Endless Shores (The Ageless Series Book 2)

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Endless Shores (The Ageless Series Book 2) Page 8

by M. R. Polish

  Karis plopped down on the edge of the bed and wrapped her arms around her middle. There wasn’t much to the room, but a bed and a dresser. Another door was to her left. Quickly she jumped up and ran to open it. Her heart plummeted when she realized it wasn’t a way out, but only a bathroom.

  Ambling to the window, she leaned against the frame with her shoulder and rested her forehead on the cool glass. There was so much more to this war than she guessed before. Hades wanted power, Marin had power, and who knows who had all of Karis’s power wrapped around their neck in her pendant. If Hades found her necklace, what would he do? Would he use it until she died? She gulped back a sob. Could she die if all her power was used?

  What about Brady? Was he okay? The last she saw him he was on the ground. Was he looking for her? Would he be drawn to the fight center? So many questions flooded her mind.

  Another thought flittered to a stop. What if she could get the men downstairs to follow her and not Hades? Would they join her to free the worlds? Hades had such a tight grip on them, she wasn’t sure they would, but she needed to try.

  A commotion outside of her room made her tense. What in the world? She darted to the door, but it still wouldn’t budge open. Closing the distance, she placed her ear on the door and strained to hear what was happening.

  “Let me in there,” a man’s voice boomed. His voice demanded authority.

  “I, um, I have orders,” the other man said, his voice shaking. This was probably the man who guarded her. It sounded like the same nasally voiced guy.

  “I don’t care if you have orders, or who gave them. Let me in there, or you’ll regret getting in my way,” the first man lowered his voice, sounding threatening. Even the hair on Karis’s arms stood up, assessing the danger she might be in.

  The jiggle of the doorknob told Karis that the guard didn’t want to test the threat. She backed up, waiting to see who wanted in to her room so badly. Her heart beat so fast that she could hear it in her ears and feel it pulse in her eyes.

  The door swung open, hard. A man with tanned skin and short brown hair barged in. His eyes found Karis instantly and he froze. “It’s true.”

  She backed up a few steps. “Wha… What’s true?”

  “You’re Brady’s girl.” He made no attempt to close the distance between them.

  “I am.” She held her chin high, not backing away any more.

  He eyed her up and down. “Did Hades really take you away?”

  “You mean kidnap? Yes, he did,” she said, taking in his tall frame and hardened arm muscles. He reminded her of Brady. He also sported a tribal tattoo much like Brady’s on his left arm.

  “Shit,” he said as he hung his head. “I was hoping that wasn’t true. But so many of the guys are talking about you downstairs that I had to find out for myself.”

  “I can see that. You nearly broke the door down.” She folded her arms and shifted her weight to one leg.

  “Are you telling me Brady wouldn’t do the same thing to get to you?” He grinned, showing off pearly white teeth, which probably looked whiter because of his darker skin.

  She wasn’t going to let him get to her. She refused. “You’re not Brady.”

  “No, but he’s like my brother so if he’s not here, then I’m the one who will protect you.” He started for her but she scoffed, stopping his actions.

  “Protect me? I don’t need you to protect me. I have killed men bigger than you.” That was true, but he didn’t need to know it was only one man.

  He smirked. “Really? Then why are you here?”

  She searched inside of herself for a spark, a tiny tendril of magic that she could use to defend herself. Nothing. She shrugged, hoping to cover up her anxiety. “I was drugged. I’m just biding my time until I escape. I don’t need you. Besides, I don’t even know who you are.”

  “I’m Evan. I thought for sure it had to be a girl he ran away with, since he left me in the Solomon Islands and didn’t return. Now I know I was right.” He looked Karis up and down, taking her in. He whistled. “Not that I blame him. I’d have left with you too.”

  “You wouldn’t have survived meeting me,” she said. Oh how true that statement was. If he only knew what Brady went through to meet her.

  “I’m still standing aren’t I?” he said with a smug grin plastered on his face.

  Karis glared at him. “Listen, if you’re truly Brady’s friend, then you’ll help me escape.”

