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Secrets in Battle: Secrets of Savannah Series Book 3

Page 13

by S. M. Donaldson


  I feel lost. In the past three days she’s pulled away from me. She says it’s just work and that she’s always tired, but I know it has to do with the other night. Ryder says she’s been sleeping a lot and helping Nana. She hasn’t really texted me, she hasn’t waited for me in my apartment. My bed is empty without her.

  I talked to Nana about it, she says I just need to give her time. That she has a lot going on and we are strong enough to get through anything that comes our way.

  I told Luca what happened. We tried to work through some of the issues, but he told me most of it will be up to me to learn to control the rage.

  Ryder and I are working on residing one of the small barns today.

  Ryder’s phone starts ringing. He answers it.

  “Hello.” “Annabelle slow down.” He’s shaking. “What’s going on, Annabelle?” He drops his tools. “I’m coming.”

  I look at Ryder. “Man, what’s going on?”

  He takes off running to his truck. After we jump in, I see the tears pouring out of his eyes. “Ryder! Talk to me.”

  “It’s Nana.”

  He tears out of the yard headed for Nana’s.

  “Ryder, what do you mean?”

  He’s wiping his face as we sling the truck up in Nana’s drive. “Annabelle found her.” He’s out the door before the truck stops.

  I look up to see emergency vehicles flying down the private drive.

  I bury my head in my hands and let out a sob. Ryder runs in the house with me on his heels.

  As we enter the house, Princess runs over to us. “Ryder, I’m so sorry. When I found her it was too late.”

  Scarlet comes flying through the door a minute later and into Ryder’s chest and sobs.

  I pull Princess to my chest as she sobs.

  A deputy comes in, he has to get a report from her. I walk her over to sit down on the couch.

  “Ma’am, I know this is hard. I just need to know what happened so we can put it in a report.” He gives her a kind smile and puts his hand on hers. “I’m sorry we have to do this now.”

  She nods. “My name is Annabelle. I’ve been helping Nana with her memoirs. I came down because we were supposed to work on them today. She didn’t come to the door like she normally does, but I just let myself in. When she didn’t answer, I started looking for her. I found her in bed. I screamed, I shook her. I tried to calm down. I’m in the last part of my nursing degree so I checked her pulse. She was already cold. I’m guessing whatever happened, it was last night. I called 911, then I called Ryder and Scarlet.”

  He pats her hand. “Annabelle, you handled this all very well considering the circumstances. Thank you. This should be all I need for now.”

  My mom and dad come barreling through the doors. My mom grabs Ryder, pulling him into her chest. I pull Princess in mine. “I’m sorry you had to find this.”

  “I’m just glad it wasn’t Ryder.” She cries into my chest.

  My dad steps up and hugs her. “Sweetheart, you handled yourself very well. Nana would be proud.”

  She looks up. “Has anyone called Greer?”

  Dad nods. “Yes, Sarah is driving him in.”

  Chapter 34

  Standing at the podium at the community center, I begin to speak.

  “Pearl Mae Cartwright Abbott was born at her parents’ home April 3, 1934. She came into this world raising hell and I’m pretty sure that’s how she went out. She married the love of her life, Grayton Abbott, at the age of seventeen, right before he left for the Korean War. While he was overseas, she finished high school and worked as a nurse at Ft. Stewart, then called Camp Stewart. After Grayton returned, they had one son, Greer Abbott, and made a very successful life for themselves continuing the traditions of Abbott Cotton.”

  I clear my throat. “Greer later married Lillian Conrad and produced Nana’s biggest pride and joy, her grandson, Ryder. She would tell you the smartest thing Ryder ever did was convince Scarlet Johnson to go out with him and in turn, marry him.

  “Now, I’ve told you all about her blood family, but if she were standing here today she would tell you that she considers Nelson Hughes her son and Naomi her daughter-in-law. She told everyone that Judd was her grandson just like Ryder and she was so proud of him. She liked to brag about her famous grandkids, Scarlet’s brother, Gable, and his w-girlfriend, Ivie, along with their band for following their dreams in music and becoming famous.” Whoops, I almost slipped up and said wife. They’ve got to tell everyone.

