You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 12

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 12 Page 2

by Nikhil Parekh

  The roses blossoming radiantly in the valley; knelt their heads in meek submission as the chilly winds and nightfall took complete control,

  The lines of the palm bifurcated enigmatically all over in boisterous youth; started fading and diminished to a trifle as the perils of old age took over,

  The vivacious mounds of virgin clay which smiled mischievously under the Sun; looked completely battered and bashed as they were indiscriminately trampled by ongoing vehicles and metal tyre,

  The eyes which were once able to intricately sort out the inconspicuous needle from the colossal haystack; now looked as specks of dirt behind a factory of thick glass; as the years descended by,

  The legs which were springing and tenaciously marching forward at the ripening of dawn; now collapsed in a bedraggled heap at the onset of stark darkness and ghostly night,

  The towering castle which was once the pride of the royal emperor; now was a sight in complete shambles; with broken glass and century old cobwebs the only

  things welcoming the predecessor's,

  The image which was brighter than scintillating light in sweltering afternoon; now metamorphosed into lanky shadows; trespassing furtively through the fleeting blanket of dusk,

  The footprints which were profoundly distinct as the travelers strolled; were now wholesomely erased as the turbulent draught of breeze swept by,

  The waves spasmodically swirling towards the skies all throughout the evening; now appeared as placid as the singing angel; when the storm and ferocious cyclone had totally dissipated,

  The tongue which was raring to shout deafeningly in open space; now resembled the dying insect; after countless hours of giving speech,

  The shock of hair which was once as black as oil trapped within the belly of earth; now appeared as snow white as the man who sat astoundingly near to his grave,

  The pristine air of the snow clad slopes which was stupendously clean and enchanting as the cows grazed; now transited into plumes of treacherous black smoke; as the aftermath of war took its gory toll,

  The vegetables which were fresh and glowing with sparkling health as I hoisted them from the stores; now transformed into soggy and squalid as I rang the doorbell; utterly exhausted and entered home,

  The time which seemed to tick faster than light during examinations; now appeared to be crawling slower than the tortoise as the summer holidays descended by,

  The ape man who once could conquer invincible heights with raw muscle and unprecedented power bulging from under his shirt; now seemed to be unable to even lift a finger; as the decades unveiled in quick succession,

  The candle which was burning inexorably; illuminating every cranny of the room with its profound shine; now extinguished in entirety with a single kiss of the autumn wind,

  The heart which throbbed violently after witnessing the girl of its dreams for the first time; now reduced its intensity a whisker; after spending marathon times together,

  But my love for her got all the more stronger as each second unfurled into a minute; as each minute sped into an hour; as each day evolved into a week; as each year evolved into a decade; and no matter how old I became; how frigid the conglomerate of bones in my body converted; I loved her more than I loved her when she first met me; I loved her more than I ever did in my passionate dreams; I loved her more than I had loved her anytime before; this very moment when I was dying today . 





  Thank you for providing your shoulder; for me to lean upon in my times of inexplicable distress,

  Thank you for wiping my tears; when they oozed out profusely all day and night,

  Thank you for camouflaging my skin under your garment; when it was wholesomely helpless and unable to face this world,

  Thank you for whispering into my ears words of courage and fortitude; when the infiltrators were just about to barge into my camp,

  Thank you for standing by my stubborn attitude; sticking to my ideals; even though it meant sacrificing precious years of your life,

  Thank you for serving me with appetizing delicacies; preparing food for me according to my whims; even at the middle of freezing night,

  Thank you for consoling me incessantly; when dawn seemed far away; and when success was just a short-lived night,

  Thank you for pacifying my anger; when in fact if you didn’t; I would have landed in prison for assassinating lecherous mankind,

  Thank you for caressing my raw bruises with your soft palms; impregnating in them the divine power to heal at amazing speeds,

  Thank you for tolerating my flirtatious tendencies; still accepting me as your husband; inspite of my philandering whenever I got the chance,

  Thank you for assisting me in taking the most prudent decision; clutching my body tightly when I felt I would swoon like dead fish on the ground,

  Thank you for shaving off unruly strands of beard from my cheek every morning; massaging my scalp vigorously to impart me with Godly rejuvenation,

  Thank you for patiently listening to my rebukes; cooling my frazzled senses with the ointment of your romance,

  Thank you for keeping our house meticulously clean; spreading the tantalizing perfume of your passionate breath in every corridor that I tread,

  Thank you for bearing my progeny; helping me continue my chapter of existence; even decades after I died,

  Thank you for making me feel like a man; everytime I felt cowardly; thought

  of relinquishing this world,

  And over and above all thank you for making all my dreams come true; inspiring me to become what the world recognized me today; a good father; a good individual; and most importantly a good human being; to light several other's gloomy day .



