Souls Endure (The Souls Trilogy Book 3)

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Souls Endure (The Souls Trilogy Book 3) Page 3

by Anne B. Cole

  “The pleasure’s all mine.” She attempted to mask her reaction to his touch.

  He nodded to Ryan. “Let me get your fiancée’s ring. I may have something of interest for the newlyweds as well.” With a wink, he disappeared through a door to a back room.

  Gretta took a step to follow him, but before she made it around the counter, Sam tugged her to his side.

  “I think he meant for us to stay here,” Sam suggested.

  The crease in Ryan’s brow deepened.

  “Sorry, I feel like he somehow knew my father. Never mind.” Gretta shook her head and returned to the case of jewelry, pretending to admire the contents.

  “All sized and engraved for her, Ryan.” Jim returned and presented a royal blue velvet box holding a sparkling princess cut, cathedral diamond nestled in an intricate gold setting. The dazzling stone captured every light in the room.

  “It’s more beautiful than I remember from last summer,” Gretta murmured in awe.

  “The stone is the same. Jim reset it for me.” Ryan took the ring out and tilted it to read the inscription. “Perfect, thanks.” He replaced the ring in the box and handed it to Gretta for inspection.

  “I bet Rachel can’t wait to get this back on her finger.” She admired the ring and then glanced at Sam, who squeezed her shoulder.

  “I have a few loose diamonds on sale today,” Jim announced. He picked up a wooden chest and opened the lid, revealing a dark green scarf.

  Gretta’s eyes were riveted to the silk scarf which he pulled out of the chest and placed on the counter.

  “There are several to choose from. The princess cut is very popular.” Jim’s voice faded into the distance.

  Memories of a scarf being bound around her neck flooded her mind.

  A green scarf belonging to the pirate, Kadir Haty.

  Fear and hatred poured into her as she remembered how the pirate had attacked her when her spirit was entwined within Anya.

  She reached out and touched the scarf, despite the building terror within. Its presence between her fingers took her back to the moment when a blade with a jeweled handle had sliced Haty's throat during his attack on Anya.

  Gretta held the scarf to her face and she breathed in the scent of its owner from two hundred years ago.

  Gunpowder and rum.

  Gretta screamed, yet no sound escaped her lips. The three men were discussing color, cut, and other properties of diamonds. They seemed oblivious of her distress. The image of Kadir Haty’s blood pouring out blurred her vision and kept her from breathing. Shutting out the memories, she collapsed to the floor.

  The cool touch of a hand brought her around. Through a haze, Gretta saw the jeweler’s wife approach, holding ice cubes which she wrapped in the green scarf. She applied it to Gretta’s cheek.

  Gretta attempted to sit up, but Sam eased her back to the wooden floor. The woman placed Gretta’s hand over the scarf and let go.

  “Hold still for a minute. Did you hit your head when you fell?” Sam’s voice wavered.

  “I don’t think so.” She turned to the woman at her other side. “Thank you for the ice.” She pressed the cool scarf against her neck and the woman bent to her ear.

  “Wear it always so he may find you. Trust and forgive, Gretta. You must do both in order to escape.” She slowly stood, ruffled Sam’s hair, and disappeared behind the counter.

  Sam helped Gretta to a sitting position.

  “No standing until we get sugar in you.” He slid behind her and encouraged her to rest against him.

  “I’ll get juice from next door,” Ryan stated and ran out.

  Jim touched her forehead with the back of his hand. Gretta leaned into Sam’s hold with the memory of how her father used to tend to her when she was ill.

  “Color is coming back into her cheeks.” Jim faced her with a twinkle in his eye. “I’ll go upstairs and get some ice. I think you bumped your head.”

  “No need. Your wife already did.” She snuggled into Sam’s arms.

  “Beverly?” Jim blinked several times and touched her cheek again.

  Gretta shrank from his hand. His prior touch radiated warmth. This time it felt cold and rough with age. “She wrapped ice in this scarf and gave it—” She held the green silk in front of them. Warm, dry, no ice.

