Crystal Muse

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by Heather Askinosie

  Being on any spiritual path is not for the faint of heart. Some days it’s easier to just avoid the internal struggle that comes with it. And sometimes, it can be lonely. In those early days, I often found myself traveling to remote places to meet with healers and medicine men in the jungles of Belize, or trekking to retreat centers in the middle of Bali. But even in those most lonesome of days, I felt comforted by the Earth’s energy and by the vibrant plants and ancient rocks that surrounded me.

  Much of the information that was shared with me about crystals and their healing properties was given verbally. I had experienced crystals grids on my body and medicine wheels of stones in the middle of the desert. But now it was time to take all that I had learned and share it. Long before it became popular, I began massaging people with crystals and hot rocks. I secretly placed crystals in the homes I sold to balance the energy of the property. I gave crystals to my friends and asked them to report back to me any changes or breakthroughs they may have had. The greatest joy for me soon became watching others prosper from the secrets I was sharing with them.

  This meant I had a decision to make: Should I walk forward into the unknown and fully commit to learning the secret rituals of crystal healing? Or should I stay huddled and safe in the crazy but successful world of real estate? I still had bills to pay, after all, and the money I had saved would soon run out.

  I chose the crystals—or perhaps they chose me. I took the path of a loner, an adventurer, and a seeker of truth. I spent hours upon hours with crystals, which I had begun to think of as “wisdom keepers.” My life had changed forever.

  It was cool. It was liberating. It was hard.

  As my friends bought homes and started families, I bought crystals. People didn’t understand me, and at times I didn’t understand myself. How had I turned out like this? My parents didn’t raise me, send me to college, and give me a solid foundation so that I would end up being a crystal energy healer. A wise woman once told me, “It’s not an easy journey that you are on, but it will end up being the most rewarding.” She was right.

  Perhaps my biggest reward came in the form of my childhood best friend, Timmi. While I was off on my crystal journeys, Timmi was working her way up in the garment industry. She was a salesperson extraordinaire, and I could not have been more proud of my best friend’s success. When she suggested we collaborate, I was overjoyed. We made a natural team. She had the production know-how, and I had the crystal secrets. And our crystal energy–based company, Energy Muse, was born.

  Our business has evolved from offering intentional crystal jewelry to creating global awareness about the benefits of crystals, demystifying their “woo-woo” reputation and how to use them in simple daily rituals. We have spent decades developing relationships with crystal miners from all over the world to find crystals that are ethically sourced and hold the highest vibrations. Every day, we are working to help people remember their own personal power by tapping into the purest energy of all—Mother Earth.

  “Love is in the Earth.”







  “I find when I give myself gifts—the gift of time, the gift of self-forgiveness, the gift of letting go—I thrive. For me, crystals are a representation of all that—an object whose beauty and energy both remind me to step back, thank the world, thank my body. The weight of a crystal in my hand or around my neck resets me, connects me to something ancient and reminds me that I am worthy of beautiful moments and beautiful things, each unique and sparkling.”


  writer and filmmaker

  TAKE A LOOK AT ALL THE CRYSTALS, AND TAKE NOTE OF WHICH ONES YOU LINGER ON. CIRCLE THE FIRST THREE STONES that you are attracted to. Please don’t overthink it; just pick your favorite three stones in this moment.

  Once you’ve picked your three stones, you can read the meaning of each one on the following page.

  There. See how easy that was? You’ve just officially started working with crystals.

  Very often, the crystals you choose will be absolutely relevant to your life in the present moment. It’s your intuition’s way of telling you what your soul needs. Isn’t it crazy how accurate the crystals are? Truthfully, it’s how accurate you are. Remember that you picked the stones! Something deep within your soul was telling you what you needed to remember about yourself.



  All of us feel the need to connect. But connect to what, exactly? The Mayans looked to the stars to connect to time, the seasons, and the cycles of life. Many Indian chiefs tell stories of the wind, the four directions, two-legged beings, four-legged animals, plant and rock people, swimmers, crawlers, and the Great Spirit to show our universe is interconnected. The indigenous shamans taught of the healing properties of plants and how they can be used to remedy many of our ailments on Earth. The saints and sages shared their views of wisdom and hope, and how faith can create bonds between us.

  In the now age, a four-inch screen connects us to information and each other within seconds, but at the same time, it disconnects us from Mother Nature’s wisdom. Mother Nature is real. She’s all around us and she is our true connector.

  So, how do we push the reset button and reconnect? There’s a part within your soul that says, “Stop, breathe, and listen; you have everything you need within yourself.” It reminds you that you can find peace even in the midst of chaos. Crystals can help you do that.

