Hot for the Holidays (21 Holiday Short Stories): A Collection of Naughty and Nice Holiday Romances

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Hot for the Holidays (21 Holiday Short Stories): A Collection of Naughty and Nice Holiday Romances Page 27

by Anthology

  "Are you even listening, Ry?"

  Shaking my head out of a fog, I nod. "Yes, I heard you. I think she sounds perfect for him. As long as he’s happy—and he obviously is or he wouldn’t be marrying her—then I’m happy. It’s all I’ve ever wanted for him. The two of us are married now with families of our own. It would be selfish if we disapproved of him moving on. Hannah’s all right in my book and I look forward to getting to know her better." I make a mental note to block out a few days to spend with her after she and Dad get back from their honeymoon.

  "Wow, where’s the bitchy Riley I’ve come to accept as my sister? You’re totally becoming a softie. What the fuck happened to you?"

  "Claire and Beck happened to me." I suddenly have a strong longing for my family. "And I can’t wait to see them, so would ya step on it?" I see the clearing ahead and press on Marcus’s knee to urge him to accelerate.

  One second we’re cruising and the next, the smell of burnt rubber engulfs my lungs, the abruptness of our stop jerks me forward, and the loud crunch of metal crushing metal infiltrates my subconscious.

  "Oh my God, Marcus!" I clutch my seat as everything around me seems to move in slow motion.

  This cannot be happening now!

  * * *


  "Where are they, Beck? I’m starting to worry now. I’m beyond being pissed at them for being late. This is freaking me out. Marcus and Riley wouldn’t miss this even if they hated Hannah." I shake Beck by his tuxedo clad arms. I realize I’m getting frantic, but what other explanation is there—other than a bad one—that my husband and his sister are nowhere to be found only seconds before this ship is scheduled to set sail?

  "Calm down. I’m sure it’s just traffic. Or maybe . . ." he muses.

  "Maybe what? What, Beck? We can’t stall any longer. These things can’t be postponed. There’s the Coast Guard and all those other nautical-ish authorities making sure these kinds of things run smoothly. And I will not stay on this ship and let it take off, or whatever it is a cruise ship does, while my husband is God knows where!" Now, that’s frantic.

  Beck scratches his scruffy head, huffing. "Riley was kind of pissed at me before she left. We got into it about her working so much. I kind of sounded like an old-fashioned prick, come to think of it. You think she’d—?"

  "No, I don’t. And I certainly don’t think she’d take Marcus down with her. They know what this means to their father. And besides, Marcus and I have had our fair share of arguments over his career lately. He fights back—just like a Grayson is known to—but him not being here right now . . . this isn’t cool."

  "Okay, so let’s think. At least the kids are preoccupied with their grandfather and the photographer. That’s one. But there’s no service, so we can’t make any calls to try and reach out to them. Maybe . . . maybe I can talk to the captain!" Beck paces the room, mumbling like a madman and then turns his attention back on me. "Uh, Tess, how does one go about asking the captain for more time?"

  "How the hell am I supposed to know? It’s not every day that I—ow," I cry, my hand flying to my temple.

  "You okay?" Beck is at my side in an instant, his face tainted with worry and concern.

  "Just another migraine." I breathe in and out, in hopes the pain will subside. "This baby is killing me."

  "Here," Beck offers, handing me the rest of his water bottle. "You can’t stress yourself out right now. It’s not good for the—"

  Oh, no! Not this again. "I know!" Blood curdles in my veins, and causes me to flip my lid. "I know this is no good for the baby, but for one goddamn second can someone, anyone, just worry about me and what all this stress and absence is doing to me? And you!" Realization sets in. "What about you? You’re telling me you don’t feel like the holidays flew by on borrowed time from our spouses? If I weren’t so worried about Marcus and Riley right now, I’d be fucking furious! I’ve about had it! I cannot spend another holiday without my husband, carrying this baby, and feeling like shit." Unwanted tears gush from my eyes, my emotions on such high alert it’s not even funny. "So help me God, if he doesn’t show up in the next five minutes, I’m ordering that captain—wherever he is—to get on with the show and you, my lovely, sweet, understanding brother-in-law, will escort me down the aisle and be my date this New Year’s Eve. End. Of. Story." Inhaling as steadily as I can without going into another tailspin, I appraise poor Beck.


