Out of Time (Lovers in Time Series, Book 1): Time Travel Romance

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Out of Time (Lovers in Time Series, Book 1): Time Travel Romance Page 14

by Marilyn Campbell

  No! She had to stop thinking about the feel of his tongue licking her palm, the way his kiss was so intense that all her senses were focused on her mouth, how his hands had felt as they slid down her back and molded to her bottom, how big and hard—It probably would be easier to keep her mind off such agitating thoughts if they were watching a movie she hadn't seen a dozen times. It definitely would be much easier if Jack didn't keep glancing at her with that look that said he'd rather be watching the movie with her curled up next to him, her head on his chest, his fingers running through her hair.

  Or was that also her overactive imagination?

  If it hadn't been for those dreams, maybe she wouldn't be so obsessed with what he might make her feel if she just let go of her concerns.

  She considered having another glass of wine to put her fantasies to sleep but decided that could be detrimental. She really needed to keep her wits about her if she was going to successfully resist the temptation Jack represented.

  Fortunately, he was a gentleman. When she backed away in mid-foreplay, he accepted her decision. No whining or begging or lies to get her to say yes, just acceptance of her decision... as it should be. And thank goodness for that, because if he so much as moved one inch in her direction, she was afraid all her good reasons for keeping their relationship platonic would fly out the window.

  Why, oh why, did his electrical charge have to go away? She was so much safer when his touch could have killed her.

  The movie finally came to an end and, though every nerve in her body was on full alert, it was late enough for her to claim exhaustion after their long, busy day.

  "I'm beat too," he said, stretching his arms as he rose from the sofa. "Where would you like me to bed down?"

  She stopped the answer in her head from coming out of her mouth. "The guest room upstairs is already made up and it has its own bathroom. If you need anything, I'll be right across the hall." She felt a flush warm her body as soon as the words were out and tried to conceal it with a quick getaway. "Good night."

  He caught her hand as she tried to hurry past him. "Wait. There's something I need to say."

  She paused, turning her body back toward him but keeping her face slightly averted.

  "Is everything all right?" His one hand moved to more fully envelop hers while the other gently touched her chin to get her to look at him. "You seem a bit jumpy."

  His thumb stroked the back of her hand as if to soothe her but anything that involved his touching her was having the opposite effect. She tried to ease away but he held her firmly. "I'm fine, really."

  "I don't believe you," he said, continuing the slow circular motion with his thumb. "I think you're still upset about what happened before and I think we need to talk a little more about it so that you can get a peaceful night's sleep without worrying that I'm going to sneak into your room and pounce on you."

  "I wasn't thinking anything of the sort!" she retorted with a forced smile. "In fact, I can honestly say, I already trust you more than any of the other men in my life. I'm probably just edgy about... about having to wait a whole day before we can interview Mary Beth. Yes, that's probably it."

  He gave her a skeptical look but said, "Okay, if you're sure, because it's very important that you believe you're safe with me. No matter what that judge said, I never forced myself on a woman."

  Now she felt bad for making him worry. "I believe you, Jack. I swear, I'm not afraid of you." I'm afraid of me and how you make me feel.

  "Thank you. For your belief, your trust and your honesty. But I want to be completely honest with you as well. You are, without a doubt, the most incredible female I've ever met. When I told you that you epitomized my fantasy woman, I was dead serious. You're beautiful and sexy but also intelligent, strong, creative, self-sufficient and generous beyond comprehension. I can't help but want something more intimate to develop between us.

  "Simply holding your hand right now is more exciting than—well, let's just say I've done a lot more with other women and didn't feel this good. But if holding your hand once in a while is as much as you'll allow me, I'll settle for that and be a happy man. Unless and until you give me a sign that you want more out of this strange relationship of ours, nothing else is going to happen between us. Okay?"

