Hot for the Holidays (21 Holiday Short Stories): A Collection of Naughty and Nice Holiday Romances

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Hot for the Holidays (21 Holiday Short Stories): A Collection of Naughty and Nice Holiday Romances Page 22

by Anthology

  I shrugged. "You know. I'm just insecure. I need confirmation...that you mean it...that we're it, and I'm more than enough and you don't need more than me."

  He framed both hands around my face and leaned his forehead against mine. "You're it. Forever." Then, bending down, he captured my lips with his.

  His kiss felt like a slap in the face.

  The nerve of him.

  And you're a fucking liar.

  Then came the next stage.


  * * *

  I couldn't believe he lied——straight-up, in my face, not even flinching. Just when you thought you knew someone... I wanted to yell at the top of my lungs, "Liar, liar, pants on fire!" And then I wanted to light his pants on fire with his cock still in them. We'd see if Ashley liked him then.

  As soon as he left, I stomped into the kitchen, blaming the cabinets and everything in my path for my misfortune. I needed to make some soul food——mac and cheese, straight from the box. Anything to calm myself. Food always seemed to do that.

  As I sorted through the ingredients, thoughts rang in my head. Thoughts only crazy-postal girls who’d been cheated on thought about——burning his belongings, giving his PlayStation a bath, using his toothbrush to clean the toilet. Snap his expensive golf clubs then duct tape them back together.

  Maybe I'd tell all our friends and family why we'd broken up...because I caught him in bed with another man.


  I closed my eyes and took a long, calming breath to help me think clearly. Certainly he'd play it like I was the crazy one, the insecure girl who’d been cheated on before and couldn't get over her past. He'd make it seem as though I should be committed because I'd made this story up in my head.

  No one would believe that all-American, good boy Brian would ever cheat. He’d never cheated once on a test, so how could he even do something this big and cheat in a relationship?

  To others, it was inconceivable and maybe, if I hadn’t seen the proof myself, I wouldn't have believed it. No one would believe whatever I told them.

  I turned off the stove, my appetite gone, and flung myself on top of my couch. When I turned on the TV, it was even more ironic that Cheaters was on. My adrenaline spiked as I yelled obscenities at the tattooed bad boy as he was caught with his pants down—literally.

  The woman’s incessant crying tore at my insides, causing a lump to form in my throat because I knew exactly how she felt.

  I shook my head as my muscles tightened. My lip quivered and heat formed behind my eyes. At any moment, I'd break down again. My mood was up, down and all around.

  It was then I realized I needed out. I needed to move on.

  Which meant I needed to break up with him.

  Chapter Five

  "Princess, you'll never believe it. I got us reservations to Cameron's. But it's for tonight." He sounded elated, giddy even.

  I held the phone closer to my ear, registering Brian's words. Getting reservations to the most upscale restaurant in Manhattan was what I wanted for my birthday and anniversary and Christmas combined. Why was he doing this? Was he trying to prime the steak before he carved it up in tiny pieces?

  "That's great." There was no more fight left in me as I bit my lip to prevent a sob from escaping.

  He huffed audibly. "Is everything okay?"

  "Yeah, I guess."

  I knew he could sense something was wrong. "I've missed you. I haven't seen you in a couple of days."

  "I’m sorry. I had work."

  "But something is off, I can feel it. Are you still sad about your mom’s dog?"

  "Yeah. That's it." My chest hurt. My eyes were sore. I needed out. I couldn’t even bear to hear the sound of his voice without breaking.

  "It's okay. I promise. It'll get better."


  "So, I'll pick you up at seven?" I sensed a nervousness in his tone. I wondered if he thought I'd say no.

  I probably should’ve. I couldn't take this anymore, the pretending. But I should at least break up with him in person. It’s the right thing to do.

  "I'll just meet you there. I have an errand to run before."

  "I'll come with you."

  "No...It's something I have to do myself."

  "All right. See you then. Love you." His voice shook with emotion as he said it.

  "You, too."

