Crystal Muse

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Crystal Muse Page 21

by Heather Askinosie

  “I love you”—you give love to yourself and all that is. Love is the highest vibration that exists.

  You may say these four verses in any order you wish and as many times as feels right to you. As your heart opens and heals, allow miracles to come your way!

  Repeat steps 3 to 11 daily for 7 consecutive days.

  Red Jasper




  COLOR: Red

  ORIGIN: Found in many places, including Brazil, India, Madagascar, Venezuela, and the U.S.

  HISTORY AND LORE: Red Jasper is a mood stabilizer. Jasper comes in many shades. Red Jasper owes its blush to iron impurities. This blood hue convinced the Dutch that Red Jasper could control blood flow. Since the 1500s, this crystal has been used to aid in conception and creative fervor.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Red Jasper is associated with the root chakra. Activating your sacral chakra with Red Jasper is thought to increase sexual desire. This stone will also help to stabilize emotional turbulence. If you are a worrier, bring Red Jasper into your energy field. This will work to dim those constant, toxic thoughts.

  The 7 Chakras


  1st Root Chakra Base of spine or coccyx Security Survival Everything solid in our lives (home, body, ground we walk on, etc.) Red Shungite Smoky Quartz Hematite Red Jasper Black Onyx

  2nd Sacral Chakra Lower abdomen Sexuality Passion Creation Vulnerability Relationships Orange Carnelian Vanadinite Tangerine Quartz Orange Calcite Sunstone

  3rd Solar Plexus Chakra Upper abdomen Personal Power Confidence Responsibility Willpower Yellow Citrine Yellow Jasper Pyrite Tiger’s Eye

  4th Heart Chakra Heart Love Forgiveness Connection with the mind, body, and spirit Green and Pink Ruby Zoisite Unakite Rose Quartz Rhodonite Chrysoprase Fuchsite Malachite

  5th Throat Chakra Throat Self-knowledge Communication Speaking your truth Blue Turquoise Sodalite Blue Apatite

  6th Third Eye Chakra Forehead, between the eyes Intuition Personal Wisdom Emotional Intelligence Purple Amethyst Fluorite Lapis Lazuli Indigo Gabbro

  7th Crown Chakra The very top of the head Connection to our spiritual nature Higher consciousness Violet and White Lepidolite Amethyst Clear Quartz Lemurian Quartz



  Getting to Molokai became the most frustrating and time-consuming part of our trip. Our flight schedule proved to be a problem, and we had to change the date of our appointment with a healer we were to meet named Zelie. Luckily she was able to accommodate us, and it was well worth the effort.

  When we landed on Molokai, it was as if we had just jumped through an invisible energetic shield of protection around it. Zelie smiled when we arrived and said, “So, you made it! I wasn’t sure . . . a lot of people say they’re coming, but never make it.” We understood why!

  We talked for several hours with this wise and soulful woman, but we could have chatted well into the night. “Molokai is the island of potent prayer. It was the most intense training ground for kahunas, or Hawaiian shamans,” she told us. “It was where they learned that both light and dark sides of life exist.”

  She continued to explain that if we never acknowledge our shadow selves, we can’t know ourselves fully. I understood what she was saying, even though as children, most of us were never taught to look at the shadow side of ourselves. It isn’t something the average family talks about at the dinner table. “Hey, I’m afraid of being vulnerable, rejected, and abandoned. How about you?”

  Zelie acknowledged that there are different layers on the spiritual path, and it takes spiritual maturity to deal with our shadows. When we start on a spiritual journey, most of us only want to acknowledge the light. When we do begin to look at the shadow, it can be difficult, especially if we’re not grounded in the body and connected to our heart center. It’s best to ease into shadow work.

  While sitting with her and gazing at the ocean in the heart center of the Hawaiian Islands, both Timmi and I knew we needed to explore the shadow further.

  Molokai taught us that to see ourselves in our entirety, we must work with both sides—the light and shadow, the good and the bad. They’re never truly separate.

  Most of us start our spiritual journey in a light-filled state, basking in the pure bliss of it all. As we mature on the path, however, we must make a crucial shift to acknowledge the aspects of ourselves that we don’t want to see. We must embrace these darker shadows and concede that they are very much a part of who we are.

  We went to Molokai looking at our spiritual journey from a purely mind-based perspective, but we left with the realization that we need to be more heart-centered. The heart is where we feel, connect with our truth, and make our dreams come true. By making space in our hearts for the shadow side, we acknowledge all aspects of ourselves and get to know the totality of who we are. When we embrace our shadows, we’re completely transparent with ourselves; it’s only then that we have the tools to reach our highest potential and truly live in the now.




