Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2)

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Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2) Page 12

by M. Katherine Clark

  “I have sent Maelogan away,” he said softly. “I told him he is nae to return.”

  “You have?” she asked.

  “Aye,” he answered. “But if he threatened you, by the gods I will kill him.”

  “You cannae. Remember the legend? Nothing can kill an immortal druid but Lucian’s dagger,” she said.

  “Nay, he told me that is nae true. Aye, for immortal druids, but he is nae longer just an immortal druid. He is wolf and as such, wolf’s bane can kill him but does nae affect his senses as it does ours. And I will track him down.”

  “Threats mean nothing, Marrock,” she said. “He is gone, let us revel in that.”

  “I could nae lose you,” he replied.

  “You will nae,” she answered.

  “What else can I do to gain your favor again?” he begged.

  “Free those here you have taken as slaves,” she said. “Ask who would join you of their own free will. They may desire to serve a mighty warrior. Tell them you were under a druid’s spell and that you ask their forgiveness. If they desire to stay under your rule, from now on you will be a just and caring ruler. If they donnae then they are free to go to another’s land and you will nae follow nor punish them.”

  “That would make you happy?” he asked.

  “You make me happy, but no’ who you were,” she said.

  “Aye, I go to make the announcement,” he replied heading for the door.

  “Make it in the morning,” she said standing. He turned back to her and watched as she brought her hair around to lay down her chest. Keeping her eyes on him, she loosened the strings of her chemise and slowly pulled it off. Dropping in a pool at her feet, she stood nude before her mate. Marrock’s eyes flashed to yellow.

  “I want to show you that I still love you, Marrock,” she said. “I donnae do this because you have done as I ask, I do this because I love my mate and I want to show him how much I love him. Now come to me, Marrock and take me to bed.”

  Walking swiftly towards her, Marrock wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him for a deep kiss.

  “I donnae deserve your love,” he said.

  “You have it, whether you think you deserve it or nae,” she answered.

  “I will protect you,” he breathed.

  “I can protect myself,” she replied. “I put nae thought in his empty threats. You are mine, and I am yours.”

  “I love you,” he kissed her deeply.



  Maelogan watched Liam Arc’hantael saddle his horse, tighten the straps and get the bridle into the mouth. Liam worked with the skill of all of his three hundred years and though he looked no older than twenty-three, he had risen fast in the druid ranks. His long brown hair was braided back at the temples and tied at the back of his head. His body was tall and slim. He was dressed in a long brown cloak and wore a crown of leaves circling his head indicating his rank as high priest.

  Maelogan watched from the trees as it had been nearly twenty-five years since he had last seen the lad. After Marrock’s banishment, Maelogan needed to regroup and restructure the plan. Walking out of the trees, Liam whirled around to see who was sneaking up on him. His eyes glowed red with the urge to use his druid magic to protect himself.

  “Who are you?” Liam demanded.

  Maelogan stepped past the tree line.

  “You ken who I am,” Maelogan answered. “Just as I ken who you are. You have the true look of your mother.”

  Liam froze and stared at the young man before him.

  “Father?” Liam breathed as Maelogan shifted into the old man form of Gabhran. “I heard you died.”

  “Gabhran died,” he replied. “I began anew.”

  “What happened to you?” He asked.

  “The plan has changed,” Maelogan explained. “Marrock has taken his mate over me, we need to find a way to eliminate her.”

  “I will contact someone,” he answered. “When did you want it done?”

  “Nae yet,” he replied. “But soon.”

  “Dare we wait?” Liam asked. “What if she becomes pregnant?”

  “Then we have more than just Mabh to use against Marrock,” Maelogan said.

  “Tell me,” Liam replied. “Are you only doing this because of mother? Or are you doing this for yourself?”

  “You are my son, but I will nae tolerate you questioning me,” he stated. “Marrock killed your mother in battle, ‘tis true and I vowed to avenge her as I cradled her body in my arms. This is strickly revenge for me.”

  “Then I will assist you in any way possible,” he said.