  And as soon as I hung up the phone, the waterworks started again. I didn’t know how I was going to get through this night, but all I knew was that I needed to.

  * * *

  The brisk air nipped at my bare legs, the wool of my skirt resting at my knees. I stared at the maroon awning with Cameron's written in white. How many times had I asked Brian to take me to this restaurant? He’d tried multiple times to get reservations, but it was impossible.

  Funny how when I’m going to end things and call him out, now we’re here.

  Glancing down at my watch, I noted I was ten minutes late. I wondered if Brian assumed I'd ditched him. Maybe I should have.

  I gritted my teeth, my shoulders slumping as I focused on my pointy four-inch, knee-high boots. I was emotionally drained and physically tired from lack of sleep due to my constant thinking about our relationship. All I wanted was my bed, a blanket, and a nice, dark room. I'd even forego the hot chocolate, a drink that had once provided me such comfort. It only reminded me of the man I loved so much, but who obviously didn’t love me back.

  A pang in the center of my chest intensified, the same familiar feeling that popped up again every time I thought of him. When "Deck the Halls" filtered through my ears, I glanced up, noting the guy dressed as Santa, holding a bell and standing next to a red post, collecting money for underprivileged children.



  Just then, something wet hit my nose. I thought I was crying again until I rubbed against my eyes, noting they were dry. I swiped at my face and then a coldness hit my other cheek. I tilted my head up to the sky to see the first winter flurries trickling down like tiny pinpoint stars.

  I smiled, despite my situation. There was something about the first snowfall. It truly reminded me of Christmas. Good tidings and all, and a sliver of hope coursed through my veins.

  Before I thought things through further, I rushed through the doors of Cameron’s Italia.

  * * *

  I saw the receptionist about four feet away from me, but there was no way in hell I was going to make it through the front. If this was a reservations-only restaurant, why the heck was there a line?

  The place was so crowded, a woman accidentally shoved me as she walked past. "Excuse me," she said as she pulled her girlfriend’s hand, trying to move closer to the seating area.

  "Do you see him?" the shorter one with the brunette bob asked.

  "I do! I do!" the first woman screeched, making me want to cover my ears.

  "There he is. There's Jim Brason."

  Suddenly, I was up on my toes, inching closer like the rest of them. New York's pride was their football team——the New York Cougars. And just a few feet away from me, trying to be discrete but totally failing, was Jim Brason, head quarterback of the Cougars and one hundred percent the finest specimen in football.

  His wife was sitting next to him. Simple beauty was how I'd describe her. Her hair was pulled back in a long, blonde ponytail. She smiled discretely before ducking her head back in the menu. I'd only known what she looked like from her constant pictures in the paper for her philanthropic work with the mayor. While Jim was all over Sports Illustrated, his wife Bliss had been all over the local paper.

  "Jim!" the taller one yelled, and complete chaos erupted around us. The woman took out her camera phone, but a second later, a burly bouncer approached her and escorted her out.

  Though I was fan-girling myself, it wasn't worth being kicked out.

  In the next second, Jim stood, seeming larger than life at full height. He stepped behind his wife, placing his chin on the top of her head, and ushered
her to where the waiter was escorting them. And then they disappeared to the back of the restaurant.

  I glanced toward the check-in counter. The receptionist looked Asian with a mix of something else—exotic, tan, tall, and lovely. Her lipstick was the brightest crimson red.

  "Name, please." Her tone oozed sex appeal.

  "Reservations under Brian Benson."

  She smiled up at me and waved over another woman, equally beautiful and impeccable in a mermaid-style, black fitted tube dress.

  "Hello, welcome to Cameron's." She proceeded through the dining area where I trailed right behind her.

  Everyone was dressed to perfection, the waiters and waitresses in their tuxes. Black linen draped the tables, while the walls were painted a dark blue. Little tea light candles lit up the room, giving off a romantic ambience. An extravagant chandelier hung from the ceiling above me. The restaurant that I'd only seen on television did not disappoint. Fancy-pants was an understatement.

