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Amy “Red” Riding’s Hood (Adult fairy tale erotica)

Page 3

by Adams, Liz

  “What did you do?” Amy said.

  She pulled at the rope. A tiny padlock connected the rope of the cloak to some cords wrapped around her thigh. The way that metal plate between her legs was pulled when she tugged on the cords meant the cords had to be attached to the plate.

  “What did you do?” Amy shouted.

  Amy tried the other side of her dress and felt the same thing. Cords around her other thigh pulled up at the metal plate.

  “Think of it as…protection,” her mother said, locking the loops at Amy’s neck with a third tiny padlock. “Your cloak is attached in such a way that a lycan would have to tear it off if they wanted to have their way with you. Any tear or rip in the cloak would clearly mean the cloak was removed.”


  “Here’s the basket of provisions for your Aunt Carmen.” Her mother shoved the basket in her hands.

  Amy didn’t know what she would say to Sean. Today was to be the day she’d give herself fully to him. How could she explain this chastity belt? How could she get out of it?

  “How am I supposed to pee, Mother?” Amy said.

  “Your aunt has a copy of the key, you can pee when you get there,” her mother said. “Now, go.”

  Amy threw the hood over her head and stomped out the door.


  In the forest , the chastity belt felt unconcealed. So obvious that when the wind jostled the leaves in the trees, the leaves seemed to shake with jeering laughter. Their greedy green colors had the appearance of wanting to witness more of Amy’s misfortunes.

  Following an unworn path, Amy trampled the earth, breaking its back. She stomped so hard her feet hurt.

  “Red!” It was Sean. He ran to her, a beautiful smile on his face. His smile extinguished as soon as he saw her expression. “What’s wrong?” he said.

  I let him down. He’s going to be so upset with me and my stupid parents.

  Sean caressed her face. “What is it?”

  “My feet hurt, okay?” she shouted. “It’s these damn shoes.”

  Sean hugged her close. For a long moment nothing was said between them. The birds twittered their discontent at the love and affection Amy and Sean displayed.

  “You were right,” Amy said. “My parents....” She felt a burn in her chest, a flush of embarrassment on her cheeks.

  “I know how you feel,” he said quietly into her hair. “And everything will be okay.”

  She held him closer and felt the anger turn to tears. He gently broke the embrace and peered into her eyes. With delicate lips, he kissed her wet cheeks as if to honor them instead of wiping them away. He didn’t say, “Don’t cry,” or “Don’t be sad.” Amy felt that he was allowing her to feel what she needed to feel. She didn’t know any human who would do that.

  Sean’s soft brown eyes sparkled. She knew she would forever love him. He kissed her, his warm lips on hers, so tender. His hands slid behind her cloak. He must have brushed against the interior cables, because she felt the plate wiggle between her thighs.

  He broke from the kiss and looked down at her waist.

  “What is this?” He looked amused.

  Amy’s ears grew hot and her neck itched. “It’s a stupid chastity belt thing my mother put on me.”

  Sean laughed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “That your parents think a chastity belt would prevent me from loving you.”

  “You’re not upset?”

  “Having sex with you is not the only way to show my love for you,” Sean said mischievously.

  “Oh?” Amy smiled. “Then how else would you do it?”

  He stepped back out of Amy's reach. She had to drop her hands from his warm body.

  Slowly, Sean stepped around her, gazing at her with a heat that made her gasp. She felt his eyes upon her, warming her skin, seeking her soul. Circling around her with a graceful step, he resembled a predator sizing up his prey. Amy’s heart raced. She could hear the music in her mind keeping a steady tempo to his pace. The lute, the recorder, the tambourine. As he passed in front of her, his penetrating gaze excited her. She saw a spark of his animal desire for her. His nostrils flared. His jaw clenched. His raw lust made her shiver.

  As he circled behind her, she could still feel his fixed look upon her. Seeing her. Finding her. Revealing her.

