Stolen Away

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Stolen Away Page 14

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

  “I can’t relax I’m too wound up. Just do it.”

  He pushed his cock hard inside her and it hurt, yet in a delicious and gratifying way. She lifted up her arms and caressed his scales, which were standing up on end. Then she moved to his horns and stroked them with loving hands. He groaned and bit her shoulder with more force than before. Now, his right arm circled her waist, as he pounded back and forth inside her. Esther matched his erotic motion. She moaned, he growled. An orgasm was taking hold in her body and she rubbed her butt against his belly, wanting him to know she loved his actions. His arm tightened around her waist and his left hand’s continuous assault on her clit was sending her into ecstatic bliss. Within moments, she climaxed and uttered a moaning gasp because it was more euphoric than she’d ever previously experienced.

  Dreydon growled several words in his own language and his thrusting action went into overdrive. His hand moved from her clit to the rock face and he braced himself with it as he drove his cock so deep inside her Esther thought she might go insane from pure joy. No one had ever made her feel so turned on and craving more in the way Dreydon affected her. Richard’s love-making seemed insignificant compared to what she now enjoyed.

  A guttural sound that was almost a howl suddenly issued from the demgel and he shook uncontrollably. Esther knew he had come. She wasn’t a beautiful woman, but she’d brought him to a climax. In addition to being in the middle of total sensual pleasure, this realization was a boost to her self-confidence.

  When his shaking subsided, Dreydon told her, “You are mine, little Esther, but my demon isn’t yet satisfied. He will take you again.” Once more, his rigid cock began its wonderful thrusting and withdrawing onslaught. His left hand had returned to her clit and with her hand on top of his she was urging even firmer pressure. Both Esther and Dreydon were groaning, gasping and crying out. His words and sounds were rasping while hers bordered on hysteria. She was completely lost in their erotic play. All sense of him being non-human was gone from her. Esther didn’t care who or what he was while he brought her to the brink of ecstasy. She climaxed in wrenching bliss and he was only moments behind her. He hugged her tightly as they both violently shuddered, and then slowly relaxed. Dreydon withdrew his cock and set her down on the ledge, but continued to hold her facing away from him.

  When they were reasonably calm, he asked, “Do you like anal play?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never experienced it.”

  “Would you like to? It’s a favorite with demgels.”

  “Why? Is it as satisfying for them as vaginal intercourse?”

  “Yes, it is for their demon side and true-demons prefer it.”

  “What about your demon? Does he prefer it?”

  “No, he enjoys it equally with vaginal intercourse. Will you let him share that enjoyment with you?”

  Now that his cock was no longer thrusting inside her, the reality was beginning to hit home. “Why shouldn’t I let him? Since you’ve already managed to get me to do something I was determined to avoid, does it really matter?”

  Dreydon turned her around and his dark eyes were piercing. “Are you already regretting what we’ve done?”

  “Not really right now, it’s the best sex I’ve ever had, but later I’m sure I will. When I’m home, I’ll miss you and your wonderful love-making, and then I’ll wish I didn’t know how much I’ve lost.”

  “You intend going home after what has happened between us?”

  “I don’t want to, but I have to go home. It isn’t possible for us to have a relationship.”

  “I believe it is. Let my demon show you one more demgel pleasure, anal delight, and then you might change your mind.” Dreydon moved along the ledge to where he’d put his towel, pants, and soap when he came back from the other waterfall. He picked up the thick towel and spread it along the ledge. Next, he took her towel and placed it unfolded on top of his. Looking back at Esther he directed, “Come here.”

  She went to him and was told,

  “Kneel down on the towels.”

  She looked up at him and felt unsure.

  He either sensed her uncertainty or had examined her thoughts because he said, “Trust me, little Esther. I’ll never harm you. You will enjoy anal play with me.”

  Esther knelt down and Dreydon was immediately kneeling behind her. He pushed her upper body forward until her palms were braced against the towel. Then, with his hands on her hips he pulled her onto his cock. He entered her anally with a single, forceful plunge. She drew her breath in sharply and he stroked her back.

  “Relax. My demon only wants to pleasure you.” Now, his hands gripped her inner thighs and he moved her legs apart. One hand went to her clit while the other held her hip. He kept Esther steady as he began pounding and pounding. His thumb stroked her clit while one finger, then two, then three entered her. The claws were completely absent, which was fortunate because his fingers pushed, probed, and magically vibrated deep inside Esther. The actions of his cock and his digits were taking her to a place of uninhibited passion that was previously unknown. She knew her eyes were repeatedly sparking and his pants, her clothes, and the two bars of soap were swirling around in front of her.

  Esther begged, “More, Dreydon, do more.”

  His thrusting increased and his fingers and thumb worked even more magic on her. She repeatedly pushed her lower body against him, wanting him to penetrate as deep as was physically possible. This apparently pleased his demon because he started biting her anywhere and everywhere he could reach. Between bites, he either moved the points of his fangs across Esther’s flesh or licked her. Then Dreydon was growling and muttering unknown words close to her ear. She, in turn, was moaning and squirming like she was possessed.