  The smell of steak was in the air and my stomach grumbled, ready to eat. I'd almost forgotten why I'd come until I spotted Brian in a blue suit.

  My heart raced in my chest, raising my internal temperature. His eyes were strictly focused on me, watching me step into the dining room.

  As we approached the table, he immediately stood, his arms outstretched to pull me into an embrace. I stepped in to him, wrapping my hands around his lower back.

  I allotted myself one last time.

  "Damn, I missed you," he whispered.

  I bit the inside of my cheek.

  Don't cry. Not now. Not in front of him.

  I didn't know how I was going to do it. I needed to find the inner strength to help me through dinner and out of this relationship.

  He released me and met my lips. Taking my hand in his, he led me down the hall, following the petite woman. "Come with me."

  "Wait, our table?" I glanced over my shoulder.

  "That wasn't our table. I've got a special table for us." He winked then sported a smile that couldn’t be contained. "Didn't you ever wonder how the hell I got us into this restaurant?" He didn't give me a chance to answer as he pushed us through a set of double doors. "Ashley’s father is one of the owners."

  Before I had a chance to register what he'd just said, my stomach dropped as I took in our family and friends standing and cheering obnoxiously loud.

  I grimaced, my face most likely registering shock.

  Roses...Red roses surrounded the area, flower petals spread on the floor.

  Ashley’s father owns this restaurant.

  Roses sent to Ashley Jennings.

  Heat rushed toward my face, and when I felt my hand being tugged, I glanced down to see Brian on bended knee. Words were said, though I couldn't hear what was happening.

  My gaze met Beth's in the corner as tears flooded her eyes and Kent smiled, holding her close. My mother and step-father stood at the edge of the room, my mother’s face filled with such happiness. His parents, his sisters, and his best friend, Trey, outlined the area.

  And then utter silence.

  "Kendy?" Brian's voice broke me from my trance.

  Still on bended knee, he opened a blue Tiffany’s box. I didn't even glance at the ring as my eyes focused on him.

  He swallowed. And then his face dropped. "Kendy...will you marry me?" I guess I had missed his whole speech in the shock of the moment, and from the look on his face, it didn't seem as though this was the first time he had asked.

  I reached for his hand and pulled him up, raising a finger to our audience. "Uno momento, por favor." I had aced Spanish in high school, and in case they didn't understand, I repeated, "One moment, please."

  I tugged on his hand and glanced around me, noting the private bathroom to the side, then rushed us inside and shut the door. Turning to him, all my words flew out at once.

  "I'm sorry. I should’ve never doubted you. After all I'd been through in the past with Cole, it was like history was repeating itself. I know we've crossed that bridge. I know you're not him. Oh, my God. I love you so much. I should’ve never... but with you meeting her after work...the flowers...the out of town and lying about where you were flying to... And me watching Cheaters."

  His eyes widened before he framed my shoulders with his hands. "Kendy. Slow down. Breathe."

  I held my breath, puffing my cheeks as I stared up at him. I wondered if my face was turning blue.

  "Now, exhale before you pass out," he said.

  I let out a long breath and tugged him toward me, burying my head into the crook of his neck. "I thought you were cheating on me." I gripped the back of his shirt, fisting it with both of my hands.

  He let out a long, tired sigh and stepped back. "I'd never," he promised, as he'd said a million times before. He gazed down at me, his jaw tight. "We’ve been through this."

  "I know." I really did know, because why would I have made excuses after excuses for him when I’d catch him in lies? In my heart, I must have always known. Because it was him. This was Brian. Loyalty and integrity were built in his DNA.

  I stared up into his baby blues and my words of apology started spilling out before he could get mad. "I'm sorry. It's just I'd caught you in lies. I'd see her texts and you'd lie about it. I saw your airline ticket to Chicago when you originally said you were going to visit your folks in Wisconsin. I followed you to the flower shop." The words gushed out of me, in a rush.

  "You what?" His mouth slackened as he shook his head.

  I reached for both of his hand, held them in mine and begged him with my eyes. "Do you blame me? With everything I've gone through before... I knew I should’ve trusted you, but I kept catching you in these lies. And just when I pushed down all insecurities, other lies would pop up."