  Marrock paced the floor of the great hall waiting. He could hear his mate’s cries of pain and the females, his aunt, her mother, along with the old healer, Meera trying to soothe her. Nearly a year had passed since his raid on the human village to the west. Mabh had been instrumental in convincing those who stayed under his leadership.

  When she had told Marrock she was expecting their first child, he was overjoyed. Without Maelogan, Marrock reverted back to the leader he once was. But, pacing in the main hall hearing Mabh cry out in pain above stairs, he clenched his hand and gritted his teeth.

  What in the name of the gods is taking so long? Marrock thrust a hand through his hair. Granted he knew little of what happened when a female whelped, but surely it should not be that painful.

  “Marrock,” a voice startled him and he turned, eyes yellowed, to see Weylyn standing behind him with two cups in his hand.

  “I donnae wish to speak with anyone, cousin,” he growled.

  “I can see that,” Weylyn replied. “Though I donnae ken what it is you are going through, I ken nothing can settle nerves like a good ale. Join me,” he offered one of the cups to his Alpha. In two short strides, Marrock grabbed the mug from his cousin and downed the contents without a breath.

  Weylyn set his own cup aside seeing Marrock still agitated. There was only one thing better than alcohol to calm a wolf, so when Marrock turned back to Weylyn, Weylyn’s fist collided with Marrock’s jaw.



  “Oh dear gods,” Kinnon cried hearing crashes and curses coming from the main hall. He set aside the whisky he was sharing with Conall and went to see what was going on.

  Weylyn and Marrock were rolling around on the ground half phased, fighting just as he and Riok had done at Marrock’s birth. Allowing the lads to fight for a few moments, he did not like the look in Marrock’s eyes.

  “Enough!” Kinnon yelled when he heard a bone in Weylyn’s arm crack and his son scream in pain.

  “Marrock, I yield, please,” Weylyn cried out.

  As if waking from a dream, Marrock immediately let go of Weylyn and phased back to human form.

  “Weylyn!” Marrock cried. “Dear gods, are you all right?”

  “Nay,” he groaned rolling over cradling his forearm that had already begun to bruise and swell. Kinnon went straight to his son.

  “What, in the name of the gods, were you doing, lad?” Kinnon demanded getting his son to a chair.

  “I thought I could help get his mind off of it,” Weylyn said through clenched teeth as Kinnon took a look.

  “Weylyn, I am sorry,” Marrock said. “I – I – I thought that you were…”

  “What? Challenging you?” Kinnon demanded. “Of course no’, Marrock, but gods above did you have to break his arm?”

  “I am sorry. I was nae in control,” Marrock explained.

  “’Tis all right,” Weylyn replied. “’Tis my fault, I did throw the first punch.”

  “I need to set the bone, lad, before it starts healing,” Kinnon said.

  Weylyn nodded and gritted his teeth. “Wait,” Marrock ordered. “Take my belt and bite into the leather.”

  Weylyn thanked him and took the leather strap into his teeth. Placing his son’s hand on his shoulder, Kinnon locked eyes with Weylyn and set the bone as quickly as he could. He made a sling out of some old c
loths and wrapped it around Weylyn’s neck.

  “Weylyn, truly I am sorry,” Marrock said again while Kinnon worked.

  “I wanted to help you,” Weylyn stated. “And if it helped get your mind off of Mabh—”

  Marrock’s eyes flashed yellow and he raced to the stairs just as Kyna appeared on the landing above. She smiled at her nephew, and immediately his heart lightened.

  “She is asking for you,” Kyna said.

  Marrock took the stairs two at a time and burst into his room. Looking over to the bed, he breathed a tight sigh of relief when Mabh looked over at him positively glowing as she held a tiny wrapped form in her arms. Marrock took a step forward, then two; eventually he stood beside their bed.

  Mabh looked up at him and grinned. He had always thought her beautiful but that day she more beautiful than ever as he looked down at their pup in her arms.

  “Your son, Marrock,” she told him.

