A Secret He Can't Keep: A Small Town Opposites Attract Romance (Brookview, Ohio Book 2)

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A Secret He Can't Keep: A Small Town Opposites Attract Romance (Brookview, Ohio Book 2) Page 9

by Autumn Marks


  Was he here? Had he actually come through for her? He didn’t seem like the type to stand her up, but it wouldn’t be the first time she’d been surprised by a man’s actions.

  Amid the applause of the crowd, Emily and Logan made their way to the head table and continued to stand while Meredith and Dan, the maid and groomsman of honor, were announced. Without drawing attention to herself, she scanned the crowd for Brandon, but it was pointless. There were only a few tables that had been assigned and in a sea of about two hundred or so faces, he could be anywhere.

  Stephanie and Chris appeared in the opening of the barn. When the deejay announced their names, she joined in with the rest of the crowd in cheering for the happy couple. Steph’s gaze never left Chris’s as they walked hand-in-hand, looking completely enamored with one another. Emily couldn’t help the jealousy that crept up her spine. She longed for someone to look at her that way.

  When Stephanie and Chris reached the head table, everyone took their seats. But their seats had barely warmed up before the crowd was clinking their glasses in an effort to make the couple kiss. The happy couple smiled and obliged the crowd with a brief, chaste kiss.

  Emily scanned the crowd once more looking for Brandon. She bit back the groan that almost escaped her because it wasn’t Brandon she spotted. She’d been so wrapped up in thinking about Brandon she’d almost forgotten the whole reason she’d asked him to go in the first place. Jason and his new girlfriend were right in her line of sight. Had he planned for that? She wouldn’t put it past him.

  Jason whispered something in his girlfriend’s ear and the two of them giggled. Were they talking about her? Even though she knew she shouldn’t care, her heart sank at the thought of someone whom she’d shared the last five years of her life with treating her as though she was someone to laugh at. As though she was someone who didn’t deserve his respect anymore.

  “And now, Meredith would like to give a toast to the happy couple,” the deejay said.

  Emily looked over at Meredith who had just been given the mic. Everyone around was smiling, but Meredith’s eyes were as big as dinner plates. She sat there and didn’t move. Meredith held the mic away from her as Stephanie leaned over to see what the holdup was.

  “I didn’t write anything,” Meredith whispered to Emily.

  Emily took the mic from Meredith. This delay had taken too long already and Stephanie surely wouldn’t miss the murmurs that were beginning to come from the crowd.

  Emily stood up from her seat and faced the crowd. “Sorry, it was really me who was supposed to give the speech tonight. It probably would’ve been helpful if I’d remembered to tell the deejay,” she said. A few laughs came from the crowd as she gracefully took the fall for a mistake that wasn’t even hers. “For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Emily Smith and I’ve been friends with Stephanie ever since middle school.” She turned to Chris and Stephanie. “Stephanie and Chris, for a long time I’ve known this day was coming. Our senior year in high school was a pivotal year for the two of you. After a few years of being friends, you two finally started dating. And then Chris got accepted to Purdue while Stephanie remained close by and went to Ohio University. Steph had thought that would be the end and Audrey and I consoled her for weeks. But it wasn’t the end. Through countless phone calls, emails, and text messages, you two weren’t willing to let go of one another. Then one summer, after college was finally done, you two found yourself back in the place where it had all started—Brookview. Every relationship has its ups and downs, and you two have certainly been through your fair share, but I know that what you have is really special and will withstand the test of time. If everyone could please raise their glasses,” she said and raised her glass along with the rest of the crowd. “It is with great honor that I get to toast the happy couple tonight. And when the two of you are ready to buy your first home, don’t forget about your good friend Emily.”

  The crowd clapped and Emily handed the mic back over to the deejay, who was waiting at the edge of the table. She sat back down and tried to settle her racing heart. She hoped she hadn’t sounded like an idiot and rambled too much. It wasn’t like she’d had a lot of time to prepare something eloquent.