  11 minutes daily for 7 consecutive days

  Whether we’re willing to admit it or not, we all have a shadow side. It consists of the aspects we’ve repressed and pushed way down deep into the unconscious. We do this because we believe that these parts of us are unacceptable.

  Our life experiences shaped the way we feel and programmed us to repress “negative emotions,” such as shame, sadness, fear, guilt, and anger. But in order to know who we are wholeheartedly, we need to make space in our hearts for these shadow aspects, acknowledging their existence and letting them surface so that the emotions can be released.

  If you want, you can combine this ritual with the Make Things Right Ritual. You’ll enter a grounded and centered state, and you’ll open your heart to the darker aspects of yourself. When you know that light resides in these shadow selves, you’ll be less likely to repress them and more likely to become who you really are.



  2 Rhodonite stones for forgiveness, compassion, and releasing fear

  1 small Shungite stone for neutralizing any energy that’s released during the duration of the ritual

  1 Ruby Zoisite stone for transmuting negative energy into positive

  1 Rose Quartz heart for opening the heart to unconditional love

  1 small Selenite wand for light energy (it should fit comfortably in your hand)

  1 Black Tourmaline crystal for clearing and releasing energy (it should fit comfortably in your hand)

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Hold the crystals in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of letting go, allowing, and healing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Lie down in a comfortable position, flat on your back. You may need to have someone help you place the crystals on your body.

  You will be placing the crystals in an upward-facing triangular-shaped grid over your fourth, or heart, chakra. The triangle is a symbol that connects the body, mind, and spirit.

  Place the 2 Rhodonite stones under each of your breasts or pectoral muscles. They will create the bottom two corners of the triangle.

  Place the Shungite in between the Rhodonite stones.

  Place the Rose Quartz heart over your heart.

  Place the Ruby Zoisite 1" above the Rose Quartz heart to form the upper point of the tria

  To bring in light energy, place the Selenite wand in your left, receiving hand.

  Place the Black Tourmaline in your right hand to energetically release the dark shadow energies that no longer serve you.

  Keep the crystals on your body for a minimum of 11 minutes as you visualize your light and shadow aspects coexisting within you. Allow your heart to open and accept the shadow side of you.

  Now that you have acknowledged and accepted these shadow aspects, visualize the Selenite surrounding them with light, and release any negativity from the shadow into the Black Tourmaline stone.

  Repeat steps 3 to 12 daily for 7 consecutive days. You’re on the way to becoming your true self!





  COLOR: Pink with black veins

  ORIGIN: Found in many locations, including Australia, Brazil, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Russia, Sweden, and the U.S.

  HISTORY AND LORE: Rhodonite derives its name from the Greek word meaning “rose.” Think of this crystal as your ally. Black and white manganese come together to form this vivacious red love stone. It is associated with love because it is believed to carry the properties of forgiveness. Russian czars would present Rhodonite as wedding gifts at royal weddings.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Forgiveness isn’t easy. Rhodonite can help eliminate feelings of regret, sadness, and self-doubt. This stone will also inspire you to revive your self-worth and emotional balance. In connecting with the heart chakra, Rhodonite nourishes us with love from within. For it is only when we forgive ourselves and begin to love again that our spirit can rediscover passion.



  As soon as we landed on Kauai, we met a good friend, Shirin Hunt, who is a Theta-Healer. “Kauai is a powerful place,” she said. “If you’re open to the energy, it will take you for a ride. All your ‘stuff’ will be brought to the surface and mirrored back to you.” This proved to be true.

  Kauai had an extraordinarily synchronistic energy. Our thoughts and words seemed to manifest into reality within a much shorter time frame than we were used to. In fact, everything aligned at a faster pace. It was as if the island was a powerful teacher, showing us how much our reality is based on what we focus on mentally. Kauai’s third eye chakra energy was exactly what we needed to expand our minds!

  We decided to hike to Hanakāpī‘ai Falls along the Nāpali Coast. It’s an eight-mile hike up and back through lush jungle, and then 800 feet up vertically to the 300-foot cascading falls. Many have said it’s one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.

  Before we started the hike, it was important to determine if the weather conditions would work for us. We would have to cross three to four streams each way, and there’s always the chance of flash flooding. Luckily no rainstorms were forecasted for the day, so we decided to move forward.

  The first part of the hike was a brutal incline, but the majestic coastal scenery encouraged us to keep going. The scent of guavas filled the air, and a bamboo forest revealed itself to us. We felt an overwhelming connection with Mother Nature while we took in her intoxicating oxygen. It was as if she was saying, “Keep going—look what’s up ahead.”

  The next part of the hike brought us to a point of awe, self-doubt, and mental endurance. Mosquitoes were everywhere. Mud filled the trails. The rocky terrain was getting harder to navigate. And our minds began playing tricks on us. While our hearts wanted to move forward, our minds told us that our bodies were too tired and we had too far to go. Fearful thoughts ran through our heads: Do we have enough water? How are we going to get over those huge slippery rocks? Maybe we should turn around now that the muddy red dirt is getting thicker.