  When he passed in front again, she gulped at the hungry prowl of his eyes.

  Creeping behind her, the invisible tangible vision peering into her heart.

  And then…not passing in front.

  His circling stopped. He was behind her. What was he going to do to her?

  Amy’s breathing became syncopated. The music in her head stopped.

  She felt her hair being lifted up, exposing the nape of her neck. Cool air tickled her skin.

  Her breathing became heavy. An ache spawned between her thighs. Her pussy tingled.

  His breath kissed her neck. His breathing was also getting heavier.


  Not just heavier.

  The sound of his breathing got deeper, lower. His exhales became huffs. His breaths became growls.

  Amy glanced over her shoulder. He was growing a snout and growling through large, bared teeth.

  Her blood pounded through her body. She remembered the wolf that growled at her years ago. The one she drew all those pictures of. That wolf could have killed her. Just as any wolf could. What did she really know of Sean’s limits? She had heard of lycans losing control over pheromones. Did that include losing control over the desire to kill? To eat fresh meat?

  She had the urge to run, to get the hell out of there. And yet that pounding heart was the same feeling she had whenever she thought of Sean at night. She couldn’t tell if she was scared or excited.

  His breaths puffed beside her ear, blowing scattered strands of her hair in her face.

  Then his snout sank back. The growls went silent. His face must have returned to its human form.

  She felt his lips kiss below her ear at her neck.

  Amy inhaled and took in the tenderness.

  Sean's arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her against his chest.

  She moved his hands to her breasts.

  “Say yes,” he whispered. “For this moment.”

  In response, she pressed herself against his huge hands.

  “Say yes,” he said. “For us together.”

  And leaned back into his body.

  “Say yes,” he said. “For who we are.”

  She sealed her soul into his.

  “Say yes,” he said.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  He spun her around, held her tight, and kissed her hard. She wrapped her arms around him. When Sean squeezed her breast, she sighed. Her pussy tingled with desire. Her legs turned to liquid as blood rushed to her nipples and her heart thrummed a rhythm racing to keep up with the aching, scorching, yearning, dripping desire to have his cock pound inside her.

  Damned cape!

  She tugged at the cords, pulling the metal plate up against her hungry pussy. “It’s not fair.”

  “Shh. Relax.”

  He picked her up. She held on, her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Carrying her and pinning her between a tree and himself, he buried his head in her neck and smothered her with kisses.

  Amy tilted her head to the sky. Feeling his hot lips against her skin, she noticed herself gushing against the metal plate. What was he going to do? She was in dire need of an orgasm and she had this damned door locked at her pussy.

  “I don’t know…” she gasped.

  Sean stopped his kisses. “What is it?”

  “I don’t know if I can....” She caught a breath. “Handle anymore without having you inside me.”

  Sean released a deep, throaty chuckle that made her go crazy with lust for him. “Trust me, Red.”

  A jealous sun slipped its sunbeam fingers through the branches of the trees, seeking to spot the shameful behavior of this human a
nd lycan. Amy relished the cool air and camouflage offered by the shadows.

  Sean kissed her and his lips moved across hers with devious licks and nips. She couldn’t help feeling he was toying with her.

  Two could play that game.

  She dipped a hand down his pants and grabbed hold of his cock. Thunder and lightning! Did he just snarl?

  Sean bent his head and clamped his mouth over her breast, sucking wet through the fabric of her chemise.

  Her nipples hardened. Amy moved her hips up and down his torso, pressing her clit as close as she could against him. She moaned with frustration.

  Damn that chastity belt!

  And what in fire blazes was this? It seemed Sean’s tongue got longer, stronger. She realized he made his tongue turn, becoming this powerful muscle to taste her in ways no man could.

  His tongue slipped down the front of her chemise, the bodice pressing his tongue tight against her skin. He found one of her nipples. She gasped.

  Sean's strong tongue slid across her breast. He was a keeper, with that talented tongue of his.