  He let out a stuttered sigh. He had a son. His name, his father’s name would continue. His eyes were riveted to the pup in his mate’s arms.

  “My son,” he breathed. “And you?” he looked up at her. “Are you well? I was so very worried when I heard your cries.”

  “I am well,” she answered. “Now, what name do you wish to call him?” She asked.

  He had not thought much about it but when he looked down at his son then up at his mate, her eldest brother’s name kept coming back to him; Tirshain. But, that was many years old so a slight alteration to it, and he had the name he wanted.

  “Tristan,” he said softly.

  “Tristan it is then, and a lovely name for the future Alpha,” she said kissing him gently. “Do you want to hold him?”

  He looked at her suddenly unsure. “I donnae ken how,” he said softly.

  “Support him, as you always will,” she replied.

  With reverence for the precious life his mate had given him, Marrock took Tristan in his arms and held him close, marveling at the feelings that flooded him as he looked down at the sleeping newborn in his arms.

  Mabh looked on as her husband walked with their son to the balcony that let in the light of late afternoon.

  “Hello, Tristan, I am your father,” he said softly. “I swear I will keep you safe always. I will never let anything happen to you. I will always hold you close. You are my son and heir. One day when you are old enough, you will take my place. I will love you forever, my son.”

  Mabh wiped the tears from her face as she watched him. Looking back at her, he smiled and nodded to the healer to open the drapes of the balcony. A resounding cheer went up as his pack saw him. He proudly produced his son in his arms.

  “Tristan, my son and the future Alpha of the Aberlyall pack!” he announced. The cheer sounded again.

  “Is the Queen well?” someone called.

  “Your Queen is in perfect health and has done her pack proud,” he replied. “She is resting but asked me to tell you that she looks forward to celebrating our pup’s birth with you all. Now celebration is called for! I will bring forth the reserves and we will all celebrate this joyous occasion.”

  Turning back to his mate, the healer closed the drapes and left them be alone to enjoy the new life they had created.



  Ten years later…

  “Tristan!” Mabh called. “Marrock?”

  It was past dark. They had been out all day. As she walked towards the arena and heard voices and laughter, she recognized her lads immediately. Marrock playfully wrestled with Tristan, no older than the human age of six years old.

  “Hoh, Tristan,” Marrock laughed and rubbed his ribs. “Well done, lad.” Tristan scurried on top of his father and flopped down on him, pinning him under his wee form. Marrock tickled his son mercilessly until Tristan howled with laughter. Finally, they both lay back panting. “We should get back to your mother, lad, she will be waiting for us.”

  “I am waiting for you,” Mabh said from the side of the ring.

  Marrock looked back and called out. “I say lass, are you a vision?”

  “Nay, good sire, I am your mate and I am calling you home,” she replied.

  “Och, lass, never call a man home without some incentive,” he teased.

  “Incentive?” she asked. “Och, I believe we can create some incentive,” she deliberately took a step over the stones and into the arena. Before Marrock could respond, Tristan got free of his hold and rushed to his mother.

  “Mama!” he cried excitedly.

  “Och, the conquering hero!” she smiled scooping him up and pressing a kiss to his dusty cheek.

  “I pinned Papa down!” he was so excited he squirmed in her arms.

  “Of course!” She cried playfully watching her husband walk up to them. “You bested him.” She looked deliberately at her husband.

  Tristan nodded emphatically. She raised an eyebrow and eyed her husband. Marrock shrugged.

  “What can I say? He is your son,” he teased.

  “Hmm, aye he is,” she smiled.

  Marrock grabbed her and kissed her deeply. Tristan made a disgusted noise and squirmed out of Mabh’s arms. Once Mabh and Marrock were alone, she eyed her mate.

  “You are nae coming to bed with me that dirty,” she replied.

  “Then I go to the river,” he whispered. “Care to join me?”

  She grinned but shook her head and leaned into him, whispering against his lips.

  “Hurry back,” she said.

  He groaned and took off running as fast as he could, hearing her laughter follow him.


