Wolf Dream

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Wolf Dream Page 17

by M. R. Polish

  “Es!” I could hear my dad yelling for me. Oh no. He can’t be here, Nicholas will kill him.

  Nicholas gave a wicked grin. “I think the party is starting, and it seems we have more guests. What kind of host would I be if I let them amble through the halls with no direction?” He turned and left me alone with Maluse.

  “I have orders from the Death Keeper not to kill you.”

  I could breathe again. Thank goodness Davin really cared.

  She moved a little closer. “But I have never listened to orders.”

  And all hope died. I wondered if I was up to testing out her magic to mine. I could already feel a strain on my energy by being separated from Luna and using so much magic, but I had to try. In one motion, I raised my hands and let the sizzling energy shoot out from them. It connected with her, but all she did was laugh. I didn’t let up.

  She walked toward me and my legs turned to Jello. My magic wasn’t affecting her either. She cackled again. “You stupid witch. Don’t you know that you feed a demon’s energy with your magic?”

  I dropped my hands. So I just made her stronger and me weaker. Yeah, that was great. The door opened, slamming against the wall. My dad ran in, crashing into Maluse. “Es, get out of here! The others need you,” he yelled as he wrestled Maluse to the ground.

  They scuffled for a moment before I realized Nicholas never came back with my dad. I ran from the room out into the hall. I took off toward the front door, but remembered Ian was still in the house somewhere.

  I jogged back to the room, but this time the door was locked. I ran into it with my shoulder, trying to break it open. After three times I could hear Ian hollering for me to stand back. His foot came through the wood door and I helped by kicking out the rest, just big enough for me to crawl through.

  I ran into his arms. “We need to hurry, I don’t know where Nicholas is at.”

  We went to the window and after finding it locked, broke the glass out. Ian was pale. I knew that Nicholas zapped most of his strength earlier. “Go, you need to get outside with Dregan.”

  “Not without you. I tried to break the door down and get to you, I swear.”

  “I know, it’s okay. Just go. My magic has no affect on Nicholas and I didn’t have time to use the vial.”

  “What vial might that be?” Nicholas entered the room, stepping over Meadow’s dead body.

  “Just go, Ian,” I pleaded.

  He shook his head. “No.”

  Nicholas grinned. “Isn’t that sweet. He’s willing to die for love.”

  “You don’t want him, you want me.”

  “What is this? He’d rather die than leave, you’d rather sacrifice yourself to save him… Interesting. I knew you two were an item, but I didn’t realize you bonded. That whole guardian forever together thing isn’t for me. I’m glad I don’t have to spend eternity with just one person. Oh wait, you won’t have to either.” He walked to Ian. “Because she’ll be dead. You can thank me later.”

  Ian threw his arm back and decked Nicholas straight in the jaw, sending him backward, but it only made him laugh. He rubbed his chin then cocked his hand back to return the favor. I knew Ian couldn’t handle too much and my heart plummeted. I jumped in the way just in time to feel Nicholas’s fist meet my cheek. I lost all balance and heard a high-pitched ringing in my ear. I blinked rapidly, trying to regain my focus. I’d been hit before, during training with Jarak and Ian, but never like that.

  When my eyes finally focused I saw Ian and Nicholas wrestling, tangled in a mess of arms and legs. I pulled out the vial and attached the small tip that Davin gave me. I rushed over but couldn’t get a clear shot at Nicholas. I had to do this, but if I missed… No, I couldn’t think like that.

  Ian’s movements were slower and hardly effective, but he kept trying. I readied the vial in my hand and waited for my time to jump in. It didn’t take long before Nicholas rolled Ian over and pinned him by his throat to the floor. I jabbed the needle into Nicholas’s side and watched the liquid seep out of the vial into his body. He jerked up straight and backhanded me. It was enough to send me backward, but nothing more.

  My heartbeat pounded so loudly I couldn’t hear anything else. Nicholas stood up and plucked the tiny vial from his side, throwing it on the floor. He started my way. I inched back until I felt Meadow’s cold body on the floor. Crap, how long did it take for that stuff to work? Silently I prayed it wasn’t a trap and that Davin didn’t try to finish his end of the deal this way.