  His speech took away what little common sense she had retained. She was ready to give him the sign he'd asked for right now but all she could manage was a helpless expression and a bob of her head. He smiled and, as he slowly lowered his head, she parted her lips and closed her eyes. Instead of the expected sensual kiss, however, he gave her a brotherly peck on her forehead.

  "Good night, sweetheart," he murmured in her ear then walked up the stairs.

  It took Kelly several seconds to remember to breathe and when she did, all she smelled was essence of Jack. She knew she was a lost cause in that moment. It was only a question of how long she could hold herself back, knowing exactly what she wanted, knowing it was readily available, yet knowing it couldn't possibly have a happy ending. At least he had left the timing up to her.

  In a bit of a fog, she checked the front door lock, turned off the lights and dragged herself up the stairs to her room. Only when she pulled back her comforter and top sheet did the fog lift. Another smell filled her nose and this one enraged her. "Damn, damn, damn him!"

  Within seconds, Jack rushed into her room, shirtless and pulling boxers up over his hips as he entered. "What's the matter?"

  Despite her anger, she was momentarily distracted by his near nudity. Geez, she was behaving like one of the heroines in her novels! "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you." She turned back to her bed and began stripping the linens.

  "I'll be more disturbed if you don't assure me that I'm not the one you were cussing at."

  She yanked the case off a pillow then threw both across the room. "This has nothing to do with you. I just never seem to realize how naive I am until I get smacked in the head. I knew Bruce's things were in here but it didn't register that it meant he slept in here, in my bed, instead of the guest room."

  "Are you sure—"

  "Oh boy, am I sure. Not only did he leave plenty of his cologne behind on my pillowcase but it's mixed in with another very distinctive odor that I might not have recognized if not for the obvious stains on the sheets." She abruptly turned her back on the bed and tightly hugged herself. "Why would he do such a sick thing?"

  Jack came up behind her and wrapped his arms over hers. Without saying a word he passed his strength to her and when she began to relax, he turned her to face him and hugged her close, gently rocking her until she was completely calm again. "If you'll tell me where the clean sheets are, I'll take care of this for you."

  She shook her head as she lifted it from his chest. "I don't want to sleep in here tonight. If you don't mind, I'll switch rooms with you."

  Though he assured her he could do it himself, she insisted on helping with the linens. A few minutes later, they exchanged bags and said good night again.

  As she was preparing for bed, it occurred to her that if she'd stayed in her room she could have soaked in the Jacuzzi until all her muscles unclenched but it was too late for second thoughts. Jack was probably already settled in...

  No, she would not think about him lying in her bed, stretching his beautiful, hard body against the clean sheets. It was bad enough she was aware he slept in the buff. Dwelling on thoughts of Jack in her bed was just as frustrating as thinking about Bruce and what he'd done... in a different way of course.

  She got into bed and began her nightly ritual of brushing the knots out of her hair. Though it was usually a very calming activity for her, it didn't work tonight. "Ow," she squealed out loud when she yanked so hard on one tangle that tears filled her eyes.

  A heartbeat later, there was a knock at her door. "Kelly? Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine. Except for being stupid."

  "May I come in?"

  She sighed. It was impossible to put him out of her mind if he wasn
't even out of sight but she didn't want to be rude. She thought about getting under the covers but her big nightshirt covered her so well, it seemed silly. "Sure. Come on in."

  He opened the door, walked straight toward her and declared, "You've been crying."

  Her eyes quickly took in the fact that he had at least slipped back into the boxers. "Oh, no, I—" Before she could tell him about how she'd pulled her hair, he was beside her on the bed, holding her close and whispering soothing words into her ear. He obviously thought she was still distraught about Bruce. It was so sweet, she decided to postpone the explanation.

  "I'm here," he was saying. "And as long as I am, nobody is going to hurt you."

  She could have written that line, she thought, but it still felt good to be on the receiving end of such words when they were said so sincerely. It also felt very, very good to have his hands running up and down her back.

