the inside of her cheek. She was an adult. Did she even have to tell him? Argumentative thoughts assaulted her conscience.

  Ivy had almost all of Marion’s files in the system. It was Ivy’s goal to run a paperless front desk.

  Reed ran across the lobby, his breaths labored.

  “It’s snowing.” Reed grinned. “I’m psyched.” His eyes were bright.

  “So, what does this mean?” June laughed, her brow arched.

  “If we get four inches, and Joel says we are, then we can cross-country ski, and you’re going.” Reed nudged Ivy across the counter, his fingers lingering on her wrist.

  “Well, I better turn on one of the hot tubs, because you’re gonna need it. Skiing with these two is like training for the Winter Olympics,” June warned. “Be safe. I’ve got to run into town for a few things.”

  “See ya.” Reed waved. His eyes darted back to hers, sparked with mischief.

  “Keep an eye on that snowfall out there. I’ve got to get the tables set up for dinner. You’re in, right…the skiing?” Reed stared into her, making her insides sing.


  “Come on, we’ve got lots of gear.”

  “I have to look for my parka,” Ivy told him.

  “I know I can find you what you’ll need, and I have a pair of size-seven boots—all women tend to take a seven shoe,” Reed said, his excitement animated.

  “Well, yes, but…”

  “I’ll check lost and found. You wouldn’t believe the stuff people leave behind. I’ll text you later and let you know what’s going on.” Reed smiled. His eyes left hers for a moment, searching through the lobby before latching back on hers.

  “The other night was beautiful.” His confession was hushed. “Don’t you think?” His raspy voice stroked over her skin, feeling as pleasing as his touch the evening before. Ivy shivered with the recollection. “Don’t be scared.” Reed’s lips curved into a smile.

  “It’s just that…” Ivy almost reached out to touch him. The urge had her hand pulling back to her side of the desk where it belonged.

  “Please, just stick with us. It’ll be all right, trust me—trust us.”

  Her reply spilled from her lips, not knowing what else to say. “Text me later,” Ivy told him, her body weak with indecision.

  “You can count on it.” Reed tapped the desk with his knuckles and was gone.

  What had it been like with the other women? They both alluded to the fact that they’d had past flings with a few tourists. It’d been short-lived. Did Reed and Joel want more? Did she?

  * * * *

  The snow fell slowly and steadily. The resort glittered under the light of a full moon. June had all of her Christmas decorations assembled. A vast array of colored lights reflected off the snow, making the grounds look like Rockefeller Center.

  Ivy tugged on all the winter apparel that Reed had dropped off earlier. Joel was still complaining about the convention. The twins had to get up early and be in Harrisburg by 9:00 a.m. Reed refused to let anything put a damper their evening. Ivy pulled the white, wool hat over her ears and tramped toward the door, seeing Reed’s face through the small side window.

  The brackets on the toes of her cross-country ski boots clattered on the floor. The attire was comfortable. She recalled the winter clothing her father used to encase her in when she was a kid. She’d often felt trapped, unable to get up off the ground after making snow angels.

  The red pants and parka were lined with a soft fleece. The outer shell was GORE-TEX. Reed assured her that she would stay dry. After stamping his feet on her front porch, he informed her that he had the hot tub heating in one of the Garden of Eden suites. It was a popular venue for honeymooners. “My aunt’s right. There’s nothing like a good soak after a hard ski.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “It’s a rhythm, a kind of synchronization. You’ll get it,” Reed assured her. Ivy stared up into the black night sky. Her lush lips pulled into a frown. She was frustrated. Fat, white flakes hit her dark lashes, melting over her eyes.

  “She’s doing great for her first time,” Joel said, digging his poles into the snow. A biting winter air stung Reed’s cheeks. His brother’s eyes were direct. They had accompanied Ivy over the trails the entire evening. Reed could see and feel the angst that was building inside his brother. He’d never seen Joel so enthralled before. He’d seen Joel’s awareness from the beginning, but had misread his brother’s intentions. Reed was always used to him rushing forward, getting his rocks off, and then walking away, on his way to the next big thing, but with Ivy it was different. Joel was captivated.

  Reed was right there with him, but someone had to keep a clear head. He wanted to go slow with Ivy. He didn’t want her getting cold feet with their arrangement. Since their encounter in the shower, it didn’t seem that she was, but women tended to overthink things. Reed was prepared for the delayed reaction. The only worry she’d voiced so far was in regards to her job, and that, both Reed and Joel knew, was secure.

  June was very happy with Ivy. Whether June was aware of the extent of their budding relationship Reed wasn’t sure. He knew his aunt. She would never ask, but if Reed offered her any insight, June would never condemn them. They’d been taught by her since their patents left this earth to accept how others lived their lives and to not be critical, and June had always praised them both for their loyalty. Their aunt had always given them freedom of choice, saying if they wanted to leave the confines of the resort and pursue other things, they were free to go. Deep down, aside from the everyday annoyances, Reed and Joel liked the life, even though it’d been lonely at times. Ivy’s arrival had changed everything around them and inside of them.

  Snow clung to the trees, dusting the evergreens with a picturesque, seasonal beauty. Their skis sliced through the snow, swooshing down the trail. The aroma of pine and the icy air cleared his nose, making Reed’s eyes tear. He followed up the rear with Ivy in between and Joel now leading them through the tranquil woods.

  His legs burned as his muscles worked, carrying him through a snow that was fast accumulating. Twinkling lights flickered through a hedgerow of trees, the oasis in view.

  “Is that our pit stop?” Ivy asked, her breaths clouding the air.

  “That’s it.” Reed picked up his pace, gliding over the snow to the front of the line.

  “We’ve had awesome conditions tonight,” Joel added, “but I’ve had enough.”
br />   “Let’s take off our skis and hike the rest of the way in,” Reed suggested.

  They disconnected their boots from the brackets. Reed took Ivy’s skis and handed the poles to Joel, leaving her arms free.

  “I’m not an invalid.” Ivy’s eyes flashed in the darkness, darting between them. Leave it to Joel to announce the next phase of their evening.

  “You better save your strength, girl. We’ve been famished for more of you all fucking day,” Joel said, his voice a low growl. Reed shook his head as he looked back at Ivy’s facial expression. Her lips parted, unsure of how to reply to Joel’s suggestive comment.

  “We’ve missed you.” Reed smiled, needing to balance out Joel’s wild appetite with sentimental words. Reed wanted nothing to be misinterpreted.

  They trudged through the snow, weaving around the trees. Reed led them past the treed hedgerow that surrounded the back deck. The hot tub was a welcoming sight. Steam blanketed the frigid air. The water bubbled, filled with frothy warmth. Joel wasted no time getting undressed. He began peeling his layers off. Reed lowered the lights and then propped up their equipment in the corner near the sliding glass door. When he turned around he was greeted with the smooth expanse of Ivy’s bare flesh, Joel’s hand assisting her with her winter apparel. The skin of her back glowed like brown glitter.

  Joel clawed at the edges of Ivy’s black panties. Joel stepped into the water and took Ivy’s hand as she stepped in after him. Reed yanked off his pullover and unzipped his snow pants, removing himself from the confines of his clothing.

  “I’m cold,” Ivy whined, laughing.

  “You won’t be in about ten seconds,” Joel said. “Sit down.”

  Reed joined them. The rumbling of the bubbles filled the quiet. They sat for a moment, their muscles drinking in the therapeutic heat. Joel’s husky voice edged through the soft hum of the jets, rocking Reed to the core.


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