Crystal Muse

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Crystal Muse Page 6

by Heather Askinosie



  TIME FRAME: However long you feel like!



  A copy of page 53 or a coloring book

  Colored pencils, markers, or crayons

  1 Flame Aura Quartz crystal to open yourself up to the full color spectrum



  Gather your coloring supplies, crystal, and copy of page 53 or coloring book.

  Hold your Flame Aura Quartz crystal in your hands. Take 3 deep breaths, and feel your stress begin to melt away.

  Place your crystal next to your paper. Your meditative coloring begins when your pen, pencil, or crayon touches the paper.

  As you color, visualize your stress, anxiety, and negative emotions being replaced with color and happiness. Enjoy!



  TIME FRAME: 11 minutes

  When you’re feeling anxious and your heart is racing, gather a few friends, and sit together in silence for 11 minutes. This simple meditation will harmonize your breath and allow peace to outweigh any anxiety, worry, stress, fear, or uncertainty.



  A few friends—from 2 to 200

  1 large Labradorite crystal to align you with the energy of the universe

  A timer

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Choose 1 person to program the Labradorite crystal. Have this person hold the crystal in their hands, close their eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in their head, have them say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command this crystal to hold the intention of reducing anxiety and bringing harmony to myself and everyone in this group. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Ask everyone to sit cross-legged in a circle. If you only have 2 people, sit across from each other. Try to touch knees, if possible, so that you stay connected to one another.

  Place the Labradorite crystal in the middle of the group (or between you if only 2 people).

  Set your timer for 11 minutes.

  Close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.

  For the remainder of the time, just be. Experience the present moment with the people around you.

  When the timer goes off, gently open your eyes, and notice how you feel. Do you feel less anxious than you did 11 minutes ago?

  “The mistake new meditators often make is to look for signs of success within the meditation itself. . . . True success can only be determined by what happens outside of your daily practice.”


  meditation practitioner and author





  “The journey of self is to be aware of self and understand the path which lies ahead is only laid out for you to learn to love and accept yourself.”


  third generation shaman, spiritual guide, and healer

  IT WAS ANOTHER PICTURE-PERFECT DAY IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, AND I WAS SHOWING A REAL ESTATE CLIENT ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BEACHFRONT mansions in Manhattan Beach. As we looked out the window at the waves breaking on the shore, he said, “This is what I’ve always wanted.”

  His clarity was inspiring, and I wanted that, too. I looked at him, smiling, and thought, This is what I thought I wanted, but not anymore. I’m going to stop selling real estate. It wasn’t exactly a sudden revelation; the thought had been on my mind for at least a year.

  On the outside, I had it all. I was young, healthy, and making a great living, with amazing family members and friends by my side. But I felt empty.

  It was the invisible things that were consuming my mind. The things we can’t go out and purchase—peace, contentment, fulfillment, and inner silence. Don’t get me wrong: selling real estate was good to me. But over time, my passion for it began to wane. Something deep within my heart kept urging me to open up and meet the “real” me, but I had no idea how to find her. Maybe I should go to India, I thought, and meet a spiritual guru, or travel to the Amazon to study with an indigenous shaman to learn about plant medicine. Or maybe I could start over again in a new state.

  I mentioned these ideas to one of my astrologer friends, who asked, “Why do you always have to be such a Scorpio extremist? Does it always have to be all or nothing?” Yes. To me, it usually did. She then explained that one of the reasons I was questioning my life at 29 years of age was because I was going through a Saturn Return.

  The planet Saturn is the cosmic taskmaster, similar to a very demanding, disciplined teacher who holds us accountable. In more technical terms, Saturn takes 29.7 Earth years to orbit the Sun and return to the same zodiac sign it was in when you were born. So this time period in your life acts as a rite of passage, bringing you face-to-face with your fears, while at the same time demanding that you evaluate what’s important. You’re given the opportunity to overcome obstacles and to gain the wisdom that you’ll need to reach your highest potential.

  I must have had a terrified look on my face because my friend quickly added, “Look at it as an initiation into adulthood. You’re being given the gift of finding out who you truly are.”

