Free Trader Box Set - Books 4-6: Battle for the Amazon, Free the North!, Free Trader on the High Seas

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Free Trader Box Set - Books 4-6: Battle for the Amazon, Free the North!, Free Trader on the High Seas Page 14

by Craig Martelle

  The large male was first out and stood before the fire, expecting to be crowned the victor.

  Micah saw the glimmer in Gray Strider’s eyes. She thought she understood, and that was confirmed when Bounder waved the confused Wolfoid away, having to show his teeth to get the large male to finally move.

  With his spear, Bounder pointed to the couple who finished last in both events. He called them to him and declared them the winners of the contest. They were as confused as the large male.

  ‘We’ve been to Vii, a great and wonderful land. It is a place where future generations of Wolfoids will be raised, but what we’ve found, thanks to Braden, Micah, the Golden Warrior, Aadi, and the other companions, is that it takes so much more than physical strength to survive. There, we fight together, we fight smarter, or we die alone. That’s the lesson we want all of you to take from this. Eventually, every one of you who wants to go will join us on Vii. You can’t imagine how incredible it is. We hunt like we were meant to, but we can farm, or keep pigs. We have help there, and we help others. Congratulations to our winners!’ Bounder howled to their victory, sniffing their sense of contentment.

  The two winners held up their spears. Bounder and Gray Strider opened the feast, telling the Wolfoid chefs to start cutting the meat. Shredder managed the process of feeding the pack. Bounder pulled the winners aside after the commotion settled down. He also told those who didn’t win to stand aside and wait for him.

  ‘You two are going, but there are four spots. You pick who you want to go with us. We will support your choice,’ Bounder said simply. They thanked him with a quick nuzzle and retreated behind the huts to talk about who they would consider.

  When Bounder addressed the others, their heads hung low. But he said that he was impressed by their speed and strength, both of which would come in handy on Vii. They would get their turn soon, and they would be magnificent additions to the foundation of the first Wolfoid settlement. He told them that the next ones to go would be the ones who competed for the honor to join Bounder and Gray Strider. When they left, their heads were high and they promptly went to the back of the line, making sure the rest of the village ate first.

  If they were going to be the foundation of a new settlement, they had to earn the loyalty of the others, as Bounder had done. Leaders make sure everyone else can eat and that no one gets left behind. Bounder made his point with the entire village through the games and with his speech.

  ‘Well done, Bounder! Well done,’ Braden said after Micah told him what he missed.

  ‘You were right, G. I get what he did, and Vii will be better because of it,’ Micah told the ‘cat.

  G-War strutted through the crowd, tail held high. ‘When are we going back to Cornwall?’ he asked.

  Home to New Sanctuary

  Loper and his mate Sunny Day were overwhelmed by their selection to go to the planet. They thought they had little chance, but wanted to try. They also considered the contests to be fun and recommended to Shredder that he hold games on a regular basis, changing them each time to teach the Wolfoids different problem solving skills while under pressure.

  The winners chose two yearlings, a young couple that did not yet have pups, to go with them. Bounder asked why they chose Wolfoids with no experience.

  ‘Because they will grow and mature knowing nothing but Vii. They will learn faster than the rest of us who have been raised here in the confines of Livestel. It’s the young who will lead us to the future,’ Loper answered. Bounder was pleased with their victory and their reasoning. He wondered why he knew so little of this couple who seemed different, yet so wise. Maybe that was why. Different wasn’t a quality that he looked for when he was the Alpha. That led to dissent and hardship. But now, different was better. It could have been better back then, too. He shook himself, knowing that he couldn’t go back in time. The only thing he could do was move forward, and he was doing it in good company.

  The new Wolfoids traveled easily, not requiring a great deal of equipment or support. They carried their spears and wore a harness with a flask and an access bracelet. Bounder and Gray Strider wore the light armor padding that Holly insisted they wear. This had pouches for rations and water flasks. The Alpha and his mate looked odd to the others, but Bounder shrugged off their concerns and added a certain mystique by implying that they needed the armor to fight enemies who carried fierce energy weapons. Gray Strider shook her head as she tightened her harness for the run across the grassland.