  “What did you think I was doing? Hell, if Brady isn’t here with a beautiful woman like you, then I know there’s some deep shit happening. Whatever it is, I want in. I’m tired of working for this little podunk creep, Hades. I’m not even seeing half of my winnings.” He glanced over his shoulder to the hallway. “Besides, I’m ready for some action. I’ve been feeling it build inside of me, there’s something going on.”

  She unfolded her arms. “Really? I don’t have to fight you on this?”

  He chuckled. “Look, Sweets, you don’t know me, but King said you’re Brady’s girl. I trust what he says, even if he is a poor gambler. I would never betray Brady, he’s like my brother. Let me help you.”

  Karis held her hand out. “Deal.”

  Evan took her hand and gave it a slight shake, then he pulled her close to him, embracing her so tightly that his mouth was inches from his. She pushed against him. “Let me go,” she grumbled.

  “Shhh… stay quiet if you want the guards to leave. They’ll think I’m breaking you in for the other guys, like a prize.” His hot breath warmed her face, but she stopped fighting. He stayed that way, looking into her eyes, but never crossing the invisible line that was drawn by him holding his best friends girl.

  Two guards strolled down the hall talking with each other. Karis stiffened as they passed her door. Evan was right, there were guards. “It’s okay,” Evan whispered. “They’ll be gone in a minute.”

  One of the men whistled. “Looks like you’re having fun tonight, my man. We’ll leave you two alone.”

  They both laughed and Evan raised his head enough to speak. “I think I’m gonna need the whole floor, this sweet thang isn’t gonna know what rest is.”

  “Aw, man, you get all the fun.” A man stepped into the room and put his hand on Karis’s shoulder. “Maybe you would rather be with a man like me?”

  Evan pleaded with his eyes. Maybe he wasn’t the bad guy after all? She twisted slightly in Evan’s arms to smile sweetly at the man. “I think I’ll stick with the man I’ve got. I know he knows how to treat a woman.” Even the lie tasted horrible in her mouth. She was going to need a month of showers to scrub off the filth that was being layered on her in such a short time.

  “Whatever, you can have her. She’s probably not worth the time to break her in the way I like ‘em.” The guard turned around and kicked the doorframe on his way out.

  Karis stared at Evan, still unsure if she should trust him or not. His words heated her. Was taking girls and using them as prizes a usual thing? Did Brady ever win such a… prize? The thought repulsed her. He’d been with woman before her, that was no secret, but now she couldn’t help but wonder what kind of women.

  The elevator dinged and the two guards left, leaving Evan and Karis alone. He relaxed and let go of her. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it? I just saved you.”

  She placed her hand on her hip and thrust is out. “Saved me? I was fine until you barged into my room. Besides, how’d you get rid of the guy who watched my door? Hades was pretty insistent that he make sure I didn’t leave.”

  He laughed. “That guy? Psh… He was easy. Who do you think trained half of these guys? Brady and I have a higher standing than most of these yea-whos. He was scared of me. And rightfully so.”

  “I see.” Inside her mind, she was drowning. So many new facts about Brady’s former life slammed her. “I guess I should say thank you then.”

  “You’re welcome.” Evan took her hand. “Come on, let’s go before Hades finds out our plan.”

r Thirteen

  Brady rubbed his right arm where the pain burned all the way to his bone. He knew it was Karis. It was their bond. It was their marking. Not going after her, but moving farther away from her made him sick. He looked up at Magnus. “My arm is burning. Damn. Do you think she’s okay?” He couldn’t think straight, and his body wanted to react to his heart and run to find her. But the others were right. He needed to find Poseidon—fast. Without him, they might not find Karis. Or Zeus. This was his one chance to find Karis and bring her back.

  Hermes sent word back to the group that he was hot on the trail of the men who took Karis, and he was sure Hades was behind her kidnapping. Poseidon would know how to find Hades. At least Brady hoped. He rubbed his arm again. He knew something was wrong, but he didn’t know what it was. He needed to hurry before it was too late.