  “And now let me hand the mic over to Dan, our groom of honor, because he’d like to say a few words.”

  “I don’t have anything prepared that can even come close to Emily’s speech, so I’ll keep it short to spare you,” Dan said with a laugh. “Please raise your glasses to join me in a toast. To Stephanie and Chris, I wish you lots of love and happiness in your marriage. Congratulations, you two.”

  Everyone took a sip of champagne as Dan sat back down. After Dan’s speech, Emily thought her off-the-cuff speech wasn’t half bad.

  “Emily, you saved me,” Meredith said once dinner was done and they were able to get up and mingle. Emily had been busy trying to find Brandon in the sea of people when Meredith had caught up with her. “Thank you for doing that.”

  What Emily really wanted to do was cuss Meredith out, but she’d keep it clean for Steph’s sake. “I didn’t do it for you.”

  “I know, but I still appreciate it,” Meredith said, her gaze focused on the floor.

  “Did you seriously not know you were supposed to give a speech?”

  “I knew, but I guess I forgot,” Meredith said with a pathetic shrug.

  “Your sister has been planning this day for months. You could’ve at least showed some interest. Next time put the phone down and be there for her,” she snapped back.

  Meredith sucked in a breath, cutting off whatever retort she might’ve had to Emily’s dressing-down. She turned on her heel and scurried away, leaving Emily to continue her search for her date.

  He’d been watching her all through dinner and during her speech looking for some resemblance to the Trina he’d known and remembered. He couldn’t find any except for the eye color, which didn’t mean much.

  He’d told himself it couldn’t be the same. It was the only way he’d be able to look at Emily again…and she was definitely worth looking at.

  When he had seen Emily at the entrance of the barn, he could’ve sworn his heart skipped a beat. Was such a thing possible? It wasn’t just the way the dress fit or the makeup she was wearing that had drawn him in. It was everything about her. Her smile and the way her eyes sparkled under the barn’s lights. Her hair, and the few wisps that had come undone from the rest on the top of her head. The way she had covered for the maid of honor to ensure her friend’s wedding a success. Emily was so giving and always looking out for others, and he loved that about her.


  Did he love Emily? He’d long known there was something about her that had drawn him in. Maybe it was the way the two had met that was different. She hadn’t given him the time of day—something he wasn’t used to.

  But that wasn’t it.

  Emily wasn’t afraid to be herself with him, or at least he hoped that was the case. She seemed so comfortable around him. And he felt the same way with her. And except for a part of his past that would remain under wraps, he wanted to be honest with her. He wanted her to really get to know him.

  Emily couldn’t keep the grin off of her face as she finally, finally found Brandon in the crowd. With his tailored pants, dress shirt, and bow tie to match, he looked like he had just stepped off the runway.

  Brandon was drop-dead sexy on a normal day, but tonight was too much. The man couldn’t be ugly if he tried. Combine his stunning good looks with his crazy sense of humor and you’d have someone who probably wasn’t human. But here he was, right in front of her eyes.

  The best part was that he was here for her.

  Even though she looked gorgeous tonight, Emily couldn’t help the nagging thought from entering her mind. Was she good enough for him?

  “You made it,” she said, struggling to speak over the cacophony of music and chatter. “Thanks for coming. It means a lot to me.”

  Brandon shrug
ged. “Nonsense. I mean, Ollie is good company, but he’s not as good as you.”

  “Oh, wow. You compared me to your dog. How sweet,” Emily said with a grin.

  Brandon’s face grew serious. “You should take that as a compliment. That dog means the world to me,” he said, his smirk giving him away.

  She elbowed him in the side. “You really should get out more. You know, maybe meet some other people.” Not too many people though. She wanted to keep Brandon for herself.

  Brandon leaned in close and put his mouth right next to her ear. She held her breath and waited for him to make a move. “I’ve met a lot of people tonight. And none of them are as exciting as you,” he said with a wink. He held his hand out to her. “Would you like to dance?”