  In comparison, the humans wore light body armor, an equipment belt with two blasters, a pouch, and swords. And they carried backpacks, too. Even G-War had worn custom armor, although when they prepared to go, the small vest-like device was nowhere in sight. He shrugged when Braden asked him where it had gone. Micah looked at her partner sternly when he unsnapped his first buckle.

  “We’re only going to the matter transfer chamber. I think we’re safe between here and there,” Braden tried to rationalize. Micah raised one eyebrow as she firmly stood her ground. “Well, he did it. Ass!” Braden mumbled, tipping his chin toward the ‘cat as he snapped the buckle and hitched his gear to make sure that it hung right.

  The two Lizard Men, carrying nothing but their spears and access bracelets, stayed close to Aadi, who floated nearby unperturbed by what he carried. He held a rope in his beak-like mouth, waiting for a volunteer to take the other end and pull him across the open plain. Of course, Bounder nodded to the youngsters, who looked at the rope, trying to figure out how to pull it while still being able to run on all fours.

  Braden’s head felt better. The swelling had gone down, and it no longer throbbed. His mind seemed clear as well, although he felt as if something was missing since he could no longer access the neural implant. He wasn’t sure he liked his return to normal, having embraced his love-hate relationship with the Old Tech. He liked having a blaster when no one but he and Micah had one. He liked being able to access any information instantly, talk with Holly, coordinate actions no matter where he was.

  He was still thinking about the technology when Bounder and Gray Strider waved to the villagers and loped into the tall grass. G-War disappeared after them, then the other four Wolfoids. Loper and Sunny helped the yearlings by tying the short rope around the middle of a spear. Each Wolfoid held an end of the spear, and Aadi was pulled between them. It was awkward but functional.

  The humans brought up the rear and watched as the others easily outdistanced them. Braden jogged casually, not wanting his head to become muddled again. He’d never had his brain scrambled like that before and hoped it wouldn’t happen again. He was fond of having his senses intact.

  Micah ran alongside, keeping pace without getting winded. She enjoyed the slow travel across the open area, knowing that too soon, they’d be back on Vii and in the middle of a war. The Amazon would weigh on them as it always did when they were soaked to the bone, hunting a dangerous enemy.

  Pik and Dal ran nearby. They struggled in the heat and the sun.

  Braden asked Micah to let Holly know they were on their way to the matter transfer chamber. Braden was ready to leave the ship. He knew that Micah had reservations about their future, but this was the war to end all wars. Finally, they’d have peace on Vii, and he could get the trade route firmly established. His mind seemed clear and all kinds of random thoughts popped up. He wondered if Dr. Johns had made any progress on the sample of the grasses that the Aurochs herd was eating.

  Micah steadied her pace as she concentrated on the open window in front of her eye. Braden looked ahead as they followed a clear path forward. The yearlings had to be getting tired. With the spear between them, they were pushing all the grass down as they ran, creating a nice trail straight toward the forward bulkhead. Braden expected that the youngsters didn’t want to show weakness in front of the older Wolfoids.

  ‘Holly, we’re on our way,’ Micah said via her implant. ‘Braden wants to know what Dr. Johns found from that sample of grass from Toromont’s Run.’

p; ‘I have the matter transfer chamber ready for your arrival. When you get there, the door will be open, assume your positions, and we’ll bring you home. Now, about that grass... It seems to contain a rather significant amount of THC, a chemical that affects your mind and body. The good news is that most of the effects are short-term. You’ve seen what the long-term effects are in stunted growth, reduced intelligence, and overall lethargy. Once the drug is cleared from their system, most of these effects will disappear. The herd must be removed from Toromont’s Run for the Aurochs to recover and start leading normal lives like those from the Earthshaker Herd,’ Holly said.

  Micah relayed everything to Braden, who stopped running so he could think. “Has anyone told Brandt about the grass?” Micah contacted Holly, already tired of being a go-between.

