Redemption of Fate (Fate Series Book 2)

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Redemption of Fate (Fate Series Book 2) Page 23

by S. Simone Chavous

  “Despite everything that has happened to me in the last couple of years, I have to say today just may have been the strangest day ever,” Alexa said, smiling as she closed the door.

  “Really? I would say it was just like any other day,” Chloe responded with a smirk. Dodging the pillow Alexa tossed at her, she stood in front of the dresser and pulled open the top drawer. “I guess I’m going to have to borrow some of the clothes we brought here for you until I can get some of my own,” she said, pulling out the camisole and shorts of a pair of dark gray pajamas.

  Stepping over to the full-length mirror, Chloe undid the belt and let her robe drop to the floor around her feet as she gazed at her new reflection. She turned to each side slowly taking in each new curve and muscle.

  “Your father is going to have a meltdown when he sees how beautiful you are,” Alexa said with a proud smile as she joined her daughter in front of the mirror. “Be prepared for him to try to lock you in a cell to keep you away from all of the soldiers around here.”

  “I look like you,” Chloe said smiling at her mother’s reflection.

  After staring at Chloe for a moment, the smile melted from Alexa’s face.

  “How do you feel; about this, I mean?” she said gesturing towards the mirror. “I can’t imagine what it must be like for you; to look at your own reflection and not recognize yourself.”

  Alexa’s words brought an image to the front of Chloe’s mind. “That’s not entirely true; I’ve seen myself like this before,” she said turning to face her mother. “In my vision when Daddy comes back, I was like this.”

  A smile lit Alexa’s face again. “Do you think that means he will be back soon?” she asked hopefully.

  Chloe thought for a moment, recalling the details of her vision, but careful to shield her mind from Alexa’s telepathy.

  “Yes; I was wearing some of your clothes. I imagine Grandma Jo will send someone out shopping as soon as possible, so it must be in the next few days,” she replied, doing her best to seem cheerful and optimistic despite the implications of the revelation.

  Alexa hugged Chloe tightly, unable to control her excitement about Ethan’s return despite the anxiety she sensed in her daughter. Chloe could shield her thoughts, but Alexa still perceived underlying emotions.

  “Is there anything else you want to tell me, Chloe? Anything I should know about your visions?” Alexa asked releasing her and walking towards the bed, as Chloe peeled off her tight, child-sized nightgown and slipped into the borrowed pajamas.

  “No, I’m sorry. I feel a little anxious. This is just a big adjustment and I’m really tired; that’s all,” she replied giving Alexa the response her thoughts revealed she was hoping for. As much as it pained her to lie to her mother, Chloe knew there was no other way.

  Without another word, the two slid under the soft comforter, both so exhausted from the day’s events, and the tolls their transitions had taken on their bodies, they were asleep in a matter of seconds.

  CHAPTER 22 - Sean Taylor's House

  Four SUVs loaded with Elite soldiers, weapons, and medical gear pulled off the side of the road in the spot Dante had designated, along the way to the house owned by Sean Taylor.

  “Everyone hang back and wait for my signal,” Dante said over the radio, before he killed the headlights and continued driving towards the target.

  He carefully eased the vehicle off the road just at the edge of the field adjacent to the property. The place was completely dark, the moon tucked safely behind a cloud and not so much as a security light to illuminate the yard. Any human would be completely blind, but the darkness provided perfect cover for the band of vampires who could see as clearly as if they were standing under the noon-day sun.

  Jared closed his eyes and lowered his shields as Dante opened the windows and he and Martinez focused their acute senses on the surrounding area, searching for any signs of life.

  “I’m not getting anything human or vampire, just a couple of animals; raccoons from the smell,” Dante said.

  As if on cue, there was a rustling in the neighboring woods, followed by the telltale chirping of a pair of raccoons.

  “There’s no one any closer than your men back at the cars. Someone is a really loud broadcaster; Rachel, I think,” Jared said stifling a laugh. “Didn’t realize you two were mated,” he said cutting his eyes to Martinez.

  “What; is she thinking about me?” he asked cautiously.

  “More like visualizing,” he replied unable to contain his laughter anymore. “Dante, the house is clear; I don’t think you need me right now and I’d really like to block these images before I see more of Martinez than I can forget,” Jared said with a smirk as he looked at Dante.

  Dante shook his head and chuckled, “Yeah, we’re good for now.” He signaled the rest of the team that it was all clear. Several seconds later, the other soldiers appeared a few yards away.

  “All right Martinez, do your thing. Jared, just sit tight while we sweep the place. We don’t have to worry about anyone getting close once the mist is in place, but I’ll want you to check things out again before he lifts it,” Dante said before hopping out of the car.

