Stolen By A Highlander (Scottish Pregnancy Romance)

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Stolen By A Highlander (Scottish Pregnancy Romance) Page 39

by Kaley McCormick

  He laughed, “What on earth do you mean?”

  “I can barely breathe with all of this, and you seem perfectly at ease with everything.”

  “Maybe I just hide it better, that’s all. So what kind of food would you like for dinner?”

  “I honestly have no idea. I grew up eating vegetable soup with rice. How about you pick your favorite place? I’m open to trying almost anything.”

  He grinned down at her, “That’s what I like to hear.”

  He pulled over at a small steakhouse, and walked around to open her door. Once inside the quiet dining room, they were escorted to a small table in the back with a knowing nod from the host. Greyson shook his head and hoped that Lilly would not notice.

  She stared in amazement at the menu and he was not sure if she was awestruck at the food or the prices. He had not stopped to consider it since he rarely thought about the price of a meal any more.

  “Order anything that sounds good, really.” He tried to reassure her.

  “Greyson? Some of these meals cost more than my sister makes in a week at the tailor.”

  “Ah, I’m sorry. Shall we go someplace else?”

  “No, it’s okay. I’m just surprised, that’s all.”

  “If you’re certain. Does anything look good for dinner?”

  She laughed, “Just about everything.”

  “Well, order whatever you want to try! If you don’t like it, we can always get something else.”

  Lilly had already gotten the feeling he was more than secure in his financial means, but this seemed a little excessive. Maybe he was just trying to make her comfortable or at ease, but it was almost having the opposite effect.

  He rested his large hand on top of her delicate fingers.


  “Yes?” The touch did not make her nervous, in fact, it felt warm and soothing.

  “Really. We can go somewhere else if you want.”

  “No, that’s quite alright. I’ve been looking forward to trying one of these famous American steaks.”

  He laughed, “Very well, order away.”

  They both ended up ordering steaks with all the trimmings, although she erred on the side of caution and got a much smaller cut than he did. The plates arrived quickly, and were nearly overflowing with what looked to be a week’s worth of food. She dug in enthusiastically, and he laughed, enjoying the sight of her enjoying her meal. Although he liked a good meal, he sometimes forgot that not everyone ate like he did.

  After a leisurely meal sans alcohol, they loaded back into the car and headed off to the homestead. Along the way, he darted glances as her big green eyes took in the landscapes of the Arizona deserts.

  He noticed that she had her arms wrapped around herself, and he reached into the backseat to grab a blanket.

  “Here, wrap yourself up.”

  She smiled softly. “I heard Arizona was hot, but I didn’t realize it would get so cold at night.”

  “It’s the desert. When the sun goes down, it takes the heat with it.”

  “I don’t know if I’ve ever been cold before.” She laughed softly to herself. “Most nights my mother and sisters and I would sit out front of the house hoping for some small breeze. They would love this.”

  “Well maybe tomorrow, we can find you some clothes that will get you through the chilly nights. The dresses will be good during the days, but you might need some jeans or sweatshirts for the evenings.”

  “Oh, I’ll be okay, I promise.”

  He rested one hand on her knee gently, “It’s okay really. I want you to like it here and I want you to know that, um, it’s not a problem at all. Okay?”

  “Ok. If you say so…” Her voice trailed off as she caught a glimpse of the rock formations that marked the outlying edge of his property.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “It’s one of the reasons I bought the place. We’re almost home.”

  Chapter Six

  The first few weeks were awkward, with Ms. March and Lilly and Greyson all learning to live with each other. She was also starting to realize that when Greyson had described himself as financially secure, he had been almost outright lying. Not that she blamed him. In fact, she was impressed that he had not made that a selling point. Ms. March seemed less than thrilled with Lilly’s presence, but it was not her call to make. Lilly had tried to be polite and help Ms. March realize she was still a necessary part of Greyson’s life, but Ms. March seemed determined to make her uncomfortable.

  Luckily, Lilly was so taken with the ranch itself and the scenery of the Arizona landscape that she spent any available time outside. Greyson was teaching her how to ride a horse, and Daisy seemed to love her new best friend. Greyson fully trusted his pup’s opinion of people and it made him relax when Daisy took right to Lilly.

  One afternoon, as Lilly walked out onto the back porch with her hands full of steaming coffee mugs, Greyson decided to be bold. He stood up out of his chair, and took the mugs from her, setting them gently on the table.

  He took her hands in his, and could not help noticing how his seemed to dwarf hers.


  “Yes?” She looked nervous but curious at the same time.

  He leaned closer to her and could smell the faintly chocolate scent of her warm cocoa-colored skin.

  “I’d like to take you to my private club tonight, if you’d be amenable.”

  She nodded silently, not quite sure what he meant by a private club. They had been sharing a bed at night, and the encounters had seemed forced and uncomfortable for both of them. Neither was inexperienced but there had not been a natural progression to their relationship, so the physical intimacy had been reflecting that. Greyson found her wildly attractive and sexy in her own unwitting way, but he could not seem to express that adequately.

  He sat back down in his chair and tried to nonchalantly pull her down on to his lap. She perched on his knees and looked him in the eye.