  It would feel even better if she'd earned his concern honestly. "I wasn't crying," she murmured then made some space between them. "I was brushing my hair and pulled on a tangle but I thank you for trying to comfort me in my moment of distress."

  He grinned and gave her a little more space. "Well then, thank you for giving me an excuse to hold you." He picked up the hairbrush. "May I?"

  Unable to resist his pleading look or the offer, she turned to give him free access to her locks. They were both quiet for a while, except for an occasional deep breath on his part or a sigh of appreciation on hers. When he set the brush down and massaged her neck and shoulders, she decided he must have some telepathic abilities on top of all his other attractive traits, for it was precisely what she was wishing he would do.

  "How do you keep it from getting tangled while you sleep?"

  She picked up a black hair tie. "I just twist it into a knot with this. Or if I want waves the next day, I sometimes braid it." She started to gather her hair into a tail to demonstrate but he stopped her.

  "One more minute please. It's just so beautiful." He urged her to face him then threaded his fingers into the sides of her hair. Bringing the two sections forward, he draped them over her breasts. "I can almost imagine you riding a horse, wearing nothing but your hair."

  "Geez, I hope you're imagining that it's summertime," she said with a nervous laugh. Oddly enough, she felt flattered by the suggestive comment that she would have considered lewd coming from another man.

  His gaze snared hers and held it until she stopped fidgeting. "Actually, I was thinking of autumn and how the colored leaves would look dull next to you." His hand cupped the back of her neck as his mouth moved closer to hers. She had no resistance left.

  A centimeter away from a kiss, he suddenly stood and headed for the door. "I'm sorry. I promised I wouldn't do anything like that and—"


  He stopped but didn't turn around.

  "Please don't go."

  Chapter 10

  "I have to," he said, still keeping his back to her. "If I'm going to keep my promise I have to get out of here now."

  Her head was swimming, whether from the wine or rushing hormones she didn't know and no longer cared. "You said I'd have to, uh, how big of a sign do you need?"

  "To keep me from feeling like I'm taking advantage of you at a weak moment..." He turned around and she couldn't help but see the physical sign he'd been trying to hide from her. A full erection was pushing the limits of the cotton shorts. "For me to walk back to that bed, it would have to be a really big sign."

  Her body clamored for her to make a move and she thought of what she could do but shyness slowed her down. "Would you close your eyes for a second?" He did and she turned off the lamp next to her bed. The light coming from his room was more than enough. Taking a deep breath for courage, she pulled off her nightshirt—she couldn't go so far as to remove her panties—then sat with her legs folded beneath her and arranged her hair over her breasts the way he'd done before. "Okay, you can open your eyes."

  The reward for her efforts was his sharp intake of breath and a whispered, "Wow."

  Still, he didn't come to her. "You need an even bigger sign?" she asked in an uncertain tone.

  He slowly shook his head. "No, the sign's perfect. I just thought I'd send up a prayer of thanks while my brain was still functioning." He finally walked to the side of the bed and stroked her cheek. "I have no idea what I ever did in my life to deserve you but I promise I'll do whatever you need to make sure you don't regret this."

  He bent down and lightly touched his lips to hers. A tiny spark passed between them and he grinned. "I guess there's still a little of that charge left."

  "Actually," she said, rising to her knees and holding his face in her hands. "I was hoping for more than just a little charge from you."

  The slightest pressure of her fingers brought his mouth back to hers with serious intent. This kiss was different from the first, as though he were purposely slowing it down and yet the assault on her senses was just as powerful. His lips were soft and warm and seemed to fit hers as though they'd been formed to come together this way.

  She was so absorbed in the way he was alternately nibbling and caressing her lips that she barely noticed how they came to be lying on their sides. Although she had blatantly offered herself to him, his fingers concentrated on awakening the nerves in her arm and back. At the same time, his leg and foot moved over hers, making her aware that he intended to make love to every inch of her body with every inch of his.

