A Secret He Can't Keep: A Small Town Opposites Attract Romance (Brookview, Ohio Book 2)

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A Secret He Can't Keep: A Small Town Opposites Attract Romance (Brookview, Ohio Book 2) Page 14

by Autumn Marks

  “It was nice to meet you too,” he replied.

  As they watched Audrey leave, Brandon dropped his arm from around Emily’s waist and turned to face her.

  “Thanks for coming over,” Emily said. “Audrey had been asking to meet you and now she’ll finally leave me alone.”

  “I wanted to talk to you anyway.”

  Emily’s mouth went dry. Was that a good talk or a bad talk? “Did you eat? Audrey and I made dinner and there’s still some left.”

  “No, thanks. I drove around a good bit this evening to clear my head and had dinner in Pickerington at a Mexican restaurant.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  Brandon hesitated. “Do you have time to come in? I need to let Ollie out and then I can tell you all about my visit with my dad.”

  “Of course I have time. Let me go turn a few things off in the house and I’ll be right over.”

  Brandon shouldn’t have avoided Emily. Seeing her this evening really brought to light how much he’d missed her this week.

  But he hadn’t been in a position to see anyone. The news about his father had weighed heavily on his mind and he’d spent too long working up the courage to confront him. If there was one good thing that had come out of this evening, it was that he could say he’d tried to reconnect with his father. Clearly, his father was never going to be ready. It was time to move on.

  Brandon leaned down and scratched Ollie behind his ear. Ollie had been snuggled up on the couch when Brandon entered the house and he hadn’t changed his position now that Brandon was home.

  “What a lazy dog you are,” Brandon said, petting Ollie’s head. “Can’t even get up to greet me.”

  Ollie answered with a yawn.

  “Come on, Ollie. Time to go outside.”

  Brandon opened up the back door and Ollie went out into the yard. While Ollie was outside, he took that time to put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and throw away any trash he’d left on the counter. He checked the family room for anything left out and when his place looked reasonably clean, he let Ollie back in. Ollie was getting ready to jump back on couch until a knock at the door stole his attention. While Ollie carried on barking, Brandon opened the door where Emily was waiting on the other side with two beers in hand.

  “I thought you could use one,” she said, holding them up.

  Brandon took them from her hands. “You read my mind. Thanks for bringing them.”

  “There’s more back at my place. Stephanie sent them home with me after her rehearsal dinner. I don’t drink much, so they’ve been sitting in the fridge.”

  “I might take you up on that offer. It’s been a long day.”

  Emily kicked off her sandals when she entered and sat down on the couch with Ollie right next to her. She tucked her legs underneath her and settled in to listen.

  “Do you want a glass for this?” Brandon asked, nodding toward the bottles.

  “No, I don’t need one. Out of the bottle is fine for me.”

  He unscrewed the caps from both bottles and handed one to Emily. “Cheers,” he said, clinking his bottle with hers. He sat down in his chair near the couch and took a long pull from the bottle. The hoppy liquid slipped down his throat effortlessly and he all but sank down into the chair.

  “So what happened today?” Emily asked, then took a sip of her beer. “From your expression, I’d say nothing good.”

  Brandon took another swig of beer. “I finally went and talked to my dad.”

  “How did that go?”

  He huffed. “Not good. The whole time he denied that he’d kicked me out. And he tried to say that leaving was my choice.”

  “What were your expectations going in?”

  “I thought he’d at least want to have a conversation about it. Maybe air out some of our grievances, but no. I don’t think his intent was to reconcile.”

  “Do you think you’ll try and talk to him again?”

  Brandon shook his head. “No, I’m done. I can’t change him, but I can change myself. It’s finally time to put him behind me once and for all.”

  “And your mom? How does she feel about it?”

  “Sad, I assume. I think she really wanted to see the two of us reconnect.”

  “She’s in a tough spot,” Emily said. “But I think you made the right choice. At some point, you have to do what’s best for you.”

  “I’m sorry for not talking to you this week,” Brandon said, then drained his bottle. “I had a lot on my mind that I wanted to sort out.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I had a busy week at work. I closed on Eileen Harris’s place yesterday which made for a nice payday.”

  “Yeah, I know Eileen. I know her daughter too. She’s getting married to one of my good friends from high school, Trent.”

  “I got invited to their wedding.”

  “Are you going?” he asked. If she went, then he’d at least have someone to talk to. She could reciprocate the favor he’d done for her. But only if she wanted to.

  “I told her I’d go. She asked me after the closing and I couldn’t exactly say no. I was put on the spot.”

  “You can go with me then. But it would be like your friend’s wedding where we’d have to arrive separately. And don’t feel like you have to come to the actual wedding. Just the reception is fine.”

  “All right,” Emily said with a grin. “You convinced me. I’ll go.”

  Brandon couldn’t help but smile. Another evening with Emily was okay in his book. “I could use your help in the meantime.”

  Emily’s eyebrows arched. “With what?”

  “I need your help writing my best man’s speech. Originally, they thought Katie’s son would be the best man, but he didn’t want to do it. So when I reconnected with Trent a while back, he asked me. But I really suck at writing speeches. Will you help me?”