  “What sort of club do you mean?”

  He rested his hand on her knee and searched for the best words to describe it.

  “Well, it’s an adult club of sorts. Where people meet and mingle who, ah, adhere to a certain lifestyle.”

  Lilly’s eyes widened, “Greyson, I’m not sure I’m into any sort of pain or humiliation or what have you.”

  “Oh, nothing likes that. Well, nothing like that if you’re not into that. It caters to all sorts really, you can find pretty much whatever you’re interested in. I mostly go to meet couples and have taken a date with me before.”

  “Ohhh…” her voice trailed off into the realization of what he meant.

  “Someday I’d like a family of my own, but I don’t believe I’m cut out for the traditional type of family.”

  “Then why a mail order bride?” She was direct and to the point.

  “It actually has a lot to do with my financial situation. I have a hard time trusting anyone who knows about my money, and I figured it was easier to shield it via email.”

  She pushed at her unruly dark curls, and her emerald eyes narrowed as she studied him.

  “Is it because I have fewer options if I don’t like the arrangement?”

  Greyson smiled softly, “Perhaps. I didn’t think of it like that, but it makes sense form your perspective. Would you like to visit the club and see what I’m talking about?”

  “Sure, sounds like an experience.”

  “Ok, we will head over there after dinner.”

  Ms. March served dinner in her usual stony silence and afterwards, Lilly headed back to their bedroom to get ready. He had done a wonderful job of providing her some clothing in her time there thus far, and it included several evening gowns that she hoped would fit appropriately.

  She took a long hot shower and tried to tame her wild dark hair. She had never been one for wearing much makeup, but had managed to buy some since she had arrived. She carefully outlined her glimmering eyes in black pen
cil and smoothed on a dark ruby lipstick. She slid the shimmering cobalt dress up over her curvy hips and ample breasts. When she walked back down the stairs, she knew she had chosen well as she watched a new fire light up Greyson’s eyes as she strode towards him.

  He had carefully selected a charcoal suit, pale blue button down shirt, and a navy silk tie that made his intimidating physique all the more daunting. He must get a lot of attention at this club she thought to herself.

  He buried his face into the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply.

  “You will be the jewel of the ball,” he whispered against her warm skin. “Lilly, you even put this to shame.”

  He smiled up at her as he slid a ring onto the ring finger of her left hand, glowing and glittering with diamonds and emeralds.

  Chapter Seven

  Lilly was still breathless from the sudden gift as Greyson carefully selected his vehicle with a different intent. The black Porsche was designed to get attention and he knew it. He wanted to arrive in style and make sure that everyone noticed the woman on his arm this time around. He also knew that the other patrons of the club would not understand the enjoyment he got from his Jeep.

  Lilly glided her fingertips over the polished surface of the car and grinned at him. She could start to enjoy this life. The leather inside was softer than her silk dress and she sank into it easily, as though she was born to sit on it.

  He grinned at her, “You look right at home there.”

  “I could start to enjoy this, I think.”

  “So could I,” he murmured, running his hand over the silk that hugged her upper thigh.

  There was a relaxation in him this evening, as though he had been putting on a face in the weeks prior. She got the feeling tonight she was about to see a whole new man, one that was at ease with himself and the situation.

  As he drove the miles between them and the city that contained his club, he tried to reassure her that nothing at the club would happen without her consent. She looked him over, analyzing his overall size and remembering his military background.

  “I think I’m safe with you,” she laughed quietly. “I can’t imagine too many people would want to make you angry.”

  “No, very few people have walked away safely from angering me.”



  “What do I do if no one, um, notices me or if no one likes me?” She was suddenly self- conscious about her curves and her dark skin and her disobedient hair.

  He rested his hand at the back of her neck tenderly, “I can’t imagine anyone being able to take their eyes off you.”

  She grinned at him, “As long as you don’t, I won’t care.”

  Despite the fact he had been sleeping with the woman for a couple of months now, he felt a new kind of longing and desire for her. For the first time, he truly wanted her. As they pulled up outside a large unmarked black warehouse, his eyes drifted down to the slit in the dress that had slowly been revealing her muscular leg. The temptation burned inside of him to skip the club altogether and take her to the nearest hotel. But this was a part of his life, and he needed her to try it on for size.

  The valet opened her door and Greyson walked around to escort her inside. He cut an image almost as imposing at the building in front of them, but when the door swung open for them without hesitation, she blinked her amazement at the furnishings inside.

  The warehouse, although undecorated on the exterior, was decked out like one of the fanciest hotels she had ever seen in a movie. Her stiletto heels clicked loudly on the marble floors, and the main stairwell was fitted with the same marble. The crystal chandelier above her head cast a soft candlelit glow around the entire space.

  To her right was a reception desk area with several gorgeous men and women waiting patiently behind the counter. To her left was an area that looked like the combination of a library and a bar, filled with more gorgeous people.

  Two twenty-something Barbie dolls came flittering up to them, gushing at him in a high pitched tone that Lilly could not even understand. She must have gripped Greyson’s arm tighter, because he rested his hand over hers and patted it gently.