  She gripped Sean’s shaft harder, pumping it with her hand. He untied the strings of her bodice, yanked high the hem of her chemise, and lifted her free breast to his mouth. The sensation of his full mouth hot against her skin sent some deep shivers into her very core.

  He was at her other breast, now. Licking, swirling, slipping, encircling, lapping, loving. Her nipple swelled. Her body shook in desire.

  Sean’s hand cupped her between her legs, tapping against that damned plate with his fingertips. But the drumming of his fingers sent shock waves from her clit through her body.

  The forest insects tsk-tsked her enjoyment.

  Was this wrong? Was it wrong to love a lycan? To feel his tongue on your breast? His fingers between your thighs? How could anything that feels this good ever be wrong?

  Amy let go of his cock and wrapped her arms around Sean’s buff chest. The way his strong arms held her up, the way his forceful hand pounded at her clit, this solid man of hers – of hers – brought her to the edge of impossible return. She arched her back, pushing her breast further into his mouth and screamed.

  Waves overtook her body. She shuddered, trembling in his arms. Blinding light of all colors sparkled in her closed eyes. The dam broke and she felt herself gush all over Sean’s vibrating hand.

  Amy collapsed against his body, limp and exhausted. Her pussy throbbed in the aftermath.

  Sean let her slide down so her feet could touch the ground. She held on to him, mostly to stay upright.

  “You ok?” He ran a hand through her hair.

  She kept one hand wrapped around his length, and with her other hand, she held up a finger to indicate she needed to first catch her breath before speaking.

  When she had the strength to reply, she said, “We need that key.” She squeezed his hard cock to emphasize her meaning.


  Sean arrived at the tiny cottage of Red’s aunt, Carmen Dunne. As planned after their tryst in the woods, he ran ahead to get the key from Carmen. Even in human form, he moved faster than Red.

  He tapped at Carmen’s door.

  “Come in, Red,” a voice said.

  “It’s not Red, it’s Sean Wilson.”

  “Sean?” She sounded pleased. “Come in.”

  Sean opened the door and saw Carmen lying in bed reading a book. He couldn’t make out the title but didn’t care to because, fur and fangs! He forgot how gorgeous she was. Her tan skin, dark, sultry eyes.... She didn’t even look much older than Red.

  Back when he was a pup, he had a taste for her, but growing older, he had always rejected those feelings as a childhood crush, puppy love.

  “Just visiting to see how you’re doing.” Sean scratched the itch at his sideburns, rolling his tongue to the back of his teeth.

  “Please, Sean. Do me a favor and don’t diddle with me. Why are you here?”

  Sean took a deep breath. “I understand you have a key....”

  “Ah!” Carmen sat up in bed. She let the covers fall to her waist, revealing a thin nightgown cut so low Sean could practically see the bottom curves of her ample breasts. “I thought that’s why you came.”

  “Red told me about your past…boyfriend. So I figured you’d understand.”

  “You mean my fling with a lycan? Oh, yes. I understand where Red is coming from. I understand very well. I also understand how hard it must be for you and Red with those bigoted parents of hers.”

  Sean exhaled a sigh of relief. “So you know what we’re going through.”

  “Of course, Sean.” Carmen removed the covers and stood. Her nightgown came to where her legs met. Sean followed those long legs – toes, ankles, calves, thighs, – all the way up to dangerous thoughts.

  Carmen smiled. “It’s good to see you, Sean.” She swayed up to him. “You’ve grown since those days I passed by your cottage. Remember when I waved hi to you as you helped your father work the crops? That was a long time ago. Your face is beginning to look very distinguished. Just look at those hallowed cheeks. And strong jaw.” Carmen caressed his face. “Your arms are so much bigger. More muscles.” She squeezed his bicep and inched closer.

  “Ms. Dunne?”

  “And your chest. How did you get to be so big and strong?” She trailed both hands down his abs. “And what else has gotten bigger?” Her hand clutched his crotch and she gave him a squeeze.