  “I don’t think my help is going to be an asset to you. I’m not that poetic.”

  “Please. Your speech at your friend’s wedding was really good…and it was off-the-cuff. If you’d had time to prepare, think how good it could be.”

  She squirmed in her seat. “You’re really putting the pressure on me now.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to. I just feel really out of my element here.” A thought crossed his mind. “I could…compensate you.”

  “I don’t need money.”

  “It wouldn’t be money,” he said with a sly grin.

  “Oh, yeah? What would you pay me with?”

  The look on her face told Brandon that she knew exactly what he was referring to. It was something he’d wanted ever since he’d kissed her at the wedding. Kissing her wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. He had to have her…in his bed…underneath him. He was powerless when it came to her. This thing with Emily, whatever they were calling it, just sort of happened. He didn’t plan it and to tell the truth, he didn’t want it to stop. “I think you know what I’d pay you with.”

  “I have a fairly good idea,” she said, her voice softer now, almost raspy.

  “Yeah? Why don’t you tell me what you’re thinking?”

  “Why don’t you come over here and tell me what you’re thinking?” she challenged.

  Brandon set his empty beer bottle down on the end table next to him and walked over to where Emily was sitting. He kneeled down in front of her and she sat up to meet him. Her lips were within inches of his and she sat completely motionless, waiting for him to make his move. “First, I’d start by paying you with little kisses like this,” he said, brushing featherlight kisses across her lips. When she tried to press her lips harder to his, he backed away. “Nuh-uh. This is my payment to you.”

  “Well, if you’re paying me, you’re going to have to do better than that or else I’m not helping you,” she said, leaning back and crossing her arms over her chest. She was still smiling. She was testing him to see how far he’d go.

  He wanted to go far. All the way—so long as she was willing. He’d seen—and felt—the way
she’d reacted to him and hoped she wanted this as much as him.

  “Now that you’ve raised the prices on me, I’m going to have to up the ante a bit.” Brandon stood up and held out his hand to her. There was no hesitation in her eyes as she placed her hand in his. When he pulled her up off of the couch, his hand found that perfect placement at the small of her back, the place that was made for him, and he pressed her against him. Emily’s breathing quieted as he planted kisses along her neck and right below her ear. The saltiness of her skin combined with the sweet smell of her shampoo made for an intoxicating combination, fueling his desire. He met her lips once more and teased her bottom lip with his tongue, tasting the beer she’d drunk.

  She broke from his kisses. “I don’t know. Writing a speech is a lot of work,” she said breathlessly, without conviction.

  Brandon took her hand and led her back to his bedroom. He looked at her, asking with his gaze whether or not she wanted to back out. But the hunger in her eyes told him all he needed to know. She wanted this too, and wouldn’t be stopping him.

  Chapter 21

  This was happening. Emily’s body thrummed with excitement while her mind was whirring with anticipation. Brandon led her back to a closed door, then looked at her earnestly once more.

  “I finally get to see your bedroom?” she asked.

  “Only if you want to.”

  “I want to.”

  Nothing more needed to be said. For once, her mind was in total agreement with her body. There was no apprehension, only desire. The only thing running through her mind was how would sex be with Brandon. She knew what sex with Jason was like. Sometimes dull, usually predictable. But Brandon was different. She’d known that all along.

  And she was different with Brandon.

  Brandon brought out another side of her she’d never known she had. Typical Emily would never have made love with someone after such a short time of knowing them. It was too risky. With Jason, she’d made sure to know as much about him as possible before sleeping with him. But Brandon? There was still so much she didn’t know.

  With Brandon, she felt an unexplained comfort. She trusted him. It was as though they were connected on some level. She wouldn’t try and explain it. Not now. Right now, the most pressing thing on her mind was his hand on hers as he led her to his bedroom.

  He flipped on the light to reveal standard bedroom furniture: a bed, dresser, and a nightstand. “You’ll have to excuse the bed. I’m not the type to make it every morning.”

  She was the type to do that. But the next time she slept in her bed, which might not be tonight, she’d leave it unmade for once to see how it felt.

  Before her, a bed lay with rumpled sheets in coordinating blue colors. “That’s okay. I assume we’re going to mess it up, right?”

  His lips turned up in a smile. “That’s right. We’re saving ourselves the trouble.”

  Emily stood rooted in place. The harsh overhead light made her feel exposed. Every facial expression would be seen and all the little imperfections on her skin and body would be on display. She walked over to the light and flipped it off. “I’d rather have it off, if you don’t mind.”

  “Whatever makes you most comfortable.”

  The light from the living room filtered through the open door to his bedroom, allowing her to see nothing but his silhouette and the barest hint of facial features. But she didn’t need the light to know that Brandon’s eyes were full of need and longing.

  She walked up to him and stood merely inches from his face. Her hands yearned to touch him, but she kept them at her sides, knowing as soon as her hands were on him, she wouldn’t be able to control herself. Her heart thumped in her chest and her breathing shallowed. She was anxious for him to kiss her, touch her—anything. Brandon leaned in and grazed his lips against hers, once, twice, testing the waters, seeing how she would respond. Emily crushed her lips against his, wishing to be engulfed by him and he pulled her so close, she could feel the heat radiating off of his body.