  Alexis touched Brady’s arm. “Brady, she’s fine. She’s strong. She’ll be okay.”

  Magnus nodded. “She’s right.”

  “I don’t know, man. My arm hurts. I know something is wrong.” Brady clenched his jaw and glanced away. “What if this doesn’t work? What if Poseidon can’t help me find her?” He couldn’t bear that thought.

  “Brady, it’s going to work. We’re going to find her, if Atty and Azul haven’t already,” Magnus said.

  “It better.” Brady’s chest tightened as he gazed out over the never ending sea. He knew he had to head out soon, but his heart was on the shore, waiting for Karis. The water beckoned him. He could feel the pull of the Syrenae call to him. He could hear Karis’s soft voice on the waves. He’d do this, for her. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  He didn’t wait for a response from Magnus or Alexis. There was no more time to waste. If this was how he could help Karis, then he wasn’t coming back until he had Poseidon. He fought the urge to hunt the weasels who drugged him and stole his life. Brady took off using his speed to run to the ocean. He lifted each leg high as he pushed himself into deeper water. The current was strong and lured him under the surf.

  The change in his body was instant, and he barely had to think about the gift to make it happen. Shreds of his clothes floated to the surface and washed onto the shore. He wouldn’t need them where he was going anyway.

  Flicking his tail, he torpedoed out into the open water, away from land, away from friends and life as he knew it, and away from Karis. The burning in his arm didn’t subside but he didn’t care. He welcomed it. He knew as long as he could feel it, that he and Karis were still connected. And, that alone gave him the urgency and hope to brave the open sea.

  Karis rubbed her arm, trying to dull the pain. Ever since Hades caught her and Evan trying to escape she’d felt the burn. Looking around the small windowless room, she could see Evan. He was tied to the wall and his head hung to one side.

  “Pstt… Evan, are you awake?” Please say he’s just sleeping. Don’t be dead. She didn’t want to think about him dying trying to help her. She didn’t know what kinds of things happened to him after she passed out.

  Chained to the wall, the horrid scent of musk and mold penetrated her nostrils. She couldn’t get close enough to Evan to check on him.

  He groaned. Not loud, but enough that her heart skipped a beat in relief. He was at least alive.

  She leaned back against the cement wall. They had to be back in the basement again. After the blow to her head from Hades’ right cross, and her head being slammed into the wall, she lost conscious and woke up in the small room with Evan.

  “I told you that I wouldn’t always be so nice,” Hades voice filled the room. He emerged from the shadows in the corner. “You really thought you could escape?”

  Karis tried to keep her eyes open but it hurt too badly. Her head felt as if it would explode at any moment. “Hades, I will never give you the necklace,” she said, her voice hoarse. “So, this is how you treat a queen? Maybe you should have thought about that before demanding something so precious.”

  “I don’t think you’re in the right spot to be so high and mighty. You might want to check your attitude.” Hades stepped closer, and squat down beside her. “I’ll give you another chance. But, the next time you try to escape, I won’t hurt you. Oh no, that would be too easy. But you see him?” He pointed to Evan. “I’ll kill him. He’s lucky I didn’t already, but he’s one of my best fighters. That’s the only thing that saved him. So, his life is in your hands. You leave me and he dies.”

  Karis couldn’t take her eyes off Evan. He’d tried to help her. He even got her as far as the front door and into the woods before they were caught. He was Brady’s best friend. There was no way she wanted his blood on her hands. She could never forgive herself. She wasn’t sure Brady would be able to forgive her either.

  She looked at Hades and nodded. He twisted the key to unlock the chains that bound her to the wall and reached for her hand. “Now, my queen, let’s go get you cleaned up. There’s a fight tonight and I want to show you off.”

  Bile rose in her throat. She didn’t want to go anywhere with Hades, but for Evan’s sake, she would. Looking back over her shoulder, Evan tried to raise his head to see her, but failed and let it fall. All hopes of escape vanished with the last bob of his head. At least until she could find a way to help him too.