  Your voluptuous eyes were the ones that stole my sight; rendered me wholesomely blinded and staring unrelentingly at your stupendous visage,

  Your luscious lips were the ones that stole my taste; tumultuously evoking me to only nibble passionately at their rubicund outline,

  Your dainty hands were the ones that stole all my Herculean muscle and power; conjuring me to hold them every unfurling second on the sunlit day; marathon hours of the freezing night,

  Your ravishing hair was the one  that stole my senses; drowning me profoundly in the ocean of their mesmerizing fragrance,

  Your poignant nails were the ones that stole my ability to scratch; driving me into a state of uncontrollable frenzy as they tantalizingly stroked their way through my scalp,

  Your tinkling feet were the ones that stole my stride; compelling me to kneel in timid obeisance; revering and worshipping them incessantly,

  Your scintillating teeth were the ones that stole my ungainly laughter; left me in a spell bound stupor; as I inexorably admired them in the moonlit shades of midnight,

  Your velvety shadow was the one that stole my entity; making me thoroughly oblivious to each of my surroundings; victimized and enchanted by its supremely mystical grace,

  Your fabulous skin was the one that stole my blood; making it abysmally freeze in my veins as I caressed your heavenly flesh,

  Your majestic aura was the one that stole my memory; made me deviate from even the most rigid of my thoughts; perpetuating me to dream of nothing else but your captivating countenance,

  Your immaculate ears were the ones that stole all my sensation to hear; making me stone deaf to the most volatile of explosion; as I sweetly suckled your ravishingly dangling and crimson lobes,

  Your delectable neck was the one that stole my prowess to turn; riveting my face intransigently towards your tawny cheeks,

  Your melodious voice was the one that stole my ability to speak; made me perpetually dumb; overwhelmingly lost in the celestial cadence of its sound; the blissful fervor in its tunes,

  Your innocuous birth mark was the one that stole my destiny; as my life solely followed its enamoring contours; blended itself completely with
its form and color,

  Your tangy tears were the ones that stole my reflection; making me admire the astounding beauty of the world which they encapsulated; the unfathomable empathy which they explicitly reflected,

  Your vivacious stomach was the one that stole my hunger; made me emancipate my demonish gluttony; as I pressed my head against it with each of its ingratiatingly rhythmic rise and fall,

  Your incomprehensibly moist breath was the one that stole my life; making me a diligent slave of the seductive aroma that you exhaled infinite number of times in a single day,

  But your heart was the main culprit of them all; as its every palpable beat stole my flamboyantly fiery desire; stole all the love I had; stole all the love I could ever give .




  The easiest way to provoke a madman; was to recount to him the incidents of his life which actually triggered off his madness,

  The easiest way to provoke a politician; was to vehemently oppose the policies he proposed,

  The easiest way to provoke a roadside beggar; was to keep reminding him incessantly of his poverty and impoverished state,

  The easiest way to provoke a school teacher; was to give preposterously wrong answers; to every question she asked,

  The easiest way to provoke a gardener; was to furtively keep plucking the fruits from his trees; driving him beyond the point of imaginable exasperation,

  The easiest way to provoke a lion; was to snatch its prey with astounding ease; right from the center of its jaws,

  The easiest way to provoke the musician; was to blurt out cacophonic tunes every time he felt; that he had established himself into a perfect rhythm,

  The easiest way to provoke guests entering the dwelling; was to blend your oily scalp hair; in the tea you hospitably served them,

  The easiest way to provoke the mammoth elephant; was to leave a battalion of red ants next to his feet; when he was overwhelmingly relishing his meal of green leaf,

  The easiest way to provoke the peon in the office; was to order him to serve you a glass of water; as soon as the poor fellow had delivered the previous one,

  The easiest way to provoke the soldier; was to let the enemy pass from under his nose; camouflaged in the color of the surrounding; to evade the most ingenious of his senses,