  We stood there, staring at each other. For a minute, I thought he was beyond pissed, but a second later, understanding filtered through his eyes. "I'm sorry I lied." His face softened. "You should’ve told me. I flew to Chicago to drive to Bowlesville to ask your mother personally for your hand in marriage."

  Well, now, don't I feel like an idiot.

  He went on. "I've been in contact with Ashley because her father owned the restaurant, and she was trying to move around some things. This was the only weekend that both of our families were available, and Jim Brason had it booked."

  I blinked. "We kicked out Jim Brason?"

  He smirked. "Yes, I guess he said they'll just eat in the main dining room. Most stars that big get the private room, for obvious reasons."

  I nodded, impressed and wondering where they stuck the QB.

  Brian's eyes locked with mine. "I'm going to surprise you, Kendy. If you'd let me. I want to give you a lifetime of surprises."

  "I know," I said again.

  "You just have to trust me." His gaze bored into mine, directly to my soul. "Even if a million Ashleys come into my life, you have to believe I would never betray your trust."

  "I know," I repeated, softer that time. If this was it, if we were it...forever, I needed to put a little faith in him. Well, more than a little. I needed to trust him fully and unconditionally, and I did. If I had just voiced my concerns or the lies I'd caught him in, all of this could’ve been avoided.

  Someone really needed to lock me up in the loony bin. But only if they stuck both of us in the same straight jacket. Preferably naked.

  "Come here." He tilted my chin, and our eyes locked. "I love you. Who cares that I paid a fortune to rent out this room and for the ring? If you're not ready, you're not ready. I'll wait forever until you are."

  My eyes shot to the ceiling and I tugged him toward me. "Me not ready? Shit. I'm more than ready. I want a do-over." I was securing this deal. Locking this shit down.

  Interlacing our fingers, I ushered us out to the main room. Everyone's eyes were upon us as I raised one hand to calm the worried faces. "We're going to try this again."

  Beth rolled her eyes as my mother gave me a stern look, probably wondering what the hell I w
as up to.

  "Everyone, please, back to your places," I said primly. Then I walked out of the room, Brian's hand in mine.

  Stopping in front of the double doors to the private room, I smiled up at him and he shook his head, amused. "You're always one-upping me, aren't you? I came here to surprise you, and instead, you surprised me."

  I shrugged. "Sorry?" I had nothing.

  He chuckled before stepping into the room. "Proposal, take two."

  Suddenly, butterflies stirred in the pit of my belly as I took in all the anxious and eager faces. Then the hoots and hollers started up again.

  "Oh, my gosh!" I clasped my hands together, playing the part.

  "Always the drama queen," Beth shouted over the noise. "Say yes already, you dork."

  Brian dropped to his knee once again, holding out the blue Tiffany box. He gazed lovingly at me, his smile huge, his eyes full of adoration.

  A lump formed in my throat and, for a brief, tiny moment, I blocked out the noise around me and focused on him.

  "I've waited all my life for you," he said, his voice full of emotion. "For that one girl who makes me laugh like no other. The one girl who drives me so crazy that sometimes, I want to punch my fist through a wall, but the one I'm absolutely crazy about." He paused and opened the ring box but my eyes remained solely on his, drowning in the span of blue that belonged to the man proclaiming his love for me. "I don't believe in psychics like you do, but that woman predicted the man you’re destined to be with would give you the moon, and I pledge my life to you, princess. I’ll give you the moon, the stars, the universe and everything in it."

  He paused and swallowed hard. I sensed he was getting a little choked up, and I was, too. "I've waited forever for you. Kendall Miller, I'm in this for life. Will you be my wife?"

  Tears flooded my eyes. It was a poem, short and sweet. Funny how life brought you full circle. I'd recited a poem to him when I’d thought I'd lost him and I had tried to win him back.

  "That's my form of Shakespeare." He winked.

  I remembered his Shakespeare coaster that said, "The course of true love never did run smooth."


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