  From the corner of her eyes she saw Jim and Sam exchange confused glances. Sam’s hands tightened around her arms.

  “My wife has been dead for over ten years. I’ll get some ice for the bump on her head.” Jim stood and shuffled to the back room. He appeared to have aged considerably in the past few minutes.

  Gretta spun and faced Sam who held a finger to her lips.

  “Did his wife have straight brown hair to about here?” He touched just below her shoulder.

  “You saw her, too? Oh, I thought for a minute I—”

  “Her eyes, Gretta. Tell me the color of her eyes.” Sam spoke with insistence, edged with pain.

  “Brown, exactly the same as,” she hesitated when she realized the woman’s eyes matched his in color and shape. “Sam, she’s your—”

  “She ruffled my hair right before I sat you up.” He cupped her face in his hands and she nodded. “I felt her, but I didn’t see her.”

  Gretta shivered and gripped the green scarf in her hand, remembering every word his mother’s ghost had said.

  Chapter 4

  The Bracelet


  “Here’s the exit for the airport, Sam.” Gretta uncrossed and switched legs in anticipation of their arrival.

  Sam stared at the road. Neither had spoken for hours. She’d been lost in thought over the encounter at the jewelry store. Being the only person to see and hear the ghost of Sam’s mother didn’t surprise her. The green scarf clutched in her hand had her mind spinning.

  Why would I need or want to have something of Kadir Haty’s? Memories of being entwined within Anya and encountering the dreadful pirate haunted her. After Kadir had kidnapped Anya, he had tossed a bomb on her husband Lorenzo’s ship in an attempt to kill him. During that time, Sam had been entwined within Lorenzo. Gretta knew he despised the pirate even more than she did.

  “Sam?” She reached across and touched his knee. When he didn’t respond, she tossed the scarf on the dashboard and inched her fingers up his leg and under his tee shirt. Her fingertips danced along his tight chest and traced soothing, circular patterns. Scooting closer, she watched his shoulders relax before he placed his right arm around her in a gentle squeeze.

  “Sorry, my thoughts are back in Greenview.” His arm left her shoulder and dropped to her knee. Warm fingers rubbed the goosebumps on her leg.

  She quickly covered his hand with her own, attempting to tap down her nerves. “Your mom is trying to protect or warn us. I just don’t understand why she gave me Kadir Haty’s scarf.”

  “I don’t like it either. Kadir has been dead for almost two hundred years. He can’t hurt us.” His hand squeezed her knee as he took a deep breath. “There’s something I need to share with you. I’m pretty sure your dad spoke to me at the jewelry store.”

  Shivers ran up her back at his words. Four months had not eased the pain of her loss.

  “My father? Entwined within the jeweler?” Gretta asked while Sam parked in the long-term lot.

  “I don’t know anything for certain, but Jim, the jeweler, took on a younger appearance while we were looking at the diamonds. His voice grew lower and smoother. He looked at me straight in the eye and said, ‘Do not let victory be your goal. Accept defeat to protect my daughter. Never leave her. Two souls shall become one.’”

  Gretta didn’t respond.

  Sam exited the car and opened her door. He offered his hand and pulled her into a hug. “I don’t think Ryan heard because he contin
ued talking about diamonds. I heard your dad’s voice even though Jim’s lips were not moving. His thoughts went right into my head.” He released his hold on her and grabbed their shared suitcase.

  She placed her hand over his and planted her feet. “Why didn’t he talk to me? I’m his daughter.” She fought off the sadness.

  His fingers wrapped around hers. “Why didn’t Mom talk to me?”

  Grief surged through her. Not only hers, but Sam’s. In that moment, she understood what it meant to be united in marriage. When he hurt, she hurt. Taking in a ragged breath, she summoned her dwindling strength. “They’re trying to warn us about something.”

  “Whatever we face, we’ll get through it together.” He leaned in and kissed her.