  Martinez popped a set of buds into his ears, leaned his seat back, and focused on the area around the house. Jared watched in amazement as the misty veil seemed to melt down out of the night sky, slowly pouring out all around them until it reached the ground and disappeared.

  Jared’s eyes scanned the group standing a few yards away, immediately finding and locking on to Cami. Seeing her standing out there in her element, poised for battle, was more of a turn on than he expected. He closed his eyes and focused on her stream of consciousness.

  Perimeter’s down; teams get into position at the three entrance points. Go on Dante’s signal; sweep to center of the house. No traces of blood in the air; adjust directive to information sweep only.

  She was planning the mission out, talking through the steps in her mind; something he’d heard her doing numerous times as she trained, mentally mapping out her attack before each move. It was truly fascinating hearing the way her mind worked.

  “Anyone scenting blood?” Cami asked, receiving unanimous head shakes confirming her assessment. “I think it’s safe to say there won’t be a need for clean-up then.”

  “Agreed,” Dante responded, his disappointment evident. “They must have grabbed the car from another location. Your team can hang back; we’ll do the initial sweep, but this is probably a dead end. We’ll head back to base and see what else Jester can dig up on Sean Taylor.”

  Jared’s eyes remained locked on Cami, while Dante’s team approached the house.

  What a fucking waste of time, she thought as she paced the front lawn a few yards from Jared. We need to talk to Alexa; she’s the only one who’s seen that son of a bitch. She’s got to remember something about the location that can help us. Even if she can’t, I’d rather be…

  Jared’s pulse quickened as Cami’s thoughts moved from her internal monologue to flashes of images and he closed his eyes, melting back against the seat as the images took over. Her looking up at him as he moved inside her, looking down at him as she slid down over his cock, watching his pulse move under his skin before she struck his vein.

  With each image he felt himself growing harder and shifted on the seat to adjust his pants. Luckily, Martinez was so lost in his own thoughts and keeping the veil down around the house, that he didn’t notice the change in Jared’s heartbeat or the scent of his arousal which was filling the small space.

  I better knock this off or it’s going to be an awkward-ass ride back, Jared thought as he started to reinforce his mental shields and reached down to move his uncomfortable erection to the side. Just before Cami’s visions faded from his mind, he heard a whisper of her voice and stopped.

  Fuck; there’s another vampire here, she thought as she casually moved closer to the car with her eyes scanning the area around the vehicle. Her mind was immediately back to soldier mode
as she assessed the potential danger. As her thoughts had wandered and her arousal kicked in, she’d put a little space between herself and the other team members on the lawn who remained closer to the house. Since Jared was behind her in the car with Martinez, his increase in heartbeat caught her attention and alerted her to his presence.

  Martinez’s mist is still in play so they’ve got to be on the outside, she thought, with Jared watching helplessly as she raised her wrist towards her mouth preparing to signal the others. He didn’t know if the other soldiers would keep quiet if they found out about his little ride-along, but it wasn’t a chance he was willing to take. If his father learned of this little excursion, the word lockdown wouldn’t begin to describe the level of restriction which would be placed on him. It had been a struggle convincing William that he didn’t need a member of the High Commander’s guard with him at all times on the compound in the first place; not to mention the punishment that would fall upon Dante and Martinez.

  Knowing it was his only option, Jared reached over and hit the button to lower the window. Luckily the other soldiers were still watching the house and engaged in conversation amongst themselves, knowing that they were under the protection of the mist, so they didn’t notice the sound.

  Cami froze when Jared’s face came into view through the window. Jared grinned sheepishly as she slowly lowered her arm. His grin disappeared almost instantly as he sensed the anger washing over her. The physical indicators were subtle; the clenching of her fists, the tightness of her lips, but Jared could feel the emotion rolling off of her like a blast of hot air as she silently covered the few yards between them in an instant.

  Without a word, she calmly pulled the door open and climbed inside while Jared slid to the far side of the bench to stay out of view. One of the other soldiers noticed Cami’s movement and watched curiously as she closed the door.

  Silently, Cami pointed to her forehead, then to Jared’s, knowing that if she spoke, the vampires outside might be able to hear since they had undoubtedly noticed her entering the truck. The bulletproof frame of the SUV would certainly conceal any whispers, but she was far too angry to keep her voice at such a low level.

  Jared’s eyebrows pinched together in confusion for a moment before he realized she was telling him to read her mind. He nodded once and lowered his mental shields.

  What the fuck are you doing here? What, did you talk Dante into letting you come because you don’t think I can handle myself? Just because I love you doesn’t mean I’m going to change who I am, so you better get that through your thick skull now! Do you know what will happen if the commander finds out about this, or your father? I can’t believe Dante would be so stupid, and Martinez; how the fuck did you get him to go along with this?