  Five years later…

  “Good, Tristan!” Weylyn praised, watching his cousin’s son train. Growing quickly Tristan was nearly fifteen in wolf years, but to human eyes, he was merely a lad of eight years.

  Tristan was growing into a fine lad with the true look of his mother, his hair matched her honey blonde locks and his eyes were dark brown. He was maturing well though still lanky, his bone structure was similar to his father’s.

  Sensing Marrock come up behind him, Weylyn smiled feeling his cousin’s hand on his back giving him an affectionate pat. Having reached wolf maturity some years ago, Weylyn was the head guard in Marrock’s pack. It was his position to train the pups.

  “How is my son this day?” Marrock asked.

  “He is learning quickly,” Weylyn replied. “He is strong like you. He has knocked Faolán down twice now.”

  Marrock’s laughter barked from his throat. “That is my son, just like his mother.”

  “Papa!” Tristan called and rushed to him. Still a lad, he only reached the base of Marrock’s chest.

  Marrock grabbed his son up in his arms and held him tightly.

  “Och, lad, you have grown into a fine wolf,” he complimented. “I will need to keep an eye on you with all the lassies.” They both laughed and Weylyn smiled.

  Having reached the age where he desired a mate, Weylyn had wanted to become a father for some time. The only problem was that none of the wolves in his pack interested him or most of them were already spoken for. Marrock had indicated that he was going to be needed on another scouting mission to the west and he hoped he may meet his mate then.

  “Where are you going?” Tristan’s voice brought Weylyn back to the present.

  “Going on a hunt, son, alone. I want you to promise me that you will stay inside the gates of the village,” Marrock said. He did not use his alpha commands on his son and he had started to use them less and less on the pack.

  “I promise, Papa,” he replied.

  “Good, there are some dangerous people out there and I donnae want you getting hurt,” Marrock said. “You will stay here and keep everyone safe.”

  “I want to come with you. I can help!” Tristan pleaded.

  Marrock put a hand on his son’s shoulder. “I need you to stay here and help our pack. Can I trust you to do that?” Marrock asked.

  Tristan nodded.

  “Aye, Papa
, I will protect the pack,” he said.

  “I ken you will,” Marrock smiled down at him. His eyes turned to Weylyn and he motioned him to follow to the gate.

  Soon after Tristan was born, there had been rumors of an uprising within the northwest pack that Marrock had put down quickly but he had doubled his guards as mercenaries were spotted in the area. Weylyn could tell from his warrior expression that more humans had been spotted in the area.

  Having expanded the village walls, Marrock and Weylyn walked silently for some time. Finally, Marrock turned to his cousin.

  “Keep watch, I have received a report that there are human trappers near our gates. I go to investigate and to keep the land safe. I need you to keep the village locked. Can you do that?” Marrock asked.

  “Of course,” Weylyn replied. “But Marrock you should nae go out alone. I wish you would let me go with you.”

  “Nay, cousin, I will be fine. I need my best men to protect the pack,” Marrock said.

  “I swear to you the village will be secure,” Weylyn said.

  “I ken it, thank you,” Marrock replied.

  “But Marrock,” Weylyn started. “I donnae feel comfortable letting you go alone.”

  “If I donnae return by gloaming, gather the best of the pack and come look for me,” he said.

  Weylyn nodded and watched Marrock look up at the guard station and order the gate to be opened. As the iron groaned and the doors pulled back, Marrock turned back at the keep to see Mabh standing on their balcony watching him. Smiling, he placed his hand over his heart indicating his love for her. She did the same and blew him a kiss. Turning, Marrock left the village and Weylyn commanded the gate to be closed and barred behind the Alpha.



  Tristan watched the gate close behind his father and saw Weylyn order more guards around the entrance. Marrock had told him to stay inside but he wanted to help. He could not get around the guards, but there was another way he had seen his mother show his father, a small hole in the side of the unrestored section of the village wall. He raced to the all and wiggled his body through the opening. The moment he was free of the town’s borders, he phased and rushed off trying to catch his father’s scent.


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