  She allowed herself to meld into his embrace. The security of his arms soothed her nerves and gave her courage to face the unknown evils their dead parents were alerting them to.

  An airplane approaching for landing sounded above. With a deep breath, she pulled away. Sam tightened his grip on her fingers and led her inside the terminal.

  They walked hand in hand along the concourse of LaGuardia International. At first, Gretta felt cheated she had missed an opportunity to speak to her father’s spirit. Despair faded and she became acutely aware of the tension within her husband. His hand death-gripped hers. His eyes continually scanned the crowd.

  After dropping off their suitcase, they took their carryon bags through the security points. When Gretta picked her purse off the conveyer belt, alarms sounded.

  “Sir, you’ll need to come with me, please.” A security officer stepped in between her and Sam.

  Gretta began to follow, but another man in navy pants and a light blue tailored dress shirt stopped her progress. “Sorry, you cannot go with us.” He flashed a badge so she assumed him to be an undercover security official.

  She watched Sam stiffen, ready to protest, but when the man who touched her arm approached him, his shoulders immediately relaxed.

  “It’s okay. The hardware they used to fix my shoulder must have set off the alarm. Once security sees the paperwork I have, and makes sure I have nothing hidden under my shirt, I’ll be free to go.” Sam kissed her cheek. “Buy yourself a cup of tea and me some coffee. I’ll meet you over there.” He pointed across the concourse to a small coffee shop in between a pretzel stand and a hamburger joint.

  “This way, sir.” The uniformed officer led Sam to a door located off to the side.

  “We won’t be more than ten minutes,” the undercover officer added and then closed the door behind them.

  Gretta froze, unable to move. Fear crept underneath her skin at Sam’s absence. One minute he held her hand, the next she stood alone. A group of college students elbowed their way past her in a rush to get to their flights.

  Gone. Her husband, gone. Emptiness and despair filled her.

  “Excuse me.” A harsh voice jerked her back to reality. A stern woman in a business suit frowned and stepped around her.

  “Sorry.” Gretta moved into the path of an oncoming stroller. She tripped over the front wheels, and landed at the shoes of the undercover officer.

  Embarrassed by her clumsiness, she avoided eye contact when he helped her to her feet. His hand on her bare arm felt cool, yet relief surged through her.

  “A few more minutes and Sam will be out.” His New York accent soothed her frayed nerves. “Can I get you something while you wait?”

  “No thank you, I’m on my way to get coffee.” The feelings of fear had completely left her, replaced with confidence and peace.

  He gazed in the direction of the coffee stand and grinned before letting go of her arm. “They serve the best coffee in the airport. Tea too.” He winked and resumed his post.

  She walked to the counter and ordered a large black coffee for Sam and a hot green tea for herself.

  “Here you are, dear.” A short, elderly barista handed her two steaming cups.

  Gretta made her way to a small round table and sank into a chair facing the security checkpoint. The door Sam had entered remained closed.

  “Waiting for someone?” A young woman wiping the table next to hers raised a dark eyebrow.

  Gretta didn’t reply since the man who had picked her off the floor after her stroller mishap appeared to be looking at them. For a minute, she and the woman silently stared at him.

  Tall, tanned, and handsome with a grin similar to Sam’s. No wonder I felt better when he touched me. Gretta smiled and he waved.

  The woman stopped wiping the table and waved back.

  Gretta blushed, as she had also waved, assuming his gesture was directed at her. The woman adjusted the chairs at the table and stood in front of her.

  “Waiting for someone?” she repeated.

  “Oh, yes. Security stopped my husband. He had surgery last summer and the pin in his shoulder set off the alarm.” When the woman remained standing there, Gretta continued hesitantly, “Your bracelet is lovely.” The thick fabric band held a colorful woven pattern set off beautifully against the woman’s dark olive skin.

  She unsnapped the clasp and removed it to show Gretta.

  “Raja, my love. Time for us to go,” the undercover official announced.