  “Girls, I would like you to meet my fiancée, Lilly.”

  Both girls stopped short in their fawning, mouths gaped open to stare at her.

  “Hello girls,” her voice sounded husky and exotic even to her own ears.

  Greyson felt his groin tighten as he watched his transplanted flower outshine these airheaded groupies. This was going to be a pleasure, just watching his Lilly put these wanna-be trophy wives to shame. The club was exclusive due to its somewhat forbidden nature, but tried to consider itself open to almost anyone who could pay the fees and obey the rules. But if someone ever crossed the line with another guest, then the bouncers were quick to expel any offender and were usually less than friendly with their methods.

  Lilly leaned closer to Greyson as he wrapped his arm around her waist and guided her to the bar area. The marble tile gave way to plush champagne carpet, and Lilly felt like all the eyes on the room were boring holes through her as she entered.

  In the front corner of the room sat another marble counter and all around the floor were scattered low red leather couches and chairs, most of them occupied by couples who seemed to know each other very well. There was no outright sexual activity happening, but it seemed to Lilly that many of the couples and trios were only a breath away from complete abandon.

  Greyson watched her face carefully, and was interested that not only did she not seem offended, but also she seemed either curious or amused by the whole spectacle.

  He ushered her to an unoccupied loveseat towards the back and beckoned to the waitress. The young blonde giggled as she took their order, and Lilly tried to ignore Greyson’s wandering eye as it explored the girl’s figure.

  She took a deep breath and tried to convince herself that that was what the club was all about, and in order to fit into Greyson’s life, she would have to fit in here. And while she had never been the jealous type in the past, she had never had so much to lose as she did now.

  After a few drinks, Greyson was surprised that Lilly was becoming openly affectionate with him. She had never been all that enthusiastic at home, but those encounters had always been more functional that pleasurable. He had told her he wanted a family, and she obliged him making the effort.

  Lilly’s hands roamed slowly over his thighs as he shifted in his seat to adjust himself. He looked down at her ruby lips and tasted the white wine on her tongue as he kissed her.

  They were interrupted by soft female voice just inches from their faces.

  “Greyson, have you given her the full tour yet?”

  He pulled away, startled, and smiled at the blonde woman crouching down in front of their loveseat. She appeared to be a few years older than Lilly but a few years younger than Greyson.

  “No, Victoria, I haven’t. Are you offering?”

  Lilly looked a little confused, but seemed to be open to wherever the night was headed.

  “That I am.”

  Instead of taking Greyson’s hand, she offered her hand to Lilly.

  Chapter Eight

  Greyson could no longer hide his excitement as he watched the two women walk hand in hand up the marble staircase. The blonde on the left was tall and lithe like a dancer, and he already knew she had deep blue eyes that could captivate nearly anyone in their gaze. She was one of his favorite playmates at the club. The dark-skinned woman on the right was shorter and curvy, and her swirling emerald eyes hid secrets that he could not wait to discover. The way their fingers entwined gave him ideas but he knew he had to take it slow for Lilly’s sake.

  Lilly felt the woman’s fingers grasping hers as she led her gently up the stairs and down the hallway. The upstairs level displayed the same extravagant luxury as the lobby area, but it looked even more like a hotel. It had rows of private rooms, some had the doors closed, some were open, and some were halfway cracked.
/>   Victoria noticed Lilly looking around, and whispered softly in her ear. “Do you know what the door means?”

  Lilly felt herself shiver at Victoria’s breath in her ear. “No. A door means something?”

  “Yes, open means you can join if you like, closed means it is a private session, and halfway open means you can watch if you want to.”

  “Ohhh…” The reality of the facility was slowing sinking in through Lilly’s wine-tinged mind. It sunk all the way in as she peeked into the cracked and open doors to see all sorts of pairings entwined naked on beds, couches, chairs, and floors. All of the rooms seemed to have their own style, which seemed nice.

  “Is this all new to you?” Victoria asked sweetly.

  “Yes, very new.”

  “You seem to be taking it well.”

  “I want to please Greyson. And if you haven’t noticed, he seems very, um, pleased at the moment.” Lilly grinned as they both snuck backwards glances towards him.

  He smiled politely if a little nervously. He wanted the two women to get along, but they almost seemed conspiratorial.

  Victoria stopped outside one particular door, and pulled a key from her cleavage.

  “You have your own room?” Lilly asked.

  “All of the members do. It comes with the membership. That way you can have it designed and decorated however you like.”

  “Oh, I see. So this one is yours. What about Greyson? Does he have one?”

  “Yes,” she laughed, “but he rarely uses it. He prefers to visit other rooms.”

  “Oh.” The reality of what she was saying hit Lilly.

  Victoria lay her arm around Lilly’s shoulders protectively, “Please don’t worry. One of the only things that are not allowed here is jealousy. He seems quite taken with you and while I have special feelings for him, they are not like that. I hope you can understand.

  Lilly answered earnestly, “I am trying.”

  Victoria swung the door open to reveal a room that did not look like any of the others that Lilly had passed. The others were set up very much like regular hotel bedrooms. Victoria’s was set up like a living room.


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