  “You little witch. You think you can defeat me? You don’t even know where to begin. I’ve been around for much longer than you. Hell, I started this war; you won’t be the one to end it.” He lifted his hand, and I braced myself with an energy shield before he could attempt to let loose his power.

  He thrust his hand out toward me but nothing happened. I was so relieved that the vial finally worked. Davin came through for me after all. I wasn’t sure what I would have to do in return for the precious potion that could take away all magical abilities and turn the immortal mortal, but I was certain Davin knew. He was never without a plan, at least not when it came to his deals.

  I gave Nicholas a smug smile. “What’s wrong? Feeling a little powerless? Now,” I tapped my finger on my lips, “what were you saying? Oh yes, that I wouldn’t know where to begin. Maybe you should worry that I know how to end it.”

  He swallowed hard. “What was in that vial?”

  I held up the empty potion bottle. “This? Oh, just something the Death Keeper gave me. Some kind of concoction he made just for this occasion.”

  He rushed after me, but I was faster and flung myself out of his way. I stood up and went to run from the room but he caught my leg, bringing me to the floor. My head hit the floor, causing a ringing in my ears. He flipped me over and wrapped his hands around my neck. I grabbed at his hands, but he was stronger than I was. I tried not to panic as the room started to go black. Instead, I pushed out whatever energy I had left in me, electrocuting him.

  Nicholas flew back away from me, hitting the wall and slumping to the floor. I gasped for air and got up on my hands and knees as I fought for more oxygen. Nicholas rolled over to sit up. I felt a sizzle in the air and channeled it to use it against him.

  The light fixtures shattered and I heard the hum of electricity surge in the house. With each breath I took I could feel my energy growing with a second wind. The air filled with the hot metallic scent of melted wires.

  I used whatever energy I could draw from around me and every inch of my skin tingled as it formed a new strength of magic. The power inside the house filled me and I had to restrain myself from using it too soon.

  I stood up on shaky legs, sending out a stream of power toward Nicholas, pushing him back over. His body twitched and shook as my magic infiltrated his mortal body. He groaned, but the words he tried to say were muffled and inaudible. I held the energy for as long as I could before my hands dropped to my sides. Between being separated from Luna, fighting, and the use of so much magic, I was worn out. My whole body was heavy and it took all I had to keep standing.

  He rolled to his side. A small dribble of blood came out from the corner of his mouth. He coughed as he sat up, blood splattering on the floor as he did. His breathing was heavy and he held his stomach with one arm, grimacing.

  My heart skipped a beat. I wasn’t sure who’d win now. We were both spent. I dropped to my knees as I watched Nicholas stand, but I couldn’t call upon any energy to stop him. I had nothing left, but deep inside I felt my soul calling out to the spirits. Many connected with me and I felt their energy as they neared me. Each floor of the house creaked and doors slammed throughout the house as it filled with spirits from the dead.

  Wispy forms gathered in the room and surrounded us. Whispers floated around me as they talked to me, allowing me to draw from their beings.

  Nicholas wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket and laughed evilly. “I told you that you wouldn’t win.”

  I felt t
he spirits enter my inner core. Instantly my insides were so cold I felt frozen, but I was awakened in every possible way. I had energy, I was alert, and most of all…I had magic.

  As Nicholas took one step toward me, I stood up and used what the spirits gave me. A blue sparkle radiated out from me in a powerful explosion. Nicholas stood shocked for a moment. His mouth was open but neither sound nor breath escaped him.

  He took a step but faltered, losing his footing and falling to the floor face first. His spirit remained where he once stood, staring at me with wide eyes before it turned black and crumpled away like ash.