  Mystics and ancient wisdom keepers often referred to crystals as “the stone people.” They believed that within each crystal, there is a story and a spiritual message. Many crystals have been nestled deep within the Earth for millions of years. As a result, they hold the imprint of life and the Earth’s evolution within their walls. They act as mini record keepers. This is why they are known as the Earth’s messengers and wisdom keepers.

  Crystals teach us to connect through silence. Each stone has its own unique blueprint. The process of tapping into a crystal’s vibration is similar to how we tap into our own—with stillness.

  Crystals are neutral. They have no judgments, opinions, or worries. They may contain ancient knowledge, but they are 100 percent present in the now. They don’t interpret a situation as good or bad. (That’s what we as humans do.) A crystal doesn’t care what religion you believe in, and it doesn’t care about your sexual preference or political viewpoints either. It doesn’t care how much money you make, how spiritually evolved you are, what your IQ is, or about your ethnicity. Imagine how amazing it would be if we could adopt this same ability to withhold judgment!

  Crystals don’t ask to be worshipped or prayed to, but they do have information waiting to be accessed.

  Crystals have been part of the Earth since the beginning of time, so even if they’re new to your world, you’re not new to theirs. If I could take my 25-plus years of connecting with crystals and interpret their message, it would be this: As a society, humans are continuously looking forward. It’s always about bigger, better, faster, and more. Maybe it’s time to slow down and notice that many of the answers we seek are just below our feet, nestled into the Earth that we share.

  Relationships are everything to us. We depend on them to survive. But it’s not only our relationships to each other that buoy us; it’s also our relationship to our planet. For some of us, it might be time to reestablish this connection. Holding a crystal in your hand or placing them in your environment can help you remember that you are part of something bigger—something that’s been around for millions of years.



  “Do crystals really work?” I am asked that a lot. My answer is always the same: “They do for me!”

  First of all, they make me happy when I look at them. I place them all around my house to remind me to alway
s be grateful for Mother Nature’s beauty. As soon as I hold a crystal in my hand, I feel grounded. I remember to breathe. It isn’t a placebo effect. It isn’t in my head. It’s a tangible shift in my energy—an overwhelmingly good one.

  Second, almost every ancient civilization since the beginning of time has used crystals in a variety of ways—from healings to offerings to protective talismans. Queen Cleopatra and the ancient Egyptians used ground Malachite and Lapis Lazuli to create a rainbow of eye shadows and cosmetics. The Romans embedded crystals into their armor and shields to provide protection and strength while in battle. In India, Ayurvedic medicine has used crystal energy to correct physical, emotional, and metaphysical imbalances within the body. So while we might not know exactly how a crystal works, we know we’re not the only ones who believe in them. The truth is we wouldn’t still be in business if they didn’t work.

  Crystals have an orderly structure, known as a crystal lattice. The energy they emit remains at a constant frequency. When a crystal is placed on or near an area of the body emitting at a lower frequency, it encourages the body to match its higher frequency. So on the most basic level, when you’re feeling low, bringing a crystal into your energy field helps to lift you up.

  If you’re still not convinced, think of it this way: Quartz has made the digital world a reality. Consider all the devices you use in a day—your cell phone, tablet, and computer. Did you know that LCD stands for liquid crystal display and that every one of these devices is powered by a silicon processor chip? Silicon is an element derived from silicate minerals, a.k.a. Quartz, found in the Earth’s crust.

  The silicon chip in your computer has been programmed to store several hundred gigabytes of information. Thus, isn’t it conceivable that a crystal could transform other energies as well? That our intentions and thoughts might even be influenced by a crystal’s subtle vibration?

  Using the healing power of crystals as a tool for empowerment, balance, and enlightenment is directly related to your own personal belief. If you believe that crystals will help you on an energetic and vibrational level, they most certainly will. If instead you’re thinking, They won’t work since science hasn’t proven they will, you’re still correct—they probably won’t work for you. For crystals to work, you have to approach them with an open mind and a willingness to work with them to accomplish your goals. Look at it this way: while science still has yet to prove that crystals can affect our mental and physical being, neither has it proven that they can’t.



  Whether you’re headed to your local metaphysical store or browsing online, the first step to choosing your crystal is to get out of your head and into your heart. It’s important to trust yourself. We’re confident you’ll know which crystal is right for you. How? Because you know yourself better than anyone else. As you pick up a variety of crystals, some will feel light, while others will feel heavy. You’ll be drawn to some, and you’ll pass over others. It might be the color, the shape, or the size that makes you pause on one and not the other. None of these specifics matter. This is your intuition talking to you.

  Once you’ve narrowed it down to a handful of crystals, how do you decide which one?

