Dragon's Cowboy: Fated & Forbidden

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Dragon's Cowboy: Fated & Forbidden Page 15

by Rinelle Grey

  Wayrian couldn’t help feeling warm Karla cared enough to check. She’d thought the human would be more than happy to get rid of her.

  “If Chase is causing problems for Wayrian, we certainly won’t be leaving her here with him,” Prince Taurian said firmly. “I can’t believe you’re even suggesting it.”

  Wayrian didn’t want to go out there and see them, but she also couldn’t let them keep thinking the worst about Chase. She pulled out of his arms and stalked out the door. “Chase has not caused any problems for me. Ever,” she said flatly. “That was just the story Grandfather made up.”

  Chase stepped up behind her, and put his arm around her waist, and she turned to smile at him.

  “Chase and I love each other,” she said proudly. “We’re going to be mated.”

  Prince Taurian looked at them for a moment, then turned to her grandfather and raised an eyebrow. “What is going on? Did you call me all this way on a lie?” His voice was threaded with anger.

  “They refused to listen to me,” her grandfather protested. “I told them the mating was unacceptable, that I would not allow Wayrian to mate with a human, and they defied me. Wayrian is dead to me, and to the clan. There is no need for us to remain here.”

  The happiness Wayrian had felt at announcing her love for Chase disappeared. It was time to leave, now that Taurian knew the whole story. Before he backed her grandfather up and stated her banishment from the clan officially.

  She turned to bolt back into the house.

  But Chase’s arm around her waist stopped her. “Wait,” he suggested. He nodded his head towards Prince Taurian.

  It was hard for Wayrian to make herself look at the prince, afraid to see condemnation in his eyes. When she looked, there was, indeed, condemnation on his face. It just wasn’t directed at her.

  “Are you suggesting that there is a problem with mating with a human? A problem big enough to throw your own granddaughter out of Rian clan over?” he thundered.

  Wayrian’s heart skipped a beat. Taurian wasn’t agreeing with her grandfather. He was… Was Taurian going to defy an elder? For her?

  “I…” Her grandfather swallowed. “It’s not just that he’s a human…” he stammered. “It’s just…”

  Wayrian held her breath. Would he dare admit that he wouldn’t let her marry Chase because he was a human?

  Here, in front of Prince Taurian, she realised how badly that suggestion would go. Especially if he explained that it was because he was worried that more princes marrying humans would cause problems for the clan.

  She could just imagine how that would go over.

  She felt a smile spread across her face.

  “It’s just what?” Prince Taurian demanded.

  Wayrian held her breath.

  Her grandfather lifted his face to the prince’s, bitterness in his eyes. “Would you have every dragon mate with a human?” he demanded. “Do you really think that is going to do anything other than bring ruin to our clan?” He took a deep breath. “It doesn’t matter. Wayrian is unimportant. Prince Verrian will understand his proper place, I’m sure of it.”

  Prince Taurian gave a laugh. “You’ve never met my brother, have you?”

  Karla gave a laugh. “If he’s anything like you, I’m pretty sure he’s going to do exactly what he wants.”

  “Which is what everyone should do,” Prince Taurian said. He turned to Chase and Wayrian. “Do the two of you love each other?”

  “We do,” Chase confirmed.

  Wayrian's heart soared. This feeling was even more wonderful than soaring through the clouds, or swimming in the creek. “Yes,” she said without hesitation.

  “Then I wish you both all the happiness possible from your mating,” Prince Taurian said formally. “I’m not sure how much longer this drama with Lisa and Verrian will continue, so a formal clan mating may take a while.”

  Wayrian’s heart skipped a beat. “You mean..?”

  “You have no authority to do that,” her grandfather interrupted. “Matings must be approved by the elders, and I most definitely do not approve.”

  Prince Taurian raised an eyebrow. “Are you saying that your approval is more important than mine?” he said haughtily.

  “Yes,” her grandfather said. “For all your royal blood, you are just a youngling, and should listen to advice from your elders.”

