Crystal Muse

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Crystal Muse Page 8

by Heather Askinosie


  Looking back now, the fact that our business was so easy for us at the beginning was more a curse than a blessing. When things flowed effortlessly, we forgot a very important universal law: gratitude. We took for granted all the blessings that came our way, and eventually we were taught a hard lesson. We were reminded very quickly that this new business was not about us, our egos, or the “cool people” we met. Our success was never really about us—it was always about the crystals.



  Never put your purse on the ground, as that will drain your money energy.

  Rub elbows with someone who is prosperous, and their luck will rub off on you.

  Wear Tiger’s Eye, Jade, Aventurine, or Pyrite on your body to attract wealth.

  Clogged or leaking plumbing equals clogged or leaking finances. Fix any plumbing issues immediately!

  Keep bathroom doors shut and the lid to the toilet seat down at all times because it prevents loss of energy and money.

  To keep money flowing, place a piece of Citrine in the cash register of your business.

  Carry a $100 bill hidden in your wallet so that you always feel abundant.

  “Those girls are so consumed with the business that they’ve forgotten what’s at the heart of it. Us!” This is what the crystals seemed to suddenly say to us. “It’s time to show them our quiet stillness so that they know who we are.”


  Over the next few months, our business slowed drastically. The initial hype of the Prosperity Necklace died down. We heard the crystals’ “quiet” message loud and clear. We were forced to stop the business entirely while we tried to develop other products that could be just as powerful as the Prosperity Necklace. Unfortunately, our minds were clouded with the fear of the unknown. The crystals, with their infinite wisdom, watched us spiral downward.

  Finally, one day we decided to lie on the floor with stones on every part of our bodies. They were everywhere! Black Tourmaline between the feet, Hematite on the root chakra, Carnelian on the second chakra, Pyrite over the third chakra, Rose Quartz on the heart, Turquoise on the throat, Amethyst over our third eye chakra, and Clear Quartz crystal points all around us. We lay there for hours, sometimes in complete silence and sometimes talking through our fears.

  Slowly, our energetic bodies settled back into our physical bodies. As our minds started to open up and the fear dissolved back into the Earth, everything became crystal clear. It was time to start over. We needed a new plan of action because the old ways were no longer working.



  Those “old ways” had a lot to do with our mindset. You see, at the start of our business, Timmi and I often found ourselves conflicted about how being “spiritual” and “material” could coexist. On a deep subconscious level, we didn’t believe they could, which is why we often found ourselves in financial trouble.

  We believed that healers, who were of service to others, shouldn’t make money. This mind-set almost cost us our business. And then we had an epiphany: With no money and no customers, there was no way we could be of service to anyone. Spiritual wealth comes from within. It’s your contentment, mindfulness, and spiritual self—and these are things that you can have at all times. True spiritual wealth is something that you can control, that no one can take from you. Material wealth often fluctuates. It is influenced not only by internal factors—such as poor financial decisions—but external factors as well, including the economy, natural disasters, and a host of other scenarios that are beyond your control.

  The moment we consciously embraced the idea that material wealth can naturally flow out of spiritual wealth, our business shifted upward again. We created a wealth bowl, one that we keep in front of us on a daily basis, to keep us on track.

  Tiger’s Eye




  COLOR: Yellow with golden brown stripes

  ORIGIN: Found in many locations, including Australia, Brazil, South Africa, and the U.S.

  HISTORY AND LORE: Tiger’s Eye gets its name from its amber hues, but it is its ability to bestow fierce focus and primal power, just like that of a tiger, that gives the stone its real name. Another member of the renowned Quartz family, Tiger’s Eye has been used for courage by warriors and soldiers since ancient times. Roman soldiers wore Tiger’s Eye rings for strength and protection.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: When you stare at a picture for too long, you start to lose clarity. The same thing happens with our perspective. When we look at a situation from one point of view for too long, our take on that situation becomes blurry. This crystal helps you see through a fresh set of eyes. Tiger’s Eye brings your focus back by shifting your outlook. From this new point of view, you gain deeper understanding. Maybe it’s time to explore a new hobby. Perhaps there’s a solution to a business problem that you haven’t yet considered. Using Tiger’s Eye gets you out of your rut by showing you what changes you need to make. It connects to the solar plexus and sacral chakras, and helps ground the spirit. It can inspire you to find the courage needed to pursue new ventures.



  TIME FRAME: 40 days

  The Spiritual Wealth Bowl Ritual gives you an outlet to bring your thoughts and ideas into physical form. This small vessel—which represents your intentions, treasures, and goals—offers unlimited possibilities.