  White as a ghost.

  Or an innocent witness to a psychotic breakdown.

  Yeah, that’s more like it. I just went apeshit on the only person who has been a constant in my life these last few months. I expect him to throw his hands in the air and barge out of the room just to get away from me, but instead of bailing, he takes my hands and places a soft kiss on one of my palms. The tender endearment stills my racing heart. Without seeing it coming, Beck’s arms envelop me in a tight hug—friendly, protective, brotherly—and all my stress seems to melt away.

  "I’m here for you, Tess. We’ve got to stick together or we’ll never have a chance against that crazy duo we love." It’s been a common ground between us for a few years now. When I fell in love with Marcus and remarried, I never imagined I’d gain so much in the family department. In the absence of my husband and best friend, I’ve had my father-in-law and brother-in-law by my side the whole time. As shitty as I feel right now, I also feel luckier than ever.

  "I love you, Beck. You know that, right?"

  "And I love you, too! Now, let’s go find that captain before the shit really hits the fan."

  But the only shit that’s about to fly is from Riley and Marcus. They glare at Beck and me—in a very compromising position, declaring our love for each other. It can’t look good, I won’t lie.

  "Wanna get your grubby hands off my wife, asshole?" Marcus barks from the doorway.

  "Nice, Tessa." Riley bitches next. Everyone always thought you were the prettier one. You found a way to make him believe that too?"

  I’m speechless, my hand thrown to my chest. Marcus has a huge gash above his right eye and Riley’s hair is so disheveled it looks as though she hasn’t put a brush to it in a week.

  I have so many questions to be asked. Even more accusations. But it’s a standoff between the Graysons and the outlaws. No one dares to speak. It seems as if hours tick by in silence before Hannah walks in, glowing in her cream colored wedding gown.

  "There you all are. I was starting to worry." Her megawatt smile fills the room and cuts the tension with its warmth. "Oh my goodness, Marcus. Are you okay?" She rushes over to her new stepson, not the least bit concerned with soiling her beautiful dress with his blood.

  "I’m fine," Marcus finally speaks, his hands up in front of his face to reject Hannah’s help. "Riley and I had a minor fender bender on the way. So sorry we’re late. Dad’s not raging is he?"

  "No." She laughs. "He’s too busy playing with the kids to notice we’re running behind schedule."

  Pushing away any pride I may have felt moments ago about proving a point or being right, I hurry to my husband’s side. "You’re bleeding! You need to get to a doctor."

  "I need to be my father’s best man. Everything else can wait." He glares at Beck with narrowed eyes. "Even him."

  "Whoa!" Beck steps in when he notices how Marcus stabs him with his unwavering stare. "There’s no reason to wait for anything. I was comforting your wife because she wasn’t feeling well and you weren’t here. We’re family, I care about her and your baby. No need to be a caveman and assume the worst."

  At last, Riley’s bitter expression wanes and she chimes in, "What’s the matter with the baby, Tess? You okay?"

  "Yeah." I swallow down an unexpected wave of nausea. Not now. Please not now. "Just been having a rough time with this pregnancy. Morning sickness, migraines, hormones out of whack."

  Marcus places a hand on my shoulder and rubs it gently. "I told you to stay home and rest, pretty girl. Why are you so stubborn?"

  "Maybe because
I’m a Grayson now and it comes with the territory?" My comment can have one of two effects—it can make matters worse, or it can lighten the mood.

  Thank God it does the latter.

  "Oh, you can say that again. I may have only known your father a few months, but that man has one thick, stubborn skull!" Hannah shocks us all with the perfect summation of her Grayson groom.

  "You sure you know what you’re getting yourself into?" Riley asks, treading lightly with her tone. The tone I recognize as inquisitive.