  My 20s felt like I had been living in a masquerade ball. I wore different “costumes” based on my career choices, my boyfriends and friends, and what I did for fun. Each time I put on a new costume, I played a different role. Some days I might be “adulting,” while other days I might be a carefree artist or beach girl. Of course, it’s socially acceptable to be curious in one’s 20s. It’s the time to try new things, party into the wee hours, and be anything but settled down. But it all seemed to change when I turned 29. Suddenly, “When are you going to settle down, get married, and have babies?” was the new question.

  I wanted to say, “Well, here’s the thing: my new life coach is a planet called Saturn, and Saturn’s job is to kick my ass so that I finally learn who I am! How can you ask me about marriage and babies at a time like this?”

  For the first time in my life, my mortality hit me like a bolt of lightning. It was frightening. I felt overwhelmed. I wanted to throw my “real estate agent” costume out the window and run far away. But even then, I knew that no matter how far I ran, it wouldn’t change who I was. My external environment wasn’t going to solve my internal conflict.

  There was only one place to go, and that was within. It was the scariest place of all because there, I wouldn’t be needing a costume. In fact, I’d be maybe even a little naked! I had no idea where to start.

  Eventually, I discovered what I’ve come to call my “temple within,” where my true self resides. Working with crystals helped me get there.

  What about you? Have you visited that temple? Maybe you remember your own Saturn Return, or you’re experiencing it right now. Wherever you are and whatever you’re experiencing, connecting with your inner temple is one of the most profound steps you can take to find your authenticity. And you’ll find that the crystals are waiting to help you, as they were for me.

  In the rituals to come, you will be taken through three steps—inner reflection, embracing your light and shadow sides, and letting go of control—to bring you closer to finding your temple within.



  The first step to finding the temple within is to see yourself for who you truly are, without judgment, and with wholehearted acceptance. To do this, it’s important t
o make the time and space for the real you to come forth in your life.

  This isn’t a quick fix! It’s important to make a daily, conscious effort to be aware, honest, and open about the new spiritual lifestyle you’re undertaking.

  Black Obsidian




  COLOR: Black

  ORIGIN: Found in many locations, including Europe, Japan, South America, and the U.S.

  HISTORY AND LORE: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the most self-aware of them all? With this stone in hand, it’s probably you. Black Obsidian has long been touted for its metaphysical abilities and historically significant uses. This structureless rock is also known as volcanic glass because of its smooth, reflective luster. This stone forms when lava cools too rapidly to form crystalline structures. In the Stone Age, civilizations around the world used Obsidian to create arrowheads, spears, and cutting tools. While still used as a cutting tool in some modern-day industries, Obsidian is more useful on a personal level. It will help you to emotionally slice away negative energy.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Facing the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of ourselves is hard, but Obsidian makes it easier. By showing you a reflection of your true self, Obsidian forces you to accept yourself entirely. It connects to the root chakra to ground you during contemplation. Working with Black Obsidian will assist you in cutting the stress and negative patterns from your life by first bringing them to your attention. As you see what needs to be expelled from your life, Obsidian rewards you by absorbing that toxic energy. No wonder it’s called the stone of truth!


  TIME FRAME: 11 minutes daily for 21 days

  The Inner Reflection Ritual encourages you to check in with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, allowing them to come to the surface instead of covering them up or pushing them away. As you gaze at your reflection on the surface of a piece of Obsidian—a volcanic glass rock—you can see that happiness and fulfillment don’t exist outside of you, but within you. And you have both of them by choice, not happenstance. Going to your temple within allows you the time you’ll need to transform your life. It gives you a safe space where you can shift the habits, beliefs, and thoughts that have kept you stuck in old patterns.



  1 flat Black Obsidian stone to act as an “Obsidian mirror” to gaze into

  A timer

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Hold the Black Obsidian crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command this crystal to hold the intention of reflection, transformation, and acceptance. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Set the timer for 11 minutes.

  Hold the Obsidian in your hands, and take 7 long, deep breaths in and out. Gaze into the Obsidian mirror, and see your reflection on its surface. Now look deeper into your own eyes. Without judging, what do you see? Observe your thoughts as they come up, but try to simply be a witness to these thoughts without judging them. See if you can go deeper into your eyes and see the self behind the self. As images or thoughts come up, observe them as if they’re pictures on a screen that just pass by. Continue to breathe deeply. As you allow images, thoughts, and feelings to surface, keep looking into the Obsidian mirror. Breathe deeply with the intention of inhaling transformation and healing into every cell of your being.