  I wipe a stray tear. “Nana could sense when someone felt lost, like they had no one. She took in lost hearts like mine. She loved me for who I was, not what she thought she could mold me into.”

  “I was lucky enough to spend the past few months working with her on her memoirs. She certainly had some colorful, entertaining stories. I feel like I got to meet the teenaged Pearl and Grayton with the stories she told me. Trust me when I say Nana was just as vivid in her stories as she was in real life. I, for one, am going to feel lost without her in my life every day, but I also know she’ll be with me in spirit. She was proud to be from this town and loved the people in it. Most of you know just about everyone in this town calls her Nana. Look around, we had to have this at the community center because there wasn’t a church big enough to hold all of you. With that being said, the family would like to welcome anyone who has a story they’d like to share to come up and speak.”

  I sit beside Scarlet and watch people of all ages stand up to tell stories about Nana.

  Gable steps up to the podium. “As Annabelle said, Nana took us all in and loved us. Before we turn this back over to the pastor, she left us a list of songs she wanted sung. Just like Nana, some are traditional and some not so much. Please join us in granting Nana’s request.” He starts playing and we sing quite a few songs. I’ll Fly Away, Rainy Night in Georgia, Seven Spanish Angels, Angel Flying too Close to the Ground, Silver Wings, Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes and I’ve Always Been Crazy.

  The preacher chuckles when he takes his place at the podium. “Well, as usual, Pearl had her way of saying what she wanted to say. She’s even done it today, through Ms. Garrett speaking and through those beautiful musicians a few minutes ago. She wanted everyone to celebrate life every day and there isn’t a doubt in my mind that’s why she picked those songs. If you didn’t want the raw honest truth, you didn’t ask Nana Pearl. She always did whatever she felt was necessary to get the job done. If we needed to raise money for something, she’d get out there and beat the streets. If we were cooking or doing repairs, whatever it was, she was there. I’m pretty sure Nana went in her sleep because that is the only way the Good Lord could sneak in there and get her. I’m proud to say that I knew Nana Pearl and considered her a mentor and a friend. Please keep the family in your prayers as their matriarch has gone to a better place. Now, please join me in a closing prayer.”

  We make our way home after the funeral. There’s more food than anyone could even attempt to eat here, but Ivie calls to order some pizzas for the band to go pick up. There’s only so much fried chicken and ham you can eat before you start clucking or snorting. The men have all went out to the barn to drink, with the exception of Nelson. He can’t drink anymore.

  Scarlet laughs, taking a sip of her beer when Ivie’s band mates make it back with the pizzas. “Southern funerals are just like southern weddings. Lots of food and free flowing booze.”

  I shake my head and laugh. Sarah looks at us. “Well, Nana would be proud, I’m pretty sure those men have gotten into her shine tonight. They were in rare form when I walked out there to check on them.”

  I’m so tired, this entire event has really taken its toll on me, along with my work. Naomi looks at me. “Sweetheart, are you feeling okay? You look a little pale.”

  I nod. “I’m fine. It’s just been a stressful few days. With all of this going on, I haven’t had much of an appetite and my stomach has been a little upset. I’m going on up to rest, I haven’t had muc
h in the past few days.”

  She nods and hugs me. “Do you want me to send Judd up in a little bit?”

  I shake my head. “No, he should rest with Beau. Plus, he’ll probably be too drunk to make it up the stairs.”

  She nods and makes her way back into the kitchen.

  With everything going on, I still haven’t had a lot of time to deal with his rage the other night. I’m still a little timid and I’ve been staying in my room. He wanted me to stay with him after I found Nana the other day, but I said I had to work late. It’s not that I don’t want him, it’s just the rage I saw the other night freaked me out. I know it was an accident and he would never mean to hit me, but he almost did. He would’ve killed that guy if we hadn’t stopped him. It was all a little too intense.