  "Riley, darling," Hannah swishes over to Riley with tears in her eyes. "I’ve never been happier. So, although I still have a lot to learn—about him, and you and your brother, and all of you—I’m following my heart because it hasn’t felt this full in a long, long time."

  * * *


  And there it is. The affirmation I was looking for. This woman is perfect for my father and even more perfect for us. Through thick and through thin, in good times and in bad, with all our drama and bratty behavior, Hannah sees the silver lining and is willing to accept our crazy.

  "Hannah, thank you," I say, on the verge of blubbering. My mom would approve of this kind hearted woman my father has given the rest of his heart to.

  "For what, hun?"

  "For shedding light on what this time of year is all about. For bringing back the real meaning of family togetherness and holiday joy. You came into our lives at the perfect time and I speak for Marcus and myself, including our spouses and children, when I say welcome to the family."

  The room seems to erupt in tears—happy tears. Without a doubt, there’s lots to be discussed between Beck and myself and Marcus and Tessa. I vow to make more time for my husband and daughter, and to call on Fallon, my more than capable assistant, to take on more responsibility. He’s been itching for it for some time now. With a little less weight on my shoulders, I breathe in a dose of my beautiful reality. In this moment, my biggest concern is getting my father hitched to this fine woman in time for them to share their first New Year’s kiss as husband and wife.

  * * *


  The ceremony and reception are top notch—like the liquor I promised my wife I wouldn’t drink. For something that was pulled together so quickly, it’s pretty impressive. The entire ship is decorated up the wazoo in Christmas lights and fancy garland. Tessa has called it a winter wonderland at least fifty times already.

  My head is still pounding from the accident, but I honestly can’t complain. Not when those most important to me are right beside me.

  We’re all gathered in the ballroom as they watch my father and his new bride waltz in the center of the marble dance floor. I forgot Pops has moves like Fred Astaire. Tessa and Riley have tears in their eyes as they observe the happy couple, and Luca and Claire mess around hand-in-hand, imitating their grandfather and Hannah. Or Nannah has they decided they’d like to call her. The term digs at the pit in my stomach. I miss my mother. Things just aren’t the same without her. And with Dad moving on, the realization that she’s never coming back resurrects old wounds.

  "Is that a tear, tough guy?" Beck claps my shoulder and breaks me out of my daydream.

  I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Um, no, asshat. You know I don’t cry."

  "Oh, that’s right. You’re Marcus Grayson. Tattooed and manly. I almost forgot." His mocking makes me want to knock the smile right off his face, but I laugh it off because the dude is my best friend, my brother-in-law, and a stand-up fucking guy.

  "So, we cool?" He reminds me of the beef I had earlier when I saw him pawing at Tessa. The beef is officially squashed. After a quick convo amongst the four of us, I manned up and faced the issue. I have been preoccupied. I let what matters most pass me by and I took too much for granted. There’ll always be another gig—I am a hot commodity, after all—but I’ll never find another Tessa and Luca.

  "Of course. Sorry for getting stupid earlier," I admit.

  "Apology accepted. Thanks for taking care of Ry. She was pretty shaken up from the accident. Thankfully, everyone’s in one piece, under one roof."

  "The way it’s supposed to be," I add.

  "Yup, exactly the way it’s supposed to be." Riley chimes in from nearby with Tessa at her side. "Hey, handsome. Care to dance?" My sister steals Beck’s attention and tugs him onto the dance floor.

  I point straight at him. Sorry fucker hates dancing, even though Riley’s dragged him to one too many Justin Timberlake concerts. "You two have fun, now."

  "Uh, uh, uh. Not so fast. Your wife would like to shake her jiggly ass on that dance floor too." Tessa cocks a brow and curls a finger, summoning me to join her.

  I’m not too fond of busting a move either, but for Tessa I’ll do anything. I saunter over to her, fist pumping to the inviting thump of the music.

  After a verse of the upbeat tune, we have a family huddle formed in the center of the dance floor. My father and Hannah are the center—our core. Tessa, Riley, Beck, and I surround them. And Luca and Claire clutch our legs as we all bop to the song. The DJ must notice the gaggle of Graysons crowding the floor, and quickly fades the current song to one that makes us all cheer.