  Karis rubbed her arm again and thought of Brady. She hoped the burn wasn’t because he was hurt. Wherever he was, she hoped he was far away from her. Even though she wanted more than anything to be with him, she didn’t want what happened to Evan to happen to him. No. She shook her head slightly. If anyone was coming to help her, she hoped it was Atty—or even Azul.

  Standing proved to be even harder on her head. She wished she had enough energy to use her healing power, but not even a flicker of that magic flowed through her. She was too drained. Emotionally and physically.

  Hades escorted her back to her room on the second floor. “I expect you to be ready in fifteen minutes. There are dresses in the closet. Wear one.”

  “I’m fine in what I have on.” Her voice boomed in her head like a thousand lightning strikes. She cringed and pressed her fingers to her temples.

  “It wasn’t a request. Get dressed. I’ll be back to get you myself.” With that, he left the room, shutting the door behind him—and locking it.

  Karis didn’t have the chance to argue. Not that she had the energy to, but she wanted to show him that she couldn’t be bent to his will. She was the intended Queen of Shamike, not some showgirl he could give to his fighters as a prize.

  But, poor Evan still tied up in the basement made her stomach turn. If she didn’t do what Hades wanted, what would happen to Evan? She opened the closet to find a dozen or more dresses hanging from plush hangers. How many girls did he have on call that he kept so many dresses on hand? Not caring, and pushing the thought from her head, she ripped a sapphire colored, sequined dress off the hanger and marched to the bed.

  She’d play the game. But only until she found a way to win. Whatever it was Hades wanted with her necklace and all that power couldn’t be good, and she was determined to make sure he never got it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Brady flipped his tail, swimming forward. The burn in his arm still ached, but didn’t slow him down. He didn’t know how far away from land he was, but he knew that he was far enough out to start looking for signs of life. Not marine life, but Syrenae life.

  Without Karis, the water didn’t have the same feel. There was no magic in it. He stopped to look around. It was dark with the moon waxing overhead. “Anyone out there?” he called out in his mind. He hoped someone would hear him. Anyone.

  The vastness of the ocean made him feel small. In such an infinite amount of space, he wondered if he’d ever be able to find Poseidon. He spun around, looking for any indication that he was getting closer.

  Nothing but darkness surrounded him. “Damn it.” He didn’t know where to look, but staying near the surface probably wasn’t going to get him anywhere. He was going to need to dive into the abyss.
Poseidon wasn’t going to be flitting along where he could be seen.

  Brady stalled, looking into the black inky waters below him. His heart beat fast with the unexpected. His arm burned profoundly, making up his mind. He would go to the depths of the sea, even to the ends of the world for Karis.

  Swishing his tail, he dove deeper. Whatever light the moon gave on the surface quickly faded, leaving Brady without his sense of sight. How am I supposed to find him if I can’t even see. Anger fueled his speed as he pushed deeper, flipping his tail as fast as he could.

  “Stop right there,” a voice boomed in Brady’s head.

  Stopping, Brady twirled looking for the mind intruder. “Where are you?”

  “You can come no closer. Go back where you came from.”

  He searched the darkness but saw nothing—no one. “I’m looking for Poseidon. It’s crucial that I find him. Karis, the queen of Shamike, needs his help.”

  Hands gripped both of his arms, he tried to wrench free, but the hold on his was resolute. They pulled him along, and he flicked his tail to keep up with their pace. “Where are we going? Do you know where Poseidon is?”

  It didn’t matter how many questions he asked, the men who held him said nothing. Ahead, a small light shone. They pulled him faster, urging him to speed up so they could all gain ground.

  Ample light spread as far as Brady could see. Darkness above, light below. A city, not quite as large as Perditus, stood before him. Except there was no air, no dry ground, no walking person. Brady fought against the guards. He needed to break free. He needed to find the surface and breathe air. The water closed in on him, suffocating him. He hadn’t planned on being able to turn back into a man, and no one knew how long his gift would last in the water. He wasn’t a full Syrenae, so there was no telling if he’d be fine for days or only hours.


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