  A few minutes after lying down, there’s a knock at my door. “Annabelle, it’s me.” It’s Scarlet.

  “Yeah, come in.”

  She sits down by me on the bed. “Hey, I just wanted to say you did an awesome job today.”

  I nod. “Thanks.”

  She turns to me. “We are all supposed to meet with Nana’s attorney tomorrow for the reading. You need to be there.”

  I nod. “Okay, I don’t know why I would need to be there but okay.”

  She looks at me. “So when are you going to tell me?”

  “Tell you what?” I try to play dumb.

  “Annabelle, I know you too well for you to think you can keep secrets from me. I’ve been watching you. You, my dear best friend, are pregnant.”

  I sigh and start to cry. “Yeah.”

  “When did you find out? I’m guessing you haven’t told Judd yet.”

  “No, I haven’t. I found out right before I went to Nana’s the other morning. I was going to talk to her about it. I needed advice.”

  She pulls me in. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry. Here everything has been so damn crazy.” She starts crying, too. “She’d be so proud.”

  I shake my head. “She knew. She was the one who told me to get a test. She’d been watching me, how tired I was, my sense of smell was in over drive and I was emotional. She said, ‘Baby, you are pregnant just as sure as I’m sitting in this chair. You better go get you one of them tests.’ So I did and I am.”

  Scarlet shakes her head and flops back on the bed. “Holy crap. That woman knew everything.”

  I laugh. “Yep, she sure did.”

  “When are you gonna tell him?”

  I sigh. “Soon. I’m just still a little freaked out myself, plus the stuff the other night. It’s just a lot to deal with.”

  She grabs my hand. “I get it. I’m here for you.”

  I smile. “Thanks.”

  Chapter 35

  I feel like hammered shit. I was trying to be a friend, Nana was always about living life to the fullest, so Ryder and I decided that meant drinking a bunch of her moonshine last night. Now, I’m pretty certain that a semi ran over my head several times.

  To top all of that off, Princess still isn’t really speaking to me. I don’t know what to do. I don’t have Nana to talk to any more but she told me to be patient. Well, I’m running out of patience.

  She went to bed last night without even one word to me. When my mom told me she’d went upstairs, I asked her if she wanted me to go up and she said that Annabelle said I needed time with Beau.

  Really? My fucking dog. She thinks I need time with him more than her. Don’t get me wrong, Beau has been getting me through this, but I’d rather it be her.

  Something is going on. More than just the fight with that douche bag the other night. She’s pale and she’s lost weight.

  I walk in the attorney’s office for the reading of Nana’s will. I’m not really sure why I’m here, but I guess Nana left me something. Probably that old rifle I always liked.

  Everyone is in the lobby when I walk in. “Hey, am I the last one?”

  Ryder looks up. “No, we are waiting on Annabelle.” She walks through the door about that time. “Well, I guess we are all here now.” He says, motioning to the attorney.

  Mr. Roberts looks around the room. “Alright. If y’all will join me in the conference room?”

  We follow him in and take seats around the table. I sit next to Princess.

  “First off, let me say I’m deeply saddened by this. Pearl actually came in not too long ago to update all of this. She was a wonderful woman. Now. She wrote a letter I’m to read and then settle the estate.”

  Dear Family,

  If this is being read to you, well then I’m shit out of luck. Not really, I guess. I’m with Grayton now and my beautiful Lillian.

  I want every one of you to live life to its fullest potential, don’t be scared. Look at me, I’ve drank, smoked, talked bad and ate whatever in the hell I wanted to. I don’t know how old I am when you’re reading this but I know I’m over eighty now. So live it up and laugh. Laugh even when people think you’re crazy.

  Greer, you are the most important thing that ever happened to me and your daddy. Take care and remember, ‘I love you this much’.

  Ryder, I’m glad you’ve settled down. I don’t have to go to Heaven with rumors that my grandson is moonlighting as a stripper, a porn star or just an overall asshole. I’m sure I’d be answering to your momma. Scarlet is the best thing that has happened to you. Take care of her, cherish her and give her a wonderful life.