  The chance to have Brandon’s hands all over her? The thought made her insides go all fluttery, but she wanted this. She placed her hand in his and he brought it to his lips. His lips just brushed my hand! She was on the verge of losing it.

  Her smile stretched from ear to ear. “I’d love to dance.”

  Chapter 14

  Brandon led Emily out onto the dance floor. Her long fingers intertwined with his and once they reached an open space, he pulled her into him and smiled. He’d been waiting for the moment where he could have his hands all over her and it would be considered acceptable. He placed his hands on her hips as she draped her arms over his shoulders, keeping a slight distance between them.

  “Good speech tonight. Nice recovery,” he said, swaying in time with the music.

  “Was it that obvious that Meredith screwed up?”

  Brandon nodded. “You handled it well though and I’m sure your friend appreciates your quick decision.”

  “I hope I wasn’t rambling too much. It’s not like I had a lot of time to prepare.”

  “It was perfect and you could tell it came from the heart.” He dipped Emily, eliciting a giggle from her.

  “You should warn me next time you do that!” she scolded, but the smile on her face gave her away.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” he said with a wink. He loved the feel of her body up against his and the way she smiled whenever she looked at him. However, he hadn’t forgotten why she’d asked him here. He wanted to find the asshole who had caused her so much distress. “Have you seen him yet?” Brandon asked, knowing full well she’d know who he meant. In a flash, her grin turned to a scowl.

  “Yes,” she said, narrowing her eyes. “I had to watch them all through dinner.”

  “Did he see you?”

  “I’m sure he did. I was pretty hard to miss up there at the head table.”

  “Where is he now? I’d like to see him.”

  Her body stiffened and she leaned away from him. “Why? What are you going to do?” The concern in her voice was obvious.

  He searched her eyes for meaning. “What do you think I’m going to do?”

  “I don’t know. It’s just…you’re so unpredictable. I don’t want a scene.”

  What kind of a person did she think he was? He hadn’t been in a fight since middle school and had no desire to start one now. “I’m not going to start a fight, Emily. I just want to see the person responsible for breaking your heart.”

  She smiled back at him. “I appreciate your concern but you don’t have to worry about my heart. Someone else has wormed his way into it.”

  Did she mean him? He hadn’t seen her with anyone else. “Tell me about this mystery man.”

  “Well, he has brown hair and brown eyes. He’s been over to visit me quite a bit.”

  Brandon was beginning to get disappointed with her description. Just when he thought he’d found someone… “What else can you tell me about him?”

  “He’s a little short and loves playing tennis. He’s disabled but doesn’t let that stop him.”

  He finally got it. “So Ollie has wormed his way into your heart?”

  Emily shrugged. “What can I say? He’s grown on me.”

  “But you made me put a fence up between the two of you.”

  “Sometimes boundaries are needed.” She leaned in close and put her mouth right by Brandon’s ear. She brushed her lips against his earlobe. “That rule doesn’t apply to humans though. Only dogs.”

  There were so many things that could be inferred from her statement, but Brandon didn’t want to read too much into it.

  “So you’re not even going to point your ex out to me?” he asked, changing the topic. His thoughts were drifting to places they shouldn’t be and he had to put a stop to it before he hauled Emily out of here and took her back to his place.

  She scanned the crowd and then turned him around so Jason would be in view. “You see that guy in the gray shirt dancing with the curvy blonde in the pink dress?”

  How could he miss them? That dress could be heard for miles. Had this woman been going for obnoxious? Because it certainly fit. “That’s him?”

  “That’s him.”

  Brandon sized him up. The guy was a tool. Anyone who would cheat on Emily didn’t deserve respect. “We’re going to stay facing like this so you don’t have to look at him on the dance floor,” he said. Emily’s ex and his new girlfriend were groping each other and looked like they were about to devour one another. Didn’t they have any dignity? Brandon tried not to stare, but they were making such a scene, they were drawing attention from all over. This day wasn’t about them, though they didn’t seem to care.

  Now they were making out—in the middle of the dance floor.