  Once you’ve had time to sit with your thoughts, send love to your reflection. Then send forgiveness and, finally, send thanks to your reflection. Every time your mind wanders, look in the Obsidian mirror, and love yourself even more. Focus on the truth of your past and the love of the self that exists right now.

  After your 11 minutes are complete, place your Obsidian mirror on your bedside table to hold the space of reflection, transformation, and acceptance as you continue to work through this process.

  Every day for 21 days, repeat steps 2 through 6. Look in the Obsidian mirror, love yourself, and give thanks for all the lessons in your life. They have made you the person you are today.



  The second step to discovering your true self and finding the temple within is admitting that there are multiple sides that make up the whole of who you are. You don’t have to act in only one way to be on a spiritual path.

  For this section of the chapter, let’s define the word temple as your light side, which represents the way you feed your physical, mental, and spiritual bodies in positive and fulfilling ways. It’s what you choose to embrace in yourself.

  On the other side is the “bar.” Let’s define this as your shadow or dark side, which includes negative thinking, limiting beliefs, old patterns, bad habits, overindulgences, and addictions. It’s what you choose to overlook or deny. (By no means are we saying that a temple is “good” and a bar is “bad”; they’re simply part of this metaphor.)

  Both of these sides affect how your interior and exterior selves look and feel. If you’re completely honest with yourself, you’ll know when your internal bar and temple are out of balance. When you go inward and connect to a higher power (whatever that means for you), you’re aligned with your personal truth. Hopefully you’ll have the desire, motivation, and willingness to spend the majority of your time in the temple. But there’s always an underlying and constant temptation drawing you to the bar.

  Being on a spiritual journey to self-discovery isn’t always filled with light. Finding who you truly are on a soul level doesn’t happen overnight—it takes time and dedication. With the dark comes light and vice versa. Some days you might find yourself in the temple, some days in the bar, and other days might be a combination of both.

  There are several important things to remember while you’re finding the balance between your inner bar and temple:

  Don’t beat yourself up if you find yourself at the bar. Don’t stop showing up at the temple because you feel you’re not living up to the so-called image of spirituality or positivity.

  The journey is different for everyone, and there’s no right or wrong way to get there. Please don’t try to compare yourself to anyone else, because everyone evolves and grows at a different pace.

  When you’re on the spiritual path, it’s easy to judge others for not being on “your level.” You may find that the people surrounding you don’t understand your new path. Remember that others find themselves and their own paths at different times. If someone’s lifestyle choices don’t parallel yours, that’s okay. Don’t judge them for it, just as you wouldn’t want them to judge you.

  The important part is showing up for yourself on a daily basis and trusting that you’re on the right path. The journey within is not about perfection; it’s about consistency.

  Every day that you chip away at what holds you back from embracing your true self is another day that you come closer to your temple within. Taking time to shift your focus from the outside world to your personal journey inward is the fastest way to transformation.


  TIME FRAME: Once a week for 4 weeks

  Once you accept that your light and shadow sides are both parts of who you are, you can begin to heal from the inside out and find your true self. This ritual can be used to examine your light side (temple) or your shadow side (bar), and then find neutrality between them.

  You’ll make a list of all the things in your life that constitute your light side—what you like about being you. This list is a visual reminder for you to respect and honor the characteristics that make you magnificent.<
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  The next list you’ll make consists of the things you want to work on within yourself—your shadow side. It’s meant for honest self-reflection, not self-loathing. Everyone has lessons to work on in life. That’s our job as humans!

  The third list you’ll make will allow you to look at both your light and shadow characteristics, and think about what can be shifted to bring more balance into your life.

  You always have the choice to evolve. You decide which parts of yourself you want to feed, and which parts you want to face head-on and conquer. Know that it will be a lifelong, ever-evolving journey to balance your light and shadow sides.



  1 Zebra Jasper crystal, which carries a balanced energy; the white and black represents the light and the shadow (or yin and yang energy) coexisting

  1 journal or 3 blank pieces of white paper

  1 blue pen—blue is the color of truth. It’s believed that you’re more likely to retain information when you write it with blue ink.

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Hold the Zebra Jasper crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command this crystal to hold the intention of truth, objectivity, and neutrality. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”


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