  A bowl to hold what represents your spiritual and material world. (Be creative! It can be a bowl, large clamshell, basket, fishbowl, glass candy jar, crystal vase, or similar.)

  8 crystals—8 is the number of money. These crystals represent the gifts from the Earth. These can be any size, from tumbled stones to larger crystals:

  1 Tiger’s Eye, 1 Aventurine, 1 Citrine, and 1 Jade to represent material wealth

  1 Amethyst, 1 Clear Quartz, 1 Labradorite, and 1 Dumortierite to represent spiritual wealth

  7 wishes, goals, or intentions written on paper in blue ink. Be sure to write them in present tense!

  Money—coins, bills, or currency from the countries where you would like to do business

  A smiling, happy photo of you

  Hard-copy images from magazines or the Internet that represent spirituality, contentment, mindfulness, and inner peace to you

  Treasures that have meaning to you, such as a feather, shell, or gift from a loved one

  Images of family members and friends who make you happy and with whom you want to share in your journey

  Anything else that represents spiritual wealth to you

  Something that’s gold in color—coins, a painted rock, Pyrite crystal, a lucky Buddha, or similar

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Hold the crystals in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of spiritual abundance and unlimited possibilities. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

  Find a place where your Spiritual Wealth Bowl can remain, somewhere you’ll see it on a daily basis.

  Place the crystals at the bottom of the bowl, and begin layering the other items on top of the crystals, reserving your gold item for the very top.

  State your number 1 intention for your spiritual wealth out loud.

  Leave your Spiritual Wealth Bowl in place for 40 days or until you feel a shift. Feel free to add to the bowl or “refresh” its energy by placing it out in the Sun.



  Do you feel you’ve done everything you possibly can to change your financial situation, yet you keep getting the same result? Then, guess what? It’s time to change your mind-set.

  One of the biggest secrets to unlimited abundance is taking ownership of all that you feel, think, and believe, understanding that everything you have in life starts from within. This means that you stop blaming others for the problems in your life and stop complaining so much about those problems.

  Knowing that it all starts with you gives you the power to make a choice. You can choose to live in a new state of happiness and abundance. The minute your brain grasps this concept, you’re officially on the road to the life of your dreams.

  Sadly, few people make this mind-set shift. Ironically, many are actually addicted to failure, disappointment, misery, and financial instability. It’s true that feeling horrible about your financial situation is a tough habit to break. It isn’t easy to be honest with yourself or to recognize how low you feel. So, too, if you take responsibility for your predicament, you’ll now have to do something about it.

  But take a breath and think about it. It really is good news that you have the power, the choice, and the tools within you to change your circumstances. These changes might not happen overnight, but we’re living proof that with time and work, they can be done.

  You have a choice: You can allow your mind to turn against you, or you can allow it to work with you. This is where the shift needs to happen.





  COLOR: Green

  ORIGIN: Found in many locations, including China, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.

  HISTORY AND LORE: Green Jade, known as Nephrite, is thought to be a secret good luck stone. For centuries, cultures all over the world have believed this stone brings good fortune. The Maori, an indigenous people of New Zealand, used Jade in talismans to guarantee long life. Aztecs and Mayans regarded Jade as a link to the gods, with the ability to cure kidney stones. Chinese lore held that Jade represented elements of virtue and happiness, like courage, purity, longevity, wealth, and wisdom.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Similar to ancient Chinese beliefs, this crystal is thought to bring good fortune into several areas of your life. As an element of the Earth, it makes you more open to prosperity and abundance. This abundance can come in the form of more than mere wealth. Whatever is in your heart, whether you are seeking enhancements in health, happiness, success, or relationships, Jade taps into an ancient dynasty of wisdom to guide you.



  TIME FRAME: 7 days for 7 minutes a day

  Choose something in your life to take ownership of for the next 7 days. Shift your focus from “she,” “he,” and “they” and bring it back to “I.” That’s where the intention and the change happens—within yourself. Seeing your life from this perspective will not only put you in a position to change what’s undesirable in your life, but will also help you own all the good things you’ve already created.

  The magic in this Ownership Ritual is in taking responsibility for your situation without pointing fingers, blaming, complaining, or justifying. In 7 short days, not only will you start to own your true self again, but you’ll see new ways to attract prosperity.



  A photo of yourself

  7 Tectonic Quartz crystals—7 is the number for healing. The Tectonic Quartz is the result of a massive shift in energy from the Earth’s movement, which caused the crystal to shift and shape into a new form.