  Sean stepped back. “Ms. Dunne!” Red was still on her way. What would she think if she caught Carmen touching him?

  “Oh, come on, Sean. Why work for a locked treasure when you can have easy access to all the riches you desire right here?”

  “I love Red.”

  Carmen sauntered back toward her bed and sat, her legs open a little. “Oh, yes. You ‘love’ her.” She wiggled, giving him a view of her crotch. He looked away. She continued. “Love only brings pain, Sean. Not worth it. And face it, Red’s parents will never let you two be together. If you truly love her, you’d do the right thing.”

  “Which is?”

  “Break it off with her. End it now so that she doesn’t have to deal with the heartache that will come with breaking it off later. And believe me, you two will have to break it off.” She laughed bitterly. “Believe me. When I say you’ll have to break it off, I know what I’m talking about. Red with a lycan? My sister would never allow it.”

  The words cut him deep. Not because she said them, but because they were true. Red's parents would never allow them to be together. Even if he and Red ran off together, Red would be cut off from her parents, and she’d be cut off from her entire village.

  But from the depth of himself he found the ability to defend his love. “That’s not your decision to make. Now give me the key.”

  Carmen laughed. “I admire your positivity, Sean. Go then, and forget about the key. Go meet your darling Red in the woods.” She scowled at Sean. “Why do you want the key so much? Are you that sexed?”

  “Sexed?” She made his desire sound so trivial and barbaric. Today was supposed to be their special day. The day they’d be as one. True, two souls could be together in love on a purely emotional level, but Red had told him she wanted today to be the day she experienced her first time. She was counting on him.

  “There’s nothing wrong with being sexed, Sean.” She stood and sashayed to his side. “You can have what you want without all the trouble of love.” He smelled her scent and the pheromones curled every nerve in his body. His pants struggled to accommodate his growing cock. He cursed his animal body.

  Carmen placed an arm around his shoulders. “So you see, Sean. You want me.” She stroked up and down the bulge in his pants making him throb with the urge to pound into her. She whispered, “I can take care of you right now.”

  Sean let his snout grow from his face growling at Carmen. She stepped back looking fearful, then laughed. “Wow! You really are sexed, aren’t you?” When her hand returned to his crotch, she stroked the ridge faste
r. “You smell me, don’t you? You can smell my pussy. Thunderballs! That’s so hot.”

  He pushed her away and retreated to the other side of the room. He had to get away from her scent! In the corner of the room, he returned to human form completely. Outside the window, he saw no sign of Red’s arrival, yet.

  “It’s not going to happen. My love is for Red and for Red only. You don’t want to give me the key, that’s fine. Just forget about it.” He went to the door.


  Sean rolled his eyes. “What?”

  “I’ll give you the key.”

  He waited for the hammer to fall. There had to be tangled strings to her words.

  “But you have to fuck me first.”

  He went further out the door and heard Carmen call out, “I wonder how Red’s parents will react when they learn about you two.”

  His heart sank. He stepped back inside. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh, I would.” She stepped close to him, and trailed a finger along his chest. “Not just her parents, but the entire village. Everyone will know about Red’s forbidden affair. But I don’t want to hurt Red. I just want your big, lycan cock inside me.”

  Her scent wafted up to him. The relentless animal desire overtaking him was getting too much to control. He had to do something.

  “Fine. On one condition.”

  “Relax, I won’t tell your precious girlfriend.”

  “No, you won’t. I will.”

  “You will?” She laughed. “You may want to rethink that strategy, Sean.”

  “There are no secrets between Red and me.”

  “Your loss. But you do realize you’re in no position to set conditions, don’t you, Sean?”

  “It’s nothing. A simple little thing. My condition is that you answer one question.”

  “A question? Ooh! Sounds intriguing. I’ll bite. What’s your question?”

  “You must answer the question honestly.”

  “Of course, I will. It’s the least I can do for what you’re about to give me.” She winked.


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