  Just when she thought she'd have to ask for more, his tongue slipped between her teeth to play inside. She responded to the deeper contact with a low moan and a shift of her hips that brought their lower bodies into contact.

  With that small move, the animal within him suddenly broke out. His hand captured her ass and kneaded it as he pressed his sex against hers, moving with exactly the right rhythm to bring out the animal in her as well. Instead of exploring her mouth, he now ravished it. It no longer mattered who they were, where or when they came from or where they would be tomorrow.

  He was man and he wanted to possess her in the most primitive way.

  She was woman and she wanted his possession more than anything she'd ever wanted in her life.

  Although she had seen him unclothed numerous times, she had yet to touch his hard, lean body the way she'd fantasized. Her fingers hungrily explored the muscles of his shoulders, arms and chest. She gave one of his nipples a tweak then traveled down his abdomen. The moment her hand touched his erection, he sucked in a sharp breath, giving her the confidence to do more.

  His body went completely still as she ran her palm over his length and down between his thighs. Her fingers played there until he groaned as though in pain and she quickly shifted her body so she could add her mouth to the torture. But before she got a taste, he grasped her shoulders and urged her onto her back.

  "No way do I get to go first," he said lightly and gave her a firm kiss on her lips. From there he trailed a string of quick kisses down her throat to her chest. When his mouth captured her nipple and sucked, it was impossible to tell which of them enjoyed it more. His hands circled and molded her breasts so he could move from one breast to the other with barely a break.

  Kelly loved the attention he was giving her but every caress raised her need for him to direct his attentions lower. In an attempt to show rather than tell, she pressed her hands to his shoulders then scraped her fingernails over his back.

  His reaction to her touch was a muscle spasm so violent he nearly fell off the bed.

  "What happened?" she asked, seeing that he was clearly suffering from some discomfort. "Did I scratch you?"

  The growling sound that came out of his throat was a combination of pain and frustration. "You didn't do anything wrong," he said through clenched teeth. "It's the damn poison ivy rash." He rubbed his backside with the heel of his hand. "It was almost completely cleared up and hadn't bothered me all day, so I didn't think to put on any calamine tonight." He flinched again and tried to rub a spot o
n his back. "I'm sorry. I've got to take care of this."

  Kelly sighed as he hurried out of the room. She couldn't have made up an aborted sex scene this outrageous if she'd thought about it for a month. Her body was going to take a few minutes to catch up on the change of plans but it would readjust. It always had before.

  She put her nightshirt back on and went across the hall where Jack had already stripped off his shorts and was smearing lotion on his bottom. She tried not to think about the fact that she still hadn't touched that part of him. "Can I help?"

  "I've been managing for days by myself," he grumbled.

  "Don't get snotty with me, fella. I didn't push you into that bush."

  He looked appropriately sheepish. "Sorry." He handed her the pink bottle and a ball of cotton. "Yes, I would appreciate it if you could get my back."

  She poured some lotion on the cotton and dabbed it on the few spots she could see on his lower back. "I'm surprised you're still itching. The rash is almost completely cleared up."

  "I know. But there are a few spots... one of which became more sensitive as the skin was stretched..."

  "Oh. I hadn't thought of that." She bit her cheek to keep from giggling. "I guess scratching isn't the only thing that makes it worse."

  He laughed and his grumpy mood lifted instantly. He turned around placed his hands on her waist and gave her a firm kiss. "You're incredible, you know that?"

  She kissed him back then said, "I was recently thinking the same thing about you."

  "I really am sorry about this." He kissed her again, softer, slower, sexier. As his tongue slid into her mouth, his hand eased up from her waist and cupped her breast. As soon as his palm brushed across the nipple, it hardened into a peak and he tightened his fingers over her fullness. He took his mouth from hers and whispered into her ear. "Just because I'm temporarily out of commission, doesn't mean we can't do something for you."


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