  The easiest way to provoke the monstrous shark; was to shoot its jaded body with a fleet of lanky harpoons,

  The easiest way to provoke a clown; was to burst into hysterical sobs, when he performed his comic acts,

  The easiest way to provoke the priest; was to disturb his profound concentration; when he was lost in reciting the name of God,

  The easiest way to provoke the magician; was to steal away the wand he used to execute magic & transform all stone into gold,

  The easiest way to provoke a writer; was to cynically view his work; tell him blatantly on his face; that he wouldn’t earn even a penny out of the infinite volumes of literature he had taken pains to pen down,

  The easiest way to provoke the Almighty creator; was to violate his laws of existence; drift on a nefarious path that eventually found him decimate you to raw ash,

  And the easiest way to provoke me; was to lay eyes on my beloved; try and cast a spell on her already engaged heart; which either found me killing the person who dared to do so; or in case if I failed; bidding goodbye to this earth forever .




  8. ENGAGED !

  When I tried to reach her via the rusty and corroded village phone; I simply couldn’t savor the chance to talk to her; as it was incessantly engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via road; I simply couldn’t salvage the pleasure of witnessing the mesmerizing contours of her face; as the road was bustling with boisterous traffic; the road was disdainfully engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via email; the usually high speed and overwhelmingly reliable internet server; was disastrously engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via mental telepathy; I found my mind intransigently busy in pondering on something inconsequential; infact found my mind irrevocably engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via local mail; I found myself confronted by an unimaginably onerous dilemma; as the entire postal authority was voraciously busy in delivering war messages and engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via lightening fast air courier; the robotic jet carrying my indispensably precious message; crashed with a soft thud into the Atlantic; and all communication went morbidly engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via satellite television; the white current of electricity brusquely snapped off; and the images got disdainfully engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via the tenaciously thunderous loudspeaker; a family of mice ate the deliciously spongy wires; and the waves that now emanated were hoarsely engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via the harmoniously flowing river; the waters suddenly brewed with a tumultuously fierce storm; were murderously engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via exorbitantly paid fast taxi; the sleazy ticket counter was prolifically thronging with pedestrians; was miserably engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via conventional fax; the usually synchronized and thoroughly ingenious machine; now blurted the tunes of insipidly engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via the electric paced bicycle; the traffic signal abruptly metamorphosed to horrendously red; went pathetically and uncertainly engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via the nation wide radio; an immediate emergency got declared in all quarters of the state; the line conked out and eventually went mercilessly engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via an ambulance perched on its relentlessly nictitating rooftop; a spuriously bandaged victim stopped its expedition midway; and it was rendered compulsively engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via my sophisticated little mobile instrument; ready to pay even astronomical sums of money to establish rapport with her passionately divine presence; the line sounded a mockingly engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via the stridently blaring whistle; signaling her surreptitiously to come out in brilliant sunshine; there spewed a sandstorm in the placid atmosphere; drowning my voice in entirety; leaving it momentarily engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via the contemporarily gleaming lift; I embarrassingly floundered in my attempts; as the contraption was deplorably stuck between two floors; was for the time being stubbornly engaged,

  When I tried to reach her via the celestial heavens; I simply wasn’t able to appease the Creator to help me in my cause; as his Omnipresent presence was busy chalking policies for the sustenance of this mighty Universe; was a trifle engaged,

  And my string of bad luck didn’t end here itself; when I finally did manage to reach her enchanting doorstep; I found much to my utter dismay; that she had already chosen the man of her dreams; was already engaged .


  I might have eaten different varieties of food every day; appeasing my gluttony with the exact taste that circulated instantaneously in my tongue,

  I might have worn different clothes every day; vacillating between contemporary and traditional fabric; to succeed in my spurious attempts of looking the best,

  I might have talked in different dialects every day; maneuvering my tongue several times; to achieve that bombastic slang which I had perpetually dreamt of,

  I might have wandered in different directions every day; incessantly discovering and stimulating my insatiable greed for adventure,

  I might have read different books every day; profoundly engrossed in the inscrutable tales of enchanting mystery and romance,

  I might have slept at different places every day; sometimes under the tenacious moonlight blending with placid grass; while sometimes on the astronomical summit of the mountain feasting on the tremendously deep pink gorge,


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