  Karla bit back a laugh.

  Wayrian felt her legs shaking. Prince Taurian and her grandfather were locked in a battle for dominance because of her. She wished she could think of something to say, something to show her support for Prince Taurian at least, but her mind was blank.

  Prince Taurian though, seemed to have it well in hand. “And sometimes, age and experience, and the wish that nothing will ever change, cause more problems than they help. This world we are living in is hugely different. To cling to rules that were created three hundred years ago is foolish. I decree right now, by my royal blood, that people can marry whoever the hell they want to. No one has the right to stop them.”

  He turned and smiled at Wayrian.

  It took her a moment to take in what he was saying. “I can marry Chase? And stay part of Rian clan?”

  “Of course,” Prince Taurian said. “Did you really doubt it?”

  She had.

  Taurian could obviously tell that from her face. “Do you remember,” he said quietly, “when Karla and I were mated, I told you that if Ostrian gave you any trouble, I would sort it out?”

  As soon as she mentioned it, she did remember it. She’d thought it very kind at the time, but had known she would never bother the prince with her petty troubles.

  Of course, she hadn’t expected to be having this sort of hassles with her grandfather.

  She nodded. “I do, Prince Taurian. And I thank you for taking the time to help me.”

  “You are a fine dragon, Wayrian. An asset to our clan. You deserve to mate with the man you love, and you will.”

  As if his words had removed the last of her fears, Wayrian jumped up and down, then threw her arms around Chase’s neck. The only thing more perfect than mating with her fated mate, was doing it with the full blessing of her clan.

  Chapter 17

  Chase couldn’t help touching Wayrian every chance he got, as everyone sat around his living room discussing what happened next. He was beyond happy Wayrian got to be mated with the blessing of her clan, but not at all happy that it meant waiting.

  And waiting who knew how long.

  Ostrian sat in a corner, sulking. No one paid him any attention though.

  “We are waiting for a chance to get in and whisk Lisa and Verrian away,” Karla was explaining, “but between Ultrima and Rita, they’re not making it easy.”

  Chase tried to pay attention to what she was explaining, he knew he was probably going to be called on to help out, but right now, he had more important matters on his mind.

  “So when can we be mated?” he interrupted.

  Karla raised an eyebrow, then gave a laugh. “I’m sure the two of you must be impatient…”

  “That is certainly understandable,” Taurian agreed. He shared a look with Karla. “But I’m not sure how long this will take. We can’t afford to rush anything and risk the dragons’ existence being publicly exposed.”

  Chase was pretty sure they knew exactly how impatient they must be feeling. Just as he was sure they would speed things up if they could, for everyone’s sake.

  He heaved a sigh.

  Taurian’s face brightened. “We could always do two ceremonies. One here, now, so you don’t have to wait, then a formal one once you return to the clan and everything has settled. How does that sound?”

  Chase would have said yes without reservations, but this wasn’t just about him. He turned to Wayrian. “What do you think?”

  Wayrian’s face lit up. “It sounds perfect.” She snuggled up close, and wrapped her arms around him. “Because I don’t think I could wait.”

  Karla gave a laugh. �
��I know that feeling.”

  Taurian nodded agreement. “Tonight then. Karla and I will stay for the mating feast, then slip away under the cover of darkness.”

  Chase’s heart beat a little faster. Tonight.

  Tonight he and Wayrian would be mated.

  He couldn’t wait!

  Of course, he had to. In reality, he had plenty to fill his time. While Karla took Wayrian off to help her with her preparations, Chase had some plans of his own to organise.


  “What are you going to do for a mating costume?” Karla asked.

  Wayrian looked down at the tunic and skirt she’d been wearing for several days. That she’d been wearing in the hut when she and Chase had mated for the first time. It was a little the worse for wear now, but somehow, it seemed wrong to change into something completely different.

  Not that she had anything.

  “This will have to do,” she said firmly. “But we can tidy it up a little.”