  Just when we were about to turn back, a hiker appeared. “The falls are up ahead—you’re almost there!” It was a sign from the universe that we needed to push on.

  Three more hours passed. And still we hadn’t reached the falls. The battle between our hearts and minds continued. Each time we decided to turn around, another hiker would appear, delivering the same message: “The falls are up ahead! You’re almost there!”

  At this point, we were discouraged and exhausted. We didn’t know if we could go on. There was only one thing to do: We had to conquer our minds. We had to drown out the fear and focus on the love. Finally our hearts prevailed and we made it to the falls. We jumped into the cool, crisp water and swam to the swimming hole that led under the falling water. Mud and sweat washed off of us, but so too did our self-doubt, mental blocks, and limited thinking.

  After a while, we got out of the water to sit inside a little alcove cave behind the falls. There, we were acutely aware that the human spirit longs for something more than a mind filled with endless chatter. While it may seem impossible to clear our minds of all thoughts, we can choose to fill the majority of our minds with what we want to create, such as joy and happiness.

  Kauai asked us to look in the mirror, and what we saw were two people who had managed to conquer their minds and expand on their self-imposed limitations. We proved to ourselves that anything is possible. This ritual will help you do the same.




  11 minutes daily for 7 consecutive days

  Now that you’ve connected your body with your heart, you’ll need to expand your mind, uniting all three. If you place an upward-facing triangle on top of a downward-facing triangle, like in the crystal grids used in the Make Things Right and Opening Your Heart to Your Shadow rituals earlier in the chapter, you will create a symbol that resembles a six-pointed star or a one-dimensional merkaba.

  The word merkaba originated as three separate words in ancient Egyptian: mer, meaning light—a light that rotates within itself; ka, meaning the human spirit; and ba, meaning the human body. The merkaba is a three-dimensional, sacred geometric shape that’s considered a useful tool when trying to expand the possibilities of the mind, body, and spirit, guided by the heart. The energy of the merkaba is magnified when it’s in the form of Clear Quartz crystal.

  Lemurian Quartz crystal is one of the “master crystals,” which are believed to be record keepers of the ancient civilization of Lemuria. Legend has it that Lemurian crystals were placed or seeded in various locations around the world to be found by those who were open and ready to work with their stored information. Many consider Hawaii to be where historic Lemuria existed. These crystals carry a high vibrational energy of light and hope, and help to activate and align your chakras. The grooves or ladderlike striations on Lemurian crystals are said to act as a “stairway to heaven.”

  By working with a Clear Quartz merkaba and Lemurian Quartz crystals, this ritual will allow for the seeding and growth of new ideas. It will help you believe you’re capable of expanding beyond your current beliefs and abilities. Anything you desire is indeed possible!



  1 small Clear Quartz merkaba crystal for expansion and limitless possibilities

  4 Lemurian Quartz crystals for planting the seeds of growth and new ideas

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage


  If you want, you can combine the crystal rituals Make Things Right and Opening Your Heart to Your Shadow with this one to create a full crystal-body layout.


  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Hold the crystals in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of intuition, expansion, and determination. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Lie do
wn in a comfortable position, flat on your back. You may need to have someone help you place the crystals on your body.

  Place one Lemurian crystal on the ground above your head with its point directed downward toward your head.

  Place one Lemurian in each hand with the point facing in toward your body. Place the last Lemurian crystal between your ankles with the point facing upward toward your body.

  Visualize that your mind, body, and heart center are being seeded with new ideas, blessings, and positive energy.

  Place the Clear Quartz merkaba over your third eye, located slightly above the space between your eyes.

  Keep the crystals on and around your body for a minimum of 11 minutes, and allow their loving and expansive energies to radiate throughout your body, heart center, and mind. Remember that your life is made up of endless possibilities.

  Repeat steps 3 to 8 daily for 7 consecutive days.

  “Spirituality invites us to step into the illuminated space directly behind your eyes, letting go of human interpretation and everything we think we know, so as to embrace Divine perception which is infinite and limitless. It is a call to trust that which we can’t see, but ‘know’ to the depths of our very being—that the love that is within is the Source that calls us home and to the very God that is within in ALL.”


  yoga teacher, co-founder Off the Mat Into the World

  Lemurian Quartz




  COLOR: Clear to pale pink

  ORIGIN: Brazil

  HISTORY AND LORE: The ladderlike striations that ascend the facets of the Lemurian Quartz points offer an unusual variety of Quartz crystal. These stones are said to be left over from a lost Lemurian civilization. Their striations are thought to be programmed by a code that, if unlocked, could bring us into a new reality.


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