  ‘No. Dr. Johns and I thought it better if you told him. My data suggests he will leave immediately to accomplish the task, to the detriment of anything else,’ Holly stated.

  ‘I think you don’t give Brandt enough credit. We have a war to fight and we can’t do it without his help. We’ll be back soon and will take care of it then,’ Micah answered before telling Braden.

  Braden was frustrated in not being able to talk with Holly directly. “I need to get a new implant when we get back,” he said with conviction.

  “Really? What happened to weening yourself off the Old Tech?” Micah asked as they stood close to each other, their eyes squinting from the nearly perpetual daylight. Braden found it hard to argue with her when she looked at him like that. She was usually right. As Holly was probably right that Brandt would bolt from New Sanctuary as soon as he heard that the grass was bad for the Aurochs, but they’d recover once they were away from it.

  “I want to win the war. We already fight at a disadvantage as we can’t tell the Lizard Men apart. Pik and Dal will help us, but we need every advantage we can get, and even then, I don’t know if we can find the Overlords, let alone defeat them. If we survive the war, we’ll take our neural implants out. Deal?” Braden asked in his better Free Trader voice, holding out his hand for the handshake that would confirm the contract.

  Micah pulled his head down to hers for a long kiss. They smiled at each other as they still held hands. Dal watched them intently, head canted as if he were a dog. Pik looked, but didn’t stare. Braden nudged his partner and she turned. “I’m thinking he’s never seen anything like that before,” Micah said with a shrug. “Time to go before G-War grows impatient.”

  They turned and started jogging again, picking up the pace as they realized the Wolfoids had already reached the bulkhead. The Lizard Men ambled along behind them.

  As they approached the others, they saw the young Wolfoids sprawled on the ground, tongues out of their mouths while they slept. Bounder and Gray Strider looked smug. ‘They almost killed themselves forcing that damn spear through the tall grass,’ she laughed. Aadi looked away, feeling bad at being a vehicle to test and train the yearlings.

  After a quick drink, they climbed the steps and opened the door to the passage beyond. Four Wolfoids had never seen anything outside Livestel. They sniffed tentatively before entering, but the others walked through without a concern and strode boldly down the well-lit corridor. G-War ran alongside, staying close to the wall, the tip of his orange tail flicking as he went.

  Pik Ha’ar and Dal walked in after the humans helped Aadi through. They held him by his shell as they kept him between them. He knew they were counting on him to relieve their rising anxiety. He talked with them as they walked, helping them understand what they would go through next and most importantly, what they would find when they were no longer on the ship. The Amazon was endless compared to the confines of Deck 9, a place that until they met the humans and their companions had been the only world they knew.

  Holly had assured Micah that the security system was expecting them and wouldn’t fire as the group approached the Engineering Section. Bounder didn’t give it a thought as he strode to the door at the end of the corridor and waved his bracelet at it. The door slid open without a sound and they stepped onto the catwalk, turning right and heading for the elevator.

  The others followed, taking turns riding the elevator down. They assembled at the bottom, each watching the Androids closely as they performed their various tasks. For those who hadn’t seen Androids before, they sniffed and looked suspiciously at the odd creations. For those who knew the Androids, they couldn’t get away from them quickly enough. Pik had to be pushed bodily toward the matter transfer chamber. A rage grew deep within him as he relived his own death at the hands of Android attackers. Dal started to hiss at the creations as Braden and Micah pushed everyone toward the chamber.

  The yearlings were completely unsettled at this point. Their hackles were up and they sniffed, not able to find a comforting smell in the midst of everything strange. Bounder only wanted to get to the matter transfer chamber and see the door close behind them. The other Wolfoids’ anxiety was putting him on edge.

  He jogged forward and waited at the door to usher the others in. After the humans hurried inside, Bounder walked in and gratefully watched the wall slide back into place, sealing the room. Bounder and Gray Strider showed the others how to lay on the reclining chairs so the transfer could take place. The yearlings were agitated and had a hard time lying still, despite the assurances from the four older Wolfoids. Pik and Dal had an easier time as the recliners were designed for a humanoid form. They relaxed in place with their legs up. G-War kept his head between his paws as he took his position. Aadi floated down and tucked his head and feet as far into his shell as he could.