  “Maybe add some decorations?” Karla pursed her lips, thinking, then smiled. “You get it cleaned up, and I’ll be right back.”

  Wayrian wasn’t sure what her plans were, but she nodded.

  Once Karla had left the room, she pulled off the tunic and used a little water to spruce it up before drying it again. It was never going to look new, but somehow the creases and marks were part of its beauty.

  She hadn’t made it to this point in her life without her own set of creases and marks, caused by her life experiences, good and bad. She wasn’t perfect, and she never would be. But Chase loved her anyway.

  “Here, let’s try these.” Karla bustled in with a handful of feathers and small stones in her hands. “I found these down by the creek.”

  Wayrian stared at them with a smile. Ornaments from Chase’s home creek. Perfect.

  She helped Karla tie them to the tunic with strips of leather pulled from the bottom. Karla helped her cut some slits, and tie them into a pattern.

  By the time they were finished, the tunic looked beautiful. Worthy of a mating costume.

  As Karla helped Wayrian brush her hair, Wayrian couldn’t help musing on the similarities to the situation several weeks ago.

  “Thank you,” she said to Karla, “for helping me.”

  Karla looked a little surprised. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Well, you could have been holding a grudge, that I nearly mated with Prince Taurian.”

  A few days ago, making that statement would have had Wayrian shaking and stammering. Now she didn’t feel nervous at all. Was that because with Chase’s love and support, she felt like she could do anything? Or was it because having faced losing her entire clan, she had very little else to fear?

  The brush paused in her hair, then resumed its smooth strokes.

  “I don’t blame you for that,” Karla said quietly. “I knew you weren’t in love with Taurian. You agreed to mate with him to help your clan, just like he did. And I’ll always admire your grace and kindness in backing out when the opportunity arose.”

  Karla? Admiring her?

  Wayrian found that hard to believe, but she was grateful to the princess for saying it anyway.

  “What does it feel like?” she asked curiously. “Mating with your true love?”

  “Amazing.” Wayrian could almost hear the smile in Karla’s words. “Like nothing else on this earth.” She fluffed Wayrian’s hair out across her shoulders, then turned her around and gave her a scrutinising look. Then she nodded approval.

  “Are you nervous?” she asked.

  Wayrian shook her head, a little surprised. “Not a bit.”

  And she wasn’t. For the first time in her life, everything felt exactly right.


  Chase stood next to the swiftly flowing creek, finding it hard to believe that so much had changed in just one day. The water in the creek, his and Wayrian’s approaching mating, and his whole outlook on life.

  He smiled as she and Karla joined them on the bank.

  Karla moved over to stand next to Taurian, but Chase barely noticed. He had eyes only for his mate.

  She looked more beautiful than ever. Somehow, since he’d agreed to mate her, her face had changed from a nervous young girl, into a beautiful, confident woman.

  A woman Chase would be proud to call his mate.

  As Wayrian took her place at his side, Taurian spoke. “Welcome, young couple,” he said solemnly. “As you stand before me, your love for one another is obvious, but a mating requires more than just love. It requires a commitment, it requires working together for the good of the clan, even when you are angry at each other personally. It requires accepting that you are both mortal, and can make mistakes. Are you both willing to put the needs of your relationship, and the clan, above your personal needs?”

  Chase had heard these words before, at Taurian’s own mating ceremony. At the time, they’d sounded solemn and scary.

  Now, he didn’t have any hesitation in nodding his head.

  “I can attest to the fact that they have both already demonstrated their ability in this regard,” Karla said softly. “I believe they have the dedication to each other, and to Rian clan, to have a successful mating and be valuable members of the clan.”

  That was when it hit him. He wasn’t just mating Wayrian. In joining with her, he was committing his life to Rian clan as well.

  That thought should make him feel nervous. But it didn’t. In fact, he’d never felt so right about anything as he had in his whole life. He turned to smile at Wayrian, who looked back at him just as serenely.