  Gretta spun around, startled by his presence. The woman slipped off her apron and tossed it on the table. He took her face between his hands and kissed her head, the tip of her nose, and then her lips. Raja giggled and leaned into his arms, openly returning his affection despite being on the job. His hands left her face, traced her neck, and wrapped securely around her waist as she trailed kisses across his neck to his lips.

  When the kiss progressed, Gretta shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She looked at the barista who didn’t seem to notice her coworker’s inappropriate actions.

  “Ready?” His gravelly voice hung in the air.

  Gretta stared at her tea and scooted her chair away from the lovers.

  “Are you ready?” A hand touched her shoulder, another lifted her chin.

  “Sam? Oh, sorry. I thought you were the plainclothes security officer. Your voice sounds very much like his. Come to think of it, you look a little like him too,” Gretta replied. When she turned to the couple, they were gone.

  “What security officer?” Sam’s voice became slow and deliberate.

  “One of the two who took you to the side room. The one not in uniform.” Gretta continued to look for him and Raja.

  Sam frowned and let out a deep sigh. “Only one officer took me into the room and he wore a uniform.” He reached and grazed the back of his hand against her forehead.

  “I’m not feverish and I know what I saw.” She stood and scanned the concourse.

  “Okay. We’ll talk about it during the flight. Let’s go.” Sam grabbed the two cups and hesitated. His focus remained on the table. “Is this yours?”

  Gretta picked up Raja’s bracelet and grinned. Proof I’m not hallucinating. “It’s Raja’s, the security guard’s girlfriend.” She walked to counter and waved to the barista.

  “Excuse me, Raja left her bracelet at my table. Could you make sure she gets it when she returns?” Gretta placed it on the counter.

  The barista took one glance at the bracelet and sucked in a huge breath. Her cheeks lost all color. Gray-blue eyes rounded behind silver spectacles. She clasped her hands to her chest and her little mouth opened and closed twice without words.

  Thinking she may be having a heart attack, Gretta noted her nametag. “Flo, are you all right?”

  “Raja?” Flo’s distant voice pierced sadness within Gretta. “She wore this bracelet every day. Never took it off.” Aged fingers reached for the band. Suddenly, she pulled back as if it radiated scorching heat. “Where did you find this?” Tears welled in her eyes.

  “She placed it on t
he table along with her apron before she met up with her boyfriend.” Gretta pointed to the table.

  No apron.

  Gretta scanned the other three tables. Nothing. She rubbed her eyes and refocused.

  Still, nothing.

  I wish things would stop disappearing on me.

  “I’m sorry, I must be mistaken.” Gretta turned to Sam. “We better catch our flight.”

  Instead of moving, Sam picked up the bracelet and studied it for several moments before placing it reverently on the counter. He touched Flo’s hand in a gesture of comfort.

  “June twenty-second,” he whispered.

  Another tear slid down Flo’s cheek. She stared at him and then nodded in understanding. “You’re his brother.”

  Sam squeezed his eyes closed and bowed his head in confirmation.

  “Sam?” Watching pain streak through his face shook Gretta to her core. “What’s going on?”

  He took a deep breath and released Flo’s hand. Gretta pulled him a step away from the counter.

  “Wait. Please, take it.” Flo pointed to the bracelet. “Raja loved him. Don’t believe what they said about her. There was good in her and I know he loved her.” More tears cascaded over wrinkled cheeks. “Go on, I don’t want you to miss your flight.”

  With unsteady fingers, Sam picked up the bracelet and fastened it to Gretta’s right wrist. Gripping her hand, they left the coffee stand and began walking through the terminal.

  “Tell me what’s going on,” Gretta pleaded, matching his long and determined strides. When he stopped at their gate, she pulled him to a secluded corner of the waiting area and into a seat next to her. She waited patiently while he seemed to be coming to grips with something.

  “When you saw them, Raja and her boyfriend. Did they appear happy?” Sam’s eyes searched hers for honesty.


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