  Just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, they seemed to move onto a level that was completely ruled by the need to come. They climaxed together and without a pause they were deep into the build-up to their next shared orgasm. When that happened, they continued to come, and then surge onward to another climax, over and over. Nothing existed for Esther other than being totally dominated by Dreydon’s erotic play to make her have repeated orgasms. Her body was his to take in whatever way he wanted. He’d brought her to a place where only his sexual acts mattered. His demon had mastered her with euphoric sodomy and sensual fingering. Later, she would realize he’d introduced her to pure lust.

  When countless climaxes had exhausted both of them they remained joined, but their only movement was bouts of trembling and heavy sighing. Esther discovered she was also silently crying. She had never experienced anything remotely like having sex with Dreydon and her tears were both for joy and sorrow. The latter was caused by knowing she would soon be home and deprived of his demonic sex drive. A small sob escaped from her.

  Dreydon released her hip and his fingers touched her face. He traced the tears down her cheeks.

  “Did my demon make you cry because he is so fierce?”

  “Yes, but in a good way. I’ve never known anything like what we’ve just shared. During any previous love-making, I’ve only ever had one orgasm. I don’t know how many I had with you or how I could keep coming repeatedly.”

  “Well, I could say it’s because you have never had sex with me until now, but that would be boasting and not exactly true. I’ve also never had such an experience before, but I do know the cause. When I saw our clothes circling around, I realized your fae magic was being activated by what we were doing. I combined my own magic with it and we reached a new level of love-making. At that point, we went beyond the restrictions of physical reality.” Dreydon’s arms encircled her waist; he stood up and lifted her with him. “If you’re willing, there is one more thing I can share with you.”

  “I don’t think I have the energy to refuse. Show me.”

  Dreydon turned her around. His firm cock withdrew and entered her vaginally, but then he kept still. He leaned back against the rock face; his wings unfurled and enveloped them. To Esther, this act seemed
to signify how they were completely separate from everything else around them. They were in their own little world that had become immune to intrusion. She was totally safe within the warmth and security of his wings.

  “Close your eyes, Esther, and I will share myself with you in a different way.”

  She did what he said and immediately an overpowering sensation gripped her. It felt as though her awareness was seized by a compelling force. The power of her mind was expanding and also being scrutinized, yet she didn’t know how this could happen. It was a mystery, but Esther was certain Dreydon had somehow entered her consciousness.

  Then, she was bombarded by a multitude of colors and symbols that curled around her. Even as she became aware of them, they penetrated every part of her and she was filled with sublime joy and contentment.

  “Does this please you, my little Esther?”

  “It’s wonderful. What is it?”

  “I’m melding with you, but you can call it a mind orgasm. Keep your eyes closed and I’ll show you more.”

  Now, a child demgel became visible. He sat on grass, surrounded by trees and looked miserable. The top half of his body was naked and she could see deep wounds on his arms and body. Esther knew it was Dreydon when he was small. Then he was older and fighting with two other young demgels on open ground. His body was covered in slashes and deep gouges from which his golden blood was oozing. His two opponents had suffered even greater injuries and as she watched, laser-like lines of fire blazed from his eyes and encased first one, and then the other. They were consumed by flames. A mature demgel approached, followed by two more young ones. Dreydon began battling with them as the older demgel stood by and watched.

  Next, she was surrounded by the sea with no land in sight anywhere. She was leaning against the bow of a ship and she knew he was showing her what his eyes had seen. The scene changed and she was looking down at a badly injured wolf cub. He was trying to stand but was too weak and probably in great pain. That vision disappeared and she somehow circled around and watched herself and Zortek below as they were traveling across the field of blue grass. An overwhelming sense of needing to intervene accompanied this scene.

  “That is sufficient for now. I’ve given you just one or two of my memories. Now I will explore a few of yours.”

  Esther could feel him looking into her mind; it was a powerful sensation, yet not intimidating. It felt as though with each investigation he observed, and then caressed her awareness in an act of gratitude. She definitely didn’t mind this type of mind snooping.

  Finally, his awareness stopped probing and she was suspended in a place of peace. His cock began to slowly and steadily move back and forth inside her and he cupped her breasts.

  “Let me show you how my angel makes love.”

  Once again she could see the colors and symbols as they danced around her. Although his cock thrust firmly, there was no fierceness or wild urgency as he’d shown before. Dreydon maneuvered her up and down on his rigid shaft with almost gentle persuasion. It was as though it didn’t really matter whether they would climax. He licked her neck and bit her earlobe without applying any pressure. Unknown whispered words were planted in her ear, each phrase given on an inward thrust. His fingers touched her breasts and toyed with her nipples.

  He telepathically asked, “Will you allow my angel to caress you with his demon claws?”

  Esther nodded and she felt his nails extend into claws that clasped her breasts. Somehow they tightened around them and sent delicious quivers into her body. As a reflex action, she inwardly gripped his cock even tighter and a rasping growl emerged from Dreydon.

  She opened her eyes and giggled. This broke their melding connection and his cock was still.