  Braden reminded everyone to stay still as the walls started to shimmer. That was the last straw for the yearlings who both bolted for the door, waving their bracelets and beating on it with their spears.

  “Get back in place and stay still,” Braden heard himself shout as he drifted away.

  To all of them, only a couple heartbeats passed until they were able to open their eyes again. To Holly, it took nearly two days for the transfer to finish.

  When Micah opened her eyes, she noticed two empty recliners among the other ten with occupants. ‘Holly, what happened to the other two? The last I saw of them, they were trying to get out of the chamber on the ship,’ Micah asked.

  ‘I am sorry, Master President. If they got out of their seats after the process initiated, then they are gone,’ Holly said, sounding remorseful.

  ‘Gone? Do you mean back on the ship?’ she asked, although she knew that wasn’t what he meant.

  ‘No, Master President. Everything outside the area contained within the chairs is eliminated as part of the transfer process. They are dead. I’m sorry.’

  Micah looked at Braden who was watching, knowing that she was talking with Holly. She clenched her jaw and shook her head. The Wolfoids looked around, wondering where the yearlings were. Bounder and Gray Strider jumped from the recliners too quickly. Bounder collapsed when he hit the floor and heaved up a stomachful of water. Gray strider bounced off the next recliner when she lost her balance. Loper and Sunny remained frozen in place, still terrified of the unknown.

  “They’re gone, Bounder,” Braden nearly whispered. “They’re gone.”

  Bounder threw himself at the door and whimpered like a pup. Gray Strider joined him as he collapsed against the wall. G-War finally jumped down and went to his friends. Braden and Micah slowly threw their legs over the edge and eased themselves to the floor. Aadi floated upwards, staying over his chair. Pik and Dal looked wide-eyed at the chamber, bombarded by an array of strong emotions.

  “Open the door, Holly!” Braden yelled. Seeing the alarm on the Loper and Sunny’s faces, he dropped his head. “Come on, you two, time to go. And you guys as well.” Braden looked at the Lizard Men.

  The well section that doubled as the door slid inward and to the side, but no one left. Braden and Micah kneeled down to hug the necks of the Wolfoids. Tears ran from their eyes, streaking the hair on the muzzles. Bo
under suddenly looked much older.

  Braden realized that he’d probably never lost one of his fellow Wolfoids to something other than old age. It was hard losing someone. He knew how he felt when they lost Pik Ha’ar. He blamed himself. They could have waited until the yearlings settled down, made sure they knew not to move. But he didn’t. He wanted to get off the ship and his hurry cost two Wolfoids their lives.

  “It didn’t,” Micah said softly into his ear. “We all wanted to go. Our actions are our own. Sometimes, you really are responsible for your own actions and in that, not everyone passes the test. I’m sorry that they’re gone, really sorry, but there’s nothing we can do about it now. We have a war to fight, and if it weren’t for the Overlords, we would not have had to go back to that ship. If anyone is to blame, it’s them. Save your anger for the Overlords.”

  Micah walked into the hallway outside the matter transfer chamber without looking back. Braden helped Bounder and Gray Strider up. G-War followed Micah out and the others followed him. When the rest had left, Braden took one last look at the chamber, hoping that he’d never have to use it again.

  He joined the others as they headed for the surface. He couldn’t wait to get outside. It would be nice to hold his children again.

  Micah thought the same thing.

  War Comes Closer

  They settled in by the lake in what was becoming their real home, as opposed to the Presidential Suite which was only a honeymoon getaway.

  Brandt raced to meet them, the three young bulls running close behind. Braden and Micah stroked the hair on his face as he carefully nuzzled them. He knew something was wrong, but hesitated to ask. Pik Ha’ar and Tup Dal stood behind a tree, peeking around it at the immense creature that had just pounded across the beach of the small lake. Aadi floated next to them and put their fears to rest, encouraging them to step forward and meet the King of the Aurochs.


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