  Emily tried to lean around him to see what was going on, but he stopped her. “Please don’t. It’s not pretty.”

  She leaned around him and saw what he was referring to. Her gasp at what she’d seen had been whisper quiet, but Brandon had heard it. He leaned back and registered the look of disappointment on Emily’s face. “I’m sorry you had to see that,” he said.

  If Jason had been going for the kill shot, he succeeded. To see him all over his new girlfriend, the one he had cheated on her with, was too much. It was time for her to leave this dance floor, and possibly even this wedding. She’d been a fool to think she could stomach this so soon after their breakup. She couldn’t even appreciate Brandon in this moment. Brandon had tried to shield her from the goriness, but she’d been curious. She was paying for that curiosity now.

  Emily pulled away from Brandon. “I need to leave,” she said. She wanted a drink, something to take her mind off of Jason and dull her senses a little bit.

  “Emily, wait…” he said, his words fading into the rest of the wedding noise.

  She hustled over to the bar and ordered a rum and Coke. The bartender assessed her look and splashed a bit more rum in her glass. A wise move. The first pull of her drink slid down her throat and warmed her insides. Her goal wasn’t to get flat-out drunk, just a nice buzz to take the edge off.

  “Are you okay?” Brandon asked when he caught up with her at the bar.

  “I thought I could handle being here today. It screams of betrayal every time I see the two of them together.” Her fingers gripped her glass tighter as her rage simmered inside.

  “The guy’s an asshole. Anyone who would dump you is a dumbass. You deserve better.”

  Emily shook her head while taking another sip of her drink. “I’m not that special.”

  Brandon touched her cheek with the side of his hand. “Don’t say that,” he said, his gaze locked onto hers. He took the drink from her hand and set it down on the bar.

  “Hey!” she said with a pout. “I wasn’t done with that.”

  “You don’t need it.” He took her hand and pulled her away from the bar toward the entrance of the barn.

  She struggled to keep pace with him. “Where are we going?”

  “Away from all of this,” he said without turning around.

  She tore her hand out of his grasp. “But they’re going to be cutting the cake soon. I should be there for that.”

  “I’m sure they’ll be fine without you.”

The entrance of the barn loomed ahead. Outside that door she’d be away from all of this…away from Jason, away from his infidelity she’d thought she’d gotten over, away from her obligation as a bridesmaid—if only for a short while.

  She should stop. She should turn back and be there for her friend since it was Stephanie’s night. But then she reflected on how badly she’d been treated so far today and how much she didn’t want to risk seeing Jason again.

  Brandon opened the door to the barn and turned toward Emily. He held his hand out and she stared at it for a moment.

  Stay or go?

  Her mind was telling her she should stay. Her friend needed her. But dammit, she’d promised to put herself first and not once had she done that. It was time for her to be selfish. She placed her hand in his as he led her outside.

  “Do you even know where you’re going?” she asked once the barn door had been closed behind them.

  “No. I just had to get you out of there. And to tell you the truth, I had to get out of there for me too. I couldn’t stay in there knowing that guy had hurt you so badly.”

  Outside in the darkness, there was nothing but farmland surrounding them. Lightning bugs dotted the sky and muffled music came from the barn which now seemed miles away. In reality, it was less than fifty feet.

  “Stephanie is going to lose her shit if I’m not back in there for the cake cutting,” Emily said.

  “She won’t even notice. You should quit worrying about what she thinks. You held up your end of the bargain and now it’s time for you to get back to your normal life.”

  A breeze blew, rustling the trees around, sending goose bumps down Emily’s arms. She shivered.

  “Here,” Brandon said, wrapping her in his arms, “I’ll warm you up.”

  Emily sank into his embrace and was instantly comforted by the heat of his body. She rested her head on his shoulder and they stood together, swaying in time to the beat of the music from the barn.

  For a moment, she allowed herself to think that this thing with Brandon would continue beyond this night. But it couldn’t, could it? Was he even interested in her or did he pity her because of her dickhead ex-boyfriend?


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