A Lighter Shade of Blue (Kings of Chaos Book 2)

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A Lighter Shade of Blue (Kings of Chaos Book 2) Page 19

by Colt, Shyla

  “I’m good with that. Anyone here object?” Stone asks.

  The room remains quiet and somber.

  “His colors are gone, and his tat is gone,” Big states in a flat voice.

  Stone stands, and they shake hands. “I have to make arrangements for my boy now, Big. You’re welcome to stay in the compound.”

  “No, me and the boys are going to hand down this judgment and clear the air. The sooner we square up, the less ripples we’ll have in the pond.”

  “I like that plan. Keep me posted,” Stone replies.

  “You know it, brother.” They hug it out.

  Then the L.A. chapter is ghost, leaving us to pick up the pieces, and put our brother into the ground.

  Chapter Fourteen



  I should leave well enough alone, but I can’t. I want to hear from Calla’s own lips she set this shit up on Dad. She doesn’t get to refer to him as anything more than Psycho now. My mother may be in denial, but I see things for what they are. I know the boys are handling the logistics, but this is family problem. I put my father in the ground two weeks ago with his cut. I watched as members from every part that could make it paid their respects. It didn’t fill the gaping hole in my chest, but it made me proud to know he’d touched so many lives and earned so much respect. A man can’t do much more than that in one lifetime.

  My heels click over the concrete as I make my way to the table and sit down. I can’t see her as my sister anymore. She’s a person I happen to share DNA with. Family is more than blood. She sold us out. I’m counting the days until Bolton turns eighteen, so she has no more power over him.

  I sink down into the chair and wait. I dare her to show her face. I want to slam her face into the shiny surface of the table, but I know better. The way to hurt Calla is words rooted in truth. This is the last time I plan on willingly talking to her, so I’m going to let it fly.

  She walks out and I have to do a double take. Her hair is cropped close to her face and I can tell she’s put on muscle. The expression in her eyes is hard and angry. Jesus. This place is eating her up.

  “Sister, so nice of you to visit me,” she purrs, sinking down.

  “I wish I could say the same. You look shitty in orange, you know?”

  Her jaw drops. “Oh, did you decide to grow ovaries?”

  “I always had them. I was just too busy being sorry for your ass to use them when it came to you. Poor, pitiful, lost Calla, couldn’t get anything right to save her life.”

  “Fuck you,” she spits.

  “Oh, you have been since you were sixteen. Who did you tell about your father?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t play dumb with me, little girl. That leak spilled all over this club and ended in blood.”

  The blood drains from her face. “Wait…what?”

  “Did you think it’d be contained? Even behind bars, there are eyes and ears. You stupid little bitch.”

  “I-I found a cousin. I needed protection. Kings can only do so much—”

  “I hope it was worth it, because it got my father killed.”


  “Yes, you selfish twat. You’re always taking. Now you’ve taken more than I can stand, and I’m not the only one who thinks so. You’re not welcome in this family anymore.”

  “You have no right to do that.”

  “Yet… I’m doing it. You come near Bolt again, and I’ll kill you. I don’t want him near any of this mess. You don’t believe me, don’t worry, I’ll make sure Stone comes and tells you in person.”

  “You’re lying, Bluebell. I know you’re pissed at me. But this is taking things way too far.”

  “Do you think I’d ever joke about this? I had to watch them lower my father into the ground.”

  “Oh my God.” She covers her mouth. “I-I didn’t think. I would n-never.”

  “But you did. The story of your life. You’re a piece of shit. He gave you everything. Who cares if your genetic code was different? You’ve always gotten so caught up in your petty emotions, you miss what’s actually happening around you.” It should make me feel better that she didn’t order the hit personally, but I can’t bring myself to care.

  “You don’t know what it was like being different.”

  “Yes, I do. You took away my place in the Kings. Pushed me out with your hate, cutting remarks, and tantrums. Funny. This is the life you always wanted and I’m living it.”

  “What are you talking about?” she whispers.

  I turn to the side and lift my hair to show her my tattoo.

  “You fucking bitch!” She launches herself over the table.

  I scoot back and slam her face into the table. Standing, I hold my hands above my head as the guards rush in. “Self-defense. She went a little nuts when I told her about our father’s death,” I say, forcing my eyes to water.

  “I understand, ma’am, but it’d be best if you left.”

  “Okay.” I tremble my lower lip and allow myself to be escorted outside.