  1 small Clear Quartz point to activate your crystal grid

  A timer

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Hold your Tectonic Quartz crystals in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of movement, ownership, and financial abundance. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Place your photo on a table, the top of a bookshelf, a nightstand, or any area where it will be undisturbed and where you can see it on a daily basis.

  Surround your photo with the 7 Tectonic Quartz crystals with the points directed inward. This is for inner reflection and helping you to make your own shift.

  Activate your crystal grid with the Clear Quartz point. Starting from the outside, draw an invisible line between the stones to energetically connect each to the next. Think of it as “connecting the dots” like when you were a kid. A crystal grid is like a spiritual blueprint for your intention. It’s a powerful tool for manifesting goals, desires, and intentions that unites the energies of the crystals, a sacred geometric pattern, and your intention. The combination of these three things helps to manifest results much faster.

  Set the timer for 7 minutes. Gaze at your image. Ask yourself, What needs to change in my financial life? State your answers out loud. By saying them out loud, you’re taking full ownership of why you’re in your current situation without explaining, blaming, or complaining.

  Look at this situation from a higher perspective. What are you accountable for? What was the lesson you were supposed to learn from any challenges you have faced? How can you do things differently in the future? How can you forgive yourself and others in regard to your finances so that you can move forward?

  If old ways of thinking come up for you during this process, stop and take a few deep breaths. Calmly remind yourself that the old patterns didn’t work. They kept you stuck, stagnant, and in a mind-set of lack. As you go within and own your life, you become empowered, free, and abundant.

  Repeat steps 6 through 8 for 7 consecutive days.



  If you want to become a magnet for money, it’s important to understand that money is a form of energy. Its true value is relative. One person might think a certain amount of money is a lot, while another person thinks the same amount is very little. So, it’s important to ask yourself what value money holds for you. Of course, at different stages of your life, the value of money will shift and change.

  I always find it interesting that people who are less affluent but have a strong connection to their family, community, and spirit seem to have the essence of happiness, which is true wealth. To have fulfillment and contentment in your financial life, you must identify what feeds you emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. How much money is truly necessary for you to create that fulfillment and contentment?

  When you stay fluid, open-minded, and clear, the energy of money won’t control you but will instead become a natural flow within your life. Someone who is a money magnet has a clear, balanced mind-set with a plan of action that holds their vision and values.





  COLOR: Light to dark green

  ORIGIN: Brazil, India, Russia, and Tanzania

  HISTORY AND LORE: If you’re heading to Las Vegas, forget about Lady Luck—Aventurine is what you want by your side! Known as the gambler’s stone, the name Aventurine comes from the French word aventure, meaning “chance.”

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Many green stones are said to bring abundance, but the whimsical energy of this shimmering crystal is especially conducive to the power of plenty. While it’s playfully referred to as a gambler’s stone, Aventurine is helpful to everyone. Sometimes a gamble looks less like a game and more like a fork in the road of your life, a time when you have to d
ecide between what is sound and secure or taking a risk. In connecting with the heart chakra, Aventurine graces the spirit with an easy sense of confidence. The excitement it stimulates can promote a more optimistic outlook that will make jumping out of your comfort zone less scary.



  TIME FRAME: 40 days

  The Money Magnet Ritual helps you develop this prosperous and balanced mind-set. As you look at the Money Magnet Grid Sheet, write your intentions, place the crystals on the grid, and become clearer about your financial values. This ritual will help you magnetically attract the energy of money, abundance, and opportunity.



  8 Citrine stones for prosperity, light, and positivity

  4 Tourmalinated Quartz stones to clear and unlock energy blockages

  1 Peacock Ore stone for happiness and to transform negative energy into positive

  1 Goldstone for confidence, abundance, and motivation

  1 Kambaba Jasper stone for self-worth, courage, and personal growth

  1 Clear Quartz stone for clarity, manifestation, and creation

  1 Jade stone for wisdom, harmony, and wealth

  2 Tiger’s Eye stones for luck, good fortune, and good decisions

  1 Pyrite stone for inner reflection, protection, and representation of the energy of gold

  1 Carnelian stone for abundance, moving forward on a new path, creativity, and protection

  1 Malachite stone for transformation and emotional balance

  1 Aventurine stone for manifestation, abundance, and inner balance

  1 Green Calcite stone for stability, healing, and success

  2 small Clear Quartz points: 1 to activate your crystal grid and 1 for the center point of your grid


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