  In one swift movement, Brandon’s shirt was on the floor and Emily’s hands were everywhere, gripping his shoulders, tracing his spine down to the small of his back. The hard planes of his body were unyielding under the pressure of her fingertips and she loved every bit of it.

  Brandon tugged at the hem of her shirt. “May I?”

  “It’s only fair,” she said with a grin.

  Her shirt joined his on the floor and Brandon leaned back to assess her. “Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.”

  Emboldened by his words, Emily unhooked the button on her shorts and slipped out of them, tossing them onto the pile with the rest of their clothes. “How about now?”

  “Even better.”

  His mouth found hers while his hands explored her body, feeling her nipples through her bra, stiffening them with his touch. He broke away from her mouth, trailing kisses down her neck as his hands fumbled with the clasp. When her bra was unhooked, she let the straps slide down her arms, then let it drop to the floor. Brandon bent down and took one breast, then the other in his mouth, swirling his tongue around each nipple, slowly, languidly, sending a shot of need straight to her core.

  Brandon stood up and led Emily over to the bed where she didn’t need any instruction on what to do. She shimmied her body up so that her head was on his pillow while he stood and let his gaze linger on her body.

  “There’s so much I want to do to you tonight.”

  “Lucky for you, I’ve got plenty of time,” she said. She reached out to stroke Brandon’s erection which protruded from his shorts. Brandon sucked in a breath through his teeth.

  “I don’t. Not if you keep doing that.”

  Emily smiled and quit touching him, wanting this evening to last as long as possible. She’d waited long enough for this moment and wasn’t about to ruin it.

  Brandon settled himself over top of her and once more, his mouth was on hers. His tongue danced against hers, then broke away to explore her neck, her breasts, the insides of her thighs, before coming to rest at her core. Brandon tugged her underwear down her hips, then tossed them to the floor. Emily closed her eyes, knowing full well what was to come. The seconds seemed to tick on forever. Brandon reveled in drawing out her agony. Then, before she was ready for the contact, his tongue slid inside her, teasing, tasting, exploring her center, making her moan and writhe with pleasure. She gripped his pillow as the sensations built within her, wishing to anchor herself to something for support. Right when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, her entire body tensed as he brought her to orgasm. As if that wasn’t enough, he did it a second time.

  Emily had never known herself capable of having multiple orgasms like that. One and done, if that, was how things usually went for her. But here she was on her second one already and he’d yet to enter her.

  Brandon stripped off what remained of his clothing and walked over to his dresser to retrieve something. But she didn’t need to ask what because she heard the rip of the packet and then seconds later, he was lined at her center. She was so ready for this.

  Slowly and methodically, he entered her until his entire shaft was buried inside her. A gasp escaped her lips.

  “Are you okay?”

  She was more than okay. Shocked by his size, yes, but Brandon was everything she thought he was going to be and more. “Yes. Keep going.”

  He leaned over her so that his face was near hers. “You got it,” he said with a smirk.

  Their lips met and she couldn’t get enough of his kisses, wanting more and more while he kept up his rhythm inside her. She gripped his shoulders, his back, then his butt as she pulled him deeper within her. He sucked in a breath and his body stilled.

  “You’re going to make me finish if you keep that up.”

  “You’re going to make me finish…again if you keep that up,” she said, smiling against his lips.

  Another orgasm was building inside her and in response, her whole body tensed. Brandon must have felt it too, and continued
to pump inside her, keeping her on edge until her entire body shattered. Emily let out a moan, her body convulsing while her orgasm worked its way through. After a few more short thrusts, Brandon’s body clenched under her grip and he let out a groan as his orgasm coursed through his body, his rigid length going slack. He pulled out of her, discarded the condom in the bathroom down the hall, and then came back to where she lay on the bed.

  “I’m going to have to come up with one hell of a speech after that,” Emily said.

  He snuggled up next to her and pulled the sheets over top of them. “My payment was okay?”

  “I’ve never had multiple orgasms before.”

  “Never?” Brandon asked.


  “You’re welcome then.”

  Emily giggled, then flipped over to face him. “I suppose this is a good time to tell you that I’ll be staying here tonight.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Brandon kissed her forehead, then her lips, then closed his eyes. Before long, she heard his soft, gentle, steady breathing and knew he’d fallen asleep.

  Was this the beginning of them taking their relationship to the next level? Were they boyfriend and girlfriend—for real this time?

  It didn’t matter. She’d take this moment and enjoy it for tonight. Forever even.

  Emily closed her eyes and soon, sleep overtook her.

  Chapter 22

  Brandon’s face was warm, too warm even, and…moist? What the?

  He opened his eyes to see Ollie staring him in the face. Ollie was panting, his way of telling Brandon that he wanted to go outside. Sunlight filtered in through the blinds in Brandon’s bedroom, prompting him to look at the clock on his nightstand. Seven thirty in the morning. Brandon had slept in—for once.

  Since being back in Brookview, he hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep and never once had he been able to sleep through until the sun came up. Then again, none of his nights had consisted of entertaining a female companion. And not just any female companion.


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