  We Are Family by Sister Sledge echoes through the large room, filling our ears, our hearts, our souls with an anthem that is near and dear to each and every one of us.

  The party goes on to the wee hours of the night. Luca and Claire fizzle out right before midnight. Tessa and Riley drape tuxedo jackets over the little ones as they sleep on a bunch of chairs strewn together as a makeshift bed.

  Couples gather in front of a large Jumbotron type film projector. Times Square. New Year’s Rockin’ Eve. Ryan Seacrest in place of Dick Clark.

  Someone rushes around the room handing out champagne glasses and noisemakers. As always, the last few minutes of the year tick by quickly in anticipation of a new start. With my wife at my side, my sister and brother-in-law off in their own world, Dad and Hannah giddy and smiling, the silver ball of lights starts its descent as everyone counts down.

  5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . Happy New Year!

  I wrap my arms around Tessa and kiss her with the passion of a man who has been given the greatest gift in life. "Happy New Year, pretty girl," I hum against her lips.

  "Happy New Year, Marcus."

  Auld Lang Syne plays loudly and the lyrics soften the walls that surround what I want to believe is a rough and tough heart. That lump that’s been nagging the base of my throat all day rises and brings tears—yes, fucking tears—to my eyes. I sniff them back and gulp them down, nuzzling into Tessa’s neck as I squeeze her, and my unborn child, back onto the dance floor to kiss the night away.

  Happy Holidays!

  Love, Faith and the Grayson gang

  If you enjoyed all the quirky Graysons and their friends in Keep Us, please check out books one and two in the Grayson Sibling series, Keep Me and Keep Her. Both can be read and enjoyed as standalones.

  About Faith Andrews

  Faith Andrews is living out her dream right outside the greatest city in the world, New York City. Happily married to her high school sweetheart, she is the mother of two beautiful and wild daughters, and a furry Yorkie son named Rocco Giovanni. When she's not tapping her toes to a Mumford & Sons tune or busy being a dance mom, her nose is stuck in a book or she's sitting behind the laptop, creating her next swoon worthy book boyfriend. Coffee addict, lover of wine and cheese, and sucker for concerts and Netflix, Faith believes in love at first sight and happily ever after.

  Connect with Faith

  [email protected]

  Other Books by Faith Andrews

  The Dreams Series

  Man of My Dreams

  Back to You

  After the Storm

  The Grayson Sibling Series

  Keep Me
  Keep Her

  The Fate Series

  Feel Again

  First Came You


  By Autumn Grey

  A Remington & Selene holiday novella

  Remington and Selene from the Havoc series have been stuck in the middle of ten-second quickies and diaper changing, but now things are about to flare up. (If you enjoyed Remington and Selene's story you can read more of them in Autumn Grey's Havoc Series)

  Chapter One


  Holy shit!

  I should have gotten used to this by now, but I'd come to the conclusion that getting used to Remington was something that'd never happen. His single-minded determination to pleasure me knew no bounds. Even now, with the possibility of being interrupted, his cock pushed lightly into my entrance. He was teasing me; making my back bow in need and want. His mouth was on my neck, kissing me, his teeth nipping me gently and his tongue stroking the skin there, making it better. My body was caught between pleasure and pain.

  The past couple of months had been insanely busy, adapting to life as a mother and wife. Remington and I hadn’t had enough 'us' time since our honeymoon. I couldn't bring myself to leave Hope. We'd spent two nights in Nice while Luc, Remington's brother, took Adrien for some uncle-nephew bonding time in Monte Carlo. But since then, our sex life had become a mixture of stolen kisses and ten-second quickies, between changing diapers and wiping puke. Adrien finally adapted to having another little person around. It wasn't easy at first, but eventually he warmed up to Hope Estelle.

  Today I woke up to Remington's mouth on my skin and his hands on my body, whispering dirty words from that wicked mouth of his.


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