  Take a closer look. Notice the layers and inclusions, the flaws and imperfections inside each crystal. Which one fascinates you the most? Which one is the most beautiful to you? Which one draws you in deeper, asking you to take a closer look? This is the crystal that is right for you.

  It’s also important to note that different crystals ignite different feelings for different people. For example, one crystal may emit the energy of tranquility for one person, and that same crystal might be energizing for someone else. This is why in the rituals to follow, it’s important to focus on aligning your intention with your crystals and developing your own relationship with each stone rather than being told what the crystal is supposed to bring you. It’s less about the properties each crystal has been known to carry and more about how you, as an individual, respond to it. Similarly, the same crystal can magnify different energies in different situations. In one ritual, a crystal might be used to help in moving forward on a new path, while in another it may be used to help in releasing the past.



  There are several paths that you can take to connect with your crystal. As with any worthwhile relationship, you need to invest the time to get to know one another. Your crystal is striving to get to know you, just as you are striving to get to know it.

  Take the time to hold it, touch it, and tune in to its frequency. Look at its color, shape, and size. Be aware of any sensations that come up while you are holding it. You may experience a tingling or warmth in your hands. Take note of any specific emotions that may arise as well. Is it happiness, sadness, or joy? There’s no wrong or right way to feel in the presence of your crystal, and everyone’s experience will be unique.

  What if you don’t feel anything when you hold your crystal? Then, at this time, you don’t feel anything! It’s that simple. Try not to judge the experience—just be with it. Sometimes it may take a while for a certain crystal to resonate with you, while at other times that same crystal will make the hairs on your arms stand up.

  We suggest that no matter what happens, you open your heart to the crystals. See them as a gift from Mother Earth. Open yourself to what comes your way when you work with their energy. Sit with them, breathe, connect, and listen to them. They’re waiting patiently for you!

  * * *

  Q: I’ve had my crystal for two days. Why isn’t it working?

  A: Does a diet work in two days? Does a fitness regimen work in two days? Like any new program, it takes time and consistency to get results. Working with crystals is no different. The magic is not the crystal; it’s you. It’s not doing the work; you’re doing the work. It’s an ally on your journey. A tool to help you get to where you want to go.

  * * *

  * * *

  Q: What are five simple ways to use my crystal?


  Carry it in your pocket or purse.

  Wear it.

  Place it on your altar or nightstand.

  Lay it on your body.

  Meditate while holding it.

  * * *



  Intentions are like magnets. They attract what will make them come true. Setting an intention is a powerful tool for achieving happiness. Crafting an intention starts by setting goals that align with your values, aspirations, and purpose.

  Decide what matters to you. Your values drive the actions in your life, and you’ll need to recognize what truly matters to you if you want to find fulfillment.

  Explore areas of your life that need an upgrade. Consider how you can improve your relationships, career, social life, spirituality, health, and community.

  Be specific about what you want to achieve, when you want to achieve it, and why.

  Bring your intentions to life. Certain rituals in the following chapters will ask you to write them down. Make sure you write them in the present tense, as if they’re happening now, and affirm only what you want. You should also write down your goal, the end result of what you wish to manifest. Put feeling into it! For example, “I am a money magnet. Money flows into my life easily and effortlessly.”



  Give your crystal a job and a purpose! One of the most important components to working with crystals is setting an intention, “programming” each stone to reflect what it is that you want. It wants to work for you, but you have to tell it what to do. Life doesn’t always go as planned, and it can throw you off-kilter. In the moments when you’re vibrating at a lower frequency, your intentions can fly out the window. When you reconnect with your programmed crystal, it will help you remember your goals and limitless potential.

  Programming your
crystal is simple. Cleanse your crystal—more to come on that later—hold it in your hands, close your eyes, and take three deep breaths. Reflect on your faith, the Earth, and what makes you happy. This will connect you with your highest vibration. Your highest vibration may be associated with a religious or spiritual belief, God, or simply a divine power that’s greater than you. Or it may be associated with a scientific connection—zero-point energy. You decide what to call it. Then, while in this space of love and light, ask that your crystal be cleared of all unwanted energy and previous programming.

  Aloud or in your head, say, “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command this crystal to hold the intention of . . .” To finish the sentence, add three intentions for your crystal—energies that you wish it to hold for you. End by repeating “thank you” three times. By saying it three times, you emphasize that what you’re asking for already exists in the universe.



  Let’s say you want to bake a cake for someone’s birthday. More than likely, you’ll follow a recipe that uses specific ingredients and steps to produce the desired result. Just like with food recipes, specific rituals can give you steps to help you create the space you’ll need to make room for your intentions.

  Think of a crystal ritual as a ceremony in which you can focus on one aspect of your life and elevate it from ordinary to extraordinary. A crystal ritual allows you to combine this focus with the creative power of intention.


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