  He glanced over at his father, the only member of the crowd, since Ostrian had elected to remain at the house, and his father gave him a proud smile and a nod. His father would understand that he now had two responsibilities. He was sure he could find time for both the station and helping the dragons.

  “Princess Karla has spoken for you, but the true answer must come from within,” Taurian said. “Do you both come to this mating willingly and with a willingness to commit to each other in a bond stronger than death?”

  Chase and Wayrian both nodded in unison.

  “I do,” Chase said solemnly.

  “Without doubt,” Wayrian added.

  Taurian smiled. “Then let us share a meal together as a clan before you solidify your personal relationship.”

  He and Karla both waited, as though there was something that should come next, but Chase had no idea what. Wayrian was staring at him too.

  Why had no one filled him in on what he was supposed to be doing?

  When he didn’t speak, Wayrian hesitated, then she spoke up. “Just one thing first.”

  As soon as she spoke, he remembered. Taurian had said exactly the same thing to Karla. He knew exactly what came next.

  His body heated in anticipation, but he stayed still, letting Wayrian make the move. It was hard not to move as she stood on tiptoe, and planted a kiss on his lips.

  As soon as her lips touched his, it became impossible. His arms went around her, and he kissed her with all the passion he felt in her heart.

  Wayrian clung to him as though she couldn’t stand. Which she might well not be able to. His knees felt a little weak himself.

  He was kind of glad they weren’t mating in front of the entire clan though, because the ceremony was devoid of the cheers and chanting that had accompanied Karla and Taurian’s first kiss. He could live without that. He was pretty sure Wayrian could too.

  His father cleared his throat. “So, does this mean it’s time for the barbecue?”

  Karla and Taurian seemed to really enjoy the steak Chase’s father cooked for all of them. Chase was dimly aware of their involved conversation about helping supply the dragons with food. But he wasn’t really paying attention. That could wait.

  Right now, all he had eyes for was Wayrian.

  They sat together on the bank of the creek, barely touching their steak, just sitting with their fingers entwined.

  “I love you,�
�� Wayrian said into his mind. “I’m so glad you agreed to be my mate.”

  “I love you, too,” Chase replied. Then he realised what he’d done. “I… I can do the dragon speak thing now?”

  “Apparently,” Wayrian said with a grin.

  Another thought occurred to him. “So does this mean your clan is safe from being turned back into humans now?”

  Wayrian frowned, then shrugged. “I don’t know. I’d almost forgotten about that dream. It depends if all the other couples complete the challenge I guess. We won’t know until the Blood Moon.” She didn’t seem overly bothered.

  Chase wasn’t going to let the possibility mar this moment. He had other things on his mind right now.

  “Do you think they’ll noticed if we sneak away?” he asked Wayrian.

  She grinned immediately. “I doubt it. And I don’t care if they do.”

  Neither did he.

  Want to know if the Blood Moon Challenge succeeds or fails?

  Check out the full schedule of Fated & Forbidden release on our website, or sign up here to be notified of new releases.

  Check out my webpage to sign up for my mailing list to be notified when I release new books in this series, as well as to gain exclusive access to extras such as deleted scenes and character bios.

  While you're waiting, check out Karla and Taurian's story, beginning with Waking the Dragon.

  When his centuries long slumber ends abruptly, dragon prince Taurian finds himself in a whole new world. Now, pursued by an ancient enemy, he finds his survival depends on the human woman whose presence woke him. Despite being irresistibly drawn to the half-naked man she discovered in an ancient chamber, Karla is sure he’s crazy. The sensible thing to do would be to drop him off at the nearest police station. But she soon finds out that dealing with dragons is never that simple.

  Grab your copy now

  About the Author

  If you read a Rinelle Grey story, you can trust in a happy ending. Love will always triumph, even if it seems impossible… Rinelle Grey writes feel-good romance usually in science fiction or fantasy settings. Her heroines are independent and headstrong, and her stories are hard to put down.


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