  Jared tried to take her hand which she immediately snatched away. He opened his mouth to speak and was caught completely off guard as Cami crushed her mouth to his; demandingly sweeping her tongue over his lips as they fell open. She shoved her hands into his hair and grabbed it tightly, tilting his head back forcefully to gain better access to his mouth as she pushed her tongue into his mouth. Jared groaned his approval as she pulled him closer, conquering his mouth with her tongue. The kiss was an assertion of her power, her way of putting him in his place; showing him she wouldn’t be controlled or protected and, God help him, he loved her more for it.

  Cami loosened her grip and broke the kiss, pulling back to look into Jared’s eyes as they both panted with desire. When his breathing slowed, Jared leaned in close. “I fucking love you,” he whispered against her ear.

  We’ll finish this discussion at home. I have to get back out there before one of them gets too curious, she sent before placing a quick peck on his lips. She looked down at Martinez’s bag lying on the floor and reached in before jumping out of the car.

  While the other soldiers watched, she popped the receiver from her ear and tucked it into her pocket, replacing it with the one she’d taken from the bag.

  “Busted piece,” she said as she walked towards the group on the lawn. Her explanation seemed to satisfy their curiosity as they all turned back towards the house and resumed their conversations.


  “We’ve got a security system in play,” Dante said, pointing to a panel through the window in the back door of the human residence.

  “I’m on it,” Beckett said from behind him. In addition to being one of the resident wheelmen for The Elite, Jacob Beckett was pretty handy with alarm systems having spent a few years boosting cars as a teenager. His career as a criminal was short-lived after word got around about a few run-ins he had with police, resulting in legendary high-speed chases and him being scouted to drive professionally.

  Dante made quick work of picking the locks and stepped away, letting Beckett take the lead through the door. In less than thirty seconds, Beckett had the system disarmed and the team proceeded through the house, clearing each room systematically.

  Dante put his hand on the handle to the basement door, when a soldier called out. “We’ve got something over here.”

  The entire team swarmed to the entrance to the garage. “What does this mean?” Beckett asked.

  “Fuck if I know,” Dante responded.

  “Silver team two, we need you to join us in the garage,” Dante sent out over the radio; calling the clean-up team, including Cami and Rachel, into the house.

  In a matter of seconds, the six soldiers filled the space behind Dante. “Rachel, that the vehicle you saw leaving the scene?” Dante asked moving aside to give her a better view into the garage that was dimly lit by an overhead motion-detecting light.

  Rachel stepped through the open doorway to get a closer look. “It’s the same make and model,” she said running her hand over the cool glass of the rear door, as she examined it more closely. “This is definitely it; I bounced a few rounds off this window,” she said pointing to the cracks in the glass above the driver’s door.

  “What the hell does this mean?” Cami asked stepping down onto the concrete floor. “There’s no way four infected vamps came out here, stole this car, used it to snatch one of our people and take them to a separate location, then kindly returned the vehicle to its rightful owner.”

  “Yeah; I could maybe buy this Sean Taylor being gone when it went down, but that doesn’t explain the car getting dropped back here. And there’s the question of why an average human would have bulletproof glass installed on their car,” Dante interjected.

  “So, what’s the move then?” Becket asked.

  Dante tried one of the doors and, finding it locked, he breezed around to the remaining three with the same result.

  “We tag it, finish sweeping the house, and get the hell out of here. Maybe we’ll get lucky,” he said pulling a small magnetic GPS device from a side pocket in his fatigues.

  With incredible grace, he rolled down under the SUV and affixed the device to the undercarriage inconspicuously.

  “Remind me to thank Jester for making us carry those damn things around. Silver team two, head back out and secure the perimeter; we’ll clear the basement and attic and meet you out front in five,” he said as he stood and dusted off his pants. “I want everything in this house exactly as we found it; not a dust particle out of place. If this is some kind of safe house or outpost for the enemy, they’ll be back and they can’t know we were here.”

  While Cami’s team exited to check the perimeter, Dante’s split into two groups of three to cover the sections of the house left to be cleared. In less than five minutes, all twelve soldiers were gathered on the lawn.

  “Perimeter is clear for us to move. You find anything else inside?” Cami asked as they walked towards their vehicle.

  “Yeah; there was some interesting stuff in the basement. We got photos of all of it to analyze back on the compound, but I think we may have just found one of Lucias’s humans,” Dante responded.

  “Great. I’ll ride back with you and take a look on the way,” Cami said reaching for
the door while the other soldiers sped off on foot.


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