  “What is amusing you?”

  “I’m sorry, Dreydon. I was really enjoying what your angel was doing, but then you growled. It isn’t possible for me to take a growling angel seriously, although I love the feel of his claws.”

  “So you were laughing at me? If my demon wasn’t feeling so contented, I think he would punish you. I guess he just wanted to let you know he was close by even though my angel was in control. Shall we try again?”

  Esther closed her eyes and the colors and symbols returned, as did his thrusting. Dreydon’s claws moved down from her breasts and started trailing lines of tingling sensations up and down her lower body at the front and on both sides. This new endeavor proved to be a real turn-on. She writhed against him and moaned continuously. He quickened his pace inside her and she knew yet another orgasm was rapidly rising within her body. The colors and symbols were whirling around in ever-increasing speed and they suddenly rushed inside her as though she had drawn them in like a magnet. Seconds later Esther and Dreydon came together.

  He withdrew his cock from her, yet she remained locked in a world of contentment and peace for a while. She knew she was completely satisfied sexually and suspected that he was, too. Other than being held by Dreydon and wrapped in his wings, nothing else mattered for the moment. Esther wanted to keep this wonderful feeling safe so that when she was back home and painfully missing the demgel, it would give some respite. She was certain no one else could ever bring so much joy and sadness into her life.

  Eventually, he closed his wings and carried her back under the waterfall. Dreydon set her down and stepped to the side. They stood apart, letting the tumbling water wash away the passion that had ignited between them.

  When they were back on the ledge, he informed, “It’s time to go to my home and have breakfast.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Dreydon made mushroom omelets and home fries. While he cooked the food, he tried to keep his thoughts on what he was doing. Yet what had happened between him and Esther at the waterfall was impossible to ignore. He knew with certainty she was his mate. No one had ever allowed him to take complete and continuous control during sex, but it had happened with her like second nature. She’d accepted everything he did and was obviously feeling as ecstatic as he was. His love-making had set her fae magic in motion and combining his with hers had shown how even in this area they were totally compatible. For the first time in his life, his demon was completely satiated. Of course, this was only for a while, but during that time he was able to make love to her as his angel self. Again, this was something that had never happened before.

  Then, melding with Esther was an added joy. He’d experienced this type of joining years ago with a couple of other female demgels, but merely out of curiosity and as a diversion from sex. With her, it proved to be something much greater, a joining of his innermost self to someone who made him feel content and complete. Dreydon had also examined some of her memories and inner thoughts; he now knew what made her happy or sad. Her low self-esteem was painfully clear. He understood how out-of-place she’d felt as a child and while growing up, and how she’d escaped into a world of make-believe as a way of easing her unhappiness. If he was given the opportunity, he would offer her comfort and let her know he could relate to a childhood that was filled with unhappiness and a lack of love.

  One realization during their melding was now weighing heavily on him. Both Narrak and Esther had said she was troubled by him not being human, but he’d wanted to dismiss this as having little consequence. Yet viewing it within her thoughts and awareness had proved to him her aversion to his otherworldly origin was real. It was like a barrier that kept them apart so that she couldn’t be hurt by him. Esther was determined to go home and not pursue any further contact with him even though he was of importance to her. He knew she felt drawn to him, and his love-making was better than any she’d ever imagined. However, she wouldn’t let that change her decision to leave him. He could try to persuade Esther to stay, but having witnessed her determination he knew it would be useless.

  Dreydon put the food on two plates and brought them to the table. She was already sitting there waiting for him. He poured apple juice into her container and his and then sat down.

  “I hope you enjoy this las
t meal with me. I’ll miss your company when I sit and eat my supper this evening.” He started eating his food.

  She gave a wan smile. “Yes, I’ll miss having my meals with you, too.”

  They ate in silence. He stared, trying to imprint every detail of her face on his memory. She thought she was plain, but he was fascinated by her small and even features. He’d kissed those lips and was drawn in by their softness and sweet taste. Esther’s blue eyes echoed every emotion that took charge of her, and her beautiful hair was a golden tactile wonder. He knew how living each day without seeing her sitting at the table would be unbearable. Dreydon was sure he would be lost without her.

  “I’ll miss being stared at, but that will be a plus.”

  If that was Esther’s way of telling him to stop staring, he’d ignore it. From the moment he’d first seen this small individual, he’d felt pleasure in just looking at her.

  She shrugged and commented, “Oh well, if anyone ever asks me what my impression of demgels is, I’ll tell them they’re creatures who stare and stare.”

  “I told you before, I’m not a creature. Why can’t you think of me as a person?”

  “I do. I guess I’m just trying to wind you up.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I’m trying to irritate you.”


  “I don’t know. Maybe it will be easier to leave if you’re angry with me.”

  “Make it really easy and stay. I could show you another aspect of demgel sex that involves my tongue.” His inner demon beamed at Esther.

  “I’m sure that would be a wild experience, but you’ll have to save it for Perali. What we did at the waterfall was a one-off.” Esther finished eating and sat gazing at her plate.


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