  Scarlet, take care of him, too. They say God protects fools and babies, I’m not sure if he still falls under those categories.

  Nelson and Judd, take care of my two boys and each other. Watch out for Naomi and Annabelle, two wonderful strong women. I feel blessed that you’ve all been brought into my life.

  Now, on to business. I have everything set up the way I want it. Don’t argue about it or try to give back what I give you or I’ll be pissed. I’ll come haunt you, I’m serious.

  I’ve been blessed with this great family and all the extras that came along with it.


  Nana Pearl

  At this point, there isn’t a dry eye in the room. Mr. Roberts clears his throat. “Are you guys ready?”

  We all nod.

  “In the matter of Abbott Cotton and Farms INC., the 51% that Pearl still owned will be divided as such.

  Greer Abbott will be given 15%, bringing his shares to 55% and now controlling shareholder.

  Ryder Abbott will be given 16%, bringing his shares to 25%.

  Nelson Hughes will be given 10%.

  Judd Hughes will be given 10%.

  This is only the business, it doesn’t include the property it sits on. Ryder will retain Greer’s shares in the event of his death. Judd will retain Nelson’s shares in the event of his death.”

  “Judd will inherit her house and three acres with most of the furniture, any items not included will be listed here.

  Scarlet Johnson (Abbott) will inherit her jewelry and the 1954 Corvette in storage.

  Annabelle Garrett will inherit her memoirs and any profits from them.

  The monies in her personal accounts are to be divided amongst the charities she was a member of, the most important being the Senior’s Center and The Combat Veterans Charities.”

  He hands Greer a piece of paper. “This is a list of the possessions in the house she has allotted for people and who they are for.”

  He looks up at us. “Any questions?”

  Ryder looks up. “What Corvette is she talking about and where is it in storage?” Greer shrugs. I guess everyone but the attorney is clueless.

  Annabelle speaks. “Grayton bought it for her when he returned from Korea. Brand new off the show room in 1954, it’s red with white accents. He paid less than three thousand dollars for it. She told me about it, showed me a picture even, but she never told me she’d kept it in storage somewhere.”

  Mr. Roberts hands Scarlet some paper with some keys. “This is the address to the climate controlled storage facility it’s been in, along with the keys and title.”

  Once we
are outside, everyone looks around at each other. Greer speaks up. “Let’s all meet at Nana’s and get things in order so Judd can get ready to move in. I think that’s what she would’ve wanted.”

  On my way back to the farm, I can’t help but think about the fact that I own a house and part of Abbott Cotton. Holy Shit!

  Chapter 36

  To say the reading of the will was a little shocking was an understatement. I expected some little trinket or something, definitely not her legacy. I was still going to finish her memoirs, but I just figured the profits would go to Ryder and Greer. I want to make sure they are finished in time for the holidays just like she wanted.

  Everyone else headed straight there, but I needed a detour. I had some thinking to do. I know I need to tell Judd about this baby, but I have to make sure he’s mentally ready. With his rage the other night and now losing Nana, I need to make sure of where he’s at in his head. Is he the guy that I can talk to rationally or is he the guy that’s going to wake up in the middle of the night choking me?

  Pulling up to her house and knowing she’s not coming out on the front porch to greet me is strange. I loved that woman, probably more than my own family. What I said was the truth, she accepted me for me.

  I can’t seem to get out of the car at the moment. I really need to look into getting my own, I’ve been driving Scarlet’s now for a while. She drives any of the vehicles here, but I need to be able to stand on my own two feet for this baby’s sake.

  My phone rings. Looking, I see it’s my brother Vic.

  “Hey, brother.”

  “Hey, Prissy Pants. I was just calling to check on you. I heard about Miss Pearl Abbott passing away. I know you were close to her. I also wanted to check on Scarlet and Ryder. I know I’ve never gotten to spend much time with them to get to know them, but they seemed really nice and close to her at the cook out I went to. I can see why you love that family, they are the opposite of our family. They all have a welcoming demeanor.”


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