  The minute I taste freedom, I begin to laugh. I hope that bitch gets the hole for her bad behavior. She’s not the only Strong who can act. I feel like I got some payback for Dad. It soothes the ache his death has left. Mom and I are more at odds now than ever, and Bolton is caught in the middle. I play nice for his sake, shuttle him between the houses as he wants, but I know his loyalties lie with me and his Dad. It’s petty for me to care—I know it, but I also don’t give a shit. In my mind, my mother’s poor choices have taken enough from me.

  Stone will continue to take care of her for my father’s sake, but he doesn’t want to see her around the club. It’s hard for her, but it’s more lenient than she deserves. You don’t get between brothers.

  I drive to the cemetery. I know my father’s soul isn’t there, but it makes me feel closer to him somehow. I drive through the massive peaked gates that are open to welcome mourners. The lawn is green and well kept. Colorful flowers and statues break up the monochromatic green landscape. I turn around the curve and park my car off the road. We’ve been through a lot this car and I, but the same way she was rebuilt and restored, I was reborn a stronger person for the tragedies I survived.

  The sun shines down on my skin and I swear Pop is sending me his approval from above. Anything for you, Pop. I climb the hill and stop short when I see Shadow.

  He turns. “Hey.” His voice is soft and subdued.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” I ask.

  “Having a little one-on-one with your pop. Stupid, huh?”

  “No. I came here to do the same thing,” I admit. He holds out his arm and I fit myself against his side. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. It came down the pipeline. I’m going to handle his loose ends. Not right away. But after a while.”

  I hug him tight. “Good. I’m glad it’ll be you.”

  “Yeah?” He peers down at me.

  “Mmm-hmm.” I lift my face up.

  He brushes our lips together. “You want me to wait for you?”

  “No, I’ll be good.”

  “You got your piece?” he asks.

  “Yeah.” I pat the small purse slung over my shoulder.

  “Good girl. I’ll see you at home.”

  I stare down at the fresh grave and wish for the millionth time I could have another talk with Pop. He gave tough love. I was always better for it.

  “I settled up with her, Pop. She made her bed and I know you’d approve. I can’t trust her to be around and keep her lips shut. You know we don’t do divided loyalties. Things with Mom are tenuous, but we both know she picked her daughter to support years ago. It’s funny how little I care now, when at one time I worried about my own happiness. And I am happy, Pop. More than I thought possible. When I think of the years Shadow and I wasted, it makes me sick. But I don’t dwell on them. That was the old Blue. The new one realizes how precious and short life can be.” I kneel down beside his headstone, kis
s my fingers, and place them on his stone. For a moment, I swear I can feel his hand on my shoulder. “If it’s okay with you, I’m going to sit here for a bit.” I lay on my back and stare up at the sky. Watching the clouds float by makes me nostalgic. I remember doing shit like this as a family. My pop was never too much of a bad ass to have fun with us. He might’ve been on the road a lot, but the time he spent with us counted.

  I learned a lot this year. I’m stronger than I thought I could be, and the truth is, it’s harder to be happy. Because it means you put yourself first while that hurts and upsets others. It shouldn’t. Maybe in a perfect world…it wouldn’t. But the universe we live in is a flawed and broken thing. We’re all just trying to survive its fucked up games and challenges. I had the wrong rulebook before. So, I found myself on the losing end. Now that’s changed and the sky is the limit. I think of the man who just left, the teenager I’m planning a blowout eighteenth birthday for, and my closest friends. Despite the setbacks, I’m going to be okay. In the end, that’s what matters most. Comforted and clear-headed I stand. “Later, Pop.”

  I walk back to my car and laugh at the sight of Shadow still waiting by my car. “Really?”

  He shrugs. “Can’t blame me for wanting to keep eyes on you after everything going on.”

  “No, I like that about you. It makes me feel cared for.”

  “It should, girl, ’cause you fucking are.”

  The exasperation in his voice makes me laugh. He can be a grumpy ass old man in a young man’s body. Maybe that’s why I feel like we’re an old married couple. Grinning, I lean against his bike. “I do.” I kiss him soundly.

  “You kiss me like that, you’d better be ready to head to the bedroom when we get home.”

  “I’m counting on it,” I say with a wink.

  “Damn, girl, it’s like that?” A rare smile lines his lips.

  “Yeah, babe, it’s like that.”


  For The Love of Dixie Coming in August




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