  I released the breath I held in, and took a few more quick ones as I fought to slow my heart. Such a strong use of magic, even if the spirits did help, left me all but wanting to pass out. It took all I had to crawl over to Ian. He was definitely alive but unconscious. I needed to get him out of the house. I had no clue where my dad was. The last I saw of him, he was fighting that demon woman. Even without Hela he was incredibly strong; I just hoped he was strong enough. My mom was with Jarak somewhere outside, but I didn’t dare leave Ian again.

  I picked up his arms and dragged him across the floor. I’d never be able to pick him up high enough to get him out the broken window, and if I did he’d be torn to shreds with the shards of glass. After peeking my head out of the door and not seeing anyone down the hall, I pulled him out with me and continued to drag him to the front door.

  I heaved his body an inch at a time as my body began to weaken. I wanted nothing more than to give up and just fall to the floor and die with Ian. Every step I took ached in every muscle. I swore even my ears hurt. I looked over my shoulder to see the front door about ten more feet away. I could do it, I chanted to myself.

  I dropped his arms and bent over, resting my hands on my knees. Okay, maybe I couldn’t do it.

  “Here, let me help.”

  I lifted my gaze to see Davin standing beside me. I nodded and stumbled out of his way. “Get him out first,” I barely said before I slumped to the floor.

  Davin picked up Ian’s limp body and flung him over his shoulder. It wasn’t two seconds, I swore, before he was back and picking me up.

  Chapter Sixteen

  A Promise Kept


  The fresh air helped clear my head, but I was too weak to look for Luna myself. I laid in the grass watching the clouds pass over us, unable to move. “My dad…”

  “I’ve already got him, he’s with Hela. I’ve taken care of Maluse myself. She won’t be bothering you again.” Davin squatted down in the grass next to me.

  Luna weakly came over to me and laid her nose on my chest. “That was horrible. I’ve never felt so hopeless waiting for you to come out. It was like when you were kidnapped all over again. I couldn’t do anything to help you.”

  Slowly I raised my hand to find her fur. “I’m okay. I’m sorry I took so long.” Already I could feel my strength returning. I looked at Davin. “Why are you here? He’s dead. You don’t have to kill me now.”

  He chortled. “I know. Ailaina saw something and made me come make sure you’re okay. She saw a woman and was worried you’d die.”

  “So you came to save me?” I closed my eyes for a moment, then continued to watch the clouds as I ran my fingers through Luna’s fur. “Thank you.”

  “Of course, it’s the least I can do. Besides, I made a deal with Ailaina; I need you alive.”

  I sat up and looked around. Dregan was half laying on Ian, and Hela was sitting with my dad and mom, then I saw Jarak. He was sitting by himself with Maztic laying at his feet. I got up, even thought I still ached, and walked over to Ian. I needed to know he was okay for myself before seeing Jarak.

  He opened one eye as I bent down next to him. “You know, Princess, I’m kinda tired of saving you.”

  I tapped his shoulder. “Seriously? Look who saved who, buddy.”

  “Yeah, I guess the Death Keeper can have some credit.” Even after near death he still joked.

  “You just wait until you’re better, I’ll show you up any day.”

  “That’s big talk for a woman.” He smiled at me. “Why don’t you go over and see how he’s doing.”

  I nodded and got up. Jarak squinted as he looked at me; the bright sunlight did nothing to help the headache I could feel coming on. I sat down and Luna half laid in my lap, letting me run my fingers through her fur. “So you’re alive, huh? Look, Jarak, I’m sorry, about everything. About the plane and Camilla taking you, for Julie convincing me that you were against me, for not finding you sooner.” Tears pooled in my eyes.

  He reached out and took my hand. Something so innocent that meant so much to me. “Es, I know you risked your life to save me. I would do the same for you.”

  I glanced away. He did once. I remembered the underground chamber where Nicholas held me before.

  “You weren’t kidding about the darkness. I think he’s got a thing for the creepy torture cells or something. He’s got one in there.” He nodded toward the house.

  “Really?” I shuddered. At least I didn’t have to endure that again. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “Es, look at me.”

  I did. It wasn’t easy to do without crying, but I did.

  “Julie cursed me a long time ago. You helped me to almost break that spell, but when she came back I lost all hope for breaking it. I don’t feel it as much anymore. Like I am free to try and be with who I want. I know you and my brother are together, but you will always be the one who stole my heart when no one else could. Thank you. Thank you for caring enough to save me, in more ways than one.”

  I couldn’t stop the tears, they flowed in streams down my face. I chewed on my upper lip trying to fight them back and nodded. “I need to go check on my dad.”

  “I understand.” He pulled me in for a hug. “If he ever hurts you in any way, you tell me and I’ll put him back in his place, got it?”

  I let out a small smirk. “Yeah.” I pulled back and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.

  I went over to my dad and gave him the biggest hug. “Thank you for saving me. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  He laughed. “That’s what dads are for.”

  “Oh, sweetheart,” my mom said. “We love you so much.”

  “I love you too.” I sucked in deeply. “Davin says Ailaina was worried about some woman who would kill me, so he came to make sure that didn’t happen. I guess the woman she saw was Maluse, because I never saw another woman.”

  My dad frowned. “I don’t recall anyone else… Wait, didn’t I say five people were in that room earlier?”

  My arms felt heavy again. “Yes.”

  Nicholas, Meadow, Maluse, then who were the other two and where did they go?

  I immediately was on my feet and looked the house up and down. I searched every window looking for faces. Ian ambled over to us. “What’s wrong?”

  “Remember earlier, Dad saw five people in that room, not three. Where’d the other two go, and who were they?”

  “I can answer that.”

  We all turned to Jarak, who struggled to stand up.

  “Julie and MaryAnn.”

  My throat tightened. At least my magic would work on them, and we were outside the house where I could feel Luna. I wasn’t going back in. There was no reason to, since Nicholas was dead.

  I lifted my hands slightly, and the clouds darkened and covered the sky.

  My mom smiled at me. “I love how you can do that.” She tipped her head back and watched the brewing storm.

  “I’m not going down without a fight, and I’m not going back in there. They can come out here and fight us.” I was still a little weak, but the energy in the air began to rejuvenate me. It wasn’t long before I felt like myself.

  “Maybe we should wait for Moriah. She said she was coming along with Gabriella. They can take Julie out, they know how,” my mom spoke quietly. It wasn’t like her to be so reserved, but maybe almost losing her whole family in one after
noon scared her.

  “Mom, we don’t even know if they’re still here. They could’ve left without us knowing. I mean, this place is huge and we can’t be everywhere at once.”

  She rubbed her temples. “I know, I’m just worried.”

  “Well, I can see my presence is no longer required,” Davin said as he strolled over to us. “I was honestly hoping for a bit of challenge. Although, I’d love to stay around and watch the show. Your storms always amaze me.”

  “You know, don’t you? If Julie and MaryAnn are still here,” I asked.

  “Well, yes. I never lose track of a soul I would like to own.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Okayyyy. So, where are they?”

  “Julie snuck out the back after your little scrap with Nicholas. I can tell you right now that you have pissed her off. I mean,” he glanced at Jarak, “you just saved the love of her life.” He grabbed at his chest dramatically.

  “Oh pa-lease, that woman doesn’t know love.” Julie’d been nothing but trouble since I saved her. I looked up at the house, still inspecting each window. Lightning struck the ground behind the house and the wind picked up. “What about the other one. Where’s she?”

  Davin rubbed his chin and his brow creased. “I would say she’s still here. There is a faint scent of human about her for sure. Ah! There she is.”

  We all looked at the front door where Davin pointed. “I don’t see anyone,” I said.

  “She’s there, but I guess I could help draw her out a little.” He cupped the side of his mouth. “MaryAnn, how about you and I make a deal?”

  “Really?” I grumbled. “A deal?”

  “Hey, I decided to do what I do best.” He gave me a wink before he took off closer to the house. “MaryAnn, how about you come out, not kill Esmerelda or I’ll be forced to take you with me when I leave. Deal?”

  “Never!” MaryAnn yelled from inside the house. Davin was right; she was there, and